
2 Reviews
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Winter is coming, Winter has come and Winter HAS GONE.
30 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First thing first, thank you for ruining my all time favourite show. I am generally not in a favour of posting reviews online, however, this time I am unable to abstain myself. My all time favourite show has now reached all the possible depths of ridiculousness and absurdity.

1) Where to start? Just few episodes back Jon says he would need every possible living man to fight against the dead and guess what: they end up sending all the Dothrakis in a suicide mission just to have them perished from White Walkers (WW). Claps claps! What a military strategy!

2) Jamie, Breine, Podrik, Tormund, Greyworm and many others are completely crammed to the walls surrounded by 100-200 wights if not more. Still they are able to make their way out safely.

3) Writers spent 8.5 seasons (8 years) to enhance the creepiness and mystery behind a villain who is an existential threat to all the livings. I mean someone that could not be brought down by Dragons' fire eventually went down in a whimper from an ordinary dagger.

4) What was the point of resurrecting Jon? This battle was the ultimate purpose of his life. He literally did nothing other than playing hide and seek with Viserion. Dany did far better job than him over here.

5) How the heck in this universe did Arya make her way through 100s of wights and WWs surrounding the Night King and Bran? Last time when we saw her, she was locked in a chamber with the Hound, Melisandre and Bendric's corpse with many wights waiting outside to rip out their soul.

6) What the heck was Bran warging since hours? Maybe watching Avengers Endgame?

7) Worst cinematography. Could not figure out what the heck was going on.

I want to give a negative rating, but 1 star goes to Theon's, Bendric's and Jorah's valour. I wish GRRM does justice to the series through his books.
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Game of Thrones: Book of the Stranger (2016)
Season 6, Episode 4
Boring and sluggish!
15 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Dani's plot line is getting lunatic every passing day. What the heck was that? Do the show writers want us to believe that all by herself she incinerated those ferocious and savage Khalsars who are far more experienced in fighting the actual wars! Every time she dodging fire looks absolutely absurd. She has a Targaryen blood, and so did Viserys, and we saw what happened to him? He was one of the most interesting characters. Jon Snow is another boring and overrated character. I hope he along with his dumb sister gets flayed by Ramsay. Even in Kings Landing things are moving at snail's pace. There are people having decades of experience in politics and war who can't even concoct a full proof plan to overthrow sparrows. Sick of watching that Tommen crying like a baby in every episode.

Theon's, Ramsays's, Arya's and Bran's story lines are the only few silver linings in a dark cloud. Another trump card is EURON GREYJOY. I hope he restores the badassary of iron island who were made look like cowards under Balon. Very slow plot overall!
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