19 Reviews
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Brit Poshbusters meets Supernatural
25 September 2023
The whole concept of the show is interesting albeit a little contrived, but the acting is good for a cast of 'teens' and its good fun to watch if you have nothing else more interesting to watch.

The CGI effects of the ghosts look good and the music is OK. The overarcing plot is kind of unique and it is quite obvious this was adapted from novels.

There is none of the usual drivel and boring waste of time fillers, but one would think it would have made a better movie than a series due to the nature of the story.

In any case I think it was miles better than any recent offerings, even ones with a much higher budget, and I felt it would be fair to recommend it for a watching.
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Silo (2023– )
A 2 hour movie plot stretched to its limits
2 July 2023
I will be brief. It is a great premise and an interesting plot with good production and a good cast of characters.

Having said that, it is way too slow and 80% of the episodes is pointless fillers that do nothing to progress the plot. Exposition upon exposition upon exposition. So do what I did.

I stopped watching at episode 4 and then watched the season finale. Trust me you will miss nothing. A word of warning though this show is like that girlfriend in your teens that you were not allowed to touch in certain places, who you would kiss for hours on end until your lips became swollen and itchy and then you walked home unable to close your legs for at least two days.
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Andor (2022– )
Andor...The Best thing since sliced bread.
23 November 2022
I will be brutally honest here. I am not a fan of Disney Star Wars, I actually hate what they have done to the IP as much as the next guy.

But Andor is so criminally underrated and glossed over by the fanbase I have to add my cent to it, because simply it is so well written and acted that it is a crying shame it is not on everyone's lips.

The writing of this show is so phenomenal and the acting so nuanced and on-point, I keep pinching myself to make sure I am not hallucinating the whole thing.

I am talking about pre-season 6 GoT level of dialogue, exceptional cinematography and nuanced messages. I am so impressed with how the quality of the show increases with every passing episode that I get this giddy excitement we used to get in anticipation of the next episode in Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul and early GoT.

You are doing yourself a great disservice if you refuse to treat yourself to this hidden masterpiece. Yes, Obi-Wan sucked, yes the sequels stank, yes you are so bitter and hurt by Disney's castration of every beloved SW character ever. But please, watch this and I promise you will NOT regret it.

I do not care who runs the show, if Andor is any indication of the direction Disney is taking SW, I AM ON BOARD! And if not and they plan to keep pooping on SW, I still thank them for Andor, it is THAT good of a show.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Not Exactly What I Expected!
8 July 2022
The Terminal List, a show produced by Chris Pratt and published by Amazon. A sentence that evokes one and only one phrase. Unmitigated Disaster of epic proportions, right?

Wrong! Boy was I wrong in my expectations. I am not a fan of Pratt. I think of him as a "comic relief on steroids" actor. But in this, he proved me wrong. He has way more range than I gave him credit for. He surrounds himself with a fantastic cast and credit must go to where it is due. Kitsch (Yes that underwear model who played such rubbish as that Mars disney flick) and Wu are simply fantastic in this.

He took a good, ready made story from a novel and made a good ol' revenge themed action flick with a GREAT plot twist in the end. The likes of which I haven't seen from hollywood in many a year. And you know what? It worked.

The Terminal List is a very entertaining show and, yes, it has its wtf moments and plot holes like any other action flick does and it is reminiscent of "Rambo", but you know what? I found myself not caring and glossing over most of the trash. Why? Because it's a great story. And great stories overshadow any of the CGI borefest (none here), pukeworthy wokeness (which this show has none!) or eyepopping plot holes most recent offerings use to carry a story forward, which hollywood seems to have forgotten in recent years.

If hollywood keeps missing the memo, this and "Reacher" should wake them up. A good novel adapted to TV/Big Screen is the way to go since all recent screenwriters either solely follow studio directions or are simply incompetent.

Ignore the "real" (lol) critics. It is a bingeworthy show and although I will not forgive Amazon for what they are about to do to the LOTR franchise for which Reece should put them in his list, I tip my hat to them for this specific one.
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OK in a 23-26 ep Season Not OK for SNW 10 ep season.
26 June 2022
I was never bothered by holodeck episodes in the old series because they were 2-3 episodes per season in a format that spanned 23-26 episodes a season.

Making an episode like this in a 10 episode season is a cheap, terrible move. We haven't even gotten the chance to get to know the crew members' actual character and you turned them into court jesters after only 8 episodes.

