
106 Reviews
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It (I) (2017)
You'll float too! You'll float too!
9 September 2017
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This is like the best scary movie I've ever seen in my whole life.The acting was incredible and everything was so more realistic then in the dumb 1990 TV movie. Tim Curry is an OK actor but he's not as good as Bill Skarsgard. Skarsgard is the best Pennywise ever. This movie is filled with frights and emotions too. It made me think of everything I ever have been afraid of. It also is based on everything the book had, unlike the dumb 1990 version. Georgie's arm being torn off, The clown, the leper, this painting figure, Georgie, Beverly's child molesting abusive dad, and the best final battle scene between the Losers Club and It. Of course there is part 2 to this and that will come out who knows when. Anyway this movie is the scariest movie I've ever seen in my whole life and the best horror movie ever. 10 out 10.
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Pretty fair movie here.
20 August 2017
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This was a pretty fair sci-fi film here. Sure the acting was a bit off, but it had a good story to it. Planet destroyed, hero and his partner in love, villain gets arrested and the Alpha is saved and so is the universe. The special effects in this film were pretty amazing too and the action. The acting in this film could've been a little better, but it they did their best in this. Also it was kind of weird that the male aliens sounded like the female ones, but that doesn't matter. You shouldn't judge people by how they sound. The actors did their best in this, the effects were great and the story was good. Good film here. Enough said.
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It (1990)
Tried to be scary but not scary enough
20 August 2017
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This film tried it's best to be scary, but it just wasn't good enough. I mean the stuff in horror movies these days are much more gory and scary then they were back then. Of course the original Nightmare on Elm Street is definitely more scary then the 2010 remake. Also I still know that the Exorcist is suppose to be the scariest movie of all time, but I'm not even watching that cause I can't handle that film. It would give me nightmares for life. Anyway this is without a doubt one of the dumbest horror films I've ever seen. Of course this film was made for television, but it should've been rated TV MA, but back then there were no TV ratings cause those didn't come around till at least the mid to late 90's. I mean everything is wrong with this movie and the novel is way more scary then this piece of garbage. I mean Pennywise the Clown wasn't even acting all scary, he was just acting all silly and weird. Tim Curry is a good actor, but he's not that much of an actor. Plus he's been in a lot of cartoons and about every cartoon fan knows his voice. Also the Rocky Horror Picture Show is the weirdest movie of the 70's. Anyway the rest of the actors weren't even trying their best in this film. The acting in this film is just way off. Of course Seth Green best known for being Scott Evil in the Austin Powers movies and the voice of Chris Griffin in Family Guy is in this film and he was a kid back then. Still everything in this movie is totally fake. I mean IT wasn't even trying to kill the Losers Club and what does the Losers Club do to kill this monster? They use freaking battery acid from an inhaler and a freaking slingshot too. Then as adults the clown scares them with motherfing balloons filled with blood. I mean there's not a damn thing scary about a balloon. It's an inanimate object that floats in the air and pops. Of course some kids find it scary when I balloon pops but other kids find it fun. Also IT has much more scary forms in the novel then it does in this film. I mean they put a freaking mummy in this film like the 1930's classic starring Boris Karloff. Also at the very end of this film the monster was a giant freaking stop motion animated spider with big arms. How dumb is that? It's a pile of crap its what it is. What does this club do again in order to defeat it? They use the inhaler and the slingshot again. I mean a sword would work on this thing or a lightsaber. Then the spider goes away down further in its lair and then the Losers Club tips IT over and then rip out it's heart like master surgeon. Oh sure that's how you kill a monster like that. Rip its heart out. Well it doesn't work like that damnit. Use a fing gun, a knife or a huge fing cannon. Then after that 2 of the Losers Club members are dead and the rest of them live happily ever freaking after. How stupid of an ending is that? It's just plain dumb, stupid unbelievable bulls... I mean Billy and his wife just ride his old bike down the street after his wife was in some sort of damn trance after being kidnapped by that stupid fake monster. This movie, this movie is just really dumb. It tries to be scary, but its not scary enough. This film just plain sucks and this upcoming remake looks way more scary then this piece of crap. I'm not even scared of clowns anyway and there are plenty of people who are scared of them including the Joker from Batman. This film deserves 2 out of ten because it tried to be scary, but it wasn't good enough. Stephen King disapproves of this film too.
