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It's good but it could've been better
24 May 2024
Mad Max is one of my favourite film series and I was really looking forward to this prequel. I went into it viewing it as a standalone prequel film prepared to not compare it to any of the other films and I didn't. That said I felt that this was kind of disappointing for the origin story to what is regarded as one of the most popular action films in recent history (Fury Road). Don't get me wrong, there were many things that I enjoyed about this movie but without going into spoilers the events of this film go straight up into Fury Road and there are still gaps in Furiosa's story that are not explained in this film. Which leaves you to wonder is that it? Did they just not care to explain these points? Aside from that Anya Taylor Joy did give an excellent performance in this, I did however feel that she could've been given more to work with. This movie felt like it gave you everything and nothing at the same time with Furiosa's origin story. I would've loved to have seen more time focused solely on her and less time focused on the supporting characters.
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Expend4bles (2023)
End of the road
25 September 2023
Growing up in the 90s action films were a huge staple of what I watched and I would regularly rent whatever the new arrival was at the local rental store no matter who the star was, so I initially loved this series being that it was a huge nostalgic throwback to that era. Watching this latest instalment it feels like a major step away from the charm and nostalgia of what I grew up with and I am sad to say it seems like this is the end for the series. The greenscreen in this film sticks out like a sorethumb and looks awful, it makes you wonder where the 100 million dollar budget went. That's not to say the movie is unwatchable, it has it's moments and I did laugh at many of the jokes. But over all it seems like the series is running on empty and it's time to put this old dog to rest.
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The Hill (2023)
It's NOT a sports movie
24 September 2023
They advertise this as a baseball film with a religious backdrop but it's the exact opposite. The family and their religion is the main focus of this movie and the sons baseball career is just the backdrop to what is a religious film. I have no problems with films about religion but when something is sold as one thing and it turns out to be another I get annoyed by that. There is no reason why you should have to fool your audiences into thinking your movie is something that it's not. If your film has a good story then you don't need to dress it up as something else and trick people into watching it under false pretence. This movie is watchable for what it is, however it is very formulaic and your standard religion based film.
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I don't get the negativity
23 September 2023
I don't know what people expect from this but I have seen many negative reviews and complaints. Going into it with an open mind I really enjoyed the first episode, people need to realise that this isnt the John Wick movies it's something different and not to compare them and nitpick every detail about the differences. This is a television show with a different story and different actors, you need to just enjoy it for what it is and have a good time watching it. So far the story is interesting and it's great seeing backstory from characters who aren't John Wick. I think this show has great potential and I am really looking forward to seeing the rest of it.
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This was not for me.
8 September 2023
I heard STELLAR things about this movie and being a 90s kid I grew up with the turtles so I wanted to give it a shot. I loved TMNT growing up I had the toys, the cartoon VHS tapes, the movies but I wasn't sure what to expect with this version. I wasn't really a fan of the animation style that they decided to go with, and I think that was my biggest issue with it. Overall the film had a great soundtrack and recognisable characters. But for me it lacked the charm of the 90s films and cartoons. I don't think that this is a bad or unwatchable movie it just wasn't what I personally wanted or expected from a turtles film.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Poorly rips off all your favourite action blockbusters
13 August 2023
There are Netflix films that are entertaining and have original well thought out plots this however is everything BUT that. This is a boring generic paint by numbers "spy thriller" that copies every single popular franchise in the books from James Bond to Mission Impossible right down to The Fast and the Furious. Which is ironic considering Gal Gadot is in the Fast and Furious franchise so technically she has now copied herself. The action is bland and nothing is exciting or new in the fight sequences or "stunts". This is netflix's clear attempt at jumpstarting their own Mission Impossible type series with female stars which would be fine if it had been original and entertaining. Sadly it was not and you couldn't pay me to watch a sequel to this.
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Twisted Metal (2023– )
Exactly what it needed to be.
28 July 2023
I grew up on these games and I went into this show not knowing what to expect but they really delivered a fun story. It's clear that they took the time to research the source materials and leave easter eggs and homages for those fans who played the games, as well as took the time to create a rich world and environment for the characters in the show. The dark humour fits the tone perfectly and I found myself genuinely laughing out loud during every episode. There were no bad performances from any of the actors as far as I am concerned (even the smaller roles). The music they chose for the soundtrack were all great songs which reflected the era that the games were released as well and I really enjoyed that aspect too. Overall I think this series was exactly what it needed to be to appeal to fans who played the games while also being unique enough that you can watch it on it's own. I hope we get more seasons.
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Mayans M.C. (2018–2023)
Promising start but fell apart fast and had a terrible finale.
22 July 2023
I stuck with this show until the very end because there were things that I enjoyed about it even though it had many faults.

