
65 Reviews
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I Am ZoZo (2012)
Mood Piece
29 November 2021
Maybe I was just in a generous and accepting mood watching this, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's not at all very scary, although it's tense at times. I appreciated the music a lot, and it really set the mood for scenes or certain parts of scenes. At times, it felt like a movie shot in the 60's because of the cinematography and music. The characters and the cast were likable, too. I'm seeking out more films by this director, as I like his style and vibe.
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A Christmas Melody (2015 TV Movie)
Hilarious Mariah Moments
2 November 2021
So Mariah directed this movie, which is no small feat. Her acting is really bad, which is surprising, because she is actually really good in "Precious." The best part of the movie, though, is that Mariah clearly shot all of her scenes separately from all the other actors. All of her acting is done in close up shots with special lighting and camera filters to make her look like a glamorous movie star. When the camera cuts to the other actor in the scene with her, they look like they're in a totally different movie. It's such a typical Mariah diva move to make sure she looks different and better than everyone else.
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Chucky (I) (2021– )
Pretty good, but...
26 October 2021
The concept is good, and it's always fun to see Chucky. I'm hoping this series expands and extends beyond the characters in the first two episodes. While he seems to have an impressive acting resume, the actor who plays the orphaned young man and is the central character is way too over the top in his reactions and facial expressions. At times I feel like I'm watching a Kristen Wiig character in a Telenovela sketch on SNL. I understand the character is traumatized, but it's just off-putting. If he's going to be the central character for the whole series, I hope he matures and chills out sooner than later.
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House of the Damned (1996 TV Movie)
Comically Bad
20 October 2021
I never thought of Alexandra Paul as a bad actor, but oh boy, she should have won a Razzie for this hot mess of a performance. From her over the top reactions to absolutely everything to her possessed makeup and demonesque performance where she grunts like a drunk cave man, she is all over the place. The special effects look like they were made by Nintendo 64.
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The Manor (I) (2021)
Spooky and Satisfying
17 October 2021
If you are someone who measures a good horror film by the number of jump scares or gallons of blood that are spilled, then by all means believe the low rated reviews here. If you believe horror takes many forms and terrorizes in many different ways, give this movie a chance. There are many layers and themes going on and to discover here, and if you appreciate horror movies as an art form rather than an amusement park ride, you'll be thinking about this movie long after its surprise ending.
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Nightbooks (2021)
9 October 2021
I watched because I'm a fan of Krysten Ritter, but the plot was so basic. It involved Ritter showing up and throwing a fit every couple minutes, so it just got old very fast. I'd like to see Krysten play something other than a malcontent. I know actors get pigeonholed into certain types of roles, but she deserves better.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
1 October 2021
Mike Flanagan is without a doubt the best horror writer and director we have today. This multilayered takedown of radical Christianity is what so many of us decent Christians who reject the hypocritical evangelical mentality have been needing for years.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Lazy Writers
29 September 2021
Including a psychic character who can see what's happening in the alternate world sure does make it easier to move the plot along, doesn't it?
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The Premise (2021)
Bad Writing
26 September 2021
What makes good comedy and satire work is when the premise is ridiculous, but the circumstances are crafted in such a way that the premise is actually believable. Asking your audience to do too much suspension of disbelief is lazy writing and is distracting snd insulting.
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10/31 Part 2 (2019)
How do you pronounce...
18 September 2021
How in the world can you produce a movie that contains references to the holiday of Samhain, then have actors in a scene in that movie pronounce it "sam-hain?" It's pronounced "saw-in." It's like you made a movie that took place in the Middle Eastern country of Qatar, and the actors pronounced it as "cater." It takes a lot of incompetence among a large crew of morons for this mistake to actually make it to print.