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The BFG (2016)
Pretty good adaption of Roald Dahl's classic
4 April 2017
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This is a pretty good adaption of Roald Dahl's novel. Steven Spielberg did a fine job of directing this. The little girl who played Sophie in it was also pretty good at it. One thing I didn't expect though in this film were these so called wizzpoppers. In the novel when the BFG drinks the frobscottle, he gets this tingly feeling inside of him and then jumps up and down giggling and so does Sophie when she drinks it. Then this is when I realized that when I watched the documentary about this film is that a wizzpopper is also a fart. lol. Although I did not expect the wizzpopper to be a fart. I expected it to be something else. Oh well it's pretty funny, but also a bit crude. Also the guy who played the BFG did a good job too. Also another thing I didn't expect in this film was that the BFG had another human friend before Sophie and that was sadly eaten by the man eating giants or was he? Also the man eating giants were sent to this island with all snozzcumbers instead of being put into a big hole like in the book. Also the dreams in the book are invisible except the trogglehumpers aka bad dreams. The dream scenes in this were pretty good too. I also like the ending to this too and the BFG was writing about his adventure with Sophie and that was also part of the book. The visual effects in this are pretty stunning and the music by legendary John Williams was very good too. This film is a very good adaptation of Roald Dahl's novel and is cherished by quite a few.
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Boring, dull and stupid
1 April 2017
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What a crappy movie this is. Once again Scarlett Johansson has walked right into another crappy sci-fi action movie and it's even more ridiculous then Lucy. I also know this is based off of a mid- 90's anime film which is rated R for violence and nudity while this remake of it only has a PG-13 rating. I mean I understood the plot of this, but hardly. Besides nobody in the entire theater knew what was going on throughout the movie. We see Scarlett being created as a cyborg android that fights other robots and terrorists, but really had no memory of her origins and that she was created by an evil corporate business man bent on getting more fortune. That's also a resemblance to the guy who directed this. He had to have money. Also this was sort of like Robocop, only a bad version of it. Also they never explain what year this film takes place in future Tokyo, Japan. This film should've been scrapped and burned in a fire. I even fell asleep through some of it that it was so boring. There's not very much action to this pile of s... Scarlett needs to stop being in these pieces of crap and stick with being Black Widow in the Marvel movies. I have seen quite a bit of bad movies and this is one of them.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Didn't make any sense
31 March 2017
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Now I'm not saying anything really bad about this movie, but what was the point of this? Scarlett Johansson able to access through computers and then suddenly at the end she is in control of everything on the internet? Come on man. I mean I know this is an action sci-fi film but did this really have to be made? I mean who would want to make an action sci-fi film about Scarlett Johansson who plays Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe a freaking computer system? Scarlett shouldn't even be in these crappy sci-fi action films and just stick with being just Black Widow in the Marvel movies. Of course she was fantastic as Kaa in the CGI live-action version of the Jungle Book too. Seriously the director of this film needs to rethink this so that way he can sleep better at night.
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Great adaption of the original classic
24 March 2017
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Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Emma Watson is fantastic as Belle in this and Dan Stevens makes a great Beast in this. Plus this is better then the original animated version cause it has some backstory to it. It shows why Prince Adam was selfish and unkind and it was because of his father. After Prince Adams mother had died, his father who was cruel and selfish treated him like dirt and raised him to be just like him. When Prince Adam was transformed into the Beast he blamed his father for his pain. Yep definitely a better backstory then the other one in the original animated version. It also shows Belle's backstory of when her mother had died. She had the plague and the doctors took infant Belle away so that she would be safe from the plagues harm. Her mother however didn't make it and went to Heaven. Also Gaston is the same as he is in the original, except he leaves Maurice to be eaten by wolves and shoots the Beast 3 times with a pistol instead of stabbing him with a dagger and shooting him with an arrow. He didn't even think about using his rifle in the original film. lol. It's also nice to see the enchantress throughout this film instead of the original cause in the original she is only shown at the beginning. It also has great brand new songs and the old ones from the original film, like Evermore, Be Our Guest, Gaston, and of course everyone's favorite the title song. Yep this indeed a beautiful masterpiece Disney has to offer. 10 out of 10.
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Power Rangers (2017)
Go go Power Rangers! Yeah!
