
70 Reviews
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Terrible movie
7 June 2024
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Some scenes were ok but not the best, didn't like how it had a Kraken and some dinosaur creature thing which made the movie more ridiculous when it was about to be about only the megalodons also the songs at the end was cool, the whole story felt so boring and obvious with the betrayals. First film was way better than the second film with way better storylines and more surprising scenes than this film, all actors were alright but was already excepted for those that would get killed off in this movie either at the beginning or later in the movie, also how come the megalodon doesn't eat the people but swallow them instead lol.
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Amazing movie with awesome soundtrack
2 June 2024
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I watched this movie with my parents on Netflix yesterday and it was really amazing, however, I wasn't a big fan of the English voice over of the movie since it made the film less emotional but soundtrack and effects with this movie was really, really good and would strongly recommend this movie, glad the wife survived at the end and can't wait for the second movie of Godzilla Minus one, definetly recommend it to everyone and this movie showed what Godzilla should actually be like instead of the American version where they make Godzilla friendly and save the world however this one makes Godzilla an evil one that destroys cities and kills people which is more of what I enjoy.
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The Great Wall (I) (2016)
Really interesting
20 May 2024
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Well this film was really interesting and seeing a movie to do with like these monster/ alien things was good, quite enjoyed the film and definitely recommend it, absolutely loved Matt Damon's character but CGI wise, there were a lot of things to be expected like how the general and the other guards just walked straight into a trap was expected.

The film was enjoyable to watch though and how we got to see how Matt's character worked with the general at the end to defeat the queen and also how it showed William's character wanting to escape and ends up betraying Pedro but then later he takes the horses that William and the bandits died because of the explosions, would really recommend this film but just to let you know, there's a ton of scenes which are to be expected.
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Really boring and not entertaining
20 May 2024
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I watching this film and can't remember if I had seen the other two films or not but this film does not fall into the comedy category at all, it might have been funny at the start but it got plain boring halfway through, nothing exciting happened, only a wedding and then another 2 people loved each other and that was it, the whole movie was based on just love which I don't mind but don't make a film that is just focused on love and no actual script or something, I don't know why anyone would want to watch this.

Don't get me wrong, the airport thing was funny and maybe some people will disagree with me but I do love that scene and when they went to Greece and all, but there was barely anything, just repetitive scenes since it looks like they ran out of idea's for the whole film that was in Greece, quite cringy too with the couples and I had yawned halfway through and just felt like sleeping because of how boring this film was.

