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Grimsburg: Pilot (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not off to a good start, but hope it improves quick or I will drop the show
8 January 2024
Initial thoughts: Live stream was acting a bit janky so there were small snippets I missed but I think I saw good enough to form an initial opinion on the first episode.

Honestly, this was the weakest pilot out of all the newer Fox animations (Bless the Harts, Duncanville, Krapopolis, HouseBroken, and The Great North). The first two acts were not good at all. Especially because the show just tends to allude to certain things but the delivery of it is either not funny or ends up being extremely predictable like the cyborg guy trying to make jokes yet ruining the vibe simply cause he's the "weird" one. It just feels like a smorgasbord of TV tropes meshed in just cause it worked in older shows doesn't mean it's gonna work nowadays with more fresh comedy takes. Not to mention it relies a lot on shock humor, which even Krapopolis at least tries to variegate itself with different types of comedy even though some of the jokes don't land for me. Plus not to mention, the son and mom forgiving Marvin seemed rather forced and there was no genuine sort of interaction to even warrant it. Seems like they just had to wrap it up quickly cause of time constraints but that's more of a Fox problem than a series problem imo.

Bless the Harts obviously did not have the best pilot but out of all the newer ones it's the best cause it tackles a relatable topic, has some genuine interactions between characters, and a reason behind the plot. It wasn't that funny but at least I could care about the characters, especially you don't see a lot of genuine interactions in adult animation. Jenny wanting to send her daughter to art school by getting a night job, all while hiding it from her boss makes the plot interesting and captivates you into wanting to see what happens. Grimsburg so far did not captivate me at all other than wanting to know who the killer was. But I didn't really care for any of the characters so far. It's hard to care about the son even cause so far all we know is he just wants his dad's presence. I see this changing maybe later on, but for now, I just can't.

I will admit though that I did not expect the young cop guy to be the murderer. That was a solid twist and seeing all the clues unravel was alright I guess. It feels like Scooby Doo though as an adult cartoon and no Scooby Doo or any of the iconic Mystery gang.

I'm gonna try to watch this again tomorrow without the jankyness of the stream and see if there's anything I missed but overall, not a good start to a series with a somewhat interesting premise. I hold out that the critics are right in that this episode is the weakest of the bunch because it was definitely not a good way to start the show at all.

Second watch thoughts: Gave Grimsburg another watch and again I liked how the pieces of the case were greatly connected. Though I would like to see the true premise of the show more than the cases in future episodes. It would be far more interesting to watch how Marvin discovers more of himself than simply be an adult/teen version of Scooby-Doo.

I have to praise Alan Tudyk's performance as the teacher. Probably the character that had me smiling the most. His criminal mind makes a lot of sense now that I gave it another watch, and it really did help Marvin solve the case.

I really don't like the cyborg character. He's just cringe more than funny. I get he's supposed to be the comic relief dude but we don't need one of those in every show and every single time he speaks it's just unfunny.

Still, this pilot episode had a lot of flaws but it was passable. I'll be checking out the next few to see if there's improvement.
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HouseBroken: Who's Having a Merry Trashmas? (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
Even in season 2, I still don't get this show at all
7 December 2022
Yeah. I think I'm giving this show one or two, maybe three more episodes and if it's still the same, I'm dropping it.

Don't understand how a show starts out somewhat promising, then drops in quality midway and doesn't improve at all in the second season. It's still the same tired old jokes, and sometimes there's no jokes at all, and the characters and stories have like zero depth, so it's hard to relate to the characters in any way possible.

I'll give them some positives though. I got a few smiles out of like 2 or 3 jokes and the special theme song for these 2 episodes was kinda catchy.

Still for a show in its second season, I expected to see some improvements. The fact that the first 4 episodes were the best in the show, and those were decent at best, says a lot about the show's quality and I am not optimistic for the rest of the season. We'll see if it magically changes but if this is gonna continue being the show's formula, instead of the first few episodes where I could see some potential, I'm out. It's not consistently terrible, but it's just so boring that I already kinda forgot what happens in like half the episodes, and they just came out two days ago.

