
24 Reviews
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Fantastic follow-up
28 November 2021
In full disclosure I have to say that it is impossible for me to watch a Ghostbusters film with any kind of objectivity. I literally wore out my vhs copy as a kid and it is very special to my family. It's my movie and I'm very possessive and protective of it's legacy. Because the Afterlife sequel hit all the right emotional beats it makes it even harder to be objective.

So! From a nostalgic point of view this movie is amazing. The callbacks to the original film, and a little bit of GB2, never seem forced or shoehorned in for the sake of nostalgia. They are plot points that make sense within the story. It isn't a simple nod and then moves on. Additionally the heart put into the simplest reference shine brightly to those familiar with the source material.

Let's talk about the plot! Their is a ::spoiler:: that just brutally tugs on your heart strings. Even without that the tribute it pays to Harold Ramis and Egon Spengler is considerable. It is essentially the entire storyline. With the undertones of loss and reconciliation it hits deep.

There is an oddity though. That is, the tone of the film is very different than the tone of the original two. How can a group of kids be the heroes in a Ghostbusters film without going into stupidity? Out of context it does seem unwise to do such a thing. And yes it has a Stranger Things mystery vibe but it really works. Why? For the same reason that Stranger Things did. Because the younger audience can fantasize about being them. But the older audience WAS them. We were the kid in the GB suit with the proton pack making up our own mysteries.

For the GB fans this movie is a must watch. For others you'd probably like it. But it wasn't made for them. It was made for us.
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Eternals (2021)
It fits right into the MCU
8 November 2021
The main "issue" people seem to have with this film has very little to do with what's on screen and very much what is behind the scenes. I won't even be touching on those because there was nothing in it that felt out of place or made the movie not work.

What does work is the visuals and the aesthetic. This does not look like a typical Marvel movie and that's all for the better. The fans have been saying that the stand alone films were becoming the same and too formulaic, so here we go. As far as structure goes it does not fit the same 3 act structure that many others follow. The character development is significantly more developed than many other films with far less characters.

Overall, it works. There are some nitpicking things like comedic timing not as flush as some other films. And run time but Marvel doesn't treat it's fans like idiots. Sure they could cut the runtime by 10 minutes but none of the "extra " stuff felt boring or shoehorned in. And cutting for the sake of cutting isn't necessary this far into the MCU.

So, the movie is good. Well shot. Well written. And the story and characters never felt out of place in the current universe. I can see these characters doing a lot more in upcoming projects. And exploring more of them and the possibilities of their powers sounds very good to me.
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No joke. It's awful
9 September 2021
Seriously one of - if not the worst movie I've watched all the way through. Unlike other "bad" films that are usually thrown into the conversation, there are no redeeming qualities. Troll 2, The Room, anything by Ed Wood has a certain enjoyable aspect to it. Whether it's laughing at it or with it there is something to appreciate in your viewing experience. With House of the Dead it is a blatant cash grab that tries to latch onto the name of the video game to sell some tickets. There is no heart. No creativity. Nothing worth while. It is not one of the bad movies you must see. It is just bad.
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Jeruzalem (2015)
Cool concept; dull execution
28 June 2021
The idea of a biblical apocalypse in modern-day Jerusalem sounds very interesting for a horror/thriller. But that is pretty much where the positives end here. It's not incompetently made or anything, it's just boring overall. You're here for the demons and mythology of it all and ultimately nothing happens for the first 50 minutes of the film. A few clues dropped here and there but mostly nothing. The characters don't even have any real conflict although some is hinted at for the main girl.

It is a found footage style film and I know that isn't for everyone even if done well. Overall the camera movements aren't bad and you can keep track of everyone and continuity seems intact. It's not terrible but it is terribly forgettable.

(off-track) I do feel like the battery life on the glasses she uses should have been addressed. Cuz that's impressive lifespan for an electronic that constantly records and whatever.
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It never pays off
28 June 2021
It's like an X-rated movie from the 70's that caused all the controversy this film talks about. But it never takes that step forward to be as daring as they were. Those movies, while most were not great as films, have a place in film history challenging the rating system, censorship and societal norms. This movie falls well behind in that.