24 March 2017
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Excellent here. Very excellent indeed. Just totally awesome. I even like this Power Rangers movie better then the one I've seen as a kid. Looking at the old Power Rangers movie now it's kind of goofy and quirky. This Power Rangers movie however had everything Power Rangers has, except of course Goldar was a giant metamorphosis of gold without that wolf like face. lol. Also Rita Repulsa is way more evil in this then she is in the actual show, since she was just a character swiped from an old Japanese show. lol. Also the Blue Ranger is my favorite. Always has been and always will be. The Megazord in this was wickedly awesome too. We also get to see a cameo of Kimberly and Tommy from the original series. This film had a great cast too. Bryan Cranston as Zordon even. I also like Alpha 5 in this better then him in the old show, cause the old Alpha is kind of dorky. Also Elizabeth Banks was fantastic as Rita Repulsa. It's also nice to see Zordon having a backstory of when he was a Power Ranger. I also know there's gonna be a sequel to this cause we all saw Tommy's jacket at the end. Also the Putties were more intimidating in this then they were in the original show. Yep this movie has everything the Power Rangers should have. Plenty of action, adventure, laughs and pure of heart. 10 out of 10 for this.
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Best King Kong movie ever
12 March 2017
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This is the best King Kong film ever. Instead of taking a girl for his wife, being captured, taken to New York, put on Broadway, escaping Broadway, taking the girl again and causing destruction along the way, climbing the Empire State Building and getting shot by planes and falling off, King Kong is the king and protector of Skull Island. He is first encountered in 1944 and then over the years many planes have been trying to destroy him, only to awaken an even eviler monster then Kong. They're called Skull Crawlers or as they are what John C. Reily's character calls them and they look like that monster with fingers like snakes and spiders in his hair from the Nightmare Before Christmas. Nearly 30 years after the first encounter of Kong, a group of soldiers and scientists go and investigate the island for him, only to get a destructive surprise. Some of the soldiers are killed by Kong and only the general played by Samuel L. Jackson, the scientist played by John Goodman, the navigator played by Tom Hiddleston, the photographer and the rest of the soldiers survive. They soon encounter the Skull Crawlers as well as well as a village where the people are protected by a wall from the Skull Crawlers and they worshiped Kong, instead of making human sacrifices to him. They also learn about the Big Skull Crawler who is the master of them. The group also encounter what remained of Kong's parents and that Kong was the last of his kind. They also encounter huge bison's and pterodactals and the general swears revenge on Kong for killing some of his men and the group new he had gone stark raving mad and tried telling him that Kong is only trying to protect everyone on the island, but the general wouldn't listen. Then the photographer and the navigator find Kong and show him that they are no threat to him or the island. The general sets a trap for Kong and was about to finish him off with a bomb, until the navigator, the photographer and the soldier stop him and they see the big Skull Crawler coming towards them. The general stays still and was about to blow up Kong when he is crushed by Kong's hand. He then fights the Skull Crawler and the group helps him out and the Skull Crawler is vanquished and Kong's island is safe. The group then bids him farewell. Yep this is a whole lot better then the original King Kong, the 1976 remake and Peter Jackson's remake. We also get to see John C. Reily's character go home to his family after 30 years of being on the island. Also we learn after the ending credits that Godzilla is also living on Skull Island which means that we'll see a new King Kong vs Godzilla movie in the year 2020 and I am certain it will be better then the original American/Japanese version from 1962. Yep both King Kong and Godzilla are the best movie monsters ever.
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Pretty good and cute film here
6 March 2017
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This film is cute and funny here. It has really cute and fluffy characters in it and very good voice acting, especially from Albert Brooks who was that vulture that tried to eat Gidget, but was chained and then decided to help Gidget find Max and Duke who were held captive by that rabbit Snowball and all the rest of those lost and abandoned pets. Yep Max and Duke go on an adventure in order to get back to their owner after Duke finds out his old owner had died. Also the sausage scene had the song We Go Together from the movie Grease. which I didn't notice until now. Also Grease is still a classic. Anyway this story is a story about friendship and that the two dogs Max and Duke learn to get along after going on a long journey and this is nowhere similar to Toy Story. It's just a different story of friendship. 7 out of 10 for this. Enough said.
