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The Acolyte (2024– )
A Teenage Soap Opera in Space
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I feel that this is a Jedi story written for the 16-25 age group.

-The evil twin thing? Done to death -The whole I can overpower a Jedi Master with daggers coz she was distracted??😁😭 = Impossible.

-The cast.. so so young and in our Universe= inexperienced. ( Now I loved them talented actors, but we are now reduced to shirtless Jedi Knights? WHY?) -Great represantion but...watch Vampire Diaries or TWILIGHT thingy..or something like that U will get the same result 😉.

-Fight choreography is on point I must say ...but again..we have a "Jedi Master who looks 12 meditating in space with a ridiculous beard 🙄.

So.. Budget: Excellent Cast: Pretty Good Production: Excellent Story: 😂 Not it!!

Watch it coz U love Star Wars but if U are expecting Obiwan/Andor/Mando...you will be disappointed.
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Clipped (2024)
Fun and Interesting
4 June 2024
2 episodes in and this a fun and yet a perfect representation of what the world is today.

I won't spoil the show for you but if you like glitz glamour, gossip, sports, social media and people who at times lack self awareness with rich people problems & getting old struggles/staying young, relationships then this show is good escapism for you.

So far, So Good! The casting is very well done and it may get dark soon seeing where it's heading. Manipulation at its finest.

Also bear in mind this is based on a true story, of course recreated for dramatic effect....but stuff like this happens especially with this insta Age.

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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
A Love Story done right
31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A black male and Christian, this was a story done right just encapsulating Love. Get past all the "issues" you may have and you will see just what two people who have been with eachother long enough go through.

Excellent Episode. Coming from abgamer who loved these games it has been a wonderful episode to watch.... different pace and was happy to see Anna Torv return as Tess..

Loved it all the way. HBO well done, and all this hate about Ellie is just unjustified, people will never be happy and critics are the worst.

I guess you really can't please everyone but this a solid addition to the franchise and I can't personally wait to see the 4th.
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What are we doing? Twerking now? Really?
2 September 2022
I mean I want to like this, I really do and not just hate on this like a misogynist or whatever name that exists under the sun, but this is NOT it, this is not female empowerment. She-Hulk is strong woman who can be used so much better as a character.

I blame the writers, the cast can only deliver so much and they are doing a good job but bad writing is hard to ignore & redeem.

Do better with the characters there is so much potential here to be explored, this can turn into something special if allowed but the direction of this; Not It. I have no idea what marvel is doing with this series. The CGI ain't too bad, the action is ok,
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Halo (2022– )
20 May 2022
I am a gamer in my 30s, and boy oh boy!! This series is great/good, this is why its always hard to do these transitions for VG to live action.

There's this group of people that forget that maybe not everyone had played a particular game and ALSO for new audiences who are not gamers at all the show/movie will change slightly.

The story is good, the acting fine, the actions scenes are done well; the Spartans are quick, brutal, big and just well oiled fighting machines. I loved watching every second of them.

You want a true telling of Halo, go replay the games and sit down.

You like Sci-Fi with some action amd a decent story....... Watch this!!!

Rant over.
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Pretty decent Sci-Fi action
4 July 2021
The lighting is great, the performances are adequate. Go into with an open mind if you love Sci-Fi action then this will leave you with a smile on your face.

It is the most original script out there? No! But what is? We all go into movies these days expecting the most classic and original experience, to be wowed with.

Just watch it enjoy this movie, it's a good one with pretty much what you would expect. It delivers......everyone is a critic. I loved it.
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Power: Exactly How We Planned (2020)
Season 6, Episode 15
My my what a bad ending to a great Show
10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Man when Power started I was excited to watch season after season was good after Season 5 it's all a bit of a mess.

It was believable at least to start with now it's just some soap opera being stretched its clear they ran out of ideas to develop the characters.

This episode is predictable who killed Ghost, the death of Andre could've been done a lot better . To think Tariq is going to outsmart Ghost and did? Really? Tariq? Ghost played chess with the best of them but Tariq kills him? Gets away with it? TARIQ? REALLY? MAN am out here ......what a mess
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Power: Still Dre (2020)
Season 6, Episode 11
Couldn't they hire a real Black Brit?
7 February 2020
This girl playing Tina or whatever Dre's baby moma her accent is all over the place can't tell whether she is Jamaican or Nigerian. For all the black British ladies in US now and they couldn't find one?

Guess the story isnt far from the casting disappointing.
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Trouble with Boomers & Angry white men
19 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am an 80s kid and Remember watching T1 with my older brothers and boy it scared me. I also enjoyed Judgement was a bit older then.

So ok this movie isn't T2 but lest face it very few sequels are like T2 or as good. The trouble with reviews these days is people want a time machine. So many critics out there just can't enjoy a movie for what it is. There always has to be a comparison.... "oh this isn't Godfather or the Blade Runner or ......." please if I wanted those movies guess what I would be watching those.

This is a solid movie I think the casting is well done. The story well not the most original or yet a clever twist. The action sequences are brilliant, the CGI is great and reflects the budget.

Ok so Conner is dead and there are badass women kicking butt and people are actually angry with that? Like really? Does it take away for a "Man" if you have females playing action roles? I remember Cynthia Rothrock and Michele Yeoh breaking bones and balls in my day, what changed?

So I can't enjoy a movie that reflects the "great originals" can't anyone? I can appreciate A marvel movie I can also appreciate say the original Predator or Rocky or whatever.

Please calm down watch this good sequel and enjoy as it complements the other 2. Calm down times change, life goes on.
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Blue Story (2019)
A Lot of Bad Reviews here...Sad really just Like Boyz in the hood
29 November 2019
So we get it you don't like a movie coz it made the headlines....but did you even watch the movie.

