
14 Reviews
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EXmas (2023)
Pretty Good
11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I found out about this movie because of Buzzfeed, which wrote or produced this film. It is light-hearted, unusual Christmas fun. It is obviously unrealistic that your parents would invite your ex over for Christmas since you can't make it, but if I can put aside my disbelief, so should everyone else. I enjoyed the various gags, except the one or two that went too far.

I think the elements that caused me to deduct two stars were the parents. The kids clear out one or two times from the house during the holidays because the parents get so horny that their kids have to physically leave the house was just too much for me.

It was just saccharine enough that I could stand it, but it was really the parents that make this movie almost unbearable to watch.
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Very eye-opening
18 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a heartbreaking documentary, when it focuses on the people of Nepal who were directly affected by the earthquake and avalanches. The documentary focuses more on the "poor unfortunate souls" that were climbing Mount Everest when the earthquake happened, and how upset and disappointed they were that they could not continue their journey to the summit of the mountain.

A bit of focus is centered on the traditions and beliefs of a small village, which was sadly wiped out by the earthquake and subsequent avalanche. A group of Israeli hikers ignored the urgings of local Nepalese and went to scavenge the village remains for food and other items. In doing so, they disturbed the souls of the dead, and broke tenets of their Buddhist culture.

I think the aspect that is the most annoying is that the focus of the documentary is that of the hikers, who selfishly wished to continue their journey, and whined incessantly about not being able to climb the mountain. They had supplies and food, but some of the more wealthy individuals used money to have themselves removed from the base camp, instead of patiently waiting for rescue. The indignant attitude of these people knowing there are thousands of Nepalese people who need every rescue effort imaginable to help them, but they insist on being helped first because they're white and wealthy is just ridiculous.
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An intense story
3 February 2023
I've watched Evan Rachel Wood through the years and many movies. I remember when she was seeing Marilyn Manson, and I remember thinking they were an unusual couple. I mean, I thought this about every public relationship he's had, but Evan's was up there because of the age difference. Watching this documentary, I heard and saw things I never wanted to. I'm a true crime junkie-I have seen and heard just about everything, but having a visual and audio insight messed me up. I saw "Surviving R. Kelly," but this seemed so much worse than that.

Sure, it's one-sided, and I think that Manson has denied her claims, but it seems a compelling argument on her end. It's very visceral and detailed, so if you're an abuse survivor, proceed with caution.
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Pocahontas: Beyond the Myth (2017 TV Movie)
Good, if you look past the re-enactors
26 April 2022
This is a good documentary, touching on points not usually discussed about Pocahontas. My only complaint is the lack of actual Native American actors. In the reenactment of John Smith being brought before Chief Powahatan, the "native" actors are clearly painted darker, because their lighter skin is visible at their waistbands. Even the actress portraying the famous woman isn't of Native American descent. Some might not care about that, but it's not something I can overlook.
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Till Death (I) (2021)
Four Stars for the Men, None for Megan
23 July 2021
This movie had an interesting premise: married woman ends up cuffed to her dead husband, and bad stuff ensues. Definitely different than what is normal for these kinds of movies. However, the fun is lost when the main actress, who you're supposed to be rooting for, gives zero life to her character. Megan Fox's character should be angry at what her husband has done, instead she can barely muster up enough rage to scream believably. I don't want to rag on her, but she gives nothing to her performance. I wanted her to make it, but toward the end, I really didn't want that anymore. Instead, I was captivated by the performances of the four male actors. I commend Eoin Macken for playing dead really well and being kicked around as much as he was. It's not a bad movie, but Megan Fox doesn't make it great.
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Wellington Paranormal (2018–2022)
The ineptitude of this faux branch of New Zealand police is hilarious.
19 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of paranormal shows and What We Do in the Shadows, I had to check this out. The three main characters are just so stupid, that's it's amazing that Crimea are solved in their part of Wellington. Despite how negative that might have sounded, this show is funny. Their ineptitude makes the show hilarious, as well as the paranormal creatures they encounter. I highly recommend this show. I wish American networks picked this up sooner.
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It's good, but nothing like the others
6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Exorcism films for me are always a mixed bag. They could either be violent or tame. This movie runs down the middle. The beginning is what you expect from exorcisms: demonic voices, scratching, body contortions, and a lot of screaming from family members. With Conjuring 3, we also delve into the romances between Lorraine and Ed, as well as two other characters. While I understand the reason, it distracts you from the point of the movie. In the other two, you know Ed and Lorraine have a strong connection.

The second half of the movie is just the same, with more jump-scares and a lot more body contortions and demonic possession.

If you're wanting to be scared, you might be let down. If you want some romance that can be too syrupy at times with your horror movie, then this is for you.
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Not that great
27 November 2020
I don't know why anyone thinks is lighthearted holiday fare. It is one of the most depressing and aggravating holiday films I have ever watched. There is just so much heartbreak and a lack of joy, and not at a lot of holiday fun and romance. I loved the representation for the LGBTQ community, but this movie was not what I hoped it would be. I wasn't looking for a Hallmark or Lifetime cloyingly sweet Christmas movie, but I at least expected some romance in the middle of the movie. What I got was like watching my family if a movie was made about us.
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Northanger Abbey (2007 TV Movie)
It's Okay
6 July 2020
Northanger Abbey isn't my favorite of Austen's novels, but I gave the adaptation a chance. It's incredibly boring and its only redeeming quality is JJ Feild. Most of the actors act as though they would rather be doing anything else but this movie.

If you're fine with that, go ahead and see this.
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The Windsors (2016– )
Quite funny
2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this since I couldn't find anything else, and was pleasantly shocked at how funny it is. It clearly favors William and Kate, since they're the only ones who aren't made to be completely stupid, but it's good. So if you go into this with an open mind and knowing that it's English humor poking fun at its Monarchy, you might like this. If you bleed Royals, stay away.
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A Very British Christmas (2019 TV Movie)
Not great
4 December 2019
My review will likely be disregarded because I didn't watch the whole movie, but I couldn't make it five minutes. I feel like the main actress was supposed to be playing an American, but her accent was VERY obvious every time she spoke. Normally, I can look past this, but you get the feeling that she won't be able to suppress her accent when she is surrounded by other English people.
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Ophelia (I) (2018)
4 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit that I saw what amounts to a trailer online of this travesty, but nonetheless, this is a nightmare. It changes the story of the original play, and turns into a Riverdale-like story of idiocy. Ophelia is now deemed an "enemy" of the Danish court, and therefore must be removed? Who wrote this, the director of Twilight?
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10 February 2019
I'm a huge fan of Winona and Keanu together, so I had to see this movie. I got lucky and found it somewhere On Demand for a short period of time. It was hilarious and extremely painful to watch, but in the best way.

The plot itself (which might not be fully explained on the site) is why the film is so painful, and as someone who is part of the demographic for this movie, it makes sense. It's quirky, funny, and reminds you why Keanu and Winona make sense onscreen.
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Mr. Sunshine (2018)
Great show with beautiful cinematography
23 July 2018
I am a huge fan of Korean shows, and this one is no exception. It is a beautiful story, with just as beautiful cinematography and rich characters. As others have written, the first episode kind of goes all over the place, but it is worth sticking around, because you basically figure out who is who in the second episode.
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