
44 Reviews
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It was fun
26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Particularly Professor Salzman's comment, "Sheldon, at some point we ask of the piano-playing dog not 'Are you a dog?', but 'Are you any good at playing the piano?"

And then Sheldon being coached and bullied (seem to be pretty much the same thing ) by Reagan To.

And George Sr and Jim settling down to a few pints while watching the football on the TV, only to catch earache from Missy

And Georgie explaining that Meewaw's crime empire could cause him to end up in Jail and Mandy toting up the profits, smiling and telling him that she will wait for him.

And anything else Dale gets up too. I don't know if it was this episode or the previous in which George tried to explain that he could not ring because the telephone lines were down and Mary snapped that was no excuse, but it was pure gold anyway.

A lovely show with not a false note anywhere.
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A happy return
16 February 2024
It was great

Only one false note and that was muted. Missy's role has been expanded and I look forward to seeing more of her. Dale was dour, decent and a bit gormless as usual, Meemaw and Mary and George put in their usual solid performances. Pastor Jeff and Robin put in some neat subtext.

The show is getting to the stage where Sheldon can only be the Linch pin, but he does a fine job of that.

There is only one small quibble. I thought there might be two because I find it hard to imagine German beer causing anyone to throw up, but this is Hollywood and I suppose anything is possible. But the running joke about George hogging the bathroom. This is Texas. Everything is big in Texas, so why haven't the Coopers got at least two loos ?
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Napoleon (2023)
Good, but not great
24 November 2023
Pretty much as a lot of posters have said. Great action scenes and performances by Joaquin Phoenix, Vanessa Kirby and just about everybody else.

The only problem is that the when the various armies aren't knocking seven bells out of each other, there is not that much going on.

Plus, Scott has been dealt a dirty blow by Sergey Bondarchuk. Compared to his version, Scott's battle looks like Sharpe's Waterloo with added CGI, although to be fair, nothing can hope to match Sergey Bondarchuk's film where most of the Russian army moonlighted as extras with most of the Russian army as extras and which had Christopher Plummer's redcoats arising like magic from the cornfields

But that is ok. The real problem is that Ridley Scott just does not seem to find Napoleon interesting , which makes it hard for the audience to do so.
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Billions: Enemies List (2023)
Season 7, Episode 10
Not sure about this episode
15 October 2023
It was a good episode, but some of the reviews have gone over the top. It is great to see Axe back but the show was still padded out with obscure cultural references and the reviews seem to be written by the PR department on speed. And I am still not sure what Prince has done wrong, other than there has to be something odd about about anyone who has pots of money and the chance to enjoy an agreeable life, but still wants to go into politics.

But a lot of it comes back to the endless references to obscure TV shows, which makes it seem as though the script writers are preparing for some sort pub quiz marathon.

As said, a good episode, but some of the ratings suggest that the PR department are on overtime.
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Billions: Hurricane Rosie (2023)
Season 7, Episode 4
I am not saying that this show is not fun but..
4 September 2023
I have counted 22 cultural references in this show, which means that I am spending more time checking on Google to find out what is the characters are talking about than what they are actually doing.

Plus, I am warming to Prince and still don't know what he is doing that is so wicked. On the other hand, I thought that Chuck was now one of the good guys, but he has turned into a spiteful little whinger. No wonder that Wendy has dumped him for Bradford But I suppose the real question is, what has happened to Axe, who was the real reason for watching this show.

All sympathy to Damian Lewis who has suffered a grievous lose.
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Billions: Winston Dick Energy (2023)
Season 7, Episode 3
It is a good show but
30 August 2023
It is being carried by the actors. The scriptwriters seem too busy coming up with obscure quips and references to maintain the interest. In fact, the don't seem to have that much interest in the audiences. Plus, it does not work too well because most of comments refer to TV programs, which gives the impression that neither the show runner or writers have ever read a book. Which, to be fair, is a pretty good comment on most of the folk I have met in the money markets but then again, unlike Sorkin and Co, they don't pretend that they doing something clever.

But of course, most of all, the show lacks Axe. All sympathy to Damian Lewis for his lose.
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Billions: Tower of London (2023)
Season 7, Episode 1
Dunno about this episode
16 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It moved at a cracking pace with Mike Prince being revealed as the Dark Lord and rest of the cast joining forces in their search for the true king. And then Bobby Axelrod quietly revealed that he had provided the money and munitions that had enabled the Ukrainian armies to advance onto the Moscow Metro station.