Don't get how Bless the Harts, a show 10x superior to this, and had a decent first, but GREAT second season, was cancelled for this, yet this gets 3 seasons somehow. But that's Fox executives for you. You get what you pay for after all Fox.

Entertainment enjoyment is subjective after all though, and I guess the show just isn't for me, but more power to you if you like it. Keep on watching and let these people who work on it keep their jobs.
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The Prince (2021)
Not as bad as it looks
29 July 2021
Current review: This show isn't good. It's another generic comedy with some okay moments, but there's better things to watch than this. First of all it's about real life people so it's going to age poorly. Second, the show revolves around a lot of things that adult animation should try to move away from, like swearing and shock humor. Finally, the characters just aren't very interesting. The only characters I liked were the servants, Kevin, Owen, Charlotte, and somewhat Harry and Meghan. Everyone else sucks. It's not a very funny show.

However, I did really like the sidestory with Kevin trying to avenge his clan after the servants killed them. I hope if they get renewed they continue more with that and focus less on the royals.

It's better than Hoops but that's a low bar to have.

5/10 C

Previous review: There's some amusing moments but it's just another generic sitcom. It's similar to modern family guy minus cutaways. Better than Hoops.

It's also unique that each episode is only 11 minutes. Keeps it a bit tighter paced.

6/10 C+
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Awesome episode
26 July 2021
Loved the action packed adventure in this one.

It was just really fun and had insane energy! This season has been great so far. Not one bad episode (the sperm one was decent imo) so far this season. My favorite season since the first two for sure.
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HouseBroken (2021–2023)
Starts off okay, becomes really boring
1 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give season 1 a 4/10 honestly. I'm not looking forward to seasons 2 and 3 of this show, at all. It's just really boring and not interesting. I'll probably watch the first two or three episodes of season 2 to see if they've marginally improved (note marginally), because even if it's just slightly better like 5 or 6 out of 10, I'm not gonna waste my time on a mediocre TV series.

Contrary to popular opinion where the show started out worse than it ended, I actually thought the series actually started out okay with a decent series premiere, a pretty good second episode, and not so bad third and fourth entries. There was some promise that it could be more than what it looked like. But once "Who's Afraid of Boomsday?" came, they just stopped trying. Everything just became repetitive and the series seemed like they used all their best jokes and stories for earlier in, and saved all the boring ones for the end, so they could "win" audiences over and then give them the boring stuff last. The three worst episodes of the show are "Boomsday", because too much goes on at once and nothing is funny, at all, "Who's Getting Cold Feet?", because who asked for a plot about Shel and his shoe, and "Who Are You?", this one is meh, but because the mouse scene was so disgusting I wanted to turn my TV off.

The season 1 finale's first part was okay. I actually didn't mind and I thought the finale would be good, but the second part is boring and I go back to my same stance on it since.

I think the fact that Bless the Harts was cancelled for this (not directly, but Fox wanted to fund Housebroken more) makes me more sad, because on one hand you had a show with a decent first season, wasn't that funny, but it really showed some promise with Mega Lo, then wowed us with a really good second season where they really nailed the characters identities and got the comedy much better. Sure, it had the occasional dud (Hoot n' Haw), but every show is gonna have one every now and then.

And then Fox gives us Housebroken, a mediocre TV show about animals making fart and poop jokes most of the time, and when. Housebroken's second season has to be a lot better than the first in order to win me over, otherwise I'll just pass.

