23 Reviews
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Father Brown (2013– )
Tweet Simplistic Nostalgia
3 June 2024
I'm a 61 year old English expat living in America..to an Anglophile this is probably ideal for those rainy days with a cup of cocoa in your slippers in suburbia.

A twee nod to the good old days when men were men blahdeblahdeblah.

As modern tv it misfires on many levels. Low budget scenery and costumes, ticking every cliche possible on the way down the whiny roads of reminiscence...poor writing, cliched characterizations, no real mystery at all in any plots, endless red herrings.

It's a real dumbing down of the snark and whimsy of Chesterton at his best...

Obviously it has many admirers or we wouldn't be staring at season 12.

Not for me. Watch something else please.
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The Newsreader (2021– )
Really really good watch
26 March 2024
I grew up in England and some of these big 80s events I remember vividly (Challenger, Chernobyl...).

I came to America in 1990 and was a little bewildered by the deification of network news anchors like Brokaw, and this show somewhat shows that process beginning, along with the rise of "if it bleeds, it leads" tv news.

Regrettably the series also remembers how tragic 1980s fashion was, which is good for a smile.

The leads all have major flaws, which us refreshing. They're all layered real people which cones through in their viewpoints towards the reportage.

All the leads are very well acted. Ms. Torv is as usual sublime with that megawatt smile interspersed with her manic episodes.

Seen two seasons greatly anticipating the third.

Watch this!!!!!
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8 March 2024
Disappointed with this dreary and mundane attempt at a coming of age tale.

Perhaps the director should gave been beaten much much more as a child.

One it would have taught him respect for his amazingly indulgent family, and

Two it would have spared this blissfully unaware story.

When I saw all the television advertisements for this I kind of wondered how bad it might be.

Judging from it appallingly low box office results might also have spared me the two hours.

No idea what the Trump family cameos were meant to represent other than confirming a bad President came from a bad family. Duh!!!

Only giving it a kind 6 out of respect to the actors.

Don't waste your time.
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The English (2022)
Reviews shouldn't be binary
23 January 2024
Virtually nothing is a 1 and very little deserves a 10.

This is beautifully executed, shot (except for the DP's obsession with that horizontal prismatic effect from the sun...) and acted.

Rafe Spall is absolutely scenery-chewing in all of his scenes. Snarling. Grimacing. Threatening. Nuttier than squirrel poop. He gets an 11. Ms. Blunt is as ever understatement beautifully personified, and Mr. Spencer is dignified and still deadly. Supporting cast is all very very good.

There are some real liberties with the plot, Tom Hughes has silly 2022 hair, and this is perhaps a story to have been fleshed out into 8 episodes.

As an expat English man I am not surprised at the sheer brutality callousness and exploitation that accompanied the Victorian empires moves outward, which is told well here with limited time.

Watch this please.
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ZeroZeroZero (2019–2020)
Could Have Been So Much Better
21 January 2024
First, don't get the recent fuss over Ms. Riseborough. Insipid actress, the most annoying hair ever (part orthodox jew, part chemotherapy patient, with a forehead you could land a plane on...).

Massive plot holes all the way through, there's zerozerozero way (see what I did there??) they'd survive those transit obstacles on their own. Where is she continually pulling all those chunky cash envelopes from anyway??

His illness is only minimally relevant at best.

I liked the incoherent brutality of the Monterrey storyline...that's what happens when your earphones are always on the God channel...

But so much was missing.

Nonetheless a decent weekend watch.
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Righteous Thieves (I) (2023)
It was all going really well
14 January 2024
Until the opening credits ended.

Dreadful accents, cliche upon cliche, all with that B-Movie look.

I don't quite know what it is, but you recognize it immediately.

Somebody who really shouldn't have tried to make a movie.

What a waste.

Of time, effort, money. Whatever.

It's a good premise too. We still don't know where all that looted art went. If indeed it went anywhere.

South America?

Private collections?

Swiss Bank vaults?

