
35 Reviews
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The first one was better.
23 October 2023
Ridiculously made sequel. Poor acting, poor plot, poor part two.

Literally all over the place. So much stuff going on you could hardly figure out what was happening. Characters just go away and then pop back up. The main character and his GF were pretty damn annoying. I think he had adhd! Would never watch again.

A very convoluted movie,

Unfriended: Dark Web is too hard to understand with all of it's in's and out's, so I was completely dumbfounded about who did what and to whom. A movie should not be hard to follow, thus my downgraded score of *2* stars!!

This movie is a big waste of time i gained nothing.
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The Outwaters (2022)
A movie for the visually impaired.
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
But not the hearing impaired.

I cannot honestly give a review of this film. Half of it is pitch black and the only light we have is a flashlight from the 70's. The smallest amount of light is given off and just keeps showing random bloody body parts and screeching, tiny, sand snakes or something. The audio is horrendous. A lot of off camera screaming that did nothing to add to the non story. I stuck it out until the end. Bad idea on my part. I have no idea what this was about. Also the fact that individuals from Bloody Disgusting had money in this and used that to hype up this narcissistic, trying to be artsy, pos.
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Blonde (2022)
Ana De Armas is too good for this slop.
30 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Blonde is a weird movie. It's as if the director took every single style of film making and made stitched together vignettes using all styles. It's a visual mess of film. Ana De Armas is very good though, however she is way too good for this sloppy mess of a movie that literally is 3 hours of a one note performance. Misery! How many more biopics of Marilyn Monroe do we need? How many times do we have to watch her cry and be alone and have daddy and mommy issues? How many times can men beat on her or treat her like meat? I know this is partly fictional, as it comes from a fictionalized story in a book but seriously? The exploitation is amazing yet we all knew this. I mean did we have to see a camera angle coming from the inside of her vagina? I just can't with this mess. Poor Norma Jean.
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Tell me the plot twist...
16 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
... without literally throwing dialog hinting at the twist every few MINUTES. Hollywood thinks we are stupid.

Pointless remake. Bad writing. At least in the original you didn't see the twist until the end. This garbage just throws the hints at you left and right.

Umm let me guess... There is no Lukas. Didn't see that coming...

You can figure this out from the get - go. Lukas is never named, only Elias says "We", The Mommy and other carachters only address Elias and never speak to Lukas.

I recommend you watch the original movie. It doesn't play you for a dummy. It's a good thinking person's horror flick.
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American Horror Stories: Drive (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
100% predictable...
6 August 2022
Anthology television shows can be almost as bad as anthology movies. After the 1st season debacle I was surprised to see a second season. The 1st ep. Was good. The 2nd not so much. Now this dreck. Within 3 minutes I figured out the story because it's a well known urban legend but I said that would be completely lazy writing so I just flipped it in my thoughts and that was it.

The acting is really bad. The scene in the culinary store was so unrealistic. That person would be fired if they did that IRL.

The best thing I can say is Bella Thorne looks so much better since she put on a little weight.
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Eye candy..but not even good candy...
3 June 2022
When I first saw the trailer I called it. This movie is incomprehensible. Where is the Dr. Hammond Prequel? It's gotten so cartoonish. Seriously, we are supposed to suspend everything we have seen in the first two films (Based on the REAL books) and believe that a Velociraptor, who has it's baby snatched away,goes back and seeks the help of humans to get the baby back? If humans and Dino's actually lived in the same era human's would be extinct in a minute. My head hurts from the fact that all these millions were wasted when we have so many horrible things that need fixing in this country.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Well that was a letdown...
10 September 2021
A high budget B movie with some pretty bad acting. James Wan what happened? I felt like they made a Supernatural, serial killer, martial arts film that just doesn't work. At one point the use of this weird 360 degree scene happens, that looks completely different from the rest of the film. It made me say oh no!
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So basically...
26 August 2021
I'm watching Supernatural/Gossip Girl? Could not make it through the first episode. Oh and throw in the token mixed race couple and gay romance and its all 21st century politically correct.
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The Devil You Know (2019– )
Fascinating and Crazy!
8 August 2021
There isn't much I can say about this great doc that hasn't been said OTHER than... Many reviewers claim their seems to be 2 different versions of this doc. I watched the one streaming on Hulu and never did they repeat scenes or interviews etc... I tried digging up an answer on the web but cannot seem to find out why there would be an edited version of this that's unwatchable. If anyone knows please post. The version I watched was fantastic.
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Let's explain for those not too deep thinking. ...
1 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film follows a young married couple, Catherine (Oscar-nominee Amanda Seyfried) and George Clare (James Norton), who move from the city to the countryside when George accepts an art history teacher position at a small college. She's incredibly unhappy over being isolated from all of her family and friends, and her troubles are only compounded when strange occurrences start happening in their new home. All while that's taking place, dark truths about their marriage begin to come to light.