Hear me; for those who haven't heard/don't know a bunch of kids in a city of Birmingham in the UK brought some knives and had a huge gang fight and one of the Major Cinema chain knee jerked reaction was to pull the movie nationwide.

Now came the reactions, TV, radio, print media everyone was talking about it and mostly white middle class people who had no understanding what black (London primarily) urban kids have to go through in their lives. Instead of understanding the core of the story and what it was addressing they point out " how loud the movies goers were" or "how London black kids's music this and that".

The reality is knife crime is high in the UK, Gun crime in America NOT JUST black people kill each-other ALL RACES DO! Just coz you don't get what challenges a certain ethic group goes through don't give you the right to be critical and prejudicial or dare I say it ...., which sadly it's undertone has muddled the message the makers of this movie were trying to get across.

So watch THEN JUDGE OR DON'T either way.....

It's sad 2019 and it's like when Boyz in the hood came out last century....SAD!!
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The Rookie: Safety (2019)
Season 2, Episode 7
Good solid episode
20 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Good episode, must say I saw the Nolan and Jessica breakup a mild off. Ever since Ali Larter joined you could tell the writers were edging them closed together., feels a bit forced in my opinion I liked Jessica's character.

But still...
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The Rookie: Clean Cut (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
20 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I want one, the episode is good, however I spent the first minute admiring the beautiful pick up truck at the beginning.

A bit obvious ad but hey ....
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Stargate SG-1 (1997–2007)
Best Tv Sci-fi Action Series to Date....well kinda
9 November 2019
I grew up watching Stargate SG1, the idea of increasing on the Movie was well made, incorporating the ancient Egyptians/Norse history and archaeology into the sci-fi is done well also.

The characters are great you do feel a sense of how close they are to each other and care about what happens to them, their chemistry on screen is superb the storylines are great.

By Season 7 they were ready to end the series but it came back in For seasons 8-10 and it never felt forced at all. Humour, Great action, credible story lines, family, Love, Friendships, struggle for equality and freedom, military and science this show has it all.

Rewatching in 2019 took me back to my childhood and also it didn't feel as dated as I thought it would. So sit back watch enjoy and step through the Chaapai to a different world meet the Goul'd, Tokra, Asgard, Jaffa, good escapism if you love sci-fi you will enjoy this. Also Stargate Atlantis is worthy to look at.
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Jack Ryan: Dressed to Kill (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
Uber loses his rifle....A man really is No one
3 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For a guy who almost got on to the navy seals he really is damn stupid not to keep his weapon close by and secured ..a kid steals it?

Well at least we get to see the man that is no one really change faces in this episode looks like his GOT talents have transferred.
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Jack Ryan: Cargo (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
Hmmm Senator...
3 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler : ok it's A good open to season 2 but the story is getting ridiculous now. A US senator going abroad would have much better protection. The rest of the story is well ok at best. Just enjoy for what it is.
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Treadstone (2019)
Solid TV series based on Bourne Saga
25 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a spin off about treadstone its not about Bourne so please Fanboys give it a rest.

Honestly. I enjoyed the first Bourne trilogy movies and this for a TV show is quite solid and has that original "feel" of the old movies to it.

Comparing this to the movies is unfair it has its own pace, the actors are great and well casted, the action is again ...solid, the N. Korea touch has been done well and overall if they keep the worldwide story telling going back and forth in time as well is a good touch so yeah.

All in all a (again) solid TV series, good action, good cast, fairly good storyline but not entirely original but then again it's treadstone so you know exactly what you will be getting here.

Give it a chance and enjoy it. Pilot was great I am in.
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Breaking Bad: Hermanos (2011)
Season 4, Episode 8
7 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
See the under tone, the relationship between Gus and Max was a pointer to this. Gus knows what a father does "provide for his family" which includes children, so one would argue he had some. But the way he looked at Sam at the pool and the way Sam wanted to protect him....."lovers"

Jesse and Walt.......father and son These two......Lovers
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
A little less music & voodoo a little more sci-fi & dialogue and superhero comic stuff
3 July 2019
Season one okish it's a good enough show I guess, season 2 well ups and downs. I don't know what marvel is doing with theses shows but like Luke Cage entire episodes are just filled with like 7-10 songs and for a TV episode that's just too much.

Granted I haven't read the comics but there is so much they can do to get these characters developed better. I give a 5 decent acting at times, story ok but still ........cut the music down! It's annoying.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Painful to Watch
1 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have never reviewed GoT episodes before, never had to really all great, but this is .......well pretty painful to watch.

I didn't mind that Jon didn't get to kill the Night King or that none of the main cast got killed none of that mattered much to me.

But.... just couldn't see a damn thing, the cinematographer accused me of not knowing how to set my TV? .....really? Great suspense in the story, great lines but it all went to waste coz we again "couldn't see a damn thing"

Game of thrones more like Game of Snow storms. It was "a long night indeed" A DARK ONE (pun intended) Misses opportunity here.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
It's a great show......give it a chance.
7 September 2018
I wasn't sure going in what to expect, I was skeptical about the lead casting and the story line thought it was going to be .....another been there done that.

But I must say, great jobs all around, the acting is great by the cast. I mean good writting is hard these days as TV shows have really stepped up. Having lived in and around Europe, the story about the "baddie" and how he got to be the way he was,is somewhat something I could see how it could have reflected real life and believable.

So all in all, I can't wait to see what kind of trouble Jack and Greer get themselves in Moscow.

Give a chance it's an entertaining thrill ride,emotional at times but that's the spy game.
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