I really enjoyed JD Pardo and Clayton Cardenas as the Reyes brothers. They had many scenes together throughout the show that to me were some of the greatest moments of the series and seeing them play off of each other through the years made me feel like they really developed a bond together.

The writing in this show is all over the map, some episodes were great and had me glued to the tv, while others I had trouble not scrolling my phone out of boredom waiting for them to finish. This lacks the draw that SOA had where you were left on the edge of your seat and couldn't wait to watch the next episode. The fight scenes were decent, some were choreographed much better than others but none were anything that will stick with me now that the show is over.

The most disappointing aspect of this show in my opinion was the finale, I will not post any spoilers in this review, but it was fairly obvious where the show was going and the finale was sloppy and poorly written. Overall this show is something mediocre that can pass the time if you miss SOA but its nowhere near as good.
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Nefarious (2023)
Sean Patrick Flanery carries this movie!
16 June 2023
Religious thriller/horror films are a dime a dozen especially bad ones, this falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum and it could've been a great film had there been the correct cast to support the stellar performance that Sean Patrick Flanery gives in it. Throughout this entire film you are left wondering what is real and what isn't and what sells this so well is Flanery's performance. Sadly the rest of the cast feels like they are just there to chew the scenery and belong in a hallmark channel movie. If this had been properly cast with professional actors for Flanery to play off of this could've been a truly amazing film. That said it's still worth seeing for his performance.
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This is one of the most overhyped movies I have ever watched.
14 June 2023
I really enjoyed Into the Spider-Verse, but the way people hyped this movie up they made it seem like it was some award winning masterpiece of cinema but in my opinion it's fails to live up to the legacy of the first one.

