
16 Reviews
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The Rage (1997)
There is bad and then there is bad
16 November 2023
This was absolutely the worst movie I have seen in quite a while. And not in a good way. Some bad movies are fun to watch. This was a complete waste of time. The characters were typical -- bad guys being over the top bad, bad cops being over the top bad, the tormented good cop who is fighting the system in the name of a good cause and the stock rookie female partner who offers help and redemption for the good cop. The writers were so lazy that they lifted events out of current headlines to add to the movie without any real value. Bad script. Bad dialogue. Even over the top shoot-em up car chases. Nothing good to be found here. The only positive thing I can say about this movie was the beautiful background scenery. Other than that, it was a bust.
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Jet Stream (2013 TV Movie)
Absolute the worst
26 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Garbage. Pure and simple garbage. Bad script. Really bad acting. This so-called movie should be on the list for possible use as a torture instrument. I got to the point where I was hoping that the really bad wind would drop a really big house on the idiot girlfriend just to make her shut up. What a nag! This isn't even one of those really bad movies that are fun to watch. I'd much rather have my wisdom teeth removed without pain killers because it wouldn't be as bad this piece of trash. And I still have 100+ characters to waste so I can post how bad this movie really is -- my warning is run and do not even waste a single second on this trash.
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In the Deep Woods (1992 TV Movie)
15 June 2023
I'm a fan of Anthony Perkins and I watched this movie. It was a decent movie until Rosanna does her over the top hysterics and she does that ALOT in this movie. I got to the point where I really wished that the serial killer would eliminate her. It might have improved the movie. Altogether it might be an OK rainy afternoon time killer; however, I most definitely will not be adding this to my list of movies to watch again at a later date. It was predictable, pedantic, and might have been a decent movie if they had used an actress who would have been more believable in the part. The script was decent until the end when it completely unraveled as they were trying to tie up the loose threads to explain why it had all happened.
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Yep, it's bad
11 June 2023
It's cheesy bad. Everyone once in a while my friends and I get together for a night of marathon cheesy bad movies and this one made the cut. Do not expect a great script or even decent acting. However, there is plenty of gore and it's a classic for perpetual bad decisions. If you are looking for something that'll make you jump when you least expect it, this one can deliver at a couple of spots. There are some attempts at comedy. I found myself wondering if they had fun making this movie or did they expect it to become a cult classic that would eventually launch them into convention fame? I doubt if we'll watch it again at a later date. This has the feel of a one-time viewing experience.
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Wedding Planner Mystery (2014 TV Movie)
Watch anything but this tripe
8 June 2023
It's too late for me. Save yourself. Do anything other than watch this poor excuse for entertainment. What happened to Hallmark? They used to make good movies. Not the best; yet, good for a lazy night. It now seems that they are more interested in pumping out quantity of movies vice quality. And this sorry foray is a prime example. This is not one of them. It's pure and simple tripe. Bad writing. Predictable characters. Inane dialogue. Unplausible situations. Predictable scenes. I would have found watching paint dry to be more entertaining than trying try to watch this garbage. I have already wasted too much precious time watching this farce and I'm trying to find more things to post to meet the minimum requirements to make review.
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18 March 2023
This is quite a different movie. It didn't take me long to figure out the end game and yet, the movie kept me hooked with the various twists and turns. Geoffrey Rush is brilliant, as usual. Donald Sutherland was a bonus. This movie has layers to it and as each layer is peeled away, I found myself hoping that I was wrong about the end game. If you like your endings all nicely tied up and explained, this is not the movie for you. This ending leaves you wanting more. It left me playing various scenarios on how it could end or not. The story itself makes you wonder who are the true villains and who were the unwitting accomplices.
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Great scenery
10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The only positive thing about this so-called movie is the scenery. It would be a great advertisement for tourism IF you could remove the actors. The movie itself is trite. Predictable. The characters are your atypical romance schtick. She's the strong, sensible female. He's the brutish, self-centered rich guy. I tried to watch it; however, I kept finding myself clinch my teeth to the point my jaw ached. It has the worst script imaginable. It is like someone opened up a book on what not to write and followed it faithfully. Even the interaction between the female lead and her hopelessly desperate brother is predictable.
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utterly beyond belief boring
9 December 2022
The only reason that Netflix released this is because they need a believable excuse for lost revenue for the coming tax season. From what I saw, this will shore up any claims for lost revenue. There isn't enough cheese in the world to match this mind-numbing whine contest. Meghan's acting skills have dramatically decreased with time. She wasn't all that talented on 'Suits' and her attempts at being natural is painful to watch. Meanwhile, hubby Harry comes across as a self-absorbed nitwit. I finally gave up and had a more enjoyable time cleaning my toilet. It is obvious that I will not be watching any of the remaining episodes. Life is too precious to waste it on meaningless tripe.