Definitely don't recommend this film as it isn't even comedic at all and had no storyline other than just the family going to Greece.
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Quite a bit boring
12 May 2024
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Honestly it was quite interesting at the start and how 2 strangers appeared and told the family that it was the 2 strangers house and how that family who rented the house especially the wife found them suspicious, what I don't understand were the deer's what do they have to do with the house or shed? Like halfway through I lost interest and what is worse was the ending when Rose goes to another house eats and drinks and then ends up watching tv, it's a bit lame, Netflix said it's number 1 worldwide but is it really number 1 when basically nothing interesting happens like no mention of whom the cyberattacks were but just knowing it was them.
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Bit boring
20 April 2024
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This movie had some funny scenes but it was also weird at the start, halfway through the film, it was so bad, maybe it is just me who doesn't watch dark comedy much though I did see the scenes of protests etc but it felt really boring and not a very engaging movie since it talks about a guy who travelled to the 21st century and planned to save the world by simply killing one guy but when he refuses to jump off the edge of a roof, he doesn't so the time travelling guy has to get a girl to convince Paul to die in order to save the world, which seemed pretty pointless as there's not much backstory to this time traveller and what's more is that another future version of himself appears and attacks Doris in which she's a villain in the whole thing but she appeared late, would recommend something more entertaining than this movie.
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Haha what a joke
4 April 2024
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This film has got to be one of the worst films I have seen, just add other films such as Terminator (sort of), Star Wars and any other film you can think of, then put them in one, it felt like I was watching Star Wars but in slow motion since most of the scenes especially the action scenes were all in slow motion, definitely not worth the watch to be honest, also can we talk about how Kora easily defeated so many men without even thinking about anything, just randomly running around and shoot at the enemies as if it was a Call of Duty campaign and easily defeating the enemies in a campaign story mode.
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Gran Turismo (2023)
Awesome film
23 March 2024
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I have never played the video game but I have heard of the game before and this film was really interesting and I loved the races and the fact that his father came to support him at the final race to win the podium, might have to try the video game out too, would definitely recommend this film to everyone either you are a gamer or love racing or anything else, this film is suitable for all ages other than some scenes have swear words, but really this is an amazing film and strongly recommend you all to watch the movie, and Jahnn never gave up after that scene where he crashed and his coach believed in him too.
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The Big Short (2015)
Didn't understand
22 March 2024
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I have seen some reviews saying they didn't understand it and I am the same, throughout the film, my dad had to pause to tell me and my mum about what was happening and still after that, this was way too confusing, I have no idea what happened with all the banks and financial crisis, I don't know much about that crisis and still don't even after watching the film, and besides I'm not a person who does these stocks and stuff so I really don't know much and honestly I was bored since I didn't know what was happening and it was quite funny how they talked to the camera but the extra scenes with Margot and that famous chef, was it necessary since it would have been the same explanation if Ryan's character explained it.
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Charlie and Lola (2005–2008)
Nostalgic TV show
22 March 2024
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Definitely recommend this to parents with young children as it is a show aimed for younger children about a brother called Charlie and Lola who is his young sister and he teaches her new things and there are a few episodes where he gets mad at Lola like in the episode "It is absolutely not messy" when Lola didn't put her toys or anything she put on the floor away and Charlie tells her that the room is his room too and when he comes back after an hour and still see's Lola's mess, he decides to move the bed outside the room but what surprised me are the bonds between them in each episode like the one above, after Charlie moves out of the room, Lola then feels sad that his bed is not in the same room and so she cleans her mess and shows Charlie and he moved his bed back in the room, now that is one of the episode's I liked since it shows that Lola just got distracted with toys and books etc and never argued back when Charlie moved his bed outside the room and the fact Lola was sad about that and decides to clean it so he can stay in their room, this is what young generation should do, help and cheer your older siblings like they do with you, not only Lola helps but Charlie also helps her by telling her some important things such as animal books.
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Damsel (2024)
Expected scenes
20 March 2024
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Well from the beginning, this was all expected and even my dad was saying what will happen next which I knew, from the movie poster, I thought it was some action movie regarding like a war or something but this is worse, you can basically guess what happens from the beginning of the movie and nothing to be shocked or surprised about since it is all expected, I used to watch Merlin and although it is similar to this, I say Merlin was a better TV show than this movie, not too many plots to engage audience, all scenes are expected, one princess get's sacrificed and killed to the dragon because the knights at the beginning killed the baby dragon's which there was no backstory as to why they did that, I already knew what will happen and this was just badly written.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Not a good movie
20 March 2024
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Although I am not a DC Comics fan, I have seen some other DC films and what makes this film in my opinion not very good is the fact that there is way too many scenes with CGI and yes all movie's have CGI but the amount of CGI this film had was so bad from the first scene when Barry save a nurse and baby dolls and a dog which didn't seem realistic to a scene where he ends up meeting his younger self and another Batman, like fair enough I get that he wanted to save his mother but then it just becomes a bit pointless, he goes back in time to save his mother, meets his younger self, meets Batman, meets Supergirl or Superwoman, younger Barry tries to save Supergirl so many times and each one she dies, meets an older version of himself, then young Barry dies giving something to the Barry that travelled back in time and tells him to look after their mother and then goes to find his mother and watches the previous Flash put the tomato can's in the trolley and this Barry then takes it away after talking to her like I don't understand the whole thing especially near the end, if the ending was to just let what was supposed to happen, happen, then no point in going back in time.
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Ferrari (2023)
Confused and way too slow
1 March 2024
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In my honest opinion, I literally had no idea what happened also the fact that the end when the camera actually showed the bodies of the crash, obviously it would have been fake on set but showing it in a film was probably not too good, the whole movie was too slow and confusing and I have no knowledge about Enzo Ferrari, also can we talk about the race at the end? One, the race didn't look like a race only cars driving past each other then one loses and another loses, then a really terrible scene happens killing the citizens and maybe that happened in real life but that scene went way too far, also this film should've just had every scene with character's speaking English instead of having most speak Italian, in my mind, this is not a good film and more of a boring and slow film.
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Lift (I) (2024)
Good film
23 February 2024
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Well the film in my opinion was somewhat funny especially with Kevin Hart's character but I was kind of disappointed that there wasn't much comedy in it plus the fact that the end, Jorgensen played by Jean just got easily defeated and the only action they had was basically on the plane, much like the Fast and Furious series especially the latest movie and it was quite a mess and no backstory of how Kevin got a team of fellow thieves plus was it really necessary to like kidnap, or "borrow" as they called it at the beginning? For me, I would have loved to see more of the backstory of Abby and Cyrus at the start instead of just starting off in Venice and Cyrus going to an auction then some agents watching him and you find out later on when Denton is caught and being asked questions then a box shows up for Abby and she finds that they used to be husband and wife plus it was quite slow at times too.
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10/10 rating :)
5 February 2024
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This movie started off interesting and mysterious and remained that way after two deaths of two different police/cops as well as Mark's character Spencer being released out of prison, the same day the cops were killed and love how he returns to his father's home to find that there is someone else who lives with him then we see Hawk as Spencer's roommate and the conversation's between those two are hilarious, a really good film and a mysterious film as Spencer goes to find out who killed Terrence and Boylan and also the fact that we do realise who is behind the killing's of Boylan and Terrence and helping Terrence's wife and son find out who killed Terrence, would recommend this film if you like mystery film's too.
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The Out-Laws (2023)
Cringe and pathetic
5 February 2024
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Saw this film with my parents and some scene's were funny but the movie was really cringey and pathetic, a film about Owen played by Adam and Parker played by Nina and the fact that it is cringey with those two made me dislike it and what's worse is the fact that Parker's parents robbed Owen's bank and he gave them access before realising what he told them the night before then he ends up robbing another bank to save Parker is a bit stupid and how the enemies just easily died, I saw Spencer Confidential and that was way better than this film, though I do love Nina's acting but it was cringey and basically a really uninteresting film with hardly any plot but robbing a bank, and then later helping the parents rob another bank to save Parker before a wedding, I kind of loved Michael and Pierce's acting too but was hoping for an actual good movie with good plots.
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Horrid Henry (2006–2021)
Amazing childhood
25 January 2024
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First off, I saw that there were a few 1 or 2 star reviews but for me when I was a kid and I used to watch this with my younger brother and we used to watch it on CITV and I am guessing that I have seen a bit of Season 4 since I remember the new theme tune but I think the show isn't too bad, now let's get into this review.

