
32 Reviews
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Spirited (2022)
25 November 2022
I had high hopes for this as 2 of my all time favourite actors are joint leads but I couldn't even finish it!!

I don't think I even made it to the halfway mark.

A more realistic score would be 2/10 but I added 2 for Will and Ryan.

Also since when did you have to write an essay in here to leave a review. That's silly!

I said all I needed to say in half that many characters and if people just wanted to leave drivel that wasn't actually a review they certainly wouldn't bother logging in to type out 250 characters!

Please review your need for such long reviews, a short succinct review is far more readable than this long winded essay I've been forced to write!!

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Spaceship (2016)
Nonsensical Drivel
18 July 2022
I can't think of anything positive to say about this pile of clap trap. Nothing flowed or connected. Dull as wet week.

I'm struggling to write 150 characters I was so uninspired & bored that my brain melted and left me unable to leave an adequately lengthy review that no one will read anyway.
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Ugh! Big flop.
19 May 2022
Being a drag show winner does not make One a presenter, let alone a watchable presenter!

The format of this show is also pretty dire, only 2 contestants and there's oomph in-between flicking from 1 contestant to the other.

All just a bit dull and insipid, not helped by a dull presenter.
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Blood Craft (2019)
Ugh! Fail
21 May 2021
Just a big fat no! I was so distracted by Madeleine Wade's plastic, over filled Botox face that I couldn't concentrate on the rest. If the rest had been good enough my obsession with her face would have only been fleeting. The above should be enough to show how rubbish this movie is!
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Awesome movie!
5 May 2021
Really enjoyed this, the style the humour, the story. Miss 14 told me to watch it so I did to stop her nagging and I loved it lol even the husband was chuckling which is unheard of!
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
How do you people not understand the end?
25 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good film.

Those of you saying it just ended, you all need to go find out the basics of why Zoe sacrificed herself in the solar storm. It didn't just end suddenly at all it's was a very tidy emotional ending.
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The Nevers (2021–2023)
20 April 2021
Interesting, exciting and different! I'm really enjoying it and totally agree with SOPRIFIC'S review, well said and great to see someone explaining what the show is really like/about to the dim wits that don't get it and think it's a kids show!
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Encounter (II) (2018)
Don't waste your time
6 April 2021
Even if they got people who could actually act it still would've been rubbish. Best part of the movie was the song playing at the end during the credits.

Whoever cast this needs to find another career, honestly the acting was abysmal especially Michael Keogh and the other white guy oh and the sister, they were just dire. Omg I just have no words for the for the 2 playing the FBI agents!

The story line was about as interesting as a sci fi essay written by a 10 year old.

No depth to any of the characters, nothing to get us involved with the alien and everything was pretty much filmed in the garage or the lounge room. Ugh.
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Dear God this is terrible
21 March 2021
Loved the books, why oh why didn't they get actors that can actually act!? Cinematography is also awful and the music is terrible. This could have been so good with decent actors, producers and directors. This is just dire.
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
23 January 2021
All the people moaning are the ones that wanted it to be identical to the cartoon which I'm sure didn't have sexual drug and alcohol references just like Sabrina, it's BASED on it not identical to it.
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Winter's Tale (2014)
Tear jerker
5 January 2021
I loved it. Some of my favourite actors in it and mixed with the fantasy makes it my perfect type of film. I've never read the book but will now, I'll also watch it again which is unheard of for me. I watched it with no preconceptions which I think it's why I just took it at face value. I cried quite a lot too, poor husband just rolled his eyes at me lol
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Dracula (2020)
So disappoinring
2 January 2020
Awful acting, dire special effects and boring as hell. I was looking fwd to it and was very disappointed, bored and surprised that the bbc have got it so wrong again (war of the worlds- this is worse tho). Halfway through i started to skip bits because it was so dull. I won't bother watching the last 2 episodes.
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Pandora (2019–2020)
29 July 2019
The acting is hideous, storyline has huge plot holes already, special effects are rubbish and there isn't a single thing I can think of that is a positive.
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Horrendously awful.
17 June 2019
Terrible acting, script, music, sound effects and editing. Really really bad, not in a way that it could become a cult movie, just in the throw it in the fire never to be seen again way! I mean come on a shot of a hedge filling the screen whizzing by....if i could give it minus 10 i would!
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loved it
15 June 2019
Fun film with the same humour as previous mib movies, light hearted with some action thrown in. I really think those who gave a negative review are just too hung up on the originals and wanted carbon copy characters. Loved it just as much as the first ones.
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Kin (I) (2018)
Brilliant slow burner
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely loved this, waiting to see what happened when the guys after the gun caught up with them! Obviously if you have the attention span of most of us in this day and age you will find it a bit slow but the ending REALLY gets you wanting more. I can't wait for the next one! It really is a slow burner and detailed in between the action, the ending puts a new spin on it all. I love James Franco in most stuff and he was brilliant in this role also thought the rest of the actors were top notch. Especially Eli. 9/10
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So slow!
21 March 2019
Ok I am struggling to even get through episode 2 and I had skipped a fair bit in ep 1. It is so so very slow and the god awful English dubbing really doesn't help. Predictable too and so far nothing very different to other tv shows/movies in this genre, just dull.
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Loophole (2019)
err book rip off?
22 February 2019
This has a lot of similarities to books by SJ West.!

