
3 Reviews
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Pushing Daisies (2007–2009)
Come For The Pie - Stay For The Characters
19 January 2010
Flawless acting, unique stories, and visual eye candy.

This has to be one of the best examples of what TV should (and essentially) could be if you put it in the hands of real talent. Everyone behind and front of the scenes is working grade A performances. Lee Pace and gang have never fit so perfectly in an ensemble using each of their unique talents to deliver some of the best dialog and storytelling.

The visuals are an obvious standout but leave it to Creator Bryan Fuller to not focus entirely on special effects and set design. Instead, he shows the value of great characters and character development through intriguing stories. And that, my fellow Daisy fans, is why this series works so well.

The biggest frustration, of course, is the cancellation. Why would a show this flawless get canceled? What does ABC have to replace it with anyway? It's just a shame.

I highly recommend you buy the series (BluRay is a must for those with HDTVs) and enjoy what you may never see again on TV. Come for the pie - stay for the characters!
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What's it like to be under FOX?
5 October 2009
Sit Down Shut Up had a rocky first couple of episodes but heck if they haven't hit their stride. Fortunately, my DVR is smart enough to record the show even though FOX moved its time slot without notice. Seriously, what's FOX's problem with good shows? They did the same thing with Futurama and look how that turned out - canceled because of low ratings...maybe because no one knew when to find it! It most certainly wasn't a quality issue because they won several awards and have a huge following.

So here we go again...FOX is going to let another great show die because they only know how to promote their damn reality shows. That and anything with Seth MacFarlane's name on it - no offense to Seth especially since he's a friggin' genius. The point is that Sit Down Shut Up is cleverly written and the voice talent is top notch but it's on the verge of being canceled because its own network doesn't support it.

What's it like to be under appreciated by FOX? Ask the people from Futurama. C'mon FOX...wake up!
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Burn Notice (2007–2013)
What - - no photos of Bruce?
23 July 2007
Clever and humorous. TV needs this show. USA scored with Monk and topped themselves with Burn Notice. It's fun enough for all audiences and smart enough for the picky viewer.

The cast fits like a perfect suit. Jeffrey Donovan is the cool, Gabrielle Anwar is the sexy, and Bruce Campbell is the funny that seams it all together.

It's nice to find a show that isn't over dramatic for a change. With three great round characters played by Jeffrey, Gabrielle and Bruce, it feels like watching three Bonds at once. And since each have their own angle, you're never bored with story lines.

Keep it up Burn Notice and thanks to USA for keeping television interesting with this show (and Monk of course).
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