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Star Trek: Discovery: Life, Itself (2024)
Season 5, Episode 10
It would be an understatement to say that I was disappointed with the ending...
1 June 2024
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It would be an understatement to say that I was disappointed with the ending on this final season of star trek discovery... I thought Moll would bring L'ak back to life, become queen of the Breen empire or something like that BUT nothing like that ever happened... Everything just fizzled into a mediocre extremely boring ending... Everybody got very old and died... the end... What a bore... I got so bored all I could think about is how many hours the actress Sonequa Martin-Green spends every day to keep up her extremely complicated hairdo... How extremely difficult it must be for her to wash her extremely tangled up hair.
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This series reminds me of "The Last Airbender 2010"...
26 February 2024
This series reminds me of "The Last Airbender 2010"... Aang in that movie was Noah Ringer, A white boy with some Native American heritage. Ringer's taekwondo instructor, Master Eric Pechacek, started watching the "The Last Airbender" comic version, noticed the resemblance of Ringer to Aang, in both appearance and personality. This eventually led to Ringer being cast as Aang in "The Last Airbender 2010"... i was sorry to realize that the "The Last Airbender 2010" movie did not get a sequel probably because of covid. Aang in the current "Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024)" is Gordon Cormier, a Canadian of Filipino descent and European descent. Anyhow, to me, i think Noah Ringer made a better Aang... That guy was literally born to play Aang... i think Aang in the "Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024)" version is a watered down version of the real thing... i'm sure people will agree with me if they watch "The Last Airbender 2010"...
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Soul (2020)
a life changing moment...
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Viewing this movie, really gave me a life changing moment...

Joe finally gets his chance to play for Dorothea's jazz band... A career in jazz he always dreamed for... But then by stupid mistake,

Joe falls down a manhole.

Joe finds himself as a soul heading into the "Great Beyond".

Joe runs away and meets 22, a soul living in the "Great Before" who refuses to get her earth badge...

Joe trys to get back to earth, ends up hacking a way back to earth with 22. But Joe ends up in the body of a cat and 22 ends up in Joe's body.

Terry, an angel-like admisterator being in the "Great Before", catches up with Joe and 22, and brings them both back to the Great Before...

Joe tells 22 that his experiences and tastes earned 22 the earth badge. Angry, 22 tosses the badge at Joe and disappears into the zone. Joe heads back to Earth and has a successful first performance with the Dorothea quartet, but does not feel right about what happened.

At this moment, Joe does something that was a life changing moment for me.

Joe plays the piano and chooses to enter the zone again to rescue 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why would he do this? He got everything he ever wanted!?! He did this because it bothered his conscience. And he wanted to do something to make things right so his conscience would not bother him... People complain about how everything is wrong... About how the world is going bad and how it would all end soon... i think this is because too many people are doing things against their conscience... A few people acting against their conscience and doing amoral things might not amount to much. But if it gets too much it begins to take it's toll... i think this world needs more people like Joe who is willing to lose everything in order to make sure his conscience stops bothering him.
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Source Code (2011)
The multiverse theory says that there are infinite numbers of alternate universes...
25 February 2024
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The multiverse theory says that there are infinite numbers of alternate universes via the String theory... This movie is built on that world view... BTW, i think i watched this movie at least 5 times...

A man (Jake Gyllenhaal) wakes up on a train sitting across from a woman named Christina Warren (Michelle Monaghan). The woman knows him by the name Sean Fentress, but he doesn't seem to know her and appears uncertain of his own identity.

After eight minutes, a bomb goes off on the train, and the man awakens to find himself strapped inside a small geodesic dome. After that, he goes back in the train several times in a time loop.., Each time getting closer to the goal of finding the person who bombed the train...

i'm a sucker for time travel SFX movies..., This movie would definately be called a time travel SFX movie... BTW, the Chicago bean statue is an important part of this movie...
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I.S.S. (2023)
American astronauts Kira and Christian arrives at the International Space Station (ISS)..,
22 February 2024
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American astronauts Kira Foster and Christian arrives at the International Space Station (ISS)..,

At the ISS is an American called Gordan and Russians Alexey and Nicholai and Weronika.

Alexey has accomplished research that can help against radiation sickness...

Nuclear war erupts between the US and Russia...

