
59 Reviews
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You can tell this was made with LOVE!
27 August 2022
I don't give 10s very often if ever. I absolutely loved this show! Wonderful characters! Park Eun Bin as WYW was a joy to watch. You really want to spend time with these people. Even the shady ones. Never quite knew what was going to happen. I'm glad there was a different court drama each episode and loved the beginning set-ups. Classic yes, but done well. Long, Loving, Quiet shots that you don't expect in a series and the result is emotion you won't forget. And I loved the ending of season one. Looks like there is a season two and I'm happy. I only hope they can live up to the beauty and wonder of this incredible first round.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Lost me after 30 minutes
8 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know the comic. What I did watch was well shot. Had nice atmosphere. But something happened about 30 minutes in that lost me. In the beginning when the Sandman is captured his cloak flies off as a bird. Time jump 10 years! Alex who was a young boy is now an adult and clearly feels bad for the Sandman and wants to help him. His Father tells Alex he wants 'the' bird dead. The bird who flew away 10 years earlier. Out of nowhere the bird starts a fire in the house, in order to try and break Sandman out. The bird drops a match and a fire starts. Then the bird slams against the glass cage holding Sandman. Again and again. It is suddenly blasted by Alex holding a shotgun.

Why hadn't the bird lit a match 10 years earlier? 8 years. 6? Suddenly after 10 years the bird tried to break Sandman out? The birds been a nuisance for 10 years. It took 10 years to kill it? Ugh. Sorry. And Alex was just a minute earlier offering to help Sandman.

Don't think I'll continue.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Season 4 Part One Fail, So Disappointed
22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
3 stars for effort alone. I don't understand all the praise. I sadly skipped through most of season four. The episode where Max escapes was great. There are only a few good things about season 4 part 1. Eleven spent the entire run trying to get her powers back, except for the very beginning where she's being bullied and bullied by classmates. It was tiring and cliche. She could have gotten her powers back in one or two episodes. Wynona Ryder was completely wasted! The rescue story was stupid. And so much talking! Time period jokes that could have succeeded fall flat. I really enjoyed seasons 1-3. I'm very sad about this. Yes, I'll watch part 2 but I so hope they can slam dunk the second half. The first was awful!
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Squid Game (2021– )
First Few Episodes a 10, Then...
27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel conflicted after finishing the series. After watching the 3rd episode I was hooked! Just absolutely amazing! A solid 10! I'm glad there were only 9 episodes. At this moment I'm not sure exactly when it started going wrong. I agree with others, the VIPs were awful and cliche. And regardless of how much you are into the game you wouldn't sit for hours with such heavy gold masks on! They were beautiful but completely distracting with the awful dialogue. The final episode was very disappointing. After winning the game, they throw him unconscious onto the street. I don't understand why they would stuff the bank card in his mouth. Makes no sense. Fast forward a year later and Gi-hun is a mess. He hadn't yet honored the promise he made to Kang about her younger Brother. Okay fine. And he finds out Il-Nam, the old man is still alive, which was good and bad. We never saw him die, but the reunion didn't work for me. Turns out Il-Nam is responsible for the game. Regardless, after he passes for real, Gi-hun appears to get his act together. He goes to a hair salon and dyes his hair bright pink! Why? I'm sorry I didn't find it funny or necessary. Then he visits and adopts? Kang's brother but dumps him and a load of cash with the dead 'Big Bad's' Mother! THEN it looks like he's going fly and see his son in the US but after an incident and a phone call he turns around with the look of- I'm headed back to the game? Maybe if this had been done differently I'd feel satisfied. But what started as a freaking great show, left a sour taste in my mouth. Sigh.
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Lost Me in Episode 3!
9 May 2021
I tried. I went in with no preconceptions and no knowledge of the story. Episode one was good enough for me to watch episode two. Then somewhere in three I got bored. Started skipping ahead. Kept skipping looking for something to happen other than frames of the daughter doing drugs... Fast forward episode four completely! Will I try episode 5? Do I care anymore? Sometimes beards looked real, sometimes horribly fake. It was distracting. Monty python did better hair and beards in the 70s. And now for something completely different...
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A 10 for Renewal!
17 April 2021
It's Saturday. I was searching for a movie to watch and found this on Netflix. Binged all episodes in a row! Loved it! Loved the characters, writing, acting all of the above. Smiles and tears along the way. Why ABC canceled this show I don't understand. Not to compare to Schitts Creek necessarily, this show is all about Family and love of Family - more than a simple rom-com. My title would be "We're Garcias". What a lovely show. I hope it's not too late for Netflix to give this show a second season! Update: Just watched the original Israeli version. I like both versions, noting the original has two seasons under it's belt. The American version is simply friendlier and less intense. The Israeli version is terrific, and a better drama with some outstanding comedy. But when it's heavy it's very heavy. So consider the usa version Baker and the Beaty Light. Still fun and deserves a second season!
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Sea Fever (2019)
Very Disappointed!
14 February 2021
Started great. Good cinematography. Acting good. Suspense building... Crew in danger... then it flatlined. Trailer made it look more frightful than it was. I kept waiting for it to kick-up but it never did. Ending was what? A for effort. C for results. And C is generous once the credits roll.
