
11 Reviews
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Well done.
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read the reviews here before I watched it, and I noticed the one low scoring review, which like many poor reviews of non English movies seems to reflect a lack of understanding. This movie wasn't hard to understand for me, because although Koyoichi was resistant to the idea of being gay, that was the least of his problems. He slept with women because they liked him, not because he felt anything for them. That is also why he can't stop seeing Wataru. And that is why Wataru can't stop stalking him and reading his phone, Koyoichi can't be trusted. Has Koyoichi really changed, does he really feel something for Wataru, will Wataru ever be able to trust him? Great ending.
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Could have been so much better
7 July 2023
This was the last and by far the worst of Lee Joongi Dramas. After watching Flower of Evil I watched all I could find. I have done this with other stars I liked. I really hated the directing and the writing was at times nonsensical. The characterization of the female lead annoyed me so much I wished her dead. She is supposed to be a well educated intelligent person, and she keeps forgetting the man she loves is a traitor who would get executed if caught, and seems to act like she wants to make sure he does. Her and the sister both are made out to be total idiots for the sake of a few inexcusable extra emotional drama scenes that weren't necessary, there was more than enough drama. I also disliked her over the top acting at times, but I blame the directing, because I have seen her do so much better. There were several characters I would have liked to see more development on, because their motives were a bit murky, especially the Queen. Also the tension between Japan and Qing was one of the most interesting parts to me, I would have liked to have that introduced and discussed a bit earlier in place of some of the pointless and idiotic crying scenes that were created by having characters be inexcusably stupid.
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Story Holds Up Well despite production values
16 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's 2023, and this drama held my attention. The production value is dated, but the storyline was intriguing and the suspense and plot twists were worth the watch. And a rewatch.

The bad guys aren't all bad, and the good guys are questionable. I think the chemistry between Lee Joon Gi and Jae Sung Choi make this series. The biggest flaws are the total idiocy of Sang Mi Wans character Ari , who makes stupid and risky decisions over and over, but the character comes through in the end. Also, the failure of the series to emphasize how much two years of fighting in Thailand could have altered Soo Hyun's appearance, which would have made the return more believable.

I wish they would have gone a different way with the ending, letting Mao live, that's how much I sympathized with his character, and it would have justified Ari's idiocy.

I like the title, to me the Time between dog and wolf was Kay's period of amenisia when he turns from a dog to a wolf.
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Complex chess game
5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie and then read the reviews and the plot summaries and it seems many people missed a lot. The Emperor reference on the title is for the old man, the Chairman, a Chaebol. He is the owner of the chessboard. As the movie goes on it is revealed that Cutter used to be the Chairman's enforcer, replaced by Sang ha, whom he calls "my boy", and both Cutter and Sang ha were at the funeral of Hwan's father. The chairman isn't only playing against other powerful families, he is sacrificing his own pieces and keeping them from gaining too much power. Then you have the prosecutor, who delivers one of the best lines in the film, when he says he should get popcorn after the Chairman is arrested. Every police raid in the movie was paid for and orchestrated by someone, the first one by Sang ha to get rid of Cutter, and since the Prosecutor delivers the ledger to Hwan, it would seem Hwan orchestrated the second and third raids, on Sang ha and the chairman, in retaliation for what they did to Madam Cha. This is why the relationship with Cha is important. It's also important to note that Hwan doesn't drag Cha back into the game once her debt is clear and she is forced out. Sang ha takes out the prosecutor, and he isn't supposed to go save Hwan, but he tries anyway. All in all a fascinating movie with a lot of twists and turns.
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Beauty Inside (2018)
Bad writing but not bad enough
4 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this drama for the most part. I liked the way they handled shape shifting. I thought the actors did an excellent job with what they had to work with. It felt like the good writers quit the show at episode 9 and they hired some fill in writers. I really disliked the portrayal of the office team, there had to be a better more competent way to write them. The last two episodes kind of just fall off a cliff in terms of the writing. They feel like filler. I can think of three better ways to have carried the story to completion, all with a bit more comedy. We only saw five shape shift characters, I feel like they could have done one more shape shift before the mothers death for cmedic effect and cut the last two episodes down to 30 min. I.
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The Physician (2013)
Historical Inaccuracy Ruins It
24 May 2020
I watched the whole thing, and it was pretty and well acted, but it's a modern and western centric take on something that never could have happened. I didn't read the book, but the central story line couldn't have been accurate in the book either!

Rob wouldn't have known how to read and write, even English, yet in the movie we are supposed to believe he navigates multiple languages, both written and spoken.

People may not have been able to dissect other people, but they surely knew basic anatomy from butchering animals and seeing people die in horrible ways in wars and accidents. Like the anatomy of the heart and lungs, which seems to be a revelation? And even rabbits have an appendix.

Others have pointed out the inaccuracies of the time line. And the inaccuracies with the one character who was actually historical.

I couldn't get over all this silliness and just kept watching to see how much sillier it got.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
25 July 2019
I made it to episode 5, but the writing was too bad for me to go on. I couldn't believe how unprofessional the crew was. While the premise wasn't bad, the cheap emotional drama and music video segments couldn't cover the gaping plot holes and bad science. I would rather watch Dark Matter for the third time than suffer any more of this show.

No complaint against any of actors, they did the best they could with the garbage they had to work with.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
The Original Star Trek...
24 March 2019
I admit I avoided this show because I can't stand Family Guy, and I thought it would be Family Guy in Space. I was so wrong.

I watched the Original Star Trek when it first came out. I watched years of reruns. I have probably seen every episode of Original Trek at least 10 times. I didn't like "The Next Generation" much when it was released, it seemed too serious and stuffy, although it grew on me.

This show, of all the Star Treks, gets closest to catching the original versions irreverence and humor, and doesn't take itself too serious, and still tells a good story. Scotty, McCoy, Spock and Kirk were funny. And it keeps the Social Justice aspect of the Original Star Trek, so I don't understand people hating on it for sjw, because that IS Star Trek.
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Mars (2016–2018)
I hope it gets better..
26 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Like others here I had high hopes, but the writing is just bad. I started fast forwarding through the documentary and political stuff, and the flashbacks, and then the dying dream scene, and still wanted to like it, but the cliches are driving me away. Why didn't they abort and orbit around for another try at a better landing when their lives depended on hooking up with the base? Who would let a cowboy like that be the commander of a mission? I can't seem to get past this starting stupidity to enjoy the rest of the show, because I expect more stupidity and melodrama, instead of serious sci fi and capable, rational, intelligent people dealing with real problems instead of ones they create.
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Excellent Movie? Spoiler.
15 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER... Read AFTER you see the movie.

I read a few reviews, both good and bad, and was motivated to post because just like The Road, my take away from the movie seemed different from the general sentiment.

It was pretty clear to me who the Survivalist was. And it wasn't a male character.

Excellent Movie.
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The Strain (2014–2017)
Couldn't go past season 2
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS !!!!!!!! I am so disappointed...

I kept with it for the first season, even though I didn't like the arrogant stupidity of the main character. But at the final of the second season, where Nora stops when Zack yells "stop" was it for me.

To create drama, the characters are doing very stupid things. Zack, who saw his mother try to kill his dad, attack them, etc is still what? confused? I don't care if he is a kid, he would be over it by now. And Nora, who has beheaded and killed quite a few vamps, for some reason has problems with Zack's mom and then stops knowing her life is in danger cause the kid yells? No, No, and Just No. There had to be a better way to write this that didn't require such silliness from the characters.
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