Both the Americans and the Russians receives message from their governments to take control of the ISS "by any means necessary." to get control of Alexey's research... Nicholai and Christian decides to become murders after hearing this.

Gordon goes EVA to fix antenna outside the station.

Nicholai uses station arm to try to kill Gordon...

Weronika pretends to blow up station to help Kira escape the ISS station with Alexey's research.

Christian uses that as an excuse and kills Weronika.

Alexey saves Gordon using station arm...

Gordon returns and trys to kill Nicholai... Both Gordan and Nicholai ends up killing each other...

Alexey and Kira kills Christian because he is a murderer...

Alexey and Kira escapes the ISS with Alexey's valuable research...
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Digman! (2023– )
Archaeologists are massive celebrities and the coolest people on the planet...
20 February 2024
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This comic series is about a crazy world in which archaeologists are massive celebrities and the coolest people on the planet. The thing about the Italian gondola in series 1 episode 2 made me laugh so hard that i literally had to put in on pause and stop watching it for a while to catch up my breath... i ended up watching the entire episodes of series 1 in one day... There is only series 1 as of the writing of this review but considering the earth shattering gigantic cliffhanger that the final episode in series 1 left us in, i think the netflix viewers would go on strike or something if they don't give them at least one more season of "Digman!"...
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Henry Suger's life must have been an exceedingly boring one...
19 February 2024
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BTW, the mind training method described in this movie, the staring into a candle and concentrating your thought thing, is very popular in north korea... Maybe that is why they can do so much even though they are so resource deprived... Maybe this story is non fiction... Anyway, i think the life of Henry Suger described in this short movie, even though his charity work is very admirable, must have been an exceedingly boring one since there was absolutely no thrill involved because he could see the deck with his special powers... i think Benedict Cumberbatch did a really good job as Henry Suger. I can hardly think of anyone else who would have doon a better job...
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If you make yourself watch all the episodes, the show really grows on you.
13 February 2024
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Carol and the End of the World (Netflix) is at first glance something boring about a chubby looking normal middle aged white woman.... The protagonist is merely awakening to an appreciation of life. She's one person amongst millions but serves as a vehicle for analyzing how society treats itself and the concept of a life well-lived. If you make yourself watch all the episodes, the show really grows on you and you end up really caring for Carol and other characters... If the series gets renewed somehow, I hope a miracle occurs and the end of the world event is somehow averted to save all the characters....
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One Piece (2023– )
Truly amazing season. Can't wait for more!!!
17 October 2023
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I don't like horror movies... So i thought that this might be something lame but stuck with it until the end and was pleasantly rewarded when all the wierd looking pieces matched up perfectly in the end!!! Wow!!! What a show!!! It was just so unique, creative and just a load of so much fun. I think they made a really good team. I can't stop thinking about how Nami looked as if she was a villainous character at first but turned out to be a good person stuck in a very bad situation and how Monkey D. Luffy had the wisdom to see through all the fake outside coverings and just had a feeling that she was a good person worth saving and finally saved her at the end... BTW, I never watched the japanese cartoon but had no problems following the plot of this movie...

Can't wait for season 2.
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Futurama: All the Way Down (2023)
Season 11, Episode 10
i must confess i was completely flabbergasted out of my brain after watching the S7.E7 "The Late Phillip J Fry" episode ....
28 September 2023
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I must confess i was completely flabbergasted out of my brain after watching the S7. E7 "The Late Phillip J Fry" episode and literally watched it over and over again about 100 times!!! After watching this episode, i'm beginning to hope that maybe the Futurama team will really deliver and come up with an episode that is just as good as that amazing episode because this episode was at least about half as good as the "The Late Phillip J Fry" episode!!! In many ways, this episode had even more philosophical footprint than the "The Late Phillip J Fry" episode and made me wonder for a while whether we are all in a simulation and what that fact all means to us... The plot of this episode is a very futuramaish theme where you explore into the fact that our world is a simulation and creating a story out of that in a way that Futurama excels at. BTW, i think that if our world really is a simulation, that really explains a lot!!!
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Wish Dragon (2021)
this is a Chinese version of Alladin...
22 August 2023
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In this Chinese version of Alladin, If you open the magic teapot, a magic dragon pops out and grants you three wishes... I guess people would say this is an Aladdin copycat but the style and tone was completely different from the classic Arabian tale. In this story, the genie or in this case, a dragon, was originally a cruel ancient Chinese emperor who was forced to serve as a magic teapot dragon for about 1000 years before he is allowed to enter the afterlife.

