
32 Reviews
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Vigil (2021– )
Vigil season one 7/10 season two 4/10
14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Practically unwatchable. Season one was a decent crime/investigative drama aboard a submarine, so I was looking forward to season two. I'm sorry to say it was a complete disappointment. They could actually rename it Vigil: Lesbians bickering, it really is remarkable how in such a short time they can make what was a pretty good drama featuring veteran actress Suranne Jones, into this. So the story in season 2 is pretty basic it involves a middle eastern country with a fake name, because there just isn't any middle eastern countries run by bad actors that hate the west, so they had to make one up. The story is about a drone program being demonstrated to sell to this fake country, and of course tragedy strikes when one of the drones is hacked and kills 7 British military personal. This is where the investigation starts, the series is about 50% investigation and 50% lesbian drama between Susan Jones and her wife who is also on the investigative team, and about 8 months pregnant . I really don't understand the relevance of the pregnancy or the constant drama between these two if they weren't together they were calling each other , kind of like teenagers would . Also you have an MI6 guy taking orders from the pregnant wife. I know i should have added that this wasn't only a drama, but a fantasy as well. So the wrap it all up, what this season amounts to is a woke season 2 that checks every box, Lesbians, a gay couple of male brits on the base in fake middle eastern country hiding their gay relationship, strong women bossing men around way above their station, A fake country , not to offend any of the dozens of actual countries that hate the west but still want our weapons and tech. I am probably forgetting some of the points, but that's the thing Vigil season 2 is unforgettable.
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Vendetta (I) (2013)
Great revenge flick
22 September 2022
Was not familiar with Danny Dyer, but he did a great job playing the part of Jimmy Vickers. The movie is action from start to finish, and doesn't try and be anything other than that, an action thriller, with plenty of blood. Some recognizable actors throughout, but it was a low budget flick. The good guy wins, and the bad guys lose. Another bonus is the actress that plays Dyer's wife, she does a great job and is quite the beauty. The direction and score were well done , and the movie was a good length.

If you are looking for an easy watch , with a good sized body count then you should give Vendetta a watch Recommend.
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The Matt Walsh Show (2018 Podcast Series)
Matt "sweet daddy" Walsh's podcast, for me a daily listen
29 July 2022
By far my favorite podcast thats running right now. Each episode is about an hour, which is easy to fit into my daily routine. I have been a fan of the show for years and rarely miss an episode. Matts deadpad and sarcastic sense of humor is exactly what we need more of. I like that Matt covers relavent topics that the other shows dont always report on. Although Watsh is my childrens age , i agree with him on about everything he discusses. Another great thing about Walsh is what you see is what you get with him, he is unapologetic in his views and never backs down, in this age of phony podcasters and media outlets spewing fake news Matt stands on his principals and is willing to fight alongside people who hate him if they are both fighting for the same thing. If your views are conservative and have not checked him out, give it a listen.
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The Northman (2022)
the longest 2 hours of my life
6 May 2022
People rating this 10 stars, really? Compared to what? I was looking forward to this Viking film. This convoluted , mythical, drawn out film could have easily been cut in half , i found myself saying "come on already" throughout as the scenes just dragged on and on. If you are a fan of the TV show Vikings , you could watch any 2 of the early episodes (before they killed off Ragnar) and you would be much better off.

This Northman was a big budget film , unfortunately they spent way too much of it on a bunch of fantasy dream scenes, and mythical gods speaking in growls.

This film will probably appeal to the teenage crowd that loves all the superhero movies that are released weekly , but for an adult looking to see an epic like Kingdom of Heaven, or Braveheart , sorry , you are in for a disappointment. Just Bad .... would not recommend.
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Bull (2021)
well done revenge flick
10 April 2022
Anyone into simple , easy to follow revenge thrillers will enjoy this one. Its a low budget , pretty violent film with a nice twist at the very end. I thought the guy who played Bull did a great job as the main character. The only actor i recognized was David Hayman who plays Norm. There was no sympathy for those getting whacked. Its British so if you can see with subs its best. Overall a fun revenge thriller . Recommend.
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Head Count (2018)
not much to like
2 April 2022
The story itself was alright and had promise. My problem is it wasn't really a horror movie , it didn't really have any scary elements. The cast was so so . As i watched i kept waiting for something to happen and it never really did, also a weird ending. I wouldn't recommend.