Such a shame. If only someone had told this director to just STOP.

I felt it was my duty to warn you.

To spare you.

I'll never get those minutes back.

Please DON'T watch this.
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Encounter (III) (2021)
Of course it's scifi
14 January 2024
Parasites from outer space, real or imagined, surely qualifies.

The reviewers who are obsessed about categorization need to get a grip.

My issues are more that the plot goes off a cliff in the third half hour. I would explain, but that would require spoilers, which I am loath to include here.

The kids are the stars, great little actors both.

Mr. Ahmed can once again do no wrong, he's spot on with the issues that bedevil him...interesting and desolate locations, a couple of very interesting aerial shots.

Ms. Spencer is barely in the film. Shame that.

The confrontational climax at sunset was really well shot, and ends the story well.

Watch this.
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Puts the T, the I, the T and the S in Gratuitous
13 January 2024
If you watch this for any reason other than a chance to see Ms Sobieski nude, you will be greatly disappointed.

You really can't do James any justice except as a period piece..you lose so much of the Victorian sense of shock and scandal in any modern setting...this was shot in Luxembourg but it was never clear as to where it was meant to be..

The acting was really stilted. Ms Sobieski can act, but fails completely here.

Why is she so often semi-nude or naked entirely? Constantly going to the window with scant clothing on, even with single glazing and it's snowing out???

She certainly dresses in a way any young boy would fantasize about, she must have been FREEZING...She does have a superb body, but it's kinda hard to build a horror/suspense film around that single point.

Don't watch this...
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Regretfully this one's aged only slightly better than me..
13 January 2024
Came out the year I came to America so I missed it originally. Found it when reviewing the filmography of the uber-talented Fiona Shaw.

Interested to note how many of this young cast are now household names, certainly in England.

Casting of Delroy Lindo seems completely wrong though, to this day.

Iain Glen is rocking a Bowie/Beckham look, which is interesting in hindsight.

In the days of the great white explorer, it was best, when addressing Johnny Foreigner, to speak SLOWLY BUT LOUDLY. This is done often, and made me laugh.

The scenery seems very "flat" for most of the film, which is a shame. Any cultural differences are just ignored, or treated with a nod and a wink, which is also a shame.

I really wouldn't bother.
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Risen (2021)
I actually rather liked this one..
13 January 2024
If ya don't like it, it's a trope.

If ya do, it's a metaphor.

People puhleeze!!! That's lazy and tropey.

Always made me laugh how aliens can get here from unfathomable distances, in unfathomable ways, undetected, yet our headless chickens and puny weapons always vanquish them. Er, no.

Very understated acting, which worked. Sure, there was some woodenness too..

Effects were budget, to be kind. Didn't look anything like Pennsylvania to me. But that's all okay.

Read through some haters reviews. Once again, get back down to your ma's basement and fire up that xbox cos we don't need you here. Thanks.

Watch this.
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Homecoming (2018– )
Stretching some intersection boundaries here
10 January 2024
I think the people who complained about the slow pacing need to all go back down to mom's basement and fire up the old Xbox...we don't need you here. Thanks.

I found the dual-width screening between now and then storytelling interesting.

I also found the Vaseline effect on the top and bottom of the full screen really irritating. Not quite as irritating as the beveled glass shots in Scandal. But close.

Seeing Ms Robert's complete loss of wattage was a revelation...never imagined she could be so mousy and drab...well played madam.

The story unfolded, some heroes were really villains, and vice versa. The underlying exploitation of serving soldiers was covered sotto voce, and I liked that.

But I'd also watch Janelle Monae doing laundry...she's just exquisite.

Watch this. Both seasons.
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The things we do we really shouldn't
10 January 2024
This is small scale re-telling about a massacre, that really happened.

And the concerted cover-up of that massacre by the Allies, over decades, at the expense of the Polish people, in whose name those Allies went to war in 1939 (1941 for the US)...