All great stuff and very well acted. And I dare say that in an episode or two Bobby will be persuaded to run for the presidency, which has to be to the good. After all, he has better manners than Trump and he isn't dead like Biden, but I am not sure that will be enough to carry the show for another season.
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Ted Lasso: So Long, Farewell (2023)
Season 3, Episode 12
Good episode
31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
All the loose ends tidied up and a happy ending and how bad is that ?

Overall this show has been a happy wedge of cheerful fluff and it will be sorely missed next Wednesday morning. It would have been nice if Juno Temple and. Brett Goldstein could have gotten back together and started to produce their own First Eleven, but there you go.

I am not sure about the reality of selling shares in Richmond to the fans, who deserve better for their loyalty. As a general rule, unless football club shares are printed on soft paper, they are not usually of much value to anyone.

But these are minor quibbles about a cracking show.
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Physical: Don't You Say It's Over (2022)
Season 2, Episode 10
Excellent acting, but no jokes or sympathetic characters
5 October 2022
We have had two seasons of Shelia being belittled and despising herself. I can't see that as any reason to watch season 3.

I can't say much more than that but apparently these reviews have to be 600 characters long (which is probably why so few people actually review anything). So I will just repeat myself

We have had two seasons of Shelia being belittled and despising herself. I can't see that as any reason to watch season 3.

I can't say much more than that but apparently these reviews have to be 600 characters long (which is probably why so few people actually review anything). So I will just repeat myself.
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Physical: Don't You Ever Stop (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
Dunno about this show
30 September 2022
The acting is great, particularly Rose Byrne, but otherwise it is just a lot of unsympathetic characters lead by the excellent Rose Byrne, who spends most of her time hating herself.

A few laughs would not go amiss. Were have had 12 episodes of folk lining up to kick Shelia. How about her fighting back, having a few laughs and winning once in a while. And the Rubins live on a house on a hilltop, but once you get inside it looks like a cave and gloomy with it.

I hope this show picks up and that we get a bit of comedy in the next episode. And if Danny Rubin leans over to Jerry Goldman and punches him in the mouth for insulting his wife, then I will hang around for episode 4. But I can't see it happening.
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Romulus: Imperio (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Hard to get into
20 June 2022
Well acted and photographed, but everybody was so bloody glum. If there was a smile at anytime in the entire episode I must have missed it.

And what is with the Latin? These guys were tribesmen of the 8th century BC. They would have spoken a mixture of Etruscan, Greek and a mixture of various local dialects.
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Romulus: Tu (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Ok, but a bit flat
20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of folk running around and trying to kill each other, but not much in the way of character development. And if after they blinded the king and it still did not rain, did the priests intend to apologise and give the old chap a new set of eyeballs?
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Romulus (2020– )
All good fun, but Romulus did not speak Latin
17 June 2022
Or not Classic Latin anyway.

Languages are in a continual state of evolution. The show is using the language of the first Century AD. By the fourth century the Romans were.speaking early Italian. In the 8th century BC Romulus would have spoken a mixture of Greek, Etruscan and the local dialect. And since he was a warlord leading a bunch of hardcases, the language would not been that of Virgil and Co.

Good show though.
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Peaky Blinders: Lock and Key (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
This is going to be good
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Last week Tommy was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour, but this is the final episode and there is a movie due. So will we see a miracle of 1930s medicine in which Tommy's brains are scoped out, the tumour cut away and Thomas and Lizzie retire to their country house where they will spend their golden years?

Or some such .
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The Gilded Age: Charity Has Two Functions (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Great show, wonderful sets, splendid acting and
16 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All the rest. That said, not all the young men in New York society could have been such total wimps. I was sort of hoping that Gladys' suitor would have said thanks for the job offer Mr Russell, but with your daughter as my bride, I will be as rich as any man can dream of.

And since we are in Mills and Boon land, perhaps George Russell could have turned to the lad and said, why you cheeky little sod, you remind me of me when I was your age. Welcome to the family.

As said good show, but it is getting a bit milk and watery.
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1883: This Is Not Your Heaven (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Pure schmultz and I enjoyed every minute!
27 February 2022
I am not sure if Elsa is dead or not. She was certainly bunnying away to the last, although that might be because teenage airheads don't really notice a lot of what is going on around them.

Anyway, at least Thomas and Noemi ended up happy.

Great show, well photographed and acted. I would give this episode more stars but there is no need because if it had been 60 minutes of Sheridan Taylor farting, the trolls from the PR department would still have given the show 11 out of 10.
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1883: Racing Clouds (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
Picking up
20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show started with the usual arse numbing banalities from Isabel May (Why is this? She is a fine actress and deserves some decent lines) and Faith Hill (another excellent actress) had what is becoming her regular whinge.

