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The X-Files: My Struggle IV (2018)
Season 11, Episode 10
Worst end of a series since Dexter
27 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A HUGE letdown, fans expected SO MUCH MORE! I usually try to keep reviews spoiler free, but I just can't...

Mulder suddenly starts killing people right and left.. Scully just letting go of William in a heartbeat after learning of his apparent death? The most powerful man in the world' shot dead in a second, alone on a gloomy dock.. The whole scenario of the contagion never even happened..? Do they get the vaccine? Alien agenda left without conclusion? What was real and what was spin? A shame nothing more came of it.. Confusing. Not the grand finale the series deserved, not even close.

And I edit this because I forgot to mention Monica Reyes, why was she even helping th ecigarette smoking man? Just for getting the cure herself? And if it would never happen without him then she had countless opportunities to kill him to save MILLIONS of people.. I just don't see it And now they leave us with Her shot dead by Skinner? Who apparantly died between the two cars when she run him over?

You already showed us UFOs/ARVs, it was even a BIG part of the show. But now you are telling us one of the central Syndicate 'shadow government' bigshots who proclaimed "their goal was to colonize space" only got as far as having an improved airplane with turbine engines and a Space shuttle Rocket/SR-71 mix, come on! Dyonsspheres tho, a big lie, the sun is way too big. Oh and Mulder could just stroll in without anyone noticing pretty much apparently.

I don't know at what point they knew this was gonna be the end, I'm used to my favorite series getting cancelled when development is complete and the real matter of the show is gonna begin, or when the main characters got married.. and get disintegrated.. on their honeymoon by a enemy ship/fighter (although next season was probably supposed to start with them being "teleported"/beamed aboard the ship) but I digress..

Carter dropped the ball, could have been something great if they'd just make a 3 episode grand finale. A real shame.
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The X-Files: Familiar (2018)
Season 11, Episode 8
So you wanna play with magick..
27 March 2018
Good episode, creepy and keeps you in suspense, Scully doing her thing and Mulder his in a true classic X-file atmosphere, this is what X-files is all about!
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The X-Files: Nothing Lasts Forever (2018)
Season 11, Episode 9
Vampires don't sparkle
27 March 2018
Not for the faint of heart, kinda gory. Not very good episode, could have been much better if it delved deeper into good vs evil duality as many classics before. Unless you wanna draw arbitrary connections to the cult of your choice or real cannibalism/vampirism I guess what we can say about the episode is that real vampires definitely do not sparkle..
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The X-Files: Rm9sbG93ZXJz (2018)
Season 11, Episode 7
18 March 2018
This episode flies right above 90% of peoples comprehension *boom*, and much of it surely above mine. Why? It's based on real and current stuff and not the fictional dystopian distant future.

We already have automated sushi restaurants already and automation is introduced in more and more fast food places all the time.

We have driverless cars which is a subsidiary to the same company who have the only remotely close thing to an actual Ai we know of, called deepmind. Interesting, don't you think?

We have the drones being accused of sending mapping data back to the Chinese government in DHS memos.

We also have robot vacuum cleaner manufacturers selling (or at least planning to) customers mapping data to the highest bidders. Interesting, don't you think?

We have the Fitbit, releaseing where their customers used their products mapped around the world (leading to exposure of military installations for instance) which seems to relate to Scully's step meeter, "pedomeeter" device she has.

The other pink device of scully's, well let's just say I remeber at least 2 separate smart devices leaking customer usage habits..

I don't think we never see the brand on Scully's phone, but Mulder's is especially in your face on at least 3 different occasions, while everything else seems to be just similar brand names or made up. Interesting, don't you think? Is there a reason? Do you know your apps or even chips are secure and not spying on you? I really don't know.

Do you know how much of your habits are being sold for advertisement purposes? Because I sure don't, I just see loads of trackers online devised to get you to buy more products. Customized Ad's follow you around. We do not know which companies share what data with which 3rd parties (look at EULAs), the "to better user experience" clause is true but also a devious trick to get you to accept revoking your privacy. I agree, right?

Also who do you complain to? Automated answering machines everybody hates. Have you ever tried to complain/get support from Google/Microsoft as an individual? Not so easy is it? While this specific scenario in this episode is somewhat ridiculous from a economic view, the other stuff is very very thought provoking.

You can go on to the Amazon echo, Alexa laughing at you randomly currently, behaving weirdly.. What if ever we developed an real Quantum Ai which went rouge, what all could it do with our connected society? Suddenly, this episode is not so crazy is it?