As a film, it doesn't work because the story is all over the place. The points it tries to make are often undermined by stupid cuts and plot devices. From the director of one of my favorite films ever, Rocky, I expected more competency.
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Big Shot (2021–2022)
Inoffensive young adult drama
23 June 2021
It's a nice show with good themes and some fun/feel good moments. The actors, even the kids, are pretty good and the dramatic moments don't come across as eye roll inducing which is a huge push.

I'm very confused with the basketball portion. We know Giggles became PG when they moved Louise to SG. Destiny was said to be PF in the pilot. So that leaves Olive and Mouse to fill SF and Center. Mouse gotta be 5'-nothing max. And Olive isn't much taller. Really doesn't make sense when C is typically the tallest - or close to it - player on the court. I would have had a better adviser on set assuming they have one at all. That's really my only gripe but if I can get over it you probably will too.
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A fun time
20 June 2021
This is a hidden gem hiding on Epix. This came out in the shambles that was 2020 and got completely overlooked much like every other piece of media that year. But don't sleep on it.

It takes inspiration from some great films from the post-apocalyptic genre. From Zombieland to Monsters, it never feels like a ripoff of them but rather a loving homage to the films that inspired it. It never takes itself too seriously but it never takes that turn into cheese or becomes overly predictable.

This is a good time. Highly recommended.
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Not as bad as these reviews say
14 June 2021
No this isn't a masterpiece by any stretch but it is not a 3. First the bad: then ending is fully disappointing. There is no other way to put it. So if you'd invested 83 minutes into a movie and get that ending then of course you're bound to write a bad review right after. So non-spoiler warning: the ending is among the worst you can imagine.

Some credit where it is due: the film is told in almost real-time and done with a nearly continuous shot thru the film. It is an achievement by itself. The atmosphere and story telling about the legend of the house across the street is well done I thought. And the confusion about who is where and why is also done well, just don't expect any real answers.

Mostly, it's a serviceable albeit incredibly forgettable film. It never creeps into the so bad it's good territory but it never finds its way into hidden gem territory either. It's on Shudder which is only $5 a month and it's very short. So if you can check it out without feeling too robbed of time or money.
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Hear me out
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok.... there are aspects that are significantly better than the original Justice League. I'll go over them now: the final battle is way better and the stakes were more convincing. I liked the flashback battle showing Darkseid being driven off but there were some flaws even with it. Cyborgs story was much improved and a very welcome addition to the original. Superman came across better although I still hate that he died in the first place (I'll save it for a different rant). I didn't love that Steppenwolfs main weapon did nothing to him though. Did he know it wouldn't hurt? Seems presumptuous.

Now the bad. First, it is 4 hours. So as a single movie being 4 hours is waaaaaaay too long. As different episodes it didn't work because each chapter doesn't tell a contained story with a bigger arc. It just break a long movie up so you have a stopping point for bathroom and snack break. Specifically the first hour is near useless to the movie. The flashback battle while I liked it did go a bit long and did make Darkseid seem rather weak. Feels like it could have been edited better to address both those issues.

Additionally the apocalyptic ending was also useless. I know it was an effort to draw up interest for a spin-off or sequel but it came from no where and felt like an excuse to shoehorn in some extra things - eg. Joker.

If this was cut to a 2.5 hour-ish I'm sure it would have been more palatable. I'm happy that a studio that historically NEVER listens to its audience finally did. But over-worshipping the film isn't the answer to get them to do it again. It's not a film you'll want to watch more than once and will not stand the test of time.

Side note: Hard for me to call it a different "cut" of a movie when they gave an additional $75 million to do reshoots and CG improvements.
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Not bad zombie fun
23 May 2021
It's not as bad as some of these reviews make it out to be. It does resort to some rather predictable tropes and plot lines but it's a zombie movie on Netflix. Not sure what was expected. The violence is fun. The acting is serviceable and the SFX are really good. Snyder's done better even in the same genre - Dawn of the Dead is still fantastic. But he's also done much worse - see: Sucker Punch and BvS.