Update (August 2023): I checked out the first four episodes of season 2 recently, and there's almost NOTHING of improvement. I dropped it because it's just not funny at all and I can't even care about the characters. One of the most boring adult cartoons in existence. Season 2 does not improve.
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Let's Be Real (2020–2021)
Episode 1 review
4 May 2021
Wow. The election special episode was at least decent. This was really bad; like really, really bad. The Chrissy Teigen character was so irritating and unlikeable and the entire Mandalorian segment was boring as hell. The Trump stuff was slightly amusing thanks to the outrageous prices and silly behavior. The Ted Cruz stuff was plain unfunny. Flashing his privates didn't make it better. The worst joke was when the survivor attempted to commit suicide just so he wouldn't have to hear Cruz's annoying bitchiness. That was pretty tasteless.

Joe Biden's segment about cursing on network TV was a huge waste of space. Facebook one was okay but Jeff bezos ruined it. OJ Simpson segment was awful. Just unfunny and stupid. Why is OJ getting the vaccine before others? Oh right, criminals have access before real people. Andrew Cuomo's stuff was probably the only decent stuff cause I did get a few chuckles out of his sexual harassment remarks. Still not enough to save it from being a disaster.

Overall, this was a huge mess in and out. If I thought family guy was weak this week, look at this! I only laughed once and smiled like three times. The rest was either boring, tasteless, or left me with no reaction. There's only three more episodes so I'd be happy to check them all out, and I hope this is only a bad start.

I'm all for poking fun at events and people but this was just lazy. It's better than Our Cartoon President but that's a super low bar!

0.5/5, would give a 0 if the Andrew Cuomo stuff wasn't amusing.
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Kenan (2021–2022)
Good cast but it's not funny
17 March 2021
Fortune Feimster is the best thing about this show. She's funny. Other than that, it's not funny at all. It's really boring. I'll give it 2 more episodes or so cause Mr. Mayor didn't hook me in until around episode 5-6 so I'm willing to give this a chance. Young Rock, while it's not funny either, at least has some good moments. This has nothing.

Edit: I stopped after episode 4. This is just one of the most boring shows I've ever seen.
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Kenan (2021–2022)
Good cast, but not funny
17 March 2021
I'll watch maybe one or two more but after that if it's still not funny, it's probably not for me. Young Rock and Kenan have a lot to prove to win me over. Mr. Mayor won me over around episode 5 or 6 so I'm willing to give this show until then.
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Young Rock (2021–2023)
If I wanted to watch Dwayne Johnson's documentary I would
17 March 2021
The problem here is NBC is advertising it as a sitcom. It is a story about Dwayne's young life. It's not funny. I smile maybe once or twice an episode. The recent episode was the best one but it's not funny.
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The Great North tackles real-life issues in a very sweet manner in their best outing yet!
16 March 2021
The Great North continues to prove that it can be different than Bob's Burgers while still retaining the good things about the show. I don't understand a lot of the criticisms to the show because most of them are "It's not the same as Bob's." Maybe because it doesn't have to be and it shouldn't be. It's definitely its own show. The Great North's main focus is Judy Tobin, and she's easily a more interesting character than another new teen on the Fox animation lineup, Duncan Harris. The Great North is more representable of teenage life than Duncanville, and it's not even trying to be. I just find that really weird, but it's one of the things I enjoy about it. And unlike Duncanville and Bless the Harts, this show continues to hit right out of the gate, with only one episode being in the "not great" range. "Avocado Barter Adventure" proved to me this show has a lot of potential to be really good, and this episode only strengthens my argument.

The Alaskan sibling bond between Ham and Judy is a lot of fun. They play off each other very well, as Ham is the more calm to Judy's wild. While the plotline could be cringe to some, it's very representable to teenage life. There are many teens that just can't take a hint that the other party is not interested in them, and this episode does is incredibly well. There were a ton of giveaways from our end, such as the class notes, the wiping of the napkin at lunch, and Crispin even takes Ham in his snowmobile and leaves Judy in the dust. But we have to think back to when we were teens. If we're interested in someone, that doesn't mean they'll be interested back. It's very relatable to see Judy go through this phase, because for some of us it has happened.