The relationship between our main boy, Din, and the wish dragon was goofy and they annoyed each other, which provided more funny jokes.

I guess it hinted a little about the fact that money and wealth can't buy happiness, but did not elaborate very much why that is the case. I wish our dragon had the chance to give a lot of money and wealth to Din, and showed people how money and wealth can't buy happiness, but our main character Din was too dumb or stupid to ask the dragon for things like that. For example, Din asks the dragon to make him wealthy for only 24 hours!!!! I mean, what kind of a stupid wish is that? If you could wish for anything, why would you ask to be rich for only 24 hours?!? Anyway, there were many tropes of a Disney-like animated scenes that I found to be entertaining.
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Una wanted equal rights for her minority group...
16 August 2023
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Una is on trial for lying about the fact that she was an Illyrian(genetically modified race of people)... What follows is a riveting court-room drama... As we all know, the Federation apparently doesn't like genetic engineering... If you would recall, the Star Trek movie "Star Trek Into Darkness" (2013) was all about the aftermath of the eugenics war... Well, it turns out Una outed herself as an Illyrian(genetically modified race of people) because she could no longer stand living in fear of being found out. Also, she wanted equal rights for her Illyrian minority group because she thought the draconian policy starfleet discriminating against Illyrian was very unfair... LGBT people who are sensitive about issues like this would REALLY love this episode... i think Una was really very brave to have outed herself when she had so much to lose... the profound message, "Ad Astra Per Aspera," which means "to the stars through hardships" that made Una want to join starfleet reminds me why i became a star trek fan in the first place... Also, i think the emotional music score in this episode was truly excellent... It really brought me to tears many times...
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i want the green juice from a small vile that turns ordinary people into super soldiers!!!
16 August 2023
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Captain pike goes on leave leaving spock as the acting captain of the enterprise... spock receives an urgent comm message from Lt. Noonien-Singh saying that if the enterprise does not respond to her SOS, war would break out... so spock decides to steal the enterprise away to the source of the SOS message, a dilithium mining planet near the edge of klingon space... the klingons are trying to make a false flag star fleet vessel from junk parts and have it fire on the klingons so that war between starfleet and the klingons would erupt... Anyhow, Dr. M'Benga and Nurse Christine Chapel are captured inside the false flag star fleet vessel. Dr. M'Benga and Nurse Christine Chapel take a green juice from a small vile and they turn into super soldiers and beat up dozens of klingon soldiers and manage to send a message to the enterprise saying "destroy this ship"... the enterprise destroys the false flag vessel and rescues Dr. M'Benga and Nurse Christine Chapel... i think maybe starfleet should let all of starfleet make use of the green juice from a small vile that turns ordinary people into super soldiers!!! If such a wonderful super weapon becomes available to starfleet, they would have no fear of getting into war with any opponent like the klingons...
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Star Trek: Voyager: Coda (1997)
Season 3, Episode 15
Janeway meets an Alien monster!!!
14 August 2023
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Janeway meets an Alien monster!!!

In this episode, Captain Janeway and Chakotay are going to a nearby planet... but they enter an electrical storm and the shuttle crashs on a planet. Captain has become unconscious but Chakotay revives her. And then it turns out she is in a time loop and there are many different versions of the same event... Some involving Vidiians... it turns out an alien presence, an alien monster is trying to lure Captain Janeway when she is near death so it would be able to feed on Captain Janeway's dead soul's life energy forever like a spider feeding on it's prey... later, Captain Janeway and Chakotay are safely back on Voyager and they hope the alien monster they encountered only exists in the delta quadrant. I think this episode is similiar to the star trek movie "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" in which they meet God... maybe star trek is trying to replace God and become a new religion...
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Star Trek: Voyager: Caretaker (1995)
Season 1, Episode 1
Star Trek bosses decided to have a female captain and a new set of crew...
14 August 2023
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Star Trek bosses decided to have a female captain and a new set of crew...

they named it Voyager... it would explore a different part of the galaxy.