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Logan (2017)
Neat but very sad as well
6 March 2017
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This was a very well done last performance of Hugh Jackman here. It's sad though that this is his last X-Men movie. Also this is based on the comic book cause in the comic book Wolverine dies and a new Wolverine comes along named Wolverine X-23. I also did see that Wolverine had an evil twin in this. Also It's neat that she has a daughter in this too. It's also very sad to see the rest of the X-Men all dead cause of William Stryker's son. It's also sad to see Professor X die too and Wolverine in the end. But this movie at the end lets us all see a new team of X-Men rising which hopefully we'll see in new X-Men movies in the future. Wolverine may be dead and gone, but his legacy will live on and Hugh Jackman will always be remembered for his role in these movies. Also lets hope that Tom Hardy makes a decent replacement for him in new X-Men films.
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TMNT (2007)
Pretty fair for a Ninja Turtles movie
6 March 2017
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Now this Ninja Turtles movie is pretty fair. The only flaw that I've seen in this movie was that technically the Turtles didn't fight any villains at all. They just helped an ancient warrior become mortal again. Also I did think that Patrick Stewart did fine with voicing this character who I thought was a villain at first, until I saw that he just wanted to be mortal again which is kind of stupid, but still this movie isn't too bad. Also this movie is kind of better then Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 Turtles in Time. Also I didn't notice at first until now that Chris Evans aka Captain America voiced Kasey Jones in this. I also have never watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer but did notice that she voiced April O Neil in this. Yeah the whole plot in this film is kind of dull, but still it has some pretty good action in it. This movie would've been a whole lot more awesome if Kraang was in it. Still this film is fair so I'm giving this film 7 out of 10.
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Moana (I) (2016)
Amazing. Simply amazing
26 November 2016
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This is definitely a great Disney film. It's the best Hawaiian Disney film I've seen since Lilo and Stitch. It has an amazing story to it about a young princess named Moana who also becomes a hero by saving the world from total destruction with the help of the Polynesian demigod Maui. Of course we hear Maui's backstory of how he became a demigod. He was a mortal child who was abandoned by his parents and then the Polynesian gods made him for what he is now. Maui is an awesome character too and funny and Dwayne Johnson did an excellent performance of him. I also liked the chicken Hei Hei. He's funny too. The pig was cute too. One character that I found odd though was this giant crab named Tamatoa. He was very weird looking and a bit scary for children. Of course he's also voiced by Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords who also voiced Nigel the cockatoo in Rio. That's a Non-Disney film by the way. He had a good song too. Of course all of the songs were brilliant in this including one of my favorites Opetaia Foa'i We Know the Way. I also loved Maui's song You're Welcome. Also Moana's grandmother and Moana's ancestors were just like Mufasa, cause they helped Moana remember who she was and then she went off to save the world, by confronting Te Ka who is really Te Fiti by returning her heart of pounamu to her which was stolen by Maui cause he wanted every mortal of the Pacific Islands to love him and she is restored to her old self and then everyone on Moana's island is allowed to sail the seas again as their ancestors did years ago. Great Disney film here and I so recommend this to anyone who has children.
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Great Marvel movie
20 November 2016
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This is definitely another great adaptation of a Marvel Comics hero. Doctor Strange is indeed the Sorcerer Supreme. Although I have never read any Doctor Strange comics, I've done some research on him and I'm still a Marvel fan. This movie also has very funny and amusing moments like when Strange's magic cape held that servant of Dormammu and when Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to get Dormammu stuck in a time loop to stop him from destroying the world as well as the multiverse and keep him in the Dark Dimension, along with his servants. Also the Ancient One was also an interesting character and in the comics the Ancient One was a man, but in this the Ancient One is a woman. We also get to see Thor during the ending credits of this film talking to Doctor Strange about them working together to protect Asgard from Loki. After all Asgard is also a dimension like the Mirror Dimension and the Dark Dimension. This movie is indeed filled with plenty of action and great special effects. 10 out of 10 for this.