It's definitely not your average horror flick. It's much quieter and takes its time with pacing to ensure the tense atmosphere can be maintained. As such, you may miss certain details, and in the event the ending to "Things Heard & Seen" left you puzzled, allow us to illuminate the darkness.

Communing with the supernatural is something of a hobby in Chosen, New York, where the Clares move to. They know that better than anyone as a lot of strange things start happening in their new house like a nightlight flickering on and off. Catherine soon discovers that the house has a history of husbands killing their wives, and just like Chekhov's gun, that's exactly the same fate this married couple ends up in.

Catherine realizes her husband killed one of his colleagues (and attempted to murder another) after they each uncovered one of the many lies he's told. One discovers that he forged a document in order to get the professor job while another uncovers his infidelity. It all comes down to George pulling a "Shining" and bringing an ax down on his wife while she's unconscious. In a way, it's like a prophecy being fulfilled as the violent cycle continues. Vengeful spirits remain in the house who seek to damn the husbands to lives in hellfire. And when we see Catherine again, she almost looks angelic as she's convened with another one of the spirits.

She may have met an untimely end, but it would appear as though she's been saved. George, on the other hand ... not so much.

You have to get a little philosophical to understand the ending of "Things Heard & Seen." George probably isn't literally sailing into a sea of flames, but rather, it's an allegory for how he's damned himself to Hell for his sins. Try as he might to cover up his misdeeds from forging documents to killing people, he couldn't escape them forever, as evidenced when one of his victims, Justine (Rhea Seehorn), wakes up from a coma. The last we see of her, she's ready to talk to the police.

George believes the only way he can escape is by setting sail, but the camera zooms out to portray a painting that functions as a subversion of "The Valley of the Shadow of Death" from painter George Inness. He was a major proponent of the theological understandings presented by Emanuel Swedenborg, who's namedropped frequently in the movie. The original painting shows an individual walking through darkness, but at the end of the valley is an illuminated cross, symbolizing the eternal salvation of God. However, the final image of the film shows an upside-down cross surrounded by flames, showcasing how George's journey will have him suffering only to wind up in damnation.

While it certainly sounds like a philosophically heavy movie, those who worked on it behind the scenes found a way to make it tie into current events. We learn how the original husband who resided in the house thought his wife to be a heretic, so he punished her for such. Society may like to think it's progressed beyond the overly puritan views of the past, but there's still a serious problem today with men attempting to control women. We even see this throughout "Things Heard & Seen" as George frequently attempts to gaslight his wife into thinking she only believes in ghosts due to her under-eating.

Co-director Robert Pulcini spoke on this idea during an interview with Decider: "I think it's actually a very topical notion as we're seeing this kind of cultural revolt going on with, "toxic people" who have gotten away with things for so long getting their comeuppance. There's something very satisfying about this shift of who's damned actually in this story and who has the power to do that. I think there's a spiritual power, you know, feminine power in this movie that really delivers the ending."

