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Really hard to watch but just excellent. Kudos to F.W.
7 July 2022
I went through basic in 1970. I joined the Air Force and went to Lackland. I guess I expected something similar here but hey, these guys were staying a week longer and going into armor and perhaps immediate combat. I got a four year deferment for college and was more like 22 than 18-19. You can plainly see these kids are not ready to be thrown in there with claymores and M16s. Some are close maybe. Most, I don't think so. All the propaganda, all the patriotism, all the positive thinking can't overcome the reality of this video. It's really hard to watch. HIs film called Meat showing animal slaughter, the hospital one, the mental ward stuff, all really hard to watch. Should we not avert our eyes? This is strong stuff and should be required viewing in school but won't because its reality is to awful to contemplate. Isn't that ironic?
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Marry Me (2022)
The Initiating Act (1st exposition) is a total failure
13 February 2022
You have to buy into a story to get involved. It has to be just a little believable. Just a little. It has to involve sane, rational people making justifiable decisions. I'll admit "movie" people make crazy decisions, especially in horror movies where they stick their heads into alien pods to get a closer look. But this movie's initiating action is so bizarrely forced that it's impossible for me to believe anybody could buy in. If I described it, you'd laugh out loud. Sure, in romcoms people "meet cute." Strange things bring them together only to be temporarily separated by the 3rd act reversal. I get it. But the meet scene just doesn't work on any level. It's in the script but it's not on the pages. There is no "there" there. The rest of it is stale JLo song and dance. If you a big fan of hers, you'll get a kick out of it although you've seen it all before. Owen Wilson is Owen Wilson. He and JLo have zero chemistry. Zero. But, on the positive side we get lots of progressivism (I'll refrain from woke). Check marks for all the tropes. So if you like to see that kind of thing, this one's for you. Doesn't fit the script but the script was written with a few goals, one of which was 21st century social progress. And yes, we have lots of other social media tropes as well. Again, if that's you thing, you'll like it. I read some reviews before we saw it. Quite a few were positive. Even though subjective, I thought the reviews needed a little reasoned perspective, or put another way, you've been warned.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Lots of production value - General failure to engage
30 November 2021
Lots of talent on display. Actors, director, production, setting, etc. For me, much ado about not enough. The multiple viewpoints isn't new and in this flick, isn't essential at all. It's a gimmick that doesn't add much to the narrative. The story reveals that there wasn't much 21st century sensibility in the 14th century. Again, so what? We should feel empathy for the female lead's struggles (not going into it to spoil the plot) but she's cold and distant and remote. So much doesn't make sense, including her being left isolated and opening her door to a random person she doesn't know. Adam Driver is handsome? She must also be nearsighted. The Ben Affleck - Matt Damon dynamic here is flat. Affleck is a caricature. It's hard to know who to engage with as a protagonist with the switching dynamics but overall you want Damon to prevail, not because you sympathize with him, he's just the lesser of the evils presented. You'd expect Driver's version to make him seem sympathetic but his delusion is both bizarre and not understandable. He comes off as politely brain damaged. I did get into at the end for the finale, it's a good fight scene, no doubt. R. Scott's forte. The film is dull or abhorrent when there's no fight scene and the fight scenes are done well and contain gratuitous violence. Again, maybe to show the brutality of the time? Or to titillate? Or gee, why not? Don't know. I think the basic story is a bit of a failure. If it's not on the page, it's not going to engage. Overlong. I did sit through it all and the finale is exciting. I can see why it flopped at the box office. Word of mouth would not be good. All the 9 and 10 reviews most have low expectations for a big production like this one. I think the audience's reaction at the box office tells the story. Too long, too flat and or distasteful between action scenes. So a 5.
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French Exit (2020)
An existential cool hand luke for the 2020s
13 October 2021
I read a couple chapters of the book a while back.

I got a feel for the tone before watching the movie. The first scene is in the movie, just not up front. It does set the tone. It involves the homeless guy asking for money.