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Great Harry Potter Spin off
19 November 2016
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This was a very great spin off of the Harry Potter books. After all, Newt Scamander did not appear in the Harry Potter books, but was mentioned in the books. Also we saw Gellert Grindelwald, who was of course the inspiration of Tom Riddle, also known as the evil Lord Voldemort. He was also once Albus Dumbledores friend until his rise in dark power and then was imprisoned after trying to possess the Elder Wand and then was murder by Voldemort when he was looking for the wand. This movie also tells more about Grindelwald's past. He uses this boy named Credence Barebone who was also an Obscurial a powerful dark force that causes destruction and chaos. Its sister is called an Obscurus and the Obscurial was its host and Scamander kept it alive in a magic shield even after the Obscurial was destroyed by the counsel of wizards in New York City. Grindelwald was also arrested and then taken to Azkaban. Scamander also came to New York with a suitcase full of magical creatures that got loose and ran a muck around the city, but they weren't dangerous. Just mischievous. Newton Scamander managed to get them all back though and safe in his suitcase and then went back to England and after saying goodbye to Porpentina who of course becomes his wife in the future. Also Jacob Kowalski is also a likable character and opens up his own bakery after working in a can factory. Also he is the first muddle to be in love with a magic person. Yep this movie is really interesting and if you read the book that its based on, it will tell you all about the creatures in the Harry Potter universe.
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Avatar (2009)
Awesome movie here
8 September 2016
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After hearing about this movie for almost 7 years, I've finally watched this and think its awesome. It has great visual effects, a fine cast and an amazing soundtrack. I also like this movie better then Titanic. I mean it has some sad scenes in it, but is much more powerful then Titanic. Its also sort of like the animated film Ferngully the Last Rain-forest, but with more action. It also does have an environmental message that we need to protect all the rain- forests. I think the best scene in this movie was the battle sequence between both the Earthlings and the Na'vi and the hero Jake Sully against the villain Colonel Miles Quaritch. I also like the flying sequences in the movie when Jake and Neytiri were flying those bird like creatures all over Pandora. In the end after the great big battle between the humans and Na'vi, most humans were exiled from Pandora back to Earth never to return. Some however were allowed to stay cause they respected Pandora's environment. Jake also became a member of the Na'vi society and all's well that ends well. Awesome movie here and I so recommend this to other people who have not seen it. It also reminds me of Star Wars a little and I don't care what James Cameron thinks of The Force Awakens cause that's still my most favorite movie of all time.
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The Powerpuff Girls: Get Back, Jojo (2001)
Season 4, Episode 3
My most favorite Powerpuff Girls episode ever
7 September 2016
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This is my most favorite episode of the whole show and also the title says it all. Get it cause it's also the title of a Beatles song and Craig McCracken is a huge fan of the Beatles like I am and Meet the Beat-Alls is another really good episode cause it references the Beatles and all their songs. lol. The whole plot of this episode is that it's Career Day at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten and the Professor has made a time portal which allows you to travel into the future or past. When the Professor is talking about his time portal in front of the whole class of Pokey Oaks, Mojo Jojo walks by carrying groceries and Mojo hears about the time portal and hatches a scheme to go back into the past and stop the Professor from creating the Powerpuff Girls so he of course can take over the world. He disguises himself as Mary the fat nerdy girl in the class and asks the Professor to open the time portal and then gets rid of the disguise and heads into the time portal and travels back into the year 1959 and discovers Professor Utonium as a boy. But as it turns out Professor Utonium used to be a naughty little brat and used to play pranks on other students and was very disobedient. Also in that classroom scene we see young Ms. Keane and Ms. Bellum and we still don't see Bellums face as a child. Of course we finally see her face in the Powerpuff Girls 10th anniversary special. As the Professor was making a volcano and putting dangerous chemicals in it, he causes an explosion which causes him to black out and Mojo grabs him out of the smoke and takes him to Townsville Volcano Mountain which of course still didn't have his lair yet. Meanwhile the Powerpuff Girls get to the past as well, but are too late when Mojo kidnaps the Professor and aren't allowed to use their super powers until a kid tells them that a monkey took the Professor who was of course Mojo and the girls run to find him and they find Mojo carrying the Professor up to the volcano mountain to toss him into the lava so that the Powerpuffs would be erased from existence. Then the Powerpuff Girls fly and swooped down and save the Professor from being cooked like a Christmas goose. Then when the Professor barely opens his eyes due to being unconscious from getting hit on the head by part of the volcano mountain, he recognizes them as if he's seen his future. Then the girls beat up Mojo and then all of them get pulled back into the present by the Professors extended grabber and then the Professor realizes he became a scientist in the first place was because he started out as a brat until he sees the girls there and decides to dedicate his life to become a scientist and create those perfect little girls with super powers. Also if Mojo did throw the Professor into the volcano mountain, he wouldn't exist either and would also be the real man or chimpanzee to create the Powerpuff Girls. Of course we already knew that in Mr. Mojo's Rising. This episode is #1 on my top 12 Powerpuff Girls episodes list by the way.