Not to mention the acting in this episode which was horrendous, forced and did not work at all, but then again all recent shows suffer from 0 quality control, it's like the writers at paramount have a free hand to write and produce anything, regardless of how stupid and ridiculous it will look on screen, like Picard's "Sinistair" scene which made me throw up in my mouth a little.

I can't and will not blame the actors, though, when you are given trash like that to work with even the best actor in the world would struggle to make it work.

It's like the writers have forgotten how to weave a story around an actor's strengths and interpretation of the character they play and just write whatever trash they can come up with and force them to act it out.

So my question is who watched this episode and thought it was a good idea to include it in the show's 8th episode 2 episodes prior to the season finale?

Of all the things they could have done with Mbenga's story arc this is the resolution they decided to go with? Who approves this crap? Fire them yesterday!
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The Orville (2017–2022)
From Parody to legitimacy
20 June 2022
As a Trekie, I felt that a Trek parody from a fellow Trekie comedian would be the final nail in the coffin for Trek. I thought he would actually finish what Jar Jar Plagiarist started when he butchered Trek along with his buddy Kurtzman, after 3 movie fails and 2 abhorrent shows, last thing we needed was a Trek parody.

I was wrong. The Orville is a good show in its own right and although, yes, it borrows heavily from Trek it is still fun and engaging not to mention funny as hell. McFarlane proved that it still works and that episodic sci-fi still has an audience.

And to be honest I feel we have him to thank for Strange New Worlds, not only did he create a fun trek like show with The Orville but I feel he somehow influenced CBS to return to somewhat truer Trek with SNW.

So thank you Seth, I hope now that Hulu picked up The Orville you will continue to make fun scifi on TV. Your show is legit, fun and more Trek than trek has been recently.

3rd Season of the Orville started strong and I hope it continues. Keep opening that jar of pickles please.
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Pinch me I must be dreaming...
27 May 2022
So, I promised myself I will never again watch anything that has Kurtzman in its credits, let alone a Trek show.

I suffered through Discovery's abysmal casting and plot for season 1 then I gave up on it.

I watched Picard's first half of season 1 while in utter denial mode that what I was watching wasn't called Picard, Patrick Stewart wasn't actually the lead, fought through the nausea it caused me then I decided I should sing a eulogy for Star Trek, then move on.

Then SNW comes around, I fought against it for about a month, but then a friend called and said 'Watch it, it's like real Trek again". "lol, right" I said.

It's late I put on the usual Trek fav episodes that I watched for the Nth time and halfway through "Under the pale moonlight" I thought I can't keep doing this F it let's give it a try.

I turn on the TV and start watching the pilot. The episode is over. Credits have rolled on the episode and I keep rewinding to confirm that this is indeed Kurtzman and his team of talentless hacks and I realize that I am not hallucinating. I binge watch up to the most recent one ep.4 and I realize that that's it until next week.

I suddenly realize that I am looking forward to the next episode. That the crew of the Enterprise feels like Trek. The stories feel like Trek. That I like Anson Mount as Pike. That there is actual social commentary in them and Starfleet officers behave like...Starfleet officers and not like utter jerks or crybabies.

My God I think, I hope that Trek is back! If you are a true Trekie you should give this one a chance. I can't even believe I am actually saying this for Kurtztrek but it's true...pinch me, am I dreaming?
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Halo (2022– )
A Review from a Sci-Fi Fan who has never played Halo.
26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a sci-fi fan. I am an old-school rpg guy, I hate shooters which is why I never played the game the show's concept is from. I would rather have a show based on Mass Effect than any shooter.

I knew nothing about it and watched it because...there's nothing good to watch anyway. I went in with way too low expectations.

The Verdict? It was fun to watch. And funny too. I learned that in the halo universe humans are still souless creatures, kidnap children to indoctrinate them into space nazis, install windows cortana in their brains without permission, much like in real life, and that Master Chief guy is so good at sex that if he takes your virginity (I am assuming she was still one since she grew up with anatomically wrong alien species) you will want to remove your lethal weapon fingernails.

Hot darn! What a story! Seriously though it is weirdly enjoyable, maybe there's something wrong with me I don't know. Try it yourselves, just go in with the "how much worse than all the crap I have recently watched can it be?". You'll be surprised!
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
Best Show Makers Ever!
25 May 2022
Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould,

Plot Pacing, Character and Plot development,BA., MA, PhD

Enough said.