And while the "twist" with Ham and Crispin kissing while Judy goes to the bathroom was a little bit predictable, the delivery of it was not. I liked seeing Judy get upset and sad at the same time. Her imaginary talk with Thomas Wintersbone was really nice. I liked how she finally comes to realize that the theme of the dance shouldn't be about his death, but rather how it should be for anyone and anyone they like. I did like seeing that Thomas was actually gay. That was not expected. And Leslie Jordan does a good voice performance. A bit of a tangent, I already watch Leslie Jordan in Call Me Kat every week and while I don't think that show is as good as this one, like not even a contest, he's still one of my favorite parts of that show. This show does a great job with the characters opening up about their emotions, such as Judy opening up to the imaginary Thomas about her feelings; and it's one of my favorite things about it so far. I'm glad Judy was able to finally realize that Ham and Crispin were meant to be, and it was really sweet to see her move on and let her brother be happy.

I also really enjoy how the writers continue to think beyond what current television is thinking. It's the first primetime animated sitcom to feature a main LGBT character, and it acts like its a normal thing. That is very nice to see. Even though I am not LGBT, I support it and I hope they make Crispin and Ham a thing. It's a bold and different move from other shows, and it's great to see that. It's also good that Ham isn't only defined by his sexuality. In other sitcoms like Family Guy, they tend to make being LGBT part of the joke. Bruce is a perfect example of this. From the way he talks to the way he acts, it just screams like it's the only definition of his character. While Ham is openly gay, it's clear the writers know that's not entirely his character, as he enjoys doing a lot of other things. I'm interested to see where Judy's love life leads into next, as she gets a happy ending as well getting to dance with another single boy.

The subplot was pretty enjoyable too. It can be hard to see your siblings and cousins grow up and then start to distance themselves from you in terms of hobbies and interests. It was sweet seeing Beef do anything to try to relate to his brother, to the point where he helps him sell hot tubs by the end. Their conversation about why Brian needed to go be something more was very moving. One thing I've noticed about The Great North that's different from Bob's Burgers is that the characters are more open to expressing their feelings than the Belchers. It's really nice to see them open up that makes it a lot different than the other shows on the block. It's just really nice to see another family in adult animation joining the Belchers, the Tillermans (Central Park), and the Harts in having loving families at its core. A lot of sitcoms over the years think having dysfunction is the key to success, but Bob's Burgers has definitely proved us wrong with that. Not every sitcom is the same.

Another thing I enjoy about this episode is the continuity. Judy has had interest in Crispin in the pilot, and it resumes here. She even mentions that she wasn't interested in Steven Huang (the previous boy she kissed in "Romantic Meat-Based Adventure"). While it is a network sitcom and as such follows the episodic rules, there are little continuity nods that I enjoy and it shows that the animators and writers pay a lot of attention to details. Bob's Burgers dived into continuity last week by bringing back the Wheelie mammoth, but to be honest, this show feels a lot less sitcom than Bob's simply because it uses its continuity to drive plot.

"Pride & Prejudice Adventure" not only has two interesting plots that focus on real-life issues, but it's also one of the funniest episodes in the show and one of the sweetest. The only thing I had an issue with was that the twist in Act 2 is pretty predictable, but the delivery of the episode is excellent. I don't care if you spoil an episode to me. It's not gonna change my view on it. Rather I care a lot more about how the episode is delivered. Like with Bless the Harts' Black Friday episodes, you know where they're heading by act 2, but it's how they get there that make them so good.

This episode is easily one of my favorites in the show so far, and might even be my favorite episode actually. It will probably only get better with a rewatch. This is an easy recommendation to any person who isn't sold on the show quite yet, and it only strengthens my point with the potential this show has. Keep it up, Great North writers, as you have my seal of approval for one of the best sitcoms of the 2020s!