A little too long for my taste. But Snyder tends to do that lately. Could have easily chopped 20 minutes off but whatever. Some good ideas and executed competently. If you have the time it's a fun watch.
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Actually worth a family night.
21 May 2021
If you watched The Goonies and wanted more of the parents problems touched on and didn't like the Fratelli's following them then this movie fits that bill. The stakes are less in this one. But it is self-aware that this is a Goonies inspired adventure. It at least it decides to have a different kind of message with the treasure hunting. It's not bad and the 8-14 age range audience will like it. Just don't expect the Goonies even though you'll be thinking about/comparing it the entire time.
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Not perfect but not as bad as some reviews say
28 December 2020
It definitely has problems - too long for sure! But it isn't offensive as a comic book movie by any means. I like Pedro Pascal as the villain as it isn't a normal DC villain about a super strong villain without any real motives (Steppenwolf, Doomsday). There was some thought put into a unique ability. I liked that. Minerva was a dumb side villain with little motivation you could relate to. Keeping the continuity in check was a serious problem and editing needed work. Overall it's fine but not great
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Hamilton (2020)
Perfect story. Perfect adaptation
5 July 2020
It's basically perfect and any complaints would be nearly nitpicking technical aspects of a live broadway show. The story is fluid, the songs are catchy, the content is relevant and the adaptation to the screen is beautiful. Enjoy this work of art.
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It's for kids. Can't be too harsh.
13 April 2020
It's essentially the same plot as better movies like Rookie of the Year or Like Mike but with half the budget and way more reliance on brand recognition. There's some heart in the film and a few decent jokes. If watching with kids you could do a lot worse. Just don't expect an enduring family tradition to begin.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Wrecked (2001)
Season 6, Episode 10
Here is the worst Buffy episode ever.
3 April 2020
I love this show. Truly, undeniably love it. But love must come with honesty. And this episode is so blatantly used as a metaphor for drug addiction it will make your eyes rolls into your head for 44 minutes straight. Even the fight with the demon comes off as uninspired. With a show as smart as BTVS it is disheartening to see it resort to blatant and obvious tropes that would be better suited for an 80's after school special.

Don't skip it as it is still BTVS and if you're watching it now, you're binging. But be aware this isn't the crews finest work
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Slow build, good finish
25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The build is slow. Like, almost turn it off slow. First 30 minutes they really are just trapped in the tall grass. You know there is something up because the movie wouldn't exist if there wasn't. But it doesn't get to the story it's trying to tell for a good while.

The second half of the film - the more supernatural aspects - really allow the movie to have some decent moments. It's creepy enough but not too scary. More mystery than horror. Not terrible but could have been better. Patrick Wilson is very good as always.
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Head Count (2018)
Genuinely Creepy Moments
25 November 2019
Not a slasher or body count type movie that the title would imply. It's not fast paced which is okay but it feels like your going to watch something else when you click play. But for what it is, a low budget thriller with a unique concept, it is pretty good.

As my title suggests there are some genuinely creepy moments in the film. Camera work is really well done for the type of shots the director was trying to get. Think of a film like It Follows where there's a wide shot on multiple characters and scenery and your eye gets drawn to the threat. Well done.

It is a bit slow paced and that's not a bad thing because it wasn't trying to be something it wasn't. The ending is not for all. I didn't mind it, but I can see why someone may think wtf about it. Overall not bad. There's way worse ways to spend 90 minutes.
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Warnings (2019)
Not bad low budget thriller.
31 October 2019
No it won't win any awards or be the indie darling of anything. But for what it is, it's not that bad. It starts off a bit slow paced but there are definitely really good qualities to the film.

The shots look good - specifically the night shots. The acting isn't bad. And the scares actually work. I'd say if the first 45 minutes played a little more like the last 30 it would be straight up good.