Just one question though. Why do the hollywood people across the pond keep throwing bags of money down the drain to incompetent, bland, talentless writers and directors, when they have such creative minds doing TV instead of creating cinematic, oscar-worthy history on a grander scale?

Thank you Vince and Peter for proving that creative plots and interesting characters are not dead, just their funding is.

Meh, who am I kidding the re-hash of old stale ideas and super-hero movies is going to continue since we are outnumbered by the brain-dead consumer crowd. Pity.
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Siren (2018–2020)
After the quarantine watchlist runs dry...
27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One tends to broaden their palette...

Siren started quite interesting but as it progresses the utter lack of good acting and writing shows.

So they have taken elements from a story told by my ancestor Homer thousands of years ago and sea folkore from many nations and periods and the best they can come up with is a species of mermaids/Sirens that transform into humans on land and have threesomes with human marine biologists and when they sing to them they become addicted to their song and develop brain leisions.

Does this kind of thing really appeal to any audience? Are the American people really watching this stuff to justify renewing it for more seasons? It's just beyond me...
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Finally, a Star Wars production Worth the name!
29 December 2019
It is amazing how different things are when the writer of a movie or show is actually competent. Jon Favreu, what can I say I bow to the man, he took a franchise saturated with incompetent writers and producers and with 1/100 the budget he created something not just watchable but actually VERY GOOD.

Of course, some may say that with all the junk we've been fed by Rian Johnson and Abrams it is easy to put this on a pedestal....and they are right! Having said that this is a VERY good show in its own right not just because the movies are crap.

Highly recommended for any Star Wars fan out there its the best and only Star Wars content out there worth the name!
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Once You Get past season 1 it gets good
3 August 2019
I tried to watch this several times. The first 3 I could not get past episode 5 in season 1. It was that bad. I am now glad I stuck with it.

It seemed the typical teen crap drama, and it was, at least for season 1. But, seriously, if you can grind your teeth and don't mind cringing a couple of thousand times during season 1, season 2 is the closest thing to a 'Fallout' type post-apocalyptic story I have seen on TV.

Bloody, gritty, violent if the main characters were not teens it would have been an excellent show. It is still very much worth watching, season 2 is the highlight of the show and the quality of the story remain high from there on.

The writing improves as do the dialogues, and in the latter seasons since the actors actually grow up a bit, their acting is also much improved as is the character development.

Just read a synopsis of season 1 and watch it. Highly recommended.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Why are you mouth breathers reading reviews? Go Watch it!
23 May 2019
Now, if you are looking for a show to watch this is it! It's the best thing I have watched in years, it will not disappoint, I promise!
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
We Didn't Get to hear Tyrion's brothel joke...let me help.
20 May 2019
So he brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel...

Their names were Dave and Dan and they had previously been successful in convincing a dream-eyed manatee to give them his story. The manatee was hungry for fish and so he gave them his life's work in exchange for all the fish it could eat.

The telling of the story made them rich and renowned all across the Seven Kingdoms, but the manatee's story was incomplete! They gave it all the fish it could eat and with it's mouth full it couldn't quite complete the story. So, poor Dan and Dave had to use a spell from Essos called 'Poetic License' to complete the story.

Unfortunately, all their loyal followers that sat and listened to the story in the brothel, named HBO, did not appreciate the use of dark magics and decided to end their lifetime memberships to the esteemed establishment called HBO.

The End.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Dumb and Dumber are Metallica Fans.
13 May 2019
All I have to say is that I liked this episode, there should have been more build up to it instead of who lost his/her virginity and pointless celebration scenes and a short night of Night King junk that ruined everything for the fans and for me.

They could have skipped all the terrible previous episodes, skipped the pointless battle scenes that did nothing for the story, saved money and spent a bit more time having dinner with GRRM listening to the man since they are clearly incompetent writers themselves.

With some build up and meaningful character development we could have been convinced and appreciated it its impact to the story more. I also hated how Denaerys turned out but hey at least it's GoT again not...whatever the hell we've been watching for 4 episodes prior to this.

Finally....the set list goes:

For Whom the Bell(s) Toll(s)...Dracarys Nothing Else Matters...Never care for what they say, incest is the way.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
A hidden, rough gem that deserves recognition
4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Fun show with the right amount of both comedy and a message behind it. To say that I have been pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. For a show to emerge from a 35 year-old hollywood movie and deliver so much fun and substance is truly beyond belief and trust me I was there for the original and its...sequels.