9.5 rounded up to 10
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The Great North: Avocado Barter Adventure (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
Avocado Barter Review
22 February 2021
I was not very happy when Fox decided to show recaps of previous NASCAR games instead of Animation Domination while the 2021 Daytona 500 was delayed due to heavy rain, but I did see the episode on iTunes last night. It's gone now, but I was able to purchase it before Apple deleted it. And by the time you're reading this review, you would have already seen the episode for yourself, and I really enjoyed this one, like I really did. Out of the three episodes I've seen, it's easily my favorite so far.

It's nice to see that The Great North is quickly picking up and finding itself. There's always an adventure in every episode, hence why all the episodes are titled with "Adventure" at the end. And while Avocado Barter Adventure takes place in the present, it's really a flashback into the past as well, like Bless the Harts' Black Friday episodes. While the first Black Friday episode was a culmination of how Jenny and Wayne first met, "Avocado Barter Adventure" wants to shed light how Wolf and Honeybee meant and why they are meant to be.

First off, I like how the episode was able to juggle all these situations and none of them were boring or annoying to watch. There were three plots going on at the same time and it was so much fun to watch all of them. First, seeing Ham and Beef know nothing about Shrek and just winging it for the party was silly and funny. I can relate because there are TV shows and movies I know nothing about, yet everyone talks about them all the time.

Second, I liked the journey that Wolf and Moon had. For many of us who live on the main forty-eight, buying avocados is easy as going to the grocery store. For those in the cold Arctic though, they have to trade, travel, and barter just to get some. It's really an adventure up there. Moon was probably my favorite part of this plot. I like his "face blindness" joke, to the point where Wolf's ex-girlfriend still remembers that he does that. Now that must be memorable!

The best part though is for last, with Honeybee telling Judy her story on how she got to Alaska. It's also good character development too. We learn a lot about Wolf and Honeybee in one episode. Like for instance, when Honeybee tells Judy she met Wolf on a forum site. From there, their love over movies got them talking everyday and eventually interested in each other. I've been wondering how Honeybee met Wolf, but this like Bless the Harts' Black Friday episode with Jenny and Wayne meeting over a microwave purchase is something only The Great North can uniquely tackle. And they did well with it. Honeybee loving Wolf for being uniquely him was sweet to watch and she even appreciated his gesture of doing all of this just to get her some avocados.

It's nice to see other characters get the spotlight for a change, and for Judy take a step aside, as she's had major focus in the first two episodes. She's really the main character on this show, not Beef, and it's nice to focus on other characters on the family.

That's one of the main problems I had with Duncanville. While I did enjoy the first season, all 11 episodes either focused either on Annie or Duncan, and the other three members of the family don't get many episodes focused on them at all. Jack only had the pipe dream episode and Kimberly had the video game episode and that was it. And even then, they were only co-stars. But with an upcoming episode in season 2 focused on Kimberly, I think the show is going to be a lot better and dig deeper into its characters and relationships.

But going back to The Great North, the next episode is going to focus on Beef, as he starts to get himself back into the dating game following the divorce, so that should be nice to see. Episodes 5 and 6 will be Judy focused again. We need a Moon episode soon too!

The only problem, I have with this episode is that it's emotional core moment ends a little bit too quickly. That's totally fine, but going back to Bless the Harts' first Black Friday episode (I know sorry. I keep referencing it so many times, but it's so good!), the core moments of the episode not only don't end immediately after Wayne and Jenny met, but also, they continue when the story goes back to the present day. And that's why it packs more of a punch, for me at least.

"Avocado Barter Adventure" is, by far, the best episode of the show so far. It's nice to see the show build its world and characters so quickly too, and to take a step back from typical sitcom plots. It's also great to see the Bob's Burgers team's experience is leading to this show hitting right out of the gate, as the lack of experience in animated comedy when Bob's was in season 1 was clearly there. Most of season 1 of Bob's Burgers wasn't very good, and while it did have some great ones, the season was mostly forgettable to me. But with Central Park and The Great North, the writers and producers are using their experience with Bob's to learn from their early mistakes, and that is a good sign for a new comedy series. With this show quickly picking up, I think it will easily be a staple for me within the next season or so.