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1st episode disgusting and both of these terrible
6 September 2016
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2 more terrible episodes of SpongeBob I'm reviewing here. The Splinter is very gross and disgusting and it should never be on the air again. I mean who wants to see huge pussy wound from a splinter? Nobody that's who. Also the slide whistle episode is pointless and kind of annoying. I mean this is another Squidward torture porn cause in the end Squidward ends up with the slide whistle in his throat. SpongeBob has definitely seen better days and should just end while its ahead. The Splinter is more disgusting then that Powerpuff Girls episode Sun Scream where the girls get sun burnt and are in so much pain until the Professor gives them a special formula that made their sunburn peel off which is also disgusting and disturbing. Also all these newer writers of SpongeBob should just hang their heads in shame for writing these atrocities.
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Just as bad as A Pal for Gary and Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful
3 September 2016
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First off, why does One Coarse Meal even exist?! This episode should be banned from TV for life. This episode should've NEVER BEEN WRITTEN IN THE FIRST PLACE DAMMIT! WHAT THE F... WAS THE WRITER THINKING ANYWAY!? I mean we all know that Plankton tries to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula and that Mr. Krabs always finds a way to stop him, but finding out that Plankton is afraid of whales cause we all know that whales eat plankton and krill and deciding to scare Plankton half to death disguised as his probably adopted whale daughter which causes Plankton to try and commit suicide, THAT'S JUST GOING TO DAMN FAR! This episode just makes me want to strangle Krabs. STRANGLE HIM UNTIL HE DROPS DEAD! Of course the real person to blame for this episode is the freaking writer. The writer of this episode should just take the script of it and SHOVE IT UP HIS ASS! Also his ass should've been fired for writing this. The guy who wrote this must've had some mental problems anyway. Anyway on to the second episode of this review. Gary in Love. Now you suppose that this episode would've been sort of like Lady and the Tramp or Beauty and the Beast, but it turns out to be pointless. I mean Gary should've gotten that female snail to be with him and Gary and away from those gangster snails, but in the end, the female snails owners boyfriend shows up along with his snail who kind of reminds us all of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast and the female snail and her owner go off with the handsome man and snail and leaves Gary broken hearted. Then Gary goes off to eat some garbage with the gangster snail. The writer of this episode wasn't even trying. Gary should've been with that female snail like Lady was with Tramp and Belle with the Beast/Prince. Like I said, these two like A Pal for Gary and Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful are just as worse and all of those episodes are the worst SpongeBob episodes ever. I count them and WhoBob WhatPants as the top 5 worst Spongebob episodes of all time.
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An underrated yet amazing animated film here
27 August 2016
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This movie is one of the many very good films of my childhood. Although there were a couple of parts that used to scare me as kid like when the air conditioner lost his temper and then goes into a meltdown and is completely broken cause the master was always playing with Toaster and the other appliances. Good thing the master fixes him later when he drops by the cabin to get the appliances but discovered they were gone and the air conditioner realizes that the master did care for it just like the master cared for Toaster and the other appliances. Another scene in this movie that really scared the heck out of me was the dream scene where Toaster is with the master again and the master is making toast when all of a sudden, the other piece of toast starts to burn in Toaster and all the black smoke builds up and forms up a giant hand and grabs the master and takes him away from Toaster right out the kitchen door. Then what came next and that really scared me was this evil demon like firefighter clown. His eyes were red, his nose was green, his teeth were ugly and rotten, and he had a hose in one hand and a fork in the other. Those are a toasters 2 weaknesses. The clown also tells the Toaster in a sinister whispering voice with smokey breath to run. Toaster starts running and the clown fires his hose at him and the waves from the hose turn into forks and then Toaster finds himself hanging above a bathtub filled with water while the clown is heard laughing and its just like the Jokers laugh. The Toaster then falls into the bathtub and then wakes up from the horrible nightmare. Yep that scene will always be one of my oldest childhood fears and I also developed a fear of bees as a kid after getting stung by one in my behind. Now that I'm an adult the 2 scenes that I was scared of as a kid don't scare me anymore. In the end after a long journey to find the master, Toaster and the other appliances reunite with the master and they all go to college. A very good yet underrated Disney movie here.
