
6 Reviews
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Kept me entertained
24 September 2019
I never played the video game, so I'm not basing this on anything involving the game. I enjoy zombie movies, this one is pretty campy. It's a basic premise, zombie outbreak, survivors, bad gangs, and government involvement. I didn't go into it thinking it would be serious or a great plot. I went in thinking I'd hopefully be entertained and I was. My only issue is that there are certain zombie rules that apply to all zombie movies/shows, and I expect them to followed. Namely: always aim for the head - lots of the survivors try to kill the zombies but not with head blows. And ZOMBIES DONT USE WEAPONS! I do not want to see a zombie with an ax or gun. The zombie is it's own weapon. Giving them other means kinda annoyed me. But that's pretty minor if that's my only real gripe. All in all, if you're looking for something to pass the time and aren't looking for anything to cerebral or serious, then it's worth the watch.
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Twin Peaks (2017)
Gotta stick with it
11 June 2017
I just finished episode 6 of Twin Peaks: The Return. I have watched the other seasons years ago & re-watched before this new Return. I'm not gonna lie, parts are slow. Douggie is pretty funny, but it gets boring as a story line. Everything going on in Twin Peaks I want to see more of. The murders and evil Dale are interesting and have me thinking. Which is what David Lynch wants: viewers to think. He doesn't make easy viewing. You need your brain to watch his works & I like that. These slower episodes that are Douggie centric are a bit too much. But I really think it's gonna lead to something epic.......... Coop's return???? Hopefully! I will continue watching because I like how it keeps me guessing and, no I really don't know what's going on. But I've got theories & I can't wait to see how things turn out. I will say this, if Coop isn't himself soon, or at least becoming himself, my excitement will start to wane. After all Special Agent Dale Cooper is what made the original Twin Peaks for me.
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Slow and just plain bad
26 November 2016
I should have paid heed to other reviewers. This movie was so bad.

It was extremely slow moving with hardly any dialogue. I definitely wouldn't call this a horror movie. But it had gross points that were alluded to or overheard. I found the more unsettling parts mainly unnecessary. They seemed there for shock value but added little. Like gratuitous nudity. It's not needed but it's there anyway. The story was not a bad one but the writing and execution killed it. It could have been good based on premise. I really don't understand why it had to be so tortured.

I would not recommend this to anyone. Simply not worth the 2 hours.
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Bleed (I) (2016)
22 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Beginning of this movie set me up to believe this wouldn't be bad. It is. VERY BAD.

But once these characters get to the burned out prison it is like several different cliché movies in one. There are so many story lines that are not explained at all. The only thing that makes sense is crazy murderous hillbillies, bad guy ghost isn't so bad. but still kinda bad. Then nothing makes any sense. Why'd he kill the black guy? I thought he was helping them? Maybe only some of them? Birthmarks, what is the deal with them. No idea what the birthmarks mean bc they are never talked about, just that the crazy folk are killing people with them. And killing other people I assume. Can't say why though. Why do the crazy folk want the baby? Who knows! I would say bad plot but as there were several plots, I'll say they were all bad and not thought thru. Full on,waste of time
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Muirhouse (2012)
Pretty good & a bit scary
3 September 2016
I rather liked this film. It is a found footage movie, but it's done pretty well. Not all shaky and overly pretend amateur filming. The premise is good w the main character Phillip going to the haunted house awaiting his crew. And his time there gave me the willies and a few hold my breath moments. My only criticism is the ending. It doesn't really explain how Phillip got to where he was in the beginning. It is one of those movies that shows the outcome and then what led up to that outcome. I would totally recommend this for a free movie or rental. Not worth paying a lot for. But for the movies to watch w Prime or Netflix, it's one of the better that I've seen.
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Awakened (2013)
Sooooo Boring
3 September 2016
This movie is by far one of the worst I have ever seen. It is so slow paced. I found myself reading reviews during the movie bc I was determined to finish it. I can say the only mildly interesting part is the plot twist. But it could have been done so much better. Most of the movie is just boring. The main character holds little interest. The movie itself seemed disjointed. Definitely not a horror movie. Nothing scary here. Maybe a thriller. Lifetime movies are like Oscar worthy in comparison to this. And it's long! For this bad, it should have been way shorter. I would recommend skipping this one. Even if it's free. Watch anything else.
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