A very slim budget with a small cast and I assume a small crew created a film that mostly works. There are a lot worse out there that get millions of dollars to be made with (nightmare on elm street remake, childs play remake, 71 versions of the amityville horror).
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It's bland
31 October 2019
Boring. Which is a curse on any movie because even bad ones can keep you watching for various reasons. Think Troll 2 or Birdemic.

It takes a very long time to get going into any part of a plot and you don't even meet the best part/actor of the movie, Lupito Nyongo, until like 30 minutes in. Might have been less but it felt like forever.
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Kim Possible (2019 TV Movie)
There was some effort ?
28 October 2019
This film is not good. It will not go down as one of Disney Channels better original films and will hopefully be forgotten very soon.

The effort on the filmmakers, screenwriters and overall production seemed to have no real sense of care or purpose. They were pumping out a Disney channel movie for 9 year olds so who cares? Without ever giving thought that a slightly older generation may be interested in this. The problem with doing it for the 9 year olds is that they didn't even get it right. Lack of humor that may appeal to them. Stupid jealousy plot that they will quickly get bored with.

The older generation won't like it because it's such a far cry from the tone of the original series. But, it never tried to make it it's own thing - if that makes sense (think 2019 Dora the Explorer movie and how it paid homage but created its own thing). I dunno, maybe setting it in high school was a way to make it for older kids? It's hard to tell what the filmmakers were doing with this.

There is some redeeming aspects though. I will admit the casting was pretty good. I didn't actively hate any of them, including Ron (the kid from The Goldberg's) who starts the film being as annoying as possible. He kinda grows on you but perhaps that was the charisma of the kid or name recognition. The actresses that played Shego and Athena were good. And Kim wasn't bad either. In the end it is hard to fault any of them as they're just actors, kids at that, and are only able to work with what they're given. They were probably the only ones on set that had any fun.

So no, this movie is not good. But I guess it was worth me writing 1000 words on it.
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Suicide Club (2001)
Great premise.
19 October 2019
Very interesting and unique idea but doesn't quite deliver as hoped. Watching this film 17 years after it's release it does feel a bit dated. Dragging a bit in the middle and seemingly losing its way for a very odd misdirection, the film finds its footing towards the end but still leaves much to be desired. It's worth a watch for sure, but perhaps hoping for something as shocking or as captivating as Oldboy or Battle Royale. (Yes I know those are from different countries)
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The I-Land (2019)
Not terrible. Could def be better
8 October 2019
It's a great concept overall. The execution is pretty lackluster. Acting isn't good but I feel like it was the writing that didn't give them much to work with. Dialogue is very basic and uninspired. The series stops after a few episodes to explain everything. Then the last episode plays a lot like that - spitting out exposition because there would be no other way for it all to make sense. Everything should have played out as a mystery to be solved while on the I-land but nope. Totally just explains everything through dialogue at the 11th hour.

There's a plot twist at the end but it really doesn't have the intended affect. Don't expected Citizen Kane or 6th Sense Quality mind twisting. There's a makeup job on someone's burned face that looks like badly hardened play-doh. And finally - there were many characters in this - starting with 10 on the I-land without their memories and then the many others join the series. In the end only the main character gets any kind of closure. The others don't even get a cliffhanger just in case they were picked up for another season. It just ends and there is no closure for the vast majority of surviving characters.

I think I liked it a little more than my review suggests. Perhaps some bad feelings coming up because it reminded of Lost for a bit. If you check it out don't expect much and don't expect a second season.
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It's not good.
31 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well it isn't smart and (spoilers, I guess) it is literally the first person you suspect for the exact reason you think it would be. So obvious it's hard to believe that's what they actually went with.

But not bad for background noise or a PG-13 horror film for kids? The lack of gore, sex or language play to that but really, really, really limit the only appeal this movie could have really had.
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I mean.... it's bad.
26 July 2019
You can literally predict the entire plot - "twist" and all - from the Netflix preview. If you don't watch that you could predict it within the first 39 seconds. Hoping for redeeming qualities, or to see if I was wrong in my assumptions I pushed through. And what I discovered was this: it's bad.
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