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Visually Stunning
11 September 2021
The movie is like a nightmare that keeps going in circles, so you feel jerked around as a viewer. It's very unsatisfying in that respect. However, whoever did the photography and special effects really deserves applause. This film is as well lit, shot and post-produced as any major Hollywood film with much more financial backing. I was getting Guillermo del Toro vibes while watching its beautiful visuals. So, while the movie, on the whole, is a miss, there's some really great talent featured here that will hopefully flourish in the film industry.
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Pray Away (2021)
The damage is done.
10 August 2021
It seems like we are supposed to believe that the people at the center of this documentary were victims who deserve forgiveness. However, they show little guilt for the damage they caused toward the people, often children, who ended up killing themselves because of their actions. They are presented as now living these ideal, gay lives and survivors for putting those years behind them during which they behaved like lying, disgusting, murderous, garbage people. I do not wish these people well. They deserve no more peace than murderers on death row, and they really serve no purpose or do any good by sharing their stories. If they want to help, they should stay silent and disappear into obscurity. They are not wanted, they are not forgiven, and I hope they carry the weight of the knowledge that the hatred they engendered is still destroying lives and killing people to this day.
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Great and Tragic, Except...
8 August 2021
Except for Deputy Doofy, AKA, Megan Freer, who smiles through every single one of her interviews like she's about to get on a plane to Disney. She knows the outcome of the story, so why is she practically giggling every time she's on camera? Are brutally murdered children funny to you, Megan? Every time I used to watch a movie and the police were portrayed as bumbling and stupid, I cringed at embarrassment for them. Now after seeing Freer's behavior in this documentary I think they've been depicted quite accurately.
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No Heart
29 July 2021
You have to bring the nostalgia and pull at the heartstrings if you want a sequel like this to work. The audience wants to relive a little of their youth and happier times. This does none of that, unfortunately. The actress who plays Ted's daughter was also a bad idea. I'm sure she seemed like a good idea during casting, because she had Keanu's mannerisms as Ted down. However, in the end, it just came across as a mimicked, copycat performance you'd see in a community theatre. It became irritating to watch very early on and eventually became unwatchable and kind of soiled the entire movie.
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Perfect for Devout Christians
16 July 2021
First, I'm pretty sure the negative reviews here are from the far right Christian hypocrites who are just interested in giving low ratings to try to hurt the show. Someone should clue them in that nothing they say here matters, although maybe no one should let them know, because their appalling grammar and general lack of literacy provides hours of laughter. Moving forward, it's great to revisit Murder House, and this was a great new take with a modern family moving in and dealing with the evil within. It's nice to see the AHS model works in the mini anthology form. Congrats to everyone involved.
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29 June 2021
I had only seen one other stage production of The Rocky Horror Show, and that was on Broadway in 2001. I didn't think any production could top that one, but this one did so exponentially. David Bedella is excellent as Frank. It's such an iconic role that holds such high expectations, and David's performance exceeds those expectations. The celebrity narrators really add to the feel that you're watching a special event rather than any typical performance of the show. I make sure to watch this every October along with my other favorite Halloween classics.
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Record Breaking
17 June 2021
This movie broke my record for the least amount of time I've been able to tolerate watching a movie without shutting it off. It lasted a whole two lines before I said, "No, Just no," and hit the menu button on the remote.
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Why? Just why?
17 June 2021
This is a bad remake of "Rebecca" with a couple of additional, expected twists. I'm embarrassed for the creative team who thought this classic story deserved a low budget remake. Fools.
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Bloodline (2015–2017)
Careless Writing
16 June 2021
There's a fine line between creating characters the viewer loves to hate and unintentionally crossing that line and creating characters the viewers just plain hate. In this instance, the writers did the latter. It seems they believed they could use the same magic they created with the antihero of Danny in season one by applying a similar treatment to the choices of the other characters in subsequent seasons. It just didn't work. By the end of season two, you want to slap every one of the characters, and if you're like me, you actually cheered when one of those characters actually got slapped. By the end of the third season, you move from wanting everyone to get slapped to hoping they all get thrown in prison for their gross behavior. What killed the series was that there was not one likable character by the third season, and that's not enjoyable to watch.