Terrible acting though, painful to watch. Better actors/special effects and set, you could have a half decent movie but this was just dire.
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Good Job it is...
9 February 2019
An interesting topic because the narrator Nick is so monotone you would fall asleep otherwise!
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Oceans Rising (2017)
I had to go and watch...
9 February 2019
So bad I had to turn it off and put some other rubbish on Prime Tv and we all know how bad Prime is!
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American Gothic (1995–1998)
I finally found it
24 January 2019
I have been searching for this for years, i couldn't remember the name and had the year wrong, tonight i finally remembered the actor Gary Michael Cole was in it so went hunting. So now I can get it and watch it again. I remember I absolutely loved it and was so disappointed when it ended suddenly. Woohoo!
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Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
So much better than the teen one!
23 January 2019
This really is so much better than the first tv series which was just silly at times. Really glad this has been remade with 'older' characters and not a bunch of teenagers again! Story line is good, the special effects are good and it looks great. Nice seeing Tyler from TVD in a different role too. He has certainly grown into his looks! Can't believe people are giving it a 1/10 , yrt think the 1st show was good!!! Not sure what they watched, maybe this version is too grown up for them lol
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Bird Box (2018)
Dull as dishwater! And no I am not a Netflix snob, thanks!
28 December 2018
To the reviewers who liked it that are name calling, get over yourselves! We ALL like different things for different reasons and that does not warrant trying to belittle others that have a differing opinion to yours! So juvenile!

I watched half an hour, started off promising and grabbed my attention, but then I just got bored, very quickly, it was all just so very predictable.

Great cast and really good acting, shame about the story. I really couldn't bear to watch anymore than I did.
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Fab Family Movie
25 November 2018
Just watched this with my 11 yr old and we loved it! Loved the characters and the set was just full of so much to see. Cgi was pretty good and special effects makeup was spot on. I would actually be happy to sit through this again without moaning about it!
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Been So Long (2018)
ugh Give this a BIG miss
1 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I found this so very dull. The music was really nothing memorable, not a single song through the movie caught me up or drove it's point home and the singing was naff. The story itself was pretty empty. None of the main topics were explored well enough. Her relatshionship with Raymond was all surface stuff, no indepth story about him or his prison time or his time before prison or why he still lived with his mother. A random christening and his friend's wife obviously didn't like him but no back story there either. Her sister was just all about sex and no depth about why she was the way she was. Kestrel just made a sudden appearance with no story about him either. Far too much going on and each storyline was skimmed over probably so they could throw some more hideous 'music' into the fold. Dull as dishwater and no idea how the positive reviews gave it a 10/10 meaning it is THE best film they have EVER seen.
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