Visually this film is a spectacle like the first one but that only does so much when you are watching a 2hr+ film. The fact that this is a cliffhanger and it ends very abruptly makes it feel like it's both overly long and incomplete. There is so much going on in this film and so many new characters introduced and just as the plot finally starts to pick up and get good they end it on the cliffhanger. I don't understand how people are giving this movie such a high score but complaining so much about Fast X doing the same thing. This film is not complete and for that reason I felt like it wasn't as enjoyable as it could've been.
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The Idol (2023)
This is borderline pornography, and it's truly as bad as people are saying.
12 June 2023
I gave this the benefit of the doubt and sat through 2 episodes, and it is truly awful. This show depends heavily on it's use of shock value and smut. It is essentially the equivalent to taking A Star is Born and adding multiple sleazy sex scenes with graphic nudity and substance abuse. Not only do they feel the need to have these sex scenes but they make them very graphic to push the envelope and be edgy (strangulation, masturbation, graphic nudity, voyeurism etc). This show basically borders on pornography and there's even a warning before each episode that tells you as much. I am not sure what the writers/directors of this show are trying to accomplish but this show is incredibly trashy.
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Fast X (2023)
If you can't enjoy it for what it is why are you even watching?
20 May 2023
I wasn't going to write a review but there are so many people giving this TERRIBLE reviews and I'm not saying that this is a cinematic masterpiece but it's the tenth film in the series. We all know to expect ridiculous logic defying action and stunts from them at this point, so if you can't watch these movies and enjoy them for the mindless entertainment that they are why are you even bothering at this point? These films are meant to be fun humorous means of escape from reality and you aren't supposed to take them seriously. This isn't the best movie in the series and I won't pretend that it is but I had fun watching it and that is all that matters at the end of the day. If you can't sit back and enjoy mindless entertainment, don't see this movie. If you can, I highly recommend this because it's ridiculous in the most fun ways you've come to expect and love these movies for being.
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The Best Man (2023)
Almost unwatchable
11 May 2023
I am a big Dolph Lundgren fan and I have been watching all his movies since the direct to video days where you rented them on vhs and this is by far one of the worst. The action is bland the acting from the supporting cast is terrible and wooden and there is almost no plot. It takes over half an hour for the story to pick up and any action to happen and in that time its just terribly hammy acting from the supporting cast which is almost torturous to sit through. When the action finally picks up its bland and repetitive with nothing super exciting and I barely found myself staying awake throughout this film. Dolph has limited screen time and this one is an easy skip for any fans who are looking for a unique film with fun action scenes.
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Mafia Mamma (2023)
Stop taking movies so seriously
6 May 2023
This movie is meant to be tongue in cheek satire of the mafia genre and reading most of the reviews here it seems like most people missed that fact completely. I see reviews complaining about it being too violent or gory and not funny. I found this to be very funny however, it plays on the standard typical mafia stereotypes while also offering new jokes and I found myself laughing many times throughout the film. Yes there is violence in this movie and many shoot outs, but it is a movie about the mafia and you probably shouldn't be watching this movie if you are offended by that. This is a fun satire of the mafia genre and is worth giving a chance if you are a fan of those types of films.
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Much better than I thought it would be
21 April 2023
I grew up with the Mario games being a core part of my childhood in the 90's and I ended up having a lot of fun watching this. When I saw the first trailer I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I gave it a chance and I am glad that I did. If you have played ANY of the Mario games you will recognise call backs and easter eggs paying homage to them throughout this movie. It is done in a loving and non tacky way that doesn't feel like a throwaway tacky joke or detract from the story. That said this can be viewed as a simple animated family film and it's still entertaining with plenty of laughs for all ages. This is a great family friendly film and I definitely recommend giving it a chance if you are a fan of any of the Mario games.
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Quasi (2023)
What happened to Broken Lizard?
20 April 2023
These guys used to be comedy geniuses but this is truly a stinker of a film in all aspects. You can tell they are trying to homage and Americanize Monty Python in many ways with this and it absolutely fails. You can't take something that was already perfect and try to remold it to fit your own comedy groups image. Aside from that Steve Lemme who plays the main character Quasimodo seems to have modeled his entire character after Adam Sandler's in Little Nicky right down to the affected accent and mannerisms. This was such a disappointing film and there were no laugh out loud moments in it only a few dry chuckles. I was so let down by this and it's a sad day when one of the comedy greats put out a DOA flop.
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Inside (I) (2023)
Turned it off before it was over
7 April 2023
The reviews for this are so mixed that I had to see it for myself to decide and I wish I hadn't. Dafoe must have owed someone a favour because this is horrendous I don't understand how it has so many good reviews. I really gave this a chance because the concept seemed interesting and Dafoe is the type of actor who could carry a film on his own but this goes nowhere and ends up being nothing but boring and overly pretentious. I made it an hour into this film and it felt like I had been watching it for twice that amount of time and there was absolutely no progression or any worthwhile story or character development. My suggestion is that you give this one a pass because it really is a painful watch.
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65 (2023)
Turn off your brain and have fun
15 March 2023
I don't understand all the negative reviews for this movie. Going into it I expected to see an over the top scifi movie with dinosaurs chasing humans it delivered exactly that. People need to relearn how to suspend belief when they watch movies and just enjoy themselves. This is a fun campy movie that can distract you from whatever is going on in life and thats exactly what you need sometimes not some big elaborate plot. Adam Driver and Ariana Greenblatt are both great in this and I enjoyed watching Driver use his Marine training in this film. If you're a fan of monster films this is definitely something you should give a shot and ignore the negativity towards it.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Overindulgence doesn't make a good movie
1 February 2023
So many reviews praise this film for the level of "debauchery" shown in it or the devotion the actors gave to said debauchery. But just because you have the willingness to fill your film with an over excess of sex, drugs, violence, and human bodily fluids doesn't mean you have a good film. This movie feels like it goes on forever and has endless character who serve no real purpose to progressing the story. At the core there is a decent plot but it falls apart and some of the scenes feel like they were written by a teenage boy imagining what his ideal "fantasy" would play out like. This movie will easily become a cult classic just for how vulgar it is.
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Wolf Pack (2023)
Not horror in the slightest. Stereotypical teen drama.
27 January 2023
When I heard Sarah Michelle Gellar had a new horror show coming out I was excited to watch it. This however was an absolute struggle to sit through and is not a horror show whatsoever this is your stereotypical teen drama filled with brooding teens yelling at their parents, parties where numerous teens are hooking up, and the stereotypical strained relationships between the divorcee parent and their angsty child. Not only that but Sarah Michelle Gellar is doesn't even show up until 31 minutes into the 53 minute pilot and is only in the show for two short scenes. They use her name to lure people into watching this subpar show. The actors playing the teenage characters in this show seem like they have never acted before and are so wooden and void of emotions. I really wanted to like this show but it is not what they advertised it as and I can't recommend this at all.
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Sick (2022)
I am tired of reviewers blaming "wokeness"
21 January 2023
A bad movie is a bad movie. It has nothing to do with political agenda or being woke. If you can't disconnect from reality to watch a movie then you shouldn't be watching it. Yes this movie uses COVID-19 as it's main plot device and it ends up being one of its major flaws but people need to get off their high horses and stop basing if a movie is good or not off of their "woke/pc agenda" scales. What makes this movie fail is the bad acting, weak plot, and dependancy on obvious stereotypes. There is nothing original here, there have been numerous pandemic/outbreak horror films prior to COVID-19 and had they not said the exact term nobody would've made an issue with calling this "woke". It's just a lacklustre mediocre film with no real point to it.
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Without a doubt the lowest point in the Alien franchise
17 January 2023
Everything about this movie is subpar in comparison to the 3 previous films from the plot, to the acting, the new xenomorphs, and even the score.