So like I said before, the show wasn't bad especially Season 1 to 3 but I have recently been watching double episodes of Horrid Henry on their YouTube channel which is the Season 4 episode's and I do love the new theme tune and I love the old one but what I noticed is that the characters talk to the camera as if they are talking to the viewers who watch the show which is cool, what I don't really like is the fact that they now swapped a remote on the windowsill with a iPad or something that's similar to an iPad on a sofa and honestly I really dislike how everything changed and yes, change is good in life but in a kid's TV show where a cat called Fluffy would just press the remote and you can see the moon leave and the sun coming out to now when Fluffy looks and winks at the camera and swipes instead which I get they still have that part in but it's not the same and also the first 3 season's for me was really good alongside the old theme tune but now you have episode's where Henry is more nicer or at least not horrid like he used to be and also in one episode when Peter asked Henry, "What are you thinking about?", and Henry replies with him thinking of what happen's if there were two of him and then suddenly the next morning a random ghost like Henry appears and another Peter too and that was just ridiculous because not only was the voice for the other Henry different but didn't sound like him at all and that's why I dislike how they have done the plots of the episode's.

Another thing that kind of bother's me is that Henry's parents don't treat him like they do with Peter, so for example, in the episode when Peter was being horrid and I don't mean the revenge one but the other episode where he swapped chocolate's with slugs and in that episode, he deliberately spray's water at Henry, giving him a fright and he end's up running around the garden, and when the dad comes back, he blames Henry and when Henry said it was Peter who did it, their dad just told Henry, "Well you should have gotten out of the way then?", and yes he might be horrid but why does his parent's not treat him as equal.

3rd thing is Peter, who basically snitches on Henry and he does things to Henry to get him angry and sent to his room which I find is quite unfair for Henry, since his parent's don't treat him equally and they don't listen to him and can only say "NO" to Henry when he asks for something even if he said please.

