
11 Reviews
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7 March 2024
Flat is the best way i can think of to describe it and the ending was stupid . A six your old would have written a better script it definitely would have been more imaginative and entertaining. It was like they were deliberately trying to make a boring movie by excluding any tension , mystery , humour , or an real excitement. A few little tweaks to the scenes would have been enough and of course the stupid twist , that they tried to explain with an even more pathetic backstoy. The twist just didn't work because , they just didn't it set up right .It felt forced and wasn't really a shock at all . Pathetic. I gave it 3/10 originally but as im writnig i realise thats too genorous,but I can't change the rating . And as beautiful as the female leads are ,the blonde lady was far to old for the role .Still beautiful and young looking but just to old for that role and it showed especially next to the male lead

. It could of been good even great but its not even so bad its good level , pretty sure the writer or director is a fan of Clerks and the Original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie.
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Road Ahead (2023)
Season 8, Episode 12
How many times can you jump a Shark ?
12 February 2024
This is the absolute worst ending to a tv show I personally have ever witnessed . The series itself "Jumped the shark" at least 3 times and then managed do it it another 3 times in this episode alone . If I was on the writing staff for this episode , I would be so disappointed in myself . It was absolute drivel. Season 8 was poor from the start and they really should have ended it when Morgan,s story ended and even that was terrible . I have never given a score so low , especially for a show I had really enjoyed ,even at one time thought it was superior to the Walking dead itself. The Walking dead ending wasn't perfect but it was enjoyable . That was just bad bad bad . It actually made The Walking Dead World beyond look good and that show poop

Shame on you whoever was responsible for writing this absolute Dung heap 💩 of an episode.
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Beautiful Movie, A Feel Good ,Tear Jerker .
24 December 2023
I'm still not sure how I ended up watching this ,I'm a Sci-fi/Horror movie fan. Somehow I did and watched to the end which I rarely do these days ,I have adhd it sometimes takes me months to finish a movie , and if even the slightest thing distracts me while watching I can no longer keep interest and there are hundreds of unfinished movies in my library for that reason . That being said this movie is just so beautiful I was engrossed in it . I absolutely loved it . Yes it might not be a big Hollywood blockbuster with tons of action and special affects and there are no big movie stars but I found it captivating and I loved the ending . I think the best way to describe it is a "Feel good Tear Jerker" and I gave it 10 stars because I couldn't find any fault with it and it made me cry and laugh and cheer and even angry as well and I think that's proof of good story telling . I hope you enjoy it half as much as I did.
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Best Episode so Far
24 July 2023
I loved this and don't understand the negative reviews. The Walkers for the first time in a long long time were actually scary and threatening(No Spoilers) This for me is the best episode of the Series so far . I'm just about to watch the next .I think Negans gonna go Dark by the final episode its looking that way . Im just waffling now to use up Characters . ASLAN are the greatest Irish Rock Band of all time and if you never heard of them you really Should check them out . THIS IS, A CRAZY WORLD ,AND ITS TO LATE FOR HALLELUJAH. I've still Fifty one Characters to use,the old barn door was the table we had and the table we had was the old barn door.
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Even Better Than The First one
26 March 2021
I read the negative reviews before watching this and I'm so glad I ignored them. I loved the the 1st movie so much I was sceptical about a follow up , but this exceeded my expectations . I recommend to any who loved the 1st movie.
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A Glimmer of Hope
25 November 2020
After the previous episode ,I'd had enough. Really Bad writing , as many people have said it has the feel of a Nickelodeon show not a Walking Dead show , but I stuck with it for 1 more episode and I have to say this was a definite improvement. Im about to watch this weeks episode with a little more hope for something good.
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Great Start to new Season
14 November 2020
I really enjoyed this first episode and im excited to see where the story is going . All the negative reviews, Haters are gonna hate .
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Good Start
5 October 2020
I enjoyed this and im looking forward to the next episode ,I dont believe all the negativity and the constant Nickelodeon references a lot of lemmings out there . You can't judge a show by one episode .Its not Walking dead and its not Fear the Walking Dead either its telling its own story ,so go in with an open mind and don't be swayed by all the Bad reviews, I wasn't and im glad .
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Good movie
11 September 2020
I cant fault this movie ,definitely merits a 7 score , could it be better ? definitely. There is better movies in this genre , but i enjoyed from start to finish and would recommend. Nuff said
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5 September 2020
I enjoyed it more than bogus journey .To be honest though I was disappointed, Keanu, and Kristen schaal are always great ,and Samara Weaving has now become one of my favourite actors, this is actually the 4th movie in a row I have watched of hers ,i didn't realise until the 3rd movie . The truth is I wouldn't recommend this to anyone who ws a fan of the first ,they realy could of done better .
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2 September 2020
Great Movie ,I really enjoyed it . A sure sign this was a great movie is that i watched it all the way through from start to finish without getting distracted ,which is really rare for me as I'm very easily distracted and loose interest quickly . I recommend this movie. Hope you enjoy it as much as me
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