Pulcini's co-director, Shari Springer Berman, carried on with this train of thought, explaining, "I see the final scene as a metaphor for all the women who have been abused by husbands and fathers and preachers, and teachers and all the business people and producers and all that. Maybe not in this in their lifetime, but in the metaphysical sense of the eternity, of gaining some power."

In light of the #MeToo movement and many powerful men's crimes being exposed, even decades after the fact, it looks as though the scales of justice have gotten a little closer, at least somewhat. There's still a lot of work to be done in terms of gender parity in society, but "Things Heard & Seen" suggests that the tides have begun to turn.

Mike Bedard - Looper.
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Anytime you see a 10/ away!
15 April 2021
Seriously? "Unreal performance by deniro and freeman. Acting legends!!" ??? DeNiro is falling into the Eric Roberts, Dolph Lundgren, Lorenzo Lamas territory of acting. At least Morgan Freeman puts out a couple good ones but at this point, if I was their advisor, I'd tell them to retire and enjoy their riches. How much more money can you take from the straving people of the world. Always go out on a high note.
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Reap (2020)
Watch out for your TV speakers
5 April 2021
This movie was atrocious. The acting is horrible. The storyline is ridiculous. So low budget. And the dubbing between characters after the movie was shot is twice as loud as the regular volume so if you fall asleep watching this you're surely wake up several times while one of the characters yells at you. I can't see how anybody gave this anything above a 2. Unless you like slick cinema. People are starving in this world and people wasted money making this.
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Poor Jamie Dornan
16 February 2021
Who greenlit this muck? It's not even so bad it's good. It's unfunny, stupid, the story is bizarre. Jamie breaks into song just so random and the songs are dumb. How ANYONE is giving this a 9 or 10 either work with the filmmakers or don't get out much. Avoid at all cost.
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Heavy (2019)
Really? Another 10/10 reviewed flick?
13 February 2021
The planted reviews are disgusting. We are all onto you people who say bad movies are 10/10. Really? Is this Taxi Driver? The Godfather? Heck is it even Love Actually or, I know....Requiem for a Dream? NO It's not. Everyone needs to learn not to trust any reviews on this site.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
29 January 2021
Again, an American "remake" of a fantastic British comedy, that tanks. While I like Mayim Bialik she doesn't capture the charm of Amanda Hart and no one can be as charming as Tom Ellis in the original "Amanda" It's overly polished and not very well paced. Way too many people on the screen at once. Jokes do not land. Find the three seasons of Miranda and watch those. Now that's funny. Such Fun!
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Don't have kids if you gave this a low rating because of the kids.
26 January 2020
Or I have a feeling CPS will be called on you. Two young girls and their Mother, being stalked by an axe wielding maniac, are naturally going to scream and cry and whine because they are scared to death. What did you expect? So many reviews by people who hate children. If you are one of those do not watch this. Run of the mill stalker film with some dumb questions that need answering.... Like have they or have they not been to this cabin before because at first you think they have, then they act like they haven't, then they act like they have..... It's pretty confusing. I thought it was a fun watch, but I happen to like kids, and know how they would act in this situation.
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9-1-1 (2018– )
Rating this a ten because....
15 December 2019
There is a whole YouTube channel dedicated on the homoeroticism between Buck and Eddie. It's funny as hell. They are completely in love but totally closeted. It's awesome. Who wrote this show?
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6 Underground (2019)
This isn't Scorsese or Mann.... It's Bay! Just have fun.
13 December 2019
These reviewers who watch a Michael Bay movie and review it as if they were expecting Shakespeare need to stop reviewing. Seriously. The only reason to watch his flicks are so you can leave your brain at the door, turn off the lights, turn up the surround sound to 100 and sit back and watch $hit blow up. You want a thinking person's movie? Go see something else. You want your brain mushed then watch this! Was awesome, funny, action filled, fast cars, explosions, I was blowing bubbles out of my ears. Such fun.
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Marla (2018)
Horrendous - Leaves viewers with MANY unaswered questions.