That's what I think about the show and I know other's have different opinion's but for me, this show is a 10/10 especially Season 1 to 3.
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Fast X (2023)
Kind of chaotic
6 January 2024
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I saw this on the plane last year and it was quite a mess, it is much better off with just leaving it at the films with Paul Walker and only good scene in here was the Paul Walker scene where we got to see him race with Toretto but seriously, it was such a mess, Jason's character playing the bad guy, the team work together to stop the bad guy's and the end part with Rock's character, if he was at the end then why not just include him in the whole film, it was quite cringey and just really bad, I was hoping they still keep FAF saga going after the tragic accident Paul was in but since then it kind of went downhill, the one with Jason and Rock's film was funny but this made it worse.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Good film for me
22 December 2023
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Well I saw this film last night with my mum and brother and maybe it was just me who didn't understand much of the story or what was happening, I did find some scene's in this film quite hilarious with a few actor's and a singer in but I think the second half of this film was weird, especially how Barbie, (Margot Robbie) and Ken, (Ryan Gosling) went into the real world, yes I know that was not real like the portal thing but it just felt really weird, kind of felt a bit stereotypical too and made it seem like the Ken's or Barbie's were better than each other when it should have been all of them living as equal's though don't let this review stop you from watching it as the start of the movie and near the end was pretty good, loved that it showed so many actor's and actress's in this movie too and what Barbie Land was like but it also felt like this movie was aimed more towards children especially girl's rather than adult's or boy's, also the ending was good as we got to see that Barbie decided what she wanted to do and that all the Ken's realised who they were, not what people wanted them to be but the middle of the film when Ken who is played by Ryan is in the real world and goes off on his own to explore what it is like was so ridiculous but it does show what the world is like compared to a imaginative land of Barbie's.
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Split (IX) (2016)
It was ok, not too good
18 December 2023
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Saw this film when it came out on Sky cinema's and originally I thought it was interesting especially after I saw the trailer but the actual film seemed quite boring, it was quite good seeing James, Anya and the other's acting, McAvoy's acting was really good but it felt like I was watching some show that was so so slow, especially when it got to the talking like McAvoy's personality as a 9 year old child, the music in the background for this scene either stopped or it was really quiet and other than seeing the different personalities of McAvoy in this film, it just felt way too silent like a silent movie, not that I have anything against silent movie's but I think this could have done much better especially to make the film more interesting, the start was very interesting and near the end but halfway through the film, the film just got boring with the same personalities appearing and repeating similar lines.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Absolutely recommend this show
19 October 2023
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This show was amazing but sad we lost Byeok near the end and it does show that people will do anything for money even if it involves death and playing games, not only this but it also shows how close people become near the end and it made me cry to see Ji Yeong sacrifice herself to Byeok in the marble game and for Byeok to get stabbed by Sang Woo. Yeah it might be bloody and gory, but it was amazing and I cannot wait for season 2 and hope we get to see the actress for Byeok but maybe she plays a new character and also the actress for Ji Yeong too please, I knew it was a popular show and my mum never allowed me to watch it until I watched it secretly on KissAsian website, now I don't regret watching it because I loved it.
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Definitely recommended
2 October 2023
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It talks about a boy with special needs and after his father dies one night due to a heart attack, the dad's brother comes to the boys house and the boy teaches the uncle what the work is, obviously the relationship between the boy and the uncle was not good at first and also the fact that the boy's childhood friend cared a lot about him was amazing, but what was more amazing was that the uncle soon understood the boy and helped him and the friend also came to help him too and I recommend this tv show to everyone, second Korean drama I watched after watching Squid Game and don't regret that I watched it, absolutely amazing show😊.
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Quite good
11 September 2023
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Saw this film on the plane and it was hilarious in some scenes, was sad Bee and Mirage died but obviously should have expected Bee and Mirage came back at the end, it was a good movie but it was just the same old robots fighting each other as well as seeing animal robots and also how some guy who tried stealing a car which he didn't want to do but did and he was not brave until after fighting and working with the autobots after a few times, I kind of found it cringe that he suddenly became brave and started fighting when he was scared to even steal a car before the fighting started.

Would recommend it if you like Transformers.
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10 September 2023
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A movie definitely recommended to Spider Man fans, although I haven't seem the old Spider Man cartoons but this movie has so many references from Venom to Doctor Strange and the Peter who fought Mysterio in the last film become Miles Morales and we got to see an expansion of Gwen Stacy and her story and this movie was mainly about Miles saving his dad and Gwen and her dad's relationship and also getting to see the most popular Spider Man meme as well as seeing how every other Spider characters lost someone they loved and Miles not wanting that to happen.

Glad I watched this film on the plane too:D.
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Amazing film
10 September 2023
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So I watched this on the plane and saw the trailer of it, was wanting to watch it but thought it would be childish and turned out it isn't that childish, although I only played Mario Kart and flash version of Mario, I do recognise some characters and it was really funny and amazing, the fact that we got to see two different types of the two brothers as in personality was amazing, they both wanted to protect each other and work together and would recommend this movie.

Loved Donkey Kong working with Mario too and also Mario and Bowser fighting and animation style was perfect and glad I watched it yesterday.
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