The Starship Voyager led by Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) is looking for a A Maquis ship in the in the Badlands...

a Federation undercover agent is inside the Maquis ship...

the Maquis ship hits a strange wave and disappears. The Starship Voyager also gets hit by the same strange wave...

they are all whisked away by the strange wave to the Delta Quadrant, over 70,000 light-years from earth...

Captain Janeway ends up uniting with Maquis captain, Chakotay (Robert Beltran)...

they decide to find out who this mysterious caretaker is that whisked them away so far away from home...

would they be able to get back home?
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Lucy (I) (2014)
this movie is a Documentary!!!!
12 August 2023
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This movie is a Documentary!!!!

The genre of this movie says it is a SCI-FI. But i think this is a non-FICTION!! All these bad reviewers are not intelligent enough to realize that this movie is non fiction and not Science Fiction. We should realize that we are watching a documentary!!!! There is so much that does not make any sense in how life first began on earth and everything... This documentary movie explains everything!!!

This is the first movie i watched with Scarlett Johansson in it. I think Scarlett Johansson is a really good actress who played an excellent performance and was very believable.

Also, as we would see in this documentary, God is a female...
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Captain Fall (2023)
i hope they make a real life version of this cartoon and have Scarlett Johansson play the role of Liza...
11 August 2023
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I loved watching the Simpsons and Family Guy... but i guess "Captain Fall" would get a R rating so it definately belongs in a different category, which is good. Anyway, the important thing is that the humor is definately there, even though in this case it is very dark. In many ways i think Captain Fall is much better than the Simpsons and Family Guy..

Jonathan Fall is your typical intellectually challenged single white male who unwittingly ends up becoming the captain of a highly illegal smuggling ship masquerading as a cruise line... he slowly becomes more growingly confident while realizing something isn't right. The cutthroat professional smugglers who are his crew are becoming increasingly irritated by their idiotic captain who is only there in that position because nobody in his right mind would want to be a scapegoat of a highly illegal operation whose only real role is to get blamed for everything and go to prison instead of the real boss Mr. Tyrant...

i hope they make a real life version of this cartoon and have Scarlett Johansson play the role of Liza... i guess Owen Wilson would be perfect as captain Fall...
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Asteroid City (2023)
The plot for this movie makes very little sense..
15 July 2023
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The plot for this movie makes very little sense... In fact, they make a point of the fact that they make no sense... But, you can see Scarlett Johansson go Full-Frontal nude in Asteroid City... Why? Because they just decided to have a Scarlett Johansson nude scene so they just made one for no reason... As I said, this movie makes very little sense... But I guess people would pay to see Scarlett Johansson go nude... So I guess it does make a lot of sense for her to go nude for no reason... Ur, also, the alien appears very briefly... He just steals a small asteroid and runs away in his UFO which is just a stop motion cheap deal...
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I saw this movie with my girlfriend and she has made me see things from her point of view...
3 July 2023
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Phoebe Waller-Bridge should replace Harrison Ford and become the main character in new Indy type adventure movies...

