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16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was sooo looking forward to the conclusion to the Micheal Myers slash Laurie Strode (see what I did there?) Saga.

It starts off so promisingly with a shocking death, I was gawping at the screen, not a character you know or love, but a child falling his death in a tragic accident.

And then it all down hill from there!!

Micheal is hardly in the bloody movie until about 1hr 20mins into it, the trailers are very deceptive and make it look like the showdown of the century, but those shots are of the secondary antagonist pretending to be Myers.

The secondary antagonist Cory is a lame duck excuse to try and introduce a follow on killer from Myers, but the main man dispatches him after kinda taking him under his wing for a while.

He kills him and you think, ok...that story arc was totally uneeded really, stoopid!

Yeah you get a showdown tween Micheal and Laurie, but it's all too late as you are totally underwhelmed by the whole thing, and you just wanna leave. I was constantly looking at my watch wondering when it will pick up.

Ok theres some gory deaths in the third act, but you really don't care by then.

A total waste of time and effort in watching this abysmal shambles of a so called movie.

I felt like one of Myers victims, totally gutted!
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Snowbeast (1977 TV Movie)
My guilty pleasure!
12 July 2022
I watch this little gem regularly, when I was a kid it scared the hell outta me, but now it gives me a warm cosy feeling of happier carefree times.

Basic plot is a ski resort is holding its 50th anniversary whilst a monstrous yeti like creature is wandering around the area picking off stoopid skiers that fall over and become easy prey for its rubbery clutches.

All the usual characters are here, the rugged hero type, the one that got away love interest, the washed up skier that has to get on the slopes again, the stern sheriff trying to keep the folks safe and calm, and not forgetting the endless supply of skiers that provide tasty snacks for this dead ringer for a Hoth Wampa from The Empire Strikes Back...come to think of it they may be cousins! Who knows? 🤔 Cheesy script and great 70s sights and sounds make this a nostalgic movie for people who love schlock horror at its best.
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The Batman (2022)
Boring and dull and WAY too long!
6 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Went in with high expectations as was told it's a 'masterpiece' and the most brilliant one yet.

I just found it a total yawn fest. I was very disappointed by this as the trailers made it look amazing. Mumble mumble whisper whisper punch punch punch...rinse and repeat. The riddler reveal was so anticlimactic it was almost angering. Oh yes, and let's bung a could be Joker scene right at the end! Not worthy of two sequels which I won't be seeing. Gutted forvthis one, had such high Hope's for it. Oh well, I'll await the next reboot in a decade or so...
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No Time For This.
11 December 2021
The movie that put me off the Bond franchise.

Paper thin plot, ridiculous villain. The only good thing about the film was Ana De Armas as Paloma, she had some great action scenes.

I left the cinema disappointed.
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Above average DC movie.
1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty good really, not a masterpiece like people are saying it is.

John Cena is a standout as Peacemaker, Idris Elba does a fine job as Bloodsport.

But my favourite characters were Ratcatcher 2 and Sebastian her rat.

Very violent and quite shocking at the start.

Really peed off Boomerang dies at the start, he was my favourite character from the first movie.
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WandaVision (2021– )
Pay attention all you 1 star reviewers!!
16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series is only 2 episodes in and it's very intriguing as to where its going and what's happening!! Yes the first couple of episodes are like a cheesy 50s sitcom, but THATS HOW ITS MEANT TO COME ACROSS!!! Oh the humour is really bad!, yes! It's meant to be like that. I was intrigued to see if this reality had been created by Wanda purely through the grief of losing Vision, and her inability to move on and let go, but when the voice through the wireless said "Wanda!, who's doing this to you?!", it's made me think now that she is trapped and under duress by possibly Hydra or some other worldly intelligence in the multiverse. Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany are fantastic and relish in their hammy cheesy roles and the nuclear couple in suburbia trying to fit in and get along with their neighbour's, I feel someone in SWORD is trying to get through to Wanda by sending Monica Rambeau into the false reality to try and bring her back to real life. Who knows! We shall see, and THATS the appeal! How its linked to phase 4 and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, as you can clearly see Wanda is losing her mind! Bring on the rest of the episodes!!!!
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The War of the Worlds: One, Two, Three (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
The chances of this being anything good, are a million to one he said.
14 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Poor effects for BBC, lousy script, and confusing time jumps makes this a disappointing adaptation of a classic novel. Pity, i was looking forward to this. It's a very loose adaptation of the novel, even though they said it was going to be faithful to the source material. Characters are paper thin, even Robert Carlyle is dire as Ogilvy the astronomer. Basic plot is George and Amy move to Woking to avoid scandal as they are unweded and hes having an affair with her. His brother pushes him away and doesn't want know him unless he gives up his affair and goes back to his unloving marriage. Meanwhile...big meteor hits Horsel Common and crowds gather to see the object that's crashed into the lush English countryside. It goes downhill from here I'm afraid, as it detracts from the novel in stupid nonsensical ways. The cylinder that gave so much mystery and suspense, is replaced by a big black sphere!?!, these rise into the air and spin and vaporise anyone near, then they explode into pieces and that's the last you see of them! Next thing you know, Woking is being attacked by a massive tripod that came from nowhere, and 5 mins later they are attacking London!!! The reveal for these fighting machines that are not called fighting machines or even tripods, but are called creatures!!, is very underwhelming, as the first one you see rises up behind a church, and just looks bad really. The effects budget is not much, and looks more like one of those mockbusters produced by The Asylum. The heat rays are really poor, and are such a let down, as they are meant to be terrifying. Sets are bad, one example is when George is trapped under rubble from a blown up building, you can see all around that the buildings are totally intact, and theres a small set where they buried Him under polystyrene bricks and planks that he struggles out of lol. The time jumps are really confusing, as it keeps jumping from the start of the war, to long after it. I've not seen 2nd episode, but if its anything like episode 1, I'll not be watching.
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The King (I) (2019)
Shakespeare for non Shakespeare fans.
6 November 2019
Perfect cinematography, visual effects on a cinematic scale. Performances that are emotionally engaging, the sheer beauty of it. This does not play like a Netflix movie, more like a blockbuster epic. I always engage with Falstaff in Henry V, and find the actors who portray him fascinating, and Joel Edgerton does not disappoint, this is one of his career standouts, easily his best since Warrior. Timothée Chalamet is scintillating as Hal, who goes from wayward prince to King of England in a journey that is filled with anguish, blood and grief. Netflix's best movie to date! Who cares if it's not accurate to the source material or history!
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Highly entertaining sequel!
20 October 2019
Saw the first one a few years back and thought, yeah ok, cool movie, fun but violent with a strong cohesive cast. Went to this one thinking it'll probably be ok I expect, but boy was I surprised! This is an amazing follow up that delivers on all levels, I enjoyed it twice as much as the first and probably twice that as well lol! The humour is spot on, it had me laughing all the way through it, from the running gag with their transport problems to the family guy style cut scenes involving the 'Zombie Kill of the Year' (My favourite being the Italian guy and the leaning tower of Pisa, it had me in stitches!) The addition to the cast if Zoey Deutch as Madison is truly inspiring! I thought she would annoy me in the trailers, but she is hilarious, and carries off the dumb blonde role with relish, and has some great lines, and really looks like she had a blast filming it! I hope they bring her back if theres a third movie. Rosario Dawson is solid as Woody Harrelson's love interest, and kicks ass too as you'll see in the third act. To round up, an amazing sequel that left me with a massive smile on my face, which in my view is why you go to the cinema really!
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