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decent action thriller
2 April 2022
It too about 25 minutes for this movie to get going. Its a long time for the getting to know the cast phase in an action thriller. The cast was really good, Ben Foster plays this type of roll very well, Chris Pine did a decent job in the lead role. The story was timely , considering the last 2 years of corona virus exploitation we have endured. It was a bit predictable, but over all quite entertaining once it got going. I definitely recommend.
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Infinite boredom
26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wasn't very good, I really had high hopes and am familiar with mt. Washington having climbed it many years ago but in the summer. Naomi Watts was not very believable in the lead role. Maybe the story itself isn't that compelling, yeah she saved a guy from the mountain who seemed to be trying to commit suicide. Pam was apparently a rescue person who worked on the mountain but was off duty the day of this rescue. The rescue consisted of a lot of panting , groaning, and falling down . You would never know she was a professional climber watching the way she was portrayed. I think this would make a good documentary, but not enough there for a drama with Watts as the lead, I don't recommended.
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1883 (2021–2022)
woke western soap opera
2 March 2022
This series really started off well , the first 3 episodes was exactly what i thought it would be, then enter (Elsa Dutton) played by Isabel May, who narrates the series with quotes and poems. The last 7 episodes are pretty much her story , how she feels, who she loves, how great she is as a cowboy, a gunslinger, a hunter, the rest of the cast although present take secondary roles to Elsa. This series was well produced with a big budget, that was not the problem it was the fact that it became an unrealistic woke drama. Just about all the Indians they encounter are nice , peaceful, and caring , willing to help the pioneers, and of course enamored with you guessed it Elsa. I thought Tim Mcgraw and Sam Elliot were great in their roles and the scenery was fantastic. Thats part of the reason i gave it 5 stars. They could have just named it Pioneer Woman, maybe not that might be trademarked by the cook , but maybe Elsa Dutton 1883. Bottom line It's a chick flick set on the Oregon trail in the year 1883.
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Shut In (I) (2022)
what's with all the 10's?
28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Way too many 10 star ratings from people who have only reviewed this one title, yeah real believable. It wasn't bad and it wasn't great , the acting was good it was a decent thriller. I thought the lead actress did a good job, for me the fact she acted so helpless in the locked pantry was not very believable , if you look around in there she could have easily kicked those shelves apart and used the boards for tools, or how about using the brick to bust through the lath and plaster wall? No she spent hours digging through the floor with a screwdriver. It was entertaining but not very memorable. I hope Daily Wire steps up there game next time around.
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i thought it was a great series
28 February 2022
I saw Manhunt : Unabomber with Sam Worthington and also Ted K , and i think this documentary was better than those two. The tapes that were played throughout the series with Kaczinski talking nonchalantly about the killings were pretty eye opening. The interviews with the locals that were Teds neighbors and the interview with his brother were great and really added to the story. To this day this was the biggest and most expensive manhunt in the history of the FBI. Getting his manifesto published was his undoing. The last episode where they attempted to blame some psychological experiment he volunteered for at Harvard was the only part i didnt like , overall the episodes were very well done , recommend.
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Sour Grapes (2016)
well done documentary
28 February 2022
I was not familiar with the case of wine conman Rudy Kurniawan before this film. This guy was obviosity believable to the point some of the people he sold fake wine too, were still defending him even after his conviction. It really does show that it is much easier to fool somebody than to convince them they have been fooled, AKA the last two years come to mind. Amazing how long this guy was able to operate his scam and make millions all the while hanging out with and being adored by the very people he took advantage of. I thought this doc. Was interesting and well made , recommend.
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documentary about corporate greed
23 February 2022
I was familiar with the story of Boeng and the 737 max , but did learn a bit more about the story. Well made film , with interviews with family members of the victims as well as former employees of the Boeng corporation. The sad part of the story is that there was zero accountability for the executives in charge of these 2 plane crashes . The company was fined like 2 billion dollars but the CEO resigned with a 65 million dollar golden parachute. Greedy corporate criminals will continue this awful behavior until they start locking them up. An informative documentary , recommend.
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Blacklight (2022)
typical Neeson
23 February 2022
This latest Liam Neeson film was better than expected , but pretty typical for the films that he has starred in lately. As with most hollywood productions it has the always present element of wokeness , which often times comes in the form of casting , and Blacklight is no different. What has become the norm is they insist on casting parts not on what would be believable for the actual character but to check the skin color boxes. Anyone who has seen any number of movies the last couple years knows exactly what i mean. Of course Neeson plays the good guy , this time against a corrupt FBI , sound familiar? Overall it was a good action movie with some decent car chases , my only knock was the ending seemed really rushed , like they ran out of money or film or something , it just ended , my wife said the same thing when we left the theatre... Overall a 6 for me , so i recommend.