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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Show starts okay but doesn't get any better
16 February 2021
So the show starts okay and has promise, but it doesn't get any better. I don't know how this is the #1 new drama on network television, but it is beyond me. It's so boring and predictable. It's not funny or interesting. All the comedy is cringy and the characters don't really have anything to work with. The best character Rick, was keeping the show somewhat interesting until he goes into a coma at the hospital. It's so boring now. Ronald is just a sociopathic, cringy, unfunny freak. And none of the other characters are even remotely interesting. I really want to like it but the writing did not click for me at all. I've seen eight episodes and it hasn't really gotten me interested in the story nor the characters. The show is barely passable in execution and is mediocre at best.

I'll watch one more. If this next episode is also boring then I'm done. I want to laugh and be interested in the story, but I also didn't want to be those people and write it off after 1-2 episodes. I thought it would improve quickly like Fox' Filthy Rich did, but I can't bother to finish this one. This is definitely getting a second season due to high viewership, but I'm not sure I'll watch anymore of it. Glad if you like it but I find the show to be a snore so far. they're just stretching the story with uninteresting filler. The show should have stayed at a 10-episode order. That would have kept the story fast-paced and more fun. Maybe I'm missing something but this show didn't click with me. Maybe it's not for me. But if you like it good for you.
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Not that bad
14 January 2021
First off in response to @stn1994, there are more than 4. It's just that the rest are not scheduled yet.

It was not that bad. I thought some of it was funny. There was definitely some good heart moments for a pilot. I'll keep watching for sure. I think it has potential.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
Call Me Kat has potential despite a messy pilot
8 January 2021
While the pilot was mostly boring and unfunny, the second episode is a huge improvement. I hope it's not a one-off but I somewhat have hope in this show now. I wouldn't write it off so quickly. I think it has potential. Will be sticking around for a while.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
It's alright but needs more funny
4 January 2021
The plot is fine the characters are okay but it's a pilot, but the jokes just aren't very funny. I'll watch more in hopes it gets better but they need to tone down on the same 4th wall break jokes cause like 75% of them are unfunny. It's an okay show.
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Review of episode 207
9 December 2020
I thought Wayne's story was a bit weird and over the top, but I did like the part where he met the caricature of Sal Vulcano and of course, him giving Jenny the flower to name Violet. Betty's plot was fine but I didn't think it was really needed in the scale of things as it introduces another plot (Jenny) after the fact they split up. Jenny's plot was good the entire way. I especially liked when they introduced the pregnancy bit (and in no way did the loglines spoil that). I thought the first episode was better mainly because I just loved how it all came together and it wasn't as all over the place as this one, but this was a worthy successor to a nice miniseries in my book. Best of the season so far.
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Animaniacs (2020–2023)
A solid return for the Warners and Pinky and the Brain in this latest version of the Animaniacs
20 November 2020
The Animaniacs have returned and the Warners have come back to wreak havoc in the 2020s. How does this make me feel?

I was excited from day 1. As a loyal fan of the original, I loved the skits and satire that the original had and I'm glad it's been upgraded to poke fun at current events. I've seen 4 episodes so far and I've enjoyed every segment. The writing is still naughty as it was before, and the comedy is mostly solid. The only thing I dislike is that only the Warners and Pinky and the Brain are the only characters in it, so it does get a bit repetitive. I hope they introduce more in the future. Also, it's still funny, but not as funny as the original, but that's to be expected, since almost no reboot is as good as the original. But it's a reboot done right in my opinion, and we have too many failed ones (a.k.a. Teen Titans Go)

The animation is quite nice to watch. Episode 4 had an anime sequence that really amped and hyped fans to watch the show, and man it did not dissappoint.

With that said, I'll be giving the reboot an 8/10, or a solid B. I'll be watching the rest of the episodes and will give a proper youtube review on my channel too.
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Big Sky: Pilot (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Big Sky's pilot is a tad predictable, but offers some promise
18 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is only a grade for episode 1 and is subject to change.