8 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you are in a miserable mood do not watch this, and if you're in a happy mood DON'T watch this. nobody smiles at all in this film?? and everyone speaks in monotone. Nothing makes sense. The gyno is missing some front teeth, I think they hired him from skid row. So basically this boring unhappy girl gets an IUD for free from a friend of a friend. The Friend supposedly slips something he's been working on in her instead of a real IUD which makes her kill men she sleeps with, with her vagina. Turning them to mush. Yeah there's lots of blood but nothing is even gross, just stupid. Eventually she get caught by a detective (Who, in 1 shot, has some HUGE man boobs) She goes to prison and the prison Dr. goes to remove the IUD and guess what, she has no IUD in her. The End. No explanation whatsoever. I wish people who made movies like this spent the money on cleaning up the planet. Seriously, I am warning you this is a joke.
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Not what the low reviewers are saying it is.
28 October 2019
First let me start out by saying that the low reviews on here that are saying that all you're going to hear or see in this movie are people calling out each other's names and not being able to find each other in a huge plot of long grass is 100% false! This movie is more of a supernatural Thriller in my opinion. If I had listened to the low reviewers I wouldn't have watched it and I almost turned it off because the beginning does start out that way, but what movie were people get lost in the woods doesn't start out that way?, but it goes in a completely different direction. The movie does not take place completely in the grass. That is not a spoiler. My take on reviewers is they like what they like and you like what you like and if you like it then that's great and if you don't like it then that's great but don't come on here and say that you watched something and it was one thing when it wasn't what you said it was that just came off to me as you didn't watch the entire film. Another thing that kind of gave me what might be deja vu is that this reminded me of a movie I have already seen problem is I can't remember the name of it but I remember watching a movie years ago where people were stuck in a field and they were trying to find each other and they would come out on one end and see their friends like down the road and they go back into the field.... Did anybody else have that feeling? Anyway give it a watch it was kind of cool wasn't the best movie in the world of course definitely wasn't a 10 out of 10 and it definitely wasn't a 1 out of 10. But like I said only you can make up your mind what you like not what other people say you should or shouldn't watch.
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Survival Box (2019)
ron-642-984167 - How many months?
4 September 2019
30 days has September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31, except February which has 29 - on a leap year 29. So I don't know what 5 months have 30 days, in a row,,,,,,,
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Another ho...hooorr...hoo oh I can't say it
24 August 2019
This movie, like most SO-CALLED horror films cater to the PG-13 set. and they are DOA! The jump scares are so tired. I will give it credit for the scene with the eggs because that was funny! One question nags me though. WHY, in movies like this, when the priest or demon hunter tells the family in peril to get candles do they ALWAYS have over 100 different sized BRAND NEW white candles, that when lit, glow from the middle. I mean I love candles but seriously, who has that many just laying around all over the friggin' house?.
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If your rating this a 10 you aren't a real viewer
21 August 2019
Oh, where do I start? How about the fact that all the actors look 30 yrs old. Or that the acting is horrendous, or that the second monster looked like the costume they used in The Village? A failed attempt at an 80s throwback. Maybe in the UK, but not in the US.
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17 August 2019
Save your time. Nothing even begins to happen until an hour and 15 minutes into the film. It's full of horror clichés. How many times can a character have not just her flashlight go out, but also a lantern. The only thing missing was a cat jumping out of a closet and a loud sound effect. Please stop making these horrendous, non-scary, movies. Use your money on helping our country get a little bit of normalcy back.
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The Lion King (2019)
Fans of the original STAY AWAY
29 July 2019
While this movie LOOKS good it's pretty much a shot for shot remake of the original, however it has no heart or soul at all!! Disney is a cash grab. People will go see a crappy movie just because the name is on it. Oh and "Can you feel the love tonight?" No not so much when your singing it during the friggin day!!!
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