All of the things I write you can find with a quick google search (just search if you doubt me), and I'm sure there are other parallels to be made if you are in the know.. I just follow technology to a quite limited degree actually, since it is related to my job. Surely there are other parallels to be made. Think about it.
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The X-Files: Kitten (2018)
Season 11, Episode 6
Decent episode
15 February 2018
I'm completely amazed I recognized the guy as the little kid from A.i. The look in his eye just completely told me it was him even though I haven't watched the film in years and years. On to the episode.

The episode gives us some depth on Walter Skinner's backstory, It was pretty good but not on par with "My struggle III" and "This" this season. I do like the constant changing of the words flashed before each episode (instead of the truth is out there) and not just for plot episodes like up to after season 9 seemed to be, usually thoughtful stuff if you can use your head.
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Ender's Game (2013)
14 April 2017
A fairly boring movie with fairly bad acting. Ridiculous superiors pretty much every one of them. Useless training method for the war taking up most of the screen time and not developing the story to the point where it feels it's almost nonexistent. The movie is too short to develop the story, but it's actually a good thing since it's quite boring.

Plotwise there is only one good point. Harrison Fords acting wasn't bad, even though his their logic for Ender is a stretch at best. Visual effects are good. All in all a B class movie which might as well have been made with under 1/100 of the cost. A real shame.
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Dexter (2006– )
Good series, worth watching, gore k18
1 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
-Contains light spoilers- Great series, good and complex "villain" as the main character for a change who makes you sympathize or even empathize with him (a bit like Death Note's Yagami Light(o), Japanese Manga/Anime/films).

Dexter's journey takes some interesting turns each season and episodes are rarely boring with a few exceptions. His obsessive compulsions/cravings to kill take turns for the worse to (depending on other circumstances in his life) completely gone.

Some key characters he meets along the way have nice personalities, smart nemesis's, long lost relatives and the truth about himself and his childhood traumas and there are and even a few who knows his secret along the way.. and his father conjured in his mind through his pathology talking to him and trying to get him to follow the "code" he taught him to not get caught as well as a way to justify his existence and not being a complete monster which arguably might be the case too.

Fair warning as this paragraph describes my opinion about the ending of the series but I'm not revealing how it ends... The ending of the series sucked imho to the point making me almost wishing I hadn't watched the entire series, enough said.. could easily have been great, what a shame.
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20 September 2015
What a way to ruin one of the best mangas of all time. What a mess.

The first film was decent although a bit boring, roughly followed the manga.. dragged on some scenes and unnecessarily skipped other important ones, but it is understandable due to limited time. Ending was changed a lot but still recoverable from this error in judgment.

This time however very very little went according to the excellent story in the manga. There was so much potential, but wasted.. the last invasion arc would have made an excellent film, but this was too early for that of course. .but even just some of the finer missions would have been fine. I can think of at least 3 of similar caliber to the ending of the first film.. not exactly sure at which part the plot was in 2011 but still.

Acting was fine, action pretty cool, but the plot was a mess and pure wasted potential. Just read the manga.. and weep.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
22 July 2015
This movie is misunderstood, I'm writing my first review with the hope to increase understanding and appreciation of it. Lose your expectations and watch it as it is, an adventure. Think about the things you see, analyze them. Don't expect to be on the edge of your seat all the time from exciting action, it takes a back seat after the beginning.. which the trailer seems to mostly contain and make a false picture of the film. My opinion.. I try and keep this spoiler free.

While perhaps expecting a little more awe scenes, action and insight into the "tomorrowland" society the movie has some very nice scenes. 2/3 into the film it somehow got a bit boring.. but it gets better. Could perhaps have been cut on a place or too, but the scenes were visually pleasing instead. A few confusing aspects here and there like the transition at the end, but who cares? No one has seemed to bother analyzing the philosophical aspects of pre-determination, alternate realities and concepts like our consciousness creating our reality as an reflection of our collective state of mind. The message is a fine one and something to think about our outlook on life.

Does all the negativity really serve us? What's the content of news? Only negative stories. Do they encourage you to go out and make a difference or make you depressed and go on with business as usual it is all going to h*ll anyways? But it sells and is a money making mechanism.. It is a bit humorous the extent the level of fear the society in the movie are in and project unto the children and society, connections to our western society can be made too.

If you notice these things you will appreciate the hints at secret societies and connections to the "Club 33" in Disneyland too and other goodies like the rivalry between Nikola Tesla and Edison. Nothing too profound or divulging from my understanding but it's there too, Tesla is an under appreciated figure in our history who deserves a lot more recognition.

These are the things I brought with me from this movie, and I'm a sucker for scifi, which was what initially attracted me to the film, but it turned out to just be eye candy to boot :) not the main thing about the film.
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