The fact that that cover-up cost yet more lives, not only in the immediate aftermath of the war, but those lost under occupying forces for three more decades, is just so shameful, so sad, so corrupt, so normal in realpolitik it should make you very angry.

The low key, well written, well acted re-telling of the story and the cover up is almost secondary to what happened at Katyn in 1940, and those who sought to keep it under wraps.

If you don't know about Katyn, watch this.

If you do know, watch this and get angry.
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Stolen (2012)
Enjoyable Nic Flic(k)!!!
10 January 2024
Normally you watch Cage for the scenery chewing.

The massive overreacting, the snarling, those choppers, how badly he runs, the weak jokes..

In this one he isn't the most over acting....

That would be his main co-star...with the leg, the hair, the teef...

Sami Gayle and her pixie hair remain adorable, Mr Huston wears a silly Popeye Doyle hat..

Oh. The plot? Engaging simplistic heists and revenge, action galore, credibility is reliably over stretched...the gang's all here!!!!

Some lazy continuity gaffes, Nic's hair is awful. Pretty sure his hairline changed more than once...

Fun use of your 99 minutes.

Watch this!!!!
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Arctic Void (2022)
They Can't All Be 10s People
10 January 2024
Reviews on this platform seem to presuppose every movie must be perfect. Or it's complete rubbish. It must tick every box, every time.

Just like life, that doesn't happen...

Interesting premise, great location, underwhelms with the absence of where who and why. Briefly illustrates the what.

Nice and simple acting. Good cinematography. An indie picture.

The ending? Meant to frustrate rather than a cop out. No spoilers here.

Remember how Sopranos ended people?

We went away and did something else.

Like watched another movie, and rated it based on what it WAS. Not what we wanted it to be.

Not a bad way to spend an hour and change.

Watch this.
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Troppo (2022– )
Sublime Australian TV Show
8 January 2024
This one checks all the boxes. Great story, great cast, superb acting, marvelous location.

Ms Chamoun was the only new face to me, and she is a complete star in this. Damaged, guilty, angry, scared.

Throw her against an equally damaged ex-cop, with a case that continues to shock and surprise, this one will give you eight hours of joy.

With so much fluff out there, this is the real deal. Hollywood only wishes it could do this so don't be surprised if a weak US version is planned...

Crimes range from the simple to the shocking, the simple to the sublime, the banal to the brutal.

There are no winners here. Can't wait for season 2 later this year.

Please watch this!!!
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Roadkill (2020)
Haters gonna hate
7 January 2024
As an expat Brit who grew up in the reign of Queen Thatcher this resonates.

David Hare is at least consistent, mostly from the self-righteous Tony Blair worldview.

You know you'll get some disparagement of the Tories but God knows if you're paying attention you know it's well deserved...

Political venality isn't party specific so he does a good job with lightly sketched characters.

I liked the music, no idea why so many didn't.

It's not House of Cards, but Barbie isn't Oppenheimer...so what?

Well acted and filmed, yes there are cliches and tropes here. In political drama thus will it ever be so.

A good use of four hours of your leisure time.

Watch this!!!!
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Deadloch (2023– )
Just couldn't keep watching
6 January 2024
No, I wasnt offended. I dont have any negatives towards orientation or pc or Australian people (even though I'm a Pom).

Dont mind cursing, crudity, nudity, menstruation jokes, any of that.

But if you can't give me a hook inside 20 minutes, and I constantly cringe at the poor attempts at over the top characters or outright stupidity why would I keep watching???

There are some very good actors here.

The idea that this was a lambasting of police procedurals or a feminist comedy should make those parties sad for how badly it all flopped....

As I said, I'm English so I intuitively get Aussie humor, especially if I'm the butt of it...but this??

If you liked it, bless......
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The Breach (I) (2022)
Perfectly Adequate Horror Film
6 January 2024
Couple of effects reminiscent of "The Fly", which I liked very much back in the day. Ignore all the haters who can't watch anything without chi, the effects were good enough. Set decorations were excellent, that must have taken real time and effort..acting was more than adequate, scenery was pretty...

