
2 Reviews
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Janice Rule rules
22 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode works because of the deft performance of Janice Rule.

She is excellent as the street wise hooker who is both elegant and hardened by the world.

She gives a rather sardonic performance and it is easy, like Keller, to be concerned about her.

Spoiler: Her reaction to Keller agreeing that "They (suspects) must all look alike after awhile" says more than 10 pages of dialogue.
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Lost in Paradise contiues the saga of Jesse Stone
23 January 2017
The Jesse Stone movies are character studies and explore the relationships between the participants. If you're looking for Magnum type glamor and action, forget Jesse Stone.

Selleck is like a fine wine that has improved with age. Lost in Paradise is a quality made for TV movie with adept acting, writing and direction.

Jesse Stone is back on a case involving the death of an escort. Along the way he befriends new people and re-engages with old ones like Gino Fish. We are introduced to people that we come to care about and who are three dimensional.

It may seem slow to some, who want an action film that is faster than a speeding bullet, but for those of us who savor fine acting and characters with depth Lost in Paradise, like the other Jesse Stone films, will fill the bill.
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