Big Sky, from what the press has given us, is about a truck driver who kidnaps girls and private detectives have to stop him before he kidnaps more ladies.

So I'm not wowed or anything. It's decent. The teen girls plot was pretty predictable and a bit unrealistic with the truck driver supposedly turning at the same bend and stopping in the dark behind the teen girls. There could have been a better delivery instead because the road rage story was rather forced to me. It started to get better once the cop was called to investigate early in the morning. He then met with a private detective and there was the twist with the cop shooting the detective (he's actually working with the kidnapper).

I didn't like the prostitute scene. Too much kissing and not too much into the actual action. Could habe been more to the kidnapping instead. Hence why I said the delivery should have been changed. It's fine for what it is but could be better. I'm not familiar with Kelley's style but I hope his best shows soon. It's not good so far but it's only one episode.

Big Sky's pilot starts off boring and predictable but the ending few minutes left me somewhat interested in the arc and the episode brings some shock and horror even if some of it is predictable and I'll definitely check out a few more episodes.

Rating: 6/10 C+
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Starts out okay, then gets sucky
18 November 2020
This show starts out decent and promising with the first plot, but there's just nothing of substance whatsoever after the first 5 episodes. It just becomes a slog to watch. I quit after episode 9. They added some irrelevant story to it and now it's not focused at all. Good serialized shows always have a focus and structured plot with good characters and traits. Would not recommend. Sorry. It's not worth watching the first five and then dropping it. There are way better dramas out there to watch than this. Look at Netflix and Apple making quality shows. I'd watch those instead of ABC crap.

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Bless the Harts: Dead Mall (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
Review of "Dead Mall" (BHR-202)
13 November 2020
The episode leaned into the horror pretty well and I liked Kristen Schaal's character. The flashback scenes and music choices were great, as those songs really reflected the 2000s. I liked the sad "What Ya Say" coming out of the mannequin as it got short-circuited into the fountain. Kristen Schaal's character was a good combination of plot-turning and funny. I liked seeing her show Jenny the rotten food when she was confronted. Violet and David's thing was funny at first but got a bit boring as it went on. Having Stacy turning all "Buddy" like in the Incredibles was good but having Wayne kiss the mannequin was a bit lazy. The last minute wasn't that good either. I want to know what really happened to Stacy in a future episode and it seemed like it wanted us to forget about it.
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Bless the Harts: My Best Frenda (2020)
Season 2, Episode 3
Review for My Best Frenda
6 November 2020
Considering I like "Violet's Secret" less than I did initially, I can say this is probably the best episode since "Mega-Lo-Memories". Granted, it still doesn't come as close to being as good as that one, but there's barely any weak moments here. The logline was a bit misleading since I thought 3 plots would really damage it, but the two subplots were totally minimal and ended up connecting to the main. I did enjoy seeing Violet predict all the moments while watching Wayne window wash. Betty's subplot was a bit boring but it was nice seeing Marjune let her know she was fine the way she was.

Jenny means well always and I think Brenda was overreacting a bit to "losing her friend", but I did feel bad for her though when Jenny didn't return her texts, and when she had to leave the party due to a "mishap". However, Jenny does come clean in the end with her relationship with Ladies of Greenpoint and chooses Brenda over them, even if it means giving up money and being cool, which makes for a really nice moment for the two main characters (although I'm not sure what happens with Marjune and Jenny at the end; do wish we got an extra minute to know about that). The key here is to be yourself, and your life will write itself.

As for funny moments, Jenny revealing that Betty holepunched her birthdate off her license, Marjune obviously trying to kiss Betty while "feeding her cheese", but Betty complains it takes too long, Wayne's "thoughts" coming back from "Hug N' Bugs", and Betty flirting with the trucker in the cold open.