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Sad, Horrible, Depressing Season
25 November 2020
I'm one of the biggest fans of Rom-com no matter gay or straight. The story had promise though hardly original. The first few minutes had promise. The last few minutes had a twinge of a happy ending. Everything in between was filled with cliches, horrible unlikable characters doing horrible things with just the worst dialogue I am sad to say. Aubrey Plaza and Dan Levy, bless your hearts for making this movie a little less unbearable.
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Away (2020)
Undecided and Unsure
8 September 2020
I watched the entire first episode. Was it enjoyable? Maybe yes/no? What I don't understand is this. It is said they trained for 2 years together, yet some act like they don't really know each other, trust each other or much less care for each other. How is that supposed to fly on a mission to Mars? I'm not sure I want to watch another episode. I was really looking forward to this.
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Better Than the Trailer!
5 September 2020
After watching the trailer I was unsure but took a chance and I'm not sorry for it. If you don't love rom-coms stop right there. First, it's not a comedy. It's pretty much just a 'rom' and mildly so. Sweetly so. I watched Love, Guaranteed on a whim and enjoyed it very much. The dialogue was fresh and sincere. Nothing overly dramatic and I'm glad! other reviews said there was no chemistry and I disagree. Acting was great all around. This was a thoroughly enjoyable film for this Saturday afternoon. I rest my case :)
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The Old Guard (2020)
Where's Chris Hemsworth When you Need Him
11 July 2020
I love Charlize but not today. As someone else said- this is generic. Almost film school writing/story telling. No, I haven't read the comic but it has to be better than what they did here. Did I watch the whole thing? Yes. Was it worth it? Probably not. Bad guys were cliche. Nothing memorable. A lot I'd like to forget, sad to say. Seriously I wanted to like it! So disappointed. Sigh.
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Reality Z (2020)
10 Because I Loved It!
16 June 2020
People are complaining about a rip off of Dead Set. In the titles of every episode it mentions Dead Set so it's not like they were trying to pretend it wasn't. I watched Dead Set. I didn't memorize it so honestly this was all new to me. Good characters. Watched with subtitles! No dubbing for me. Good effects, good gore, good Zombies! Better than anything I've seen in a long time. Watched in 3 days. Saved the final episode for the 3rd day. Just sad to see some faves bite the dust though. Hope there is a season 2. Thanks for the ride. Oh, and really great music!
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Very Disappointed!
19 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like The Mandalorian. I heard great things about it and was eager to watch after the recent Star Wars movies. But what I got was an utter disappointment. Let me first say, visuals were gorgeous. Liked the sets, costumes, props and ships. Characters were cliches. Dialogue was occasionally great, spot-on but often fell flat and sounded stupid. Editing seemed poorly thought out.

Will list just a couple of issues I had. First was in the first episode where a bad guy gets cut in half by an iris closing door. You mean to tell me that such a door has no fail safe? That the blades are so sharp they will cut through clothing? What would have been quite funny is if the door kept opening and closing on the poor guy until he escapes and runs off. That would have been funny. But no, it slices his body in half. Which brings me to the fact that there is a LOT of death in these episodes! People dying in all kinds of ways all over the place. This wasn't needed and not so great for kids! Okay, Baby Yoda was as cute as can be and loved it. One episode was your typical save the villagers from baddies. As if we haven't seen that a million times in movies and TV and IDK, Stargate SG1 (which I loved). Episode 6 was the worst. A sad heist set up. The characters were cartoonish at best. Laughing at their own badness. Made me almost stop watching the series! For 2020 they couldn't come up with some original story lines? Is there potential? Yes. But all the money and special effects can't save season 1, unless you turn your brain off. Star Wars a New Hope was silly, suspenseful, amazing and new! Dialogue was witty and sharp. We were exposed to things no one had ever seen before. The Mandalorian just needs some good stories! Less death honestly and maybe some professionalism. Original SW never felt like it was made by students. If I sound harsh it's because i expected more than generic TV. P.S. Still love Werner Herzog.
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A 10 From Me!
6 April 2020
I'm a Hallmark movie junkie, I admit it. Many bad, some gems. I loved this movie! What fun! I've never seen a Rebel Wilson film. Boy was she great. Talk about star power. Well written, well acted, great music and heart. A solid 10 from me.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Late to the party and Sad to Say I'm Not Happy
21 March 2020
I didn't watch when first released. Not sure why. Thought I would give a chance after watching the incredible Korean Zombie 'Kingdom' season 2. The dialogue in Witcher is cheesy modern horrible. Granted I'm only 1.5 episodes in, but my interest is elsewhere. Love Henry as always but sigh, not sure I want to continue. Something is off, and it's not pulling me in. For now I'm out. If I finish and my opinion changes I'll update. I'm disappointed.
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The Neighbor (2019–2021)
Refreshing Superhero Comedy
28 January 2020
Though during the 10 episode run there isn't much superhero-ing going on, it is a constant underlying theme with lots of future potential. The characters are likable, believable and well written. You root for their success and enjoy their human flaws. Some of the humor is perfectly unexpected and laugh out loud funny. Episodes are half hour in length and that's just fine. When one ends you're ready for more. Really enjoyed this series! Glad I took a chance on it.