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
not great
22 January 2022
Like a forgettable Lifetime Original. Slow , too much boring dialog, weak plot. Nothing new, the movie was very predictable. Even the fairly well known cast could not save it . Would not recommend.
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Well done documentary
3 January 2022
I had never heard of QuadrigaCX , so the subject was interesting to me from the start. The film does not answer all the qustions , because the investigation is ongoing. You will definately come away with your own opinion as to what happened to the money and is Gerald Cotten dead or alive? At the very least the audience is left with a sense that something shady and dishonest was happening with Gerald Cotten, Quadriga, and his ex felon partner Michael Patryon. I thought the film was very well made , and was engaged till the very end . Wether you are familiar with cryptocurrency or not you will definately learn from this documentary, that the industry is ripe for fraud and abuse. I would recommend.
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The Kindred (2021)
not very good
1 January 2022
Decent acting and cast , story was weak and very slow. It felt like i was watching a lifetime movie . Not at all scary . You have seen it all before, predictable and boring .Would not reccommend.
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a great crime/horror movie
29 December 2021
Watched again for a second time and this is an excellent film. The cast is great in their roles and Eric Bana does a good job as the hard nosed cop, trying to solve this unusual case. Lots of big names in this one and plenty of jump scares and gore. If you like possesion movies you will enjoy it. Recommend.
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honest review , from someone who actually watched it
29 December 2021
To watch this documentary , you had to pay $10.00 and watch online. I doubt that all these 1-3 star reviews bothered to pay for it , when they obviously dispise the materiel in the film. Nick Searcy got some good interviews and footage from the jan 6th rally that you have never seen before. The amount of people that attended the rally was massive. The footage of the actual event doesnt lie, you may not like it but it is original. I really liked the interview with dr. Simone Gold who i am familiar with , as she has been a frontline doctor during covid. The other interviews were well done also and you will learn more than you know about jan 6th by watching. The bad part for me was some of the filler Nick did was a bit cheesy and not needed, iI also thought that the interview whith Ashli Babitts husband was a bit long. Overall a good documentary, would reccommend.
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Out of Death (2021)
ca'mon Bruce
21 December 2021
The big question i have is how much back taxes does Bruce Willis owe? This guy continues to pump out dozens of these awful movies with the same type of titles, Deadlock Fortress, Apex, Hair of the Dog, Survive the Game, Midnight in the Switchgrass, Cosmic Sin, Breach. Etc; etc; if you have seen any of these well you have seen Out of Death , maybe at the end of his carrer he has decided to outdo both Nick Cage and Steve Segal combined for the worst library of lame movies at the tail end of a once respected carrer. Out of Death is bad i watched about half hoping it might get better , then FF till the end and realized this is just one of many stinkers from the star of such great flicks as Die Hard , and Sixth Sense . I wont be wasting my entertainment time on any more of these dogs . Dont reccommend.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
really good series
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Have been a big fan of Jeremy Renner since he did Hurt Locker , and back to his role in 28 Weeks Later . I read some of the early negative reviews on this series and can say they were not warranted. This is a solid series with a great story and really good cast . BTW if you are watching with the hopes of seeing a lot of Kyle Chandler , you will be dissapointed , as he gets killed in episode 1. Taylor Handley who plays Kyle does a great job as the brother to Renners character . I dont care for the role of Dianne Wiest , who plays Kyle, and Mike (Renner's) mother. She plays a woke history teacher at the womens prison and her character is nasty , and pissed off most of the time . I have watched the first 7 episodes and i look forward to the last 3 . Reccommend.
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Antlers (2021)
pretty decent horror , with mythical theme
21 December 2021
Thought the story was done well, the cast really did a great job. Story takes place in the pacific noth west so most of the daytime scenes are dark and bleak. The film kept me interested throughout . Reccommend.
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nice little revenge thriller
21 December 2021
Great job on an obvious small budget. The film doesnt try and be something more than what it is , a british revenge story , its brutal simple and effective. The bad guys get what they have coming to them , and we are rooting for the good guy. I would reccommend.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
way too long
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was 7 episodes could have easily been 4-5 episodes. Fairly good vampire / horror idea but too much dialog. Too much singing, Found myseld FF through parts becase so much of it was just talking and talking. I would not watch it again , and i would not reccommend.
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nothing to do with the series
30 October 2021
The film was OK , it took a while to get going. This had nothing to do with the previous Paranormal Activity movies , therefore a rip off of the name. That being said it was a decent horror movie.
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