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1275 Days (2019)
Be prepared to get angry
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am just completely baffled that anyone in their right mind would think that this punk kid should get a lesser charge. Or that I wasted my time watching this crap. That being sent to the pen for 50+ years was UNFAIR. They pulled out every excuse under the sun to JUSTIFY why it was only a robbery. That he didn't kill anyone. They got high seemed to be the most used excuse. So, WHAT! I was a stupid kid and got high more times than I care to remember. I wasn't breaking into houses to steal stuff. The other excuse that seemed to be popular -- they thought it was empty. So, in this day and age it's OK to break into an empty house to steal stuff. Nope not buying it. I sure wouldn't like to have someone break into my house empty or not. That's an invasion that never goes away. You find yourself checking, double-checking, and triple checking the doors because your "safe" zone is gone. Been there and done that -- ended up moving to get that safe zone back. Or the other excuse -- he didn't kill anyone. You broke into someone's house and they just happened to be armed. One of your stupid punk friends runs his mouth and amps up the terror that poor homeowner was feeling and someone ends up getting shot. There is something called taking responsibility for your actions. You live in a state where if someone is killed during a felony YOU ALL get charged with murder. Quite a few states have this law. I have absolutely no sympathy for this kid who decided to pull on his big boy pants and now he wants to change the rules. Nope not buying it. The other thing that really bothered me is they so conveniently kept forgetting to mention that in that particular state -- you get a day credit for a day served. Last time I checked that means he does 25 years. I found this to be a piss poor documentary -- extremely one-sided. Go back to cinema/journalism school and actually pay attention to the instructor this time.
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Winchester '73 (1967 TV Movie)
Not good
5 July 2021
If you have just watched the original Winchester 73 with Jimmy Stewart and foolishly followed it with his one -- you have my utmost sympathy. At least the screen writers didn't make a duplicate of the original. That probably would have even been worse. There are a handful of talented actors in this movie; however, they couldn't save it from the bad script or the other actors who were the proverbial flash in the pan -- only on the screen because they had the Look and nothing more. This movie might be more palatable if I had not watched the original right before this one.
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a rare gem
4 July 2021
This is one of those movies that I watch every few years and enjoy it every time. It has a sprawling storyline that is a pleasure to watch. Especially because of the cast -- this is a movie with a host of talented actors. Not everything is tied up in a neat bow by the end of the movie, which is fine with me. This is one of those movies that I added to my DVD collection.
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Unbelievable bad
28 April 2021
This movie is so bad that you can't help but watch wondering exactly how bad will it get by the ending. The concept of script would have meant someone could spell script. This was obviously something that was slapped together so someone could claim a tax break for all the money that was lost. You know its a stinker when you can't decide to cheer for the bad guy or the good guy or would it have been a relief if both of them just vanished with no explanation. It would have been plausible for that to happen because this is such a stinker of a movie.
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McHale's Navy (1997)
OK it's not rocket science
14 May 2020
And it's not supposed to be. There are quite a few bad reviews of this movie -- bad acting, thin script, etc. All I got to say is get over it. This is one of those silly movies that you watch on a lazy summer day. The good guys win and the bad guys don't. Like I said it's not rocket science. However, if I had a choice between this movie and one of those equally implausible big budget Mission Impossible movies, I'll take McHale's Navy.
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Book Club (I) (2018)
16 October 2019
This is obviously going to stay in my favorite list. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this movie. In this day and age of special effects being more entertaining than the surgically altered people claiming to be actors. It proves that when you get to be a certain age, life doesn't stop -- it just gets better.
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The I-Land (2019)
a re-hashed rip-off
16 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, where do I start - first off, I think Netflix needs to rethink their marketing -- a Netflix Original? Really? Nothing original here. The writer must have done some major binge watching of Lost and took a break with Total Recall before writing out this synopsis. I knew I was watching a phenomenal dud when the guy went swimming and the shark appeared. By the end of episode 1 I had a pretty good idea where this waste of celluloid was going with the plot line and checked out Wikipedia. Nailed it in one. Now I really didn't mind Netflix raising my rates earlier this year because I figured I stood a chance of getting more quality shows to enjoy. However, is this rehashed clap trap is what I can expect for my money, I'm thoroughly disappointed.
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a poor rip off of Under a Tuscan Sun
4 September 2019
Nothing original here. Just a poorly made rip off of Under a Tuscan Sun. It was so predictable with every cliché ever dreamed of thrown in a very lame attempt at holding it together. The concept behind the movie could have been a fun flick to watch if the writing had been even remotely original. I kept hoping that it would eventually pick up the pace and become enjoyable. Normally I can watch a bad movie to the end with the hope that it would get better. This is a rarity -- I couldn't even finish it.
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