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A kids movie that may contain scenes that may give kids nightmares but still a good movie
26 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a kids movie that I have never seen before and I remember a friend of mine owning this movie once. This movie tells about one of the oldest kids TV characters ever. Pee-Wee Herman. It starts with Pee-Wee getting ready for a beautiful day and then he runs into his old enemy Francis who offers to buy his bike, but Pee-Wee refuses the offer and Francis comes up with a plan to get Pee-Wees bike. Pee-Wee Herman parks his bike on a clown statue and buys some stuff from a magic store and buys a new horn for his bike at the bikorama. Then when he went back to his bike, it was gone. Dun Dun Duunnnn! He then tries to find out who's responsible for stealing it and the first suspect was Francis and Francis lies about himself stealing his bike cause he did steal it and sold it to some thug. Pee-Wee goes to see a fortune teller and she tells him that his bike is in this place in Texas and he goes there by hitching a ride with a convicted felon named Mickey. Then they both drive off a cliff and then Mickey drives off without Pee-Wee and then Pee-Wee wanders off by himself in the dark down the road until a truck driver by the name of Large Marge picks him up. She tells Pee-Wee the story of a truck driver who died 10 years before this films release and then drops him off at a bar and he tells them that Large Marge sent him and they all gasped. For you see Large Marge was the truck driver that died 10 years ago and she was a ghost. Then he goes to a prehistoric museum and spends the night with this girl named Simone and she tells him that she wants to go to Paris but her boyfriend who was a tall fat man wouldn't let her. He then chases Pee-Wee with a big bone and then Pee-Wee hitches a ride with a homeless man who kept singing folk songs and then goes riding on a bull and then goes into a bar with a motorcycle gang in it and he does a dance for them after he accidentally knocks over their motorcycles. Pee-Wee then gets into a motorcycle wreck and goes to a hospital and has a bad dream with doctor clowns and Francis dressed as the devil and burning his bike in a cauldron of lava and when he wakes up he sees on television that his bike was sold to a snobby child star in Hollywood California and goes to get it and then gets into a wild chase from Hollywood security and then sees a pet store that's on fire and rescues the pets inside and then he's taken back to Warner Bros. studios and his story gets turned into a movie. Wow what a coincidence. lol A movie with the same title that's in this lol. Pee-Wee watches the movie with all the friends he came across too and Francis gets launched away from Pee-Wee's bike. lol Also there's a stop motion animation scene where this tyrannosaurs rex eats his bike. Also Pee-Wee gets a girlfriend in this. Her name is Dottie and she's played by the same voice actress who did the voice of Tommy Pickles in Rugrats and Powerpuff Girl Buttercup. All in all this movie may contain scenes that kids might find a little frightening for them, but those scenes don't scare me. I just laugh when I see them. lol. This is a good movie that came out the same year that Back to the Future came out anyway and I could tell that this movie tells the future of Tim Burton's career when he would make the Nightmare Before Christmas cause there are Halloween decorations in Pee-Wee's house.
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These two are without a doubt the worst SpongeBob episodes ever
23 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
These two are definitely without a doubt the worst SpongeBob episodes ever. The first of these two to start with is Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful. The episode starts of with Squidward walking to work until he steps on a piece of gum and throws it aside and then a police officer gives him a penalty of being a litterbug and Squidward is forced to do community service and the worst part of that is every time Squidward litters again, he keeps getting extra work of community service. This is also the worst Squidward torture porn to watch here. Also his arch rival Squilliam Fancysome makes fun of him for being a litterbug. Well jokes on him, Squidward already did something successful for once and that was being the conductor for that marching band with the help of SpongeBob and that is still my most favorite episode of the show. The other SpongeBob episode that we come across to dislike is A Pal For Gary. In this episode SpongeBob gets another pet so it can be friends with Gary, but little did he know that the pet was actually a rampaging snail eating monster. The worst part about that is that SpongeBob doesn't notice it and almost lets Gary be eaten alive by being stupid and telling Gary that he's being a bad influence on the other pet/monster and then the monster tries to eat SpongeBob and then Gary saves him and the monster runs away and SpongeBob blames it on Gary for chasing it away. Hello! Earth to SpongeBob. That thing tried to freaking eat you for Christs sake. You should be thankful for Gary that he saved you instead of being a total jackass about it. SpongeBob is totally out of character in this episode and the writer of this should be ashamed of writing this atrocity. The writer must've felt pretty dumb after writing this anyway. The old writers of the earlier episodes did great, but most of these newer writers are stupid and should be fired. These two episodes are episodes that I'll never ever watch again. So I recommend to every other SpongeBob fan to skip these two. Worst SpongeBob episodes ever. Enough said.