The ancient artifact turns out to be a time machine if you use it on an airplane... the Nazies kidnap Indy and travel back in time to about 2000 years ago by mistake and gets killed when the plane runs out of fuel, cannot find a place to land and crashes... Indy escapes by jumping out of the airplane in a parachute with Phoebe Waller-Bridge/Helena... Indy wants to stay there back in time 2000 years ago even though he would mess up history because he wants to help Archimedes fight the Romans!!! OMG!!! IMAGINE THE COMPLETE MESS THAT WOULD MAKE!!! INDY WANTED TO UPROOT HISTORY AND CAUSE A COMPLETE DISASTER!!! Indy does not want to go back to the present basically because Indy wanted to help Archimedes fight the Romans but her heroic grand daughter saves the day by knocking Indy unconscious... In the movie, "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny", Phoebe Waller-Bridge/Helena is the REAL hero and Indy is the foolish villian that was going to destroy history as we know it... Anyway, I think this is the BEST Indy movie in the Indy series... Phoebe Waller-Bridge/Helena basically saved the world by stopping Indy who had gone wildly crazy in his senile old age... I think we should see more movies with Phoebe Waller-Bridge as the main hero replacing Indy...
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The Flash (I) (2023)
God is like a crazy cook you should never piss off...
28 June 2023
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In this movie, God is like a crazy cook who you should never piss off... the main protagonist, flash, can travel faster that the speed of light so he can travel back in time making him able to change what happened in the past... he realizes too late that if you try to change what happened in the past, God is like a cook who says says "WTF!!! YOU DON'T LIKE MY COOKING?!? F___ YOU!!!" Goes crazy, and you end up with a nightmarish world which makes you regret trying to change what happened in the past... it does not make any sense, of course, but it sort of makes a wierd kind of sense because we can see God trying to do something stupid like that...
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65 (2023)
Adam Driver is desperately trying to escape being typecast as Kylo Ren and this lame low budget B movie is his latest attempt to take a different role..
26 June 2023
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Adam Driver is desperately trying to escape being typecast as Kylo Ren and this lame low budget B movie is his latest attempt to take a different role... the dinosaurs that appear in this low budget B movie look as if they are made by teenagers for a crappy movie made by highschool teenagers for a lame school project... to tell the truth, i fell asleep halfway through the movie because it was so boring... If i were told to summarize the story, it's 65 million years ago and Adam Driver is a space pilot in some mysterious unknown spacefaring civilization of advanced humans. The movie does not elaborate much about what this civilization is like mainly because this is a low budget B movie and they can't do that very well in a low budget B movie... the star ship Adam Driver was piloting runs into astroids in space and crash lands on earth that is infested with dinosaurs. Adam driver and a small girl are the only survivers and they have to escape dinosaurs and get to an escape pod to escape earth before a huge astroid hits earth and kills all the dinosaurs and everything alive on earth...
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Stargate: Continuum (2008 Video)
what if Cameron Mitchell had no choice but to travel back to the Cretaceous period 79 MILLION YEARS AGO?
25 January 2023
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At Ba'al's time machine, what if Cameron Mitchell had no choice but to travel back to the Cretaceous period 79 MILLION YEARS AGO because he had no choice? Wouldn't an alternate universe like that make a good NEW stargate series? I dunno... Anyway, i think viewers would love to continue to see their familiar stargate cast like Amanda Tapping and Claudia Black, etc... They should hire more story writers to make more new storys based on the established stargate universe using actors and actresses like Amanda Tapping and Claudia Black... i think they should make the new stargate series that way...
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Rewind (2013 TV Movie)
27 November 2022
The emergency response people in this movie were SO INCREDIBLY STUPID at the start of the movie that it makes my poor brains hurt... WHY didn't they have a cop shoot at the thermo nuclear device thing!?!? That way, it would no longer be a thermo nuclear device but just a dirty bomb... thermo nuclear device=MILLIONS of deaths... dirty bomb=just thousands of people dead or injured at most...

Also the idea that a nobel prize laureate can build a thermo nuclear device was incredibly childish and stupid.... Even though this movie had obvious plot holes, I wish they had made it into a complete series because I love watching time travel movies and stuff...
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Logan (2017)
Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart...
6 September 2022
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Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart got tired of playing their respective roles on X-MEN and decide to rack up some last box office gross and kill off their character... This movie has kids playing important roles in the movie but ironically this movie is much too violent for viewing by kids... Both Hugh Jackman Patrick Stewart. Die in this movie... in the movie, Hugh Jackman(wolverine) takes care of Patrick Stewart(professor X) who has become too poor (I wonder what happened to all his money!!! I was under the impression that he was very rich!!!) to take care of himself... Hugh Jackman(wolverine) works as a limo driver to pay for food and medical bills, living expenses, etc... that is when a mutant girl in distress, comes to ask the wolverine for help...
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Little Demon (2022)
Aubrey Plaza is not the antichrist you are used to seeing in movies...
3 September 2022
Aubrey Plaza's depiction of the antichrist is nothing like the antichrist you are used to seeing in movies... Here, the antichrist is a teenage GIRL!!! And she is actually GOOD and trys to HELP people instead of torturing/killing them!!! The antichrist's father, Satan is a good mentor trying to help the antichrist reach her full potential... BTW, I'm a fan of Aubrey Plaza and I think her performance in the movie "Ingrid Goes West" was just devine... Anyway, I used to think Satan was a bad guy... But seeing the "Little Demon" has really changed my world view!!! Anyway, I really think they should make a big budget real life movie version of "Little Demon" with Aubrey Plaza as the main star!!!
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