Joss Whedon's script is easily the weakest and is obnoxiously cheesy, even bordering on a parody of the Alien franchise throughout most of the film. The dialogue is so cringeworthy and sounds like it was written by a twelve year old with so many sexual innuendos and jokes that don't fit into the tone of these films whatsoever.

The new xenomorphs and other "mutations" have barely any screen time and they might as well be nonexistent for that exact reason.

The score is bland and nothing memorable and at times sounds like many other generic films from the era such as Batman&Robin.

From a huge fan of this franchise this whithout a doubt is the worst film..
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It's actually unwatchable
17 December 2022
I'm not sure who the target audience for this show is meant to be but they took everything that was enjoyable about the movies and completely that out the window. Not only does this show lack the charm of the films but it makes absolutely no sense and it seems like it was written by children for children. The movies used history to describe the artefacts and clues in them in such a way that it was enjoyable for people of all ages but this show does the exact opposite of that. It does it in such a dumbed down and childish way that this couldn't feel any further away from what the films were. This show is terrible and if you loved the films don't watch it.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watch horror movies all the time but this is honestly one of the most vile things I have ever seen. Don't watch this movie if you have an issue with seeing children be abused, killed, or tortured in front of their parents because all of those happen in this film. There is a very graphic scene where a small girl is held against her will and has her tongue cut out in front of her parents who are also being restrained even. This movie is disgusting and I am writing this so people are aware of what this film contains before watching. This movie is the literal definition of torture porn for the last 30 minutes and if you watch it you should be aware of that.
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Elvis (2022)
What movie is everyone else watching?
9 August 2022
I normally love Baz Luhrmann's films but this was a chore to sit through. When I sit down to watch a film about Elvis I expect the soundtrack of the film to be full of Elvis music or even the music that inspired him. Why they decided to have this film filled with modern day hiphop/rap music is beyond me and it totally detracts from the story. Apart from that the acting in this makes it feel like a direct to dvd film you'd rent out of the redbox, even that from Tom Hanks! I had such a hard time getting through this 3 hour film, I honestly don't understand how it has such a high score.

If you are a fan of the king I highly recommend watching Elvis from 1979 with Kurt Russell instead of this.
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