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I'm now sick and tired of the Transformers movies
18 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is the last I will ever see of the Transformers movies. Michael Bay should just quit while he's ahead. I mean 3 movies is enough, but this takes the cake. I mean we've all seen the earth saved by the Autobots in the first one, but apparently to Bay it was not enough. He just kept making these movies cause he thinks that these movies are so great. Well the first one was really good and then there came all these freaking sequels which aren't as good as the first one and this one is the worst of all. I can also tell that the Autobots in this movie are tired of doing these movies cause Optimus Prime says We're done protecting the humans meaning that he's tired of doing all these dumb movies. Also why does Bay have to have Galvatron in this movie? He was voiced by the legendary Leonard Nimoy and he was the best Galvatron ever. Also another thing, Autobots do not kill humans and Optimus just killed a human being in this film. WTF. Also where the hell was Optimus Prime going in the middle of space? The ending to this movie leaves a plot hole. I mean isn't everybody getting sick of these movies or are most Transfomers fans too stupid to realize it? I mean everyone loved the 80's cartoon and I like that cartoon as well and I'm not an 80's kid. I was born in 1991. I do however respect Peter Cullens voice acting and he will always be the best voice for Optimus Prime. Still this movie has meaningless action and a plot hole at the end.
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The Loud House (2014– )
Best Nickelodeon show since SpongeBob SquarePants
16 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely the best show on Nickelodeon that I have seen in a long time. I mean SpongeBob SquarePants has been going downhill since season 4 or 5 and I've gotten sick and tired of the Fairly Odd Parents. Well that show had some good episodes though so both Fairly Odd Parents and SpongeBob have seen better days. It's time start off with something fresh on Nickelodeon for a change and this is the show for me to watch and when I'm married and have kids I'm showing them this show too. The characters in this show are all great, especially that white haired boy Lincoln. I mean who has ever seen a kid with albino hair before? I even doubt that boys with white hair even exist lol. One of my favorite episodes of this show I believe is when the Loud family wanted to be in a fair talent show and in that episode Luna Loud the rock n roll girl of the family hears that her idol Mick Swagger was coming to town and she wanted to impress him by showing herself and the rest of the Loud family how talented they are, but she also knows that rock n roll wasn't about music. It was about having fun. That's what she learned from Mick Swagger. So when she tries to go solo after not being impressed with the Loud families music she tries to go solo until she meets a stranger who tells her the lesson she learned from Mick Swagger and she knew she had to make it up to the Loud family by letting them back in the band in time for the talent show. Also at the ending of the episode Luna discovers that the stranger she talked to in that restaurant was none other then Mick Swagger. After that Luna and the Loud families dad faint. lol. Yep this show is fantastic. Great characters, great story telling and great for this generation of kids watching Nickelodeon.
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The Simpsons: All Singing, All Dancing (1998)
Season 9, Episode 11
Definitely one of the worst Simpsons episodes here
15 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is nothing but a freaking clip show. We already know all the songs from the classic episodes we have watched like Apu's song, Mr. Burns song, Krusty's song and other freaking classic Simpsons songs that we know and love to sing. I mean there are other clip shows in this show and no one wants to watch a clip show. Just a really good episode that they already know about and love. These clip shows shouldn't even be part of the series anyway so it would be better if all these clip shows would just be off the air for good and not to be watched again online either. Also why do all the characters in this clip show have to sing about all the past episodes which people have already seen? Come on we already know about these episodes so there's no need to sing about them and show them to us again in one setting.
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