At least up to the first season, it is the first show I have seen in a long while to spit in the face of PC. You get a loser, social reject who's stuck in the 80s turn karate teacher through circumstance and his desire to change the soft millennial mentality. And one has so much fun watching him do it that you start rooting for the guy who was the most famous bully on TV in the 80s, who physically abuses his students, calls them names, is a sexist and a terrible father.

Season 2 is a bit cringy to watch but like many I am willing to forgive for the sake of its ending and the plotline. I am very surprised this has not been picked up by a major network, which goes to show you don't need one to make a successful show.
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
Punisher without the punishing
20 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The problem with revisiting stories already told nowadays is what do you do with it? How do you make it different? Engaging?

Well, the answer is ofc drama. You take an old story and dress it up with a bit of real life here and there. A struggling army veteran, a runaway kid, a tortured father and husband. That is all fine and well until the drama takes over the whole narrative.

This is a Marvel series. Marvel= Super heroes, villains, action etc. A Punisher series that contains 2 seasons of mind boggling ethical dilemmas and personal dramas with a sprinkle of violence porn. That's it, that's what Punisher is. Why the high rating? Well, you got me there. No clue.

If you are looking for a drama series with a bit of action you are in the right place. Blah,blah sniff cry > Action, Heroes = Punisher.
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The First (2018)
Drama dressed as Sci-Fi
4 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
With real actual sci-fi shows being few and far between I decided to give this a go.

While I did read about it beforehand that it focuses on the crew and their families I certainly did not expect a full season focus on mind-numbing drama.

Why do producers feel the need to create a drama series with a tiny speck of sci-fi? I understand appealing to a broader audience but 'The First' is just too much. Seriously one can truly watch the pilot and the last episode of the season and miss NOTHING plot wise. Total waste of time.

Us sci-fi fans watch sci-fi to escape reality we do not need to watch drama and sob stories in our free time, we get enough of that in our daily lives.

If you are looking for sci-fi look elsewhere.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
History deals mainly with Captains and Kings...Not Discovery though
26 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a long time Trekkie and having watched every show to date at least twice I have to say the show is cautiously promising.

After watching the first two episodes I see a glimmer of hope in the horizon mainly because of the fact that Brian Fuller's writing appeals to me. Knowing that he left mid-production worries me but at least we have a Trek series again.Even one such as that.

The Pros: - The plot. The first two episodes basically tell the story of the start of the war between the Klingon Empire and the Federation, which I personally think is an interesting and promising choice for a story line.

  • The Effects. Although when I think Trek, special effects is the last thing on my mind, I enjoyed the 'modernised' and stylistic choices they went with with regard to the transporter effects, force fields etc.

-Some of the dialogue. Although the constant subtitling for the Klingons is going to get tiresome, I liked the dialogue between the Klingon leader and the high council and also when he died. The fed side dialogue felt weird and out of place in parts but I tried to keep an open mind since I can't help but compare it with the previous movies/shows.

The Cons: - Alex Kurtzman: A producer best known for utter rubbish like Spiderman 2 and Transformers and the show reeks with Kurtzman's 'vision' of Star Trek. If this show gets cancelled after this season it will be his doing believe me. Like the reboot films, the show went with his 'creative' approach to making the Klingons look like crap (at least they did away with the bling bling), phasers to blasters (yaaay star wars), ships to flying junkyards for the klingons, warping with no to stupid/cheap effects the list goes on. Like his buddy J.J. "The master plagiarist" Abrams he did more disservice to the franchise than Berman/Braga's space Nazis in Enterprise. Kurtzman and Abrams should be shot at dawn by a firing squad using their starwarsy pew pews for what they did to Trek.

-Michelle Yeoh. I was honored to learn that there will be a Captain called Georgiou (being Greek myself) and then... Michelle Yeoh. A captain of Asian descent with a Greek name is...fine. But why choose such an uninspiring, wooden actor to portray the Captain? I mean after William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Avery Brooks and Kate Mulgrew you choose HER as the captain? I thought Bakula was a bad choice but now I am thinking Bakula deserved an Emmy compared to her. But then again the Captain is not the main character, is it? I hope Lorca is better....

-The Captain will probably not be the central character. A Trek show centered around....a disgraced, mutineer first officer stripped of rank and sentenced to life imprisonment. I know Jonathan Frakes will be smiling, but why?

I give this a 6 based solely on the plot so far. I hope as a Trekkie it gets better later on or this will surely be the death of Trek shows forever and we will be stuck with The Orville.
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