A really good episode, and hopefully, not one of the best this season, because I know this show can do so much better.
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Supermarket Sweep (I) (2020–2022)
Never seen the originals but this one had me hooked
19 October 2020
I loved guessing all the brand names and failing like half of them. Host is okay. But the concept of the show is so fast-paced and fun.

Also the show is PG, so stop complaining about mild language, which aren't even considered "swears". PG is not G.
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Connecting... (2020)
A decent start, but can it get better?
11 October 2020
I thought it was okay, actually, and definitely don't think it is as bad as other people say it is.

Whoever plays Pradeep is incredibly funny. I love his acting. Preacher Lawson is pretty good, and I do like that they have a lot of diversity on the show. Only one of the main cast members is white, which we need in television nowadays, especially as the leads. While this show won't have many background characters based on its premise and format, it will be interesting and fun to see how these characters navigate through their struggles. Although we are reminded of terrible times through COVID-19, I could see this show being something viewed many years later down the road when people of younger generations want to get a glimpse of how we had it back then. Sure, we could tell future generations, but this show is more of a visual experience.

This show, actually, can work. The jokes are okay, especially the parents/kids one, but I will continue to watch in hopes that the characters build. With only seven characters, the writers have plenty of time to flesh them all out. There's a possible storyline that, even outplayed as it is with someone really being into the other, but wants to express their true feelings and can't, is interesting to see with different characters because the situations and reactions can be totally different. This is why Bob's Burgers, despite being a generic animated sitcom, works so well. While it has the poor family aspect like the Simpsons, and the 3 kids and parents vibe, each character is clearly different, which brings different situations, character dynamics, and reactions.

We have to remember other hit sitcom shows like Brooklyn 99, The Office, Community, Modern Family, Bob's Burgers, and Parks and Recreation didn't start off well either, and considering that this show shows promise is a plus. Episodes about people just talking have been proven to work. Bojack Horseman's "Free Churro" and Family Guy's "Brian and Stewie" have just a few characters sitting down to talk for the whole episode. And these are considered the best of those said shows.

While Connecting has more characters in the first episode than those two examples, I just genuinely like episodes with raw emotions and dry humor. You can do a lot with just having to sit down and talk. It really brings a lot to the characters and that's a plus in my book. Connecting really does well with that, and that's its biggest strength. I hope there's more to the show than COVID-19 though because that will make it really come out on top against its "shows about coronavirus" competition. The concept is unique, and pretty original, even if a lot of people don't want this now. Sure we don't need to be reminded COVID sucks, but I'm sure people will appreciate this down the road. The show has already been renewed for a second season, so this is at least worth an investment in hopes that it finds its legs by the end of season 1, leaving the viewer wanting more.
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Filthy Rich (2020)
The show so far started out very weak but now shows promise going into future episodes
22 September 2020
This is only a review of episode 1, and subject to change as it goes on.

It starts out very weak and boring but gets interesting by the start of act 2. Act 3 is where it starts to get pretty good so I look forward to seeing more. I hadn't seen the original New Zealand one but it's nice to put more live action shows to watch on my list. The Ginger character is already one I'm excited to see more of. I like how this show has an emphasis on female representation. Even as a male, we need more of that. I look forward to watching all 10 episodes.

6.5/10 rounded up to 7 for the poll.

Episodes 2-3 are also on Hulu right now as part of a promotion between Fox, Hulu, and Blue Moon.
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Filthy Rich: Pilot (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Filthy Rich's pilot starts out weak, but shows promise
22 September 2020
Filthy Rich Pilot

It starts out very weak and boring but gets interesting by the start of act 2. Act 3 is where it starts to get pretty good so I look forward to seeing more. I hadn't seen the original New Zealand one but it's nice to put more live action shows to watch on my list. The Ginger character is already one I'm excited to see more of. I like how this show has an emphasis on female representation. Even as a male, we need more of that. I look forward to watching all 10 episodes.

6.5/10 rounded up to 7 for the poll.
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