Premise behind the tech was completely ignored though, which should have been better fleshed out (pun intended).

The whole CERN opening the doorway shtick could also have been bettered explained for the average non-physicists.

Watch this!!!!

The similarities of one special guest to my ex-wife were truly shocking (joke).
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Happy Valley (2014–2023)
Simply sublime. But not happy. At all.
22 December 2023
You just can't expect, over three seasons and a decade, that the quality could be maintained, certainly not exceeded, episode after episode.

Expect therefore to be amazed and delighted.

After the jaw drop of season 1, the omg of season 2, this b*stard won't leave, won't quit, won't die....

And what he continues to leave in his wake, the emotional destruction, just keeps clawing up that hill. And you can't do anything but click next episode.

Superb everything.

Scripts. Cast. Acting. Emotional experiences. Jesus even the sheep behind the back of those houses. Forget about the one that poisons those dogs!!

If this doesn't do it for you, there's a million pieces of CGI laden crap out there just for you.

But if you're a human, that thinks and feels, then prepare yourself my friends cos this is a special special journey.....
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Atlanta: The Goof Who Sat by the Door (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
Superb Satire
17 June 2023
Although I too have missed the main characters in many recent episodes this piece of divergence is just spectacular.

When it starts, right after the tedious camping episode, I really had no idea what I was watching...had Disney let this go out?

The last media professor almost let it slip when she referred to 1992 in LA as the uprising, but I still wasn't sure.

It was a spoof right?? I paused and started fact checking...then started laughing. Really hard. Just brilliant.

Layer on layer of the story builds up. The stills and aged video clips.

The very idea that the saccharine empire would go within a million miles of the real black experience...frickin genius.

Mr. Glover, kudos. Damn son. Kydos.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Clarkson's a knob. With a heart.
1 April 2023
He can be smug and almost racist, but when he's being genuine there's a really kind man hiding in there.

The whole thing is an absolute joy to watch from beginning to end.

Nature at its kindest and cruelest.

Gave me an entirely different view of farming.

Even though he could always just wave a money wand he's committed to actual self-sustaining farming in a horrible economic and political climate.

Dealing with the bureaucracy made me even more respectful of the man. It was obvious all the obstacles and NIMBY-ism was directed at him personally based upon prior statements he's made and you never see him just lose it.

Supporting cast are all just brilliant. Kaleb never ceases to amaze. Can reverse a full tractor and trailer effortlessly. Never seen a Bond film.

I simply can not recommend this too highly. As a British expat it makes me slightly wistful for home. Then the reality sets in.

Love it!!!!!
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Three Pines (2022)
I had no idea about the books so I have no reasons to hate this
25 December 2022
Always loved Mr Molina's acting chops. He's English like me but I'm not that biased!!!!!

Beautiful scenery in all seasons, on episode 3 right now. I was not only unaware of the books but the true horror if the indigenous schools saga so the ways in which these fall together gave the show great novelty for me. After all there are more police procedurals out there than you can throw a stick at. And that's a lot.

Minor irritation with the crass female officer. Not sure if she's meant as failed comic relief or if I am missing something here.

The village people (no pun intended) are styled more obnoxious than quirky, except for the poetess and her duck.

I've been to enough small towns to have that resonate. It's like they have a secret and they dont want you in on it....

Stories flow, acting us rhythmic and stylish.

I like this. I reccomend it to you all. Peace.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Dark, dark, too dark to see properly...
24 December 2022
Could care less about the woke analogies, well acted, very well crafted, slow boiling, always love the fae thing but this does veer a little Oirish, if you know what I mean.

Loved the set look, the variety of characters and the storylines, not overly woven, easy enough to leave and come back to. But seriously people, with normal eyesight, a 4k tv, I had to shut out every light source to be able to see what was happening....it has become trendy for the DP guild to shoot in such low light as to be physically demanding to watch. Completely unnecessarily. Looking forward to a better lit season 2......
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