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IMDb member since March 2016
Bad Asses on the Bayou (2015)
Comedy - not a suspense movie or action for the most part
6 March 2016 - 1 out of 1 users found this review helpful.
This isn't a typical action movie, it's much more of a comedy movie, so if you're looking for action - go elsewhere. The one liners that get tossed about are funny and yes the acting could use a bit more...but overall enjoyed the movie and definitely did a lot of laughing through it. Glover and Trego never fail to hit the punch line in this movie. I pulled it up on netflix for a 'look-see' if it would be any good or not, and once the show started, it had us watching and laughing throughout. I imagine some of the bad reviews are from people that wanted a serious action film and this one is no where close, it's actually a bit fake in one scene when there's a lot of shooting going on, but again it fits the comedy part of the show.
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