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17 January 2020
Only made it 1 1/2 episodes. I wanted to like it. When I heard about Medical Police I was ready for some campy fun. This type of format has been done many times, and much better. Funny? A little. Clever, not so much. Kept my interest? Sadly no.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
I'm Very Sad!
25 December 2019
Review for season 2. I Liked Season One. The ship and effects! But at episode 7 of the second season nothing has changed! It's all escape and potential threat! No new adventure or discovery , which I thought might happen when some stuff was discovered at sea, but no. I want to like this show! Where is the Science Fiction!? Story telling? Someone mentioned 'Days of Our Lives' and I agree. So far I can't think of anything worth mentioning! Ill go watch the Original Series now. I'm actually angry :(
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6 Underground (2019)
Green lantern Where Are You?
20 December 2019
Made it 47 minutes in to this disjointed explosion fest. Don't get me wrong, I love a good Wow! and Pow! But at 47 minutes in I was still waiting for some coherency. Shot well? Maybe? Yes? Okay, yes. And I love Ryan! I was so looking forward to this. The idea underneath it all sounded cool and fun. But as a movie realized? As a story one is supposed to follow, get caught up in, and to begin to care for the characters? It just didn't work, sadly. Ryan's been on a winning streak and I continue to cheer him on. But this choppy mess was a mistake. From a fan and someone who went in open minded and ready to enjoy.
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I Wanted to Like This So Bad!
14 November 2019
Big Zombie fan! I waited and waited for this to appear on one of the services. I've known about this movie for what seems like forever! Sigh... no spoilers, but the musical numbers just didn't work with the Zombie Apocalypse. If this had been a series like say, Buffy TVS, and we'd had say, 6 seasons to get to know and love the characters, this may have worked. But because we didn't really know these kids, somehow the songs fell flat. They seemed well written, catchy and beautifully sung. So I was sad this didn't work for me. In fact mid way through I skipped through the songs. And because there wasn't the best character development before sh*t hits the fan, I didn't care much about anyone. I commend the idea and effort! It sounded like such a great idea! I just couldn't get into it :( 5 stars for trying.
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Daybreak (I) (2019)
I Almost Stopped Watching After 2 Episodes
5 November 2019
I didn't like the first episode. It just seemed stupid and too much Ferris Bueller and I didn't care for Josh. That's right, I didn't. I thought what the Heck is this crap? I watched the second ep and it wasn't as bad but I still was ehh, maybe not for me. The next day with episode 3, Angelica appeared. I won't give spoilers but suddenly the show shifted gears. Angelica was awesome and other characters were awesome and the writing was taking on it's own strange and quirky originality. And the world of Daybreak itself became awesome! It keeps you on your toes. You never quite know what will happen next. And Josh, who I didn't care for at all in ep 1, began to shine. I consider this one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. It may have started a little Ferris Buellery, but it crossed the finish line a winner!
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Believe the Reviews, Sadly
9 October 2019
I'm giving it two stars for making it half way through. I was 30 minutes in when I got a phone call. If it had been any good I would have asked for a call back after the show. Instead I took the call. I wanted to like it and was ready to be open minded. First thing I noticed was the poor effects when Ruby crawls out of the ice. If everything else worked I wouldn't have cared. Yes, the acting was bad. Yes, the slow-mo off color flashbacks were cringe worthy! The fight scenes were terrible. Someone said it looked like a fan made film. I've seen better fan made films. I could have cared less if she was straight, gay or bi (and I'm a 62 year old Trans person) as long as it's a good show. Legends of Tomorrow carries it off perfectly. Will I finish the first episode and give it one more chance with EP02? Hmmm... To be continued, or not...
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Another Life (2019–2021)
2 Stars for Getting My Hopes Up
25 July 2019
One Episode Period and Done. When I heard about this series I was excited! Now I'm depressed. Other reviews have it right. Poorly written space tv soap opera something. The only thing I liked about the entire first episode - is when they successfully hear music back from the object and there are screams of joy. One scene. That's it for me, sadly. And I love Scifi! I don't know what this is.
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Flight Crew (2016)
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream!
24 May 2019
Some of the best grand scale fiery destruction scenes I've seen. Wow! I found myself screaming at the screen in amazement. Great acting! Some of the subtitles read off- maybe incorrectly translated but for the most part an awesome movie. I think the second Pilot's name is Sasha. They changed it to Sandra for American audiences. Why? The film does slow a bit but still a Great Throw-back Airport/Airplane vs Nature Adventure. Loved it!
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Oh the Pain! The Pain!
11 May 2019
I wish they'd never come back for season 8 I would have been upset, but not like this. Episodes 3 and 4 have destroyed all that came before. Characters are out of character and the writing just stupid. Too many problems to list. What a horrible way to end a series I came to love. Remember when we were told we'd have to wait until 2019 to get series 8? We waited. We showed up. And they pull this crap? Sigh. I wish I could un-see what I've seen.
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