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Love, Victor (2020–2022)
Season 2 Delivers
12 June 2021
Wow. Season 1 was enjoyable and a good, simple starting point for this story, but Season 2 really stepped up in terms of improving the writing. The story lines are much more complex, the characters grow and learn, and the plot has great twists and turns. I can now say I genuinely like these characters and am invested in them. I think this show has at least 3 more good seasons left in it, and I hope they get the opportunity to continue telling these characters' stories. Everyone involved is doing great work.
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Lost Child (2017)
9 June 2021
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this beautiful film. This is not really horror, but it's very suspenseful from beginning to end. I was so overwhelmed during the climax of the film that I openly wept. I don't think I've ever watched a film before that combined elements of suspense and drama in such a unique but complimentary way. This will stick with me for a long time.
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Garfield in Disguise (1985 TV Short)
The Best Halloween Special
8 June 2021
This Halloween special captures everything kids love about the holiday. From choosing a costume, to trick or treating, to approaching the scary house in the neighborhood, it has everything. Add in a couple original songs which are excellent and possibly one of the truly most terrifying moments in a cartoon Halloween special, and you have everything you need to put you into the Halloween mood. If you're going to show this special to kids under 10, I recommend showing it after they get home from trick or treating when they're evaluating their candy and winding down for the night. Some young kids might be too scared o go out if you show it before trick or treating.
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Halston (2021)
21 May 2021
I was really expecting this series to be fun, wild, unpredictable and inspiring, but it was none of that. It turns out that Halston was kind of boring, aloof, and led quite a predictable life for a gay man who became successful in the late 60's and died of AIDS by 1990. Success, fame, celebrities, parties, addiction, failure, illness and death. No surprises there. The bigger problem is the script and how it's delivered by Ewan Macgregor. At some times we get a little bit of Bette Davis, other times we get a little Norma Desmond, but most of the time we just get a flat, self-loathing caricature of a gay man. The actor who plays Victor might be the worst actor ever given the job of delivering the worst lines ever written. At times it felt like I was watching an SNL skit. The saddest part is that there's nothing to be learned from this story. We've seen it all before done so much better.
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Nostalgic Gem
15 May 2021
I spent many Saturday nights in my early teens with Micki, Ryan, and Jack. It was such a clever concept for a show, because there was so much room for creativity from building a plot around an everyday object. It was something to look forward to on Saturday nights when you were too old to care about cheesy sitcoms but too young to drive or go out with your friends at night. I remember being particularly terrified of the vault in which they locked the cursed objects. Anytime someone would go into it, I would have a panic attack and hold my breath until they left. I was convinced they'd get locked in, and the objects would spring to life and attack them. Such great memories. It really was the "Twilight Zone" of my generation.
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Well Done. Great Acting.
15 May 2021
Did you ever read some of the 1 star reviews here and think, "I wonder what movies these people think are actually good?" I'm guessing it's somewhere between "Ernest Goes To Camp" and "Dumb and Dumber." The fact is that this is a very well-adapted screenplay written by one of our finest living playwrights, Tracy Letts. Not only does he do well with helping us see the world through the eyes of an agoraphobe, he also does a wonderful job with keeping us guessing while creating balance with suspense and intrigue. The casting is excellent. Amy Adam's never makes us feel sorry for her; she makes us root for her. Playing the victim is probably an easy trap in a role like this, but she unravels in an expert fashion which makes her big moments at the end feel earned. Julianne Moore has always had a knack for making audiences feel delightfully uncomfortable. Her ability to always make you feel like at any minute she could snap and go over the edge lends terrifically to this role. If you are a fan of old Hitchcock, you'll enjoy this film. One of the earliest shots is of Jimmy Stewart in "Rear Window" playing on the TV. It's almost like the director is acknowledging, up front, that this is an homage, and it's okay for the audience to make comparisons. Just come along for the ride.
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