But then everyone started shooting and scalping each other and Sam Elliott came in with his laconic growls and the photography was great and one way and another, it was a fine show.

I imagine that it is too late to do much with next week's show, but since Elsa is already on the sick, maybe at the end she could be taken hospital where she could marry a doctor and be too busy to appear in Season 2?
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Reacher (2022– )
Potty but fun
14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Forgery is about the one crime where the villains like to keep everything under the radar, but every episode is like a night out with the Aztecs. That said, the show is fast paced, well acted and if Roscoe and Finlay and Reacher return for season two, how bad will trhat be?
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1883: The Weep of Surrender (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Elsa is fun but
14 February 2022
She should be the back story.

It is a great idea. The settlers are crossing over 2000 miles of wilderness and fighting rustlers and Indians and hunger and the weather and the show has some great actors (including Isabel May) and photographers and as a bit of light relief they have a pretty, self obsessed teenage airhead working her way through the available talent.

But everything is back to front. What I am hoping is that by episode 9 Elsa will have rogered every male between Independence and Oregon and aged between puberty and death. Then, having finally shagged herself into silence, she will ride off into the sunset with a young medical student, much, I am sure, to the relief of Margaret and Tom Dutton.

I like the show, I am a sucker for westerns but this show is like Just Seventeen with added banalities.
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Reacher: Spoonful (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Well no...
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"I'm liking the series so far, but let's be real, Roscoe isn't going to be wearing her panties and a t-shirt in the hotel room with a guy she's just met."

But we can dream.....
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1883: Lightning Yellow Hair (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
This is two great shows wedged into a bland one
7 February 2022
Having Shea, Thomas and James having gunfights with well, almost everybody and Elsa mooning over everything in trousers would make for a great show, particularly in view of the quality of the acting and photography. Escapist rubbish but great fun, although if Elsa has another love affair she will be in danger of loosing her amateur status.

Then they could make another show where the settlers have to get across a river (build a raft?), put a tire on a wagon wheel (they would need a hell of a big fire), blaze away at a buffalo and discover that they have wasted all their ammo and that the buffalo wasn't even hurt (ok, by 1883 there weren't that many buffalo and the fire arms were better, but it still happened). And a few parties. One thing the settlers were was upbeat, otherwise they would not have decided to travel over 2,000 miles to someplace they had only heard of in their dreams. So after crossing deserts and climbing mountains they didn't sit around being glum. They got out their fiddles, brewed up some coffee, baked some biscuits (they did not need a lot to cheer themselves up) and had a bit of a do.

So, leave Sam Elliott and co to handle the gunfights and we have a lady in the UK called Ruth Goodman who would probably be delighted to deal with (and make really interesting) the crossing the plans bit and we should have a couple of really good shows.
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1883: Boring the Devil (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
I don't want to appear priggish but...
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was eating my dinner in front of the TV when. Elsa started rummaging around in her trousers, pulled out a hand covered in blood and announced that she was having her period.

To be honest, it put me off my food a bit and I stopped watching. After all, that might have been the highlight of the show.

It has the makings of a fine show, particularly the scene where the womenfolk get drunk. But mostly it is folk being glum and taking a long time about it.
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1883: The Fangs of Freedom (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Good show, plenty of action..A shame
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
About Ennis, but no one wants Elsa wasting herself on the first cowboy she sees.

To be honest, despite all the river crossings, he didn't look very hygienic either. And Isabel May is a fine actress who deserves a script without all those arse numbingly dull banalities.
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1883: The Crossing (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Filled a pleasant hour but..
10 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The writing is rubbish.

Fine acting, great photography but could they not have hired a scriptwriter or two? They are on the banks of a wooded stream and one of the settlers is a carpenter. So the obvious solution would be to chop down a few trees, build a raft and haul everything across. But no. Sam Elliott is throwing a strop and everyone's prize possessions are being dumped on the ground to lighten the wagons.

No wonder that by 1883 the real pioneers took the train.
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1883: River (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
A few minor niggles
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If Noemi is a gypsy, surely she would know how to drive a team and hobble horses?

And if this is 1883, weren't the settles user trains because they were cheaper, faster and safer than wagon trains?

And as a fellow sufferer, with all the advances in CGI, couldn't the show runners do something about Sam Elliot's arthritis? The poor old bugger is clearly crippled and walking bow legged.

That said, a well acted and photographed show.
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