It is a bit of a shaggy dog story. Unlike Seinfeld there is some learning and growth but it is subtle and restrained. If you are patient, you can discern it.

Overall I thought it quite fun. It is a bit tongue in cheek and Ms. Pfeiffer's role can be viewed as less than heroic but I think she steers her own course. Because she's known wealth but not love she works her way through it as best she can.

There is dark humor. Paris is a nice setting. The black cat, the seances, so much allegory, magic, weirdness and all underplayed. It's just a very interesting movie based on a interesting book.

Certainly not for everybody, especially expecting three acts with a third act reversal and beats and romance and action and happy endings. The ending was good, I thought. I love not knowing what's coming. Interesting concepts. Quirky characters. Surprises. Some like it. Some don't. I think it's worth the time and the effort. She was dealt a losing hand. She managed to find a way to dig her way through and accept the help of others even though she was something of a hollow vessel. Life can be like that, so can art. Proust would be satisfied. I was too.
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The Cleaner (I) (2021)
Quite good noir detective style tongue in cheek shaggy dog w/ throw back stars
13 October 2021
Got quite a kick out of it. Seeing Shelly Long and Lynda Carter again was a treat. I thought the whole production was well done. Probably classed as an independent movie, it surpassed all my expectations. One of the reasons for the review was to add a viewpoint to the 1s and 10s. It's not a 10 but it is far, far from a 1.

The seller for me was the setting and the characters. These are real characters in real settings, not "movie people." I could buy in to the story quite easily because you've sorta known people like this or lived some it yourself if you're an average Joe or Jill. That's what makes it fun. The reality. But there is a tongue in cheek feeling to it as well. They're definitely winking at you as they run the story by you. I like noir and this is a modern take.

And the script and the production value and the acting were all great for the story conveyed.

Probably a 7 1/2. If you like this type of thing, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Worth a look, for sure.
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Wokestern western is quite politically correct. Be gay and enjoy it.
22 September 2021
John Wayne is probably the totem for the romanticized American west produced by Hollywood in the first half of the 20th century. He is certainly not the only "toxic male" who tries to dominate everybody and everything he contacts (think Maureen O'Hara in her bloomers being dragged around by him). He kills misunderstood bad guys who lacked love as children and takes land away from Native Americans so "white" people could make America pan Europe all over again. I won't go into how heterosexual he was because there were a handful of Hollywood male stars who both portrayed he-men and were closeted and repressed gay-men. But we have all these tropes that need attacking. We need to address these traditional ills from the last century, don't we? Isn't that why we go to the movies? To be taught lessons or watch really smart people show us the way through pretty pictures? Entertainment? Why? Romance, drama, comedy, thrills, chills, well no, you rube. You want circuses with your bread? Nah. You need to be shown the "way."

Cumberbatch's hat is a hoot. Seeing it and his petulant attitude just calls to question, "you can't be serious, right?" But it is. He is. Very serious. Howlingly funny serious. The whole movie is very serious. Self-flagellation serious. A steaming pile of serious. So much symbolism. So many pretty paper flowers burned in petulant frustration. Maybe you're up for a lesson or two? Be prepared.

Quite few people liked this. You might too. Who knows? I would have loved to see John Ford's reaction to this stuff. A "western." Why not? I gave it three stars because I lasted about a third of the way through it before deciding to do something a little more fun. After all, it is my time. If I have to waste it, I'll waste it on romance, comedy, thrills or some other circus that takes me away from my quest for bread. Your mileage may vary.
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Really good movie
20 March 2021
LaKeith Stanfield. Yes.

I suppose you could say the film makes a political statement but for me, that's not the point. The point is: Truth will out - Art will out - Talent will out.

This is just a really good movie, good work of art, a good, solid story. The actors, across the board are really good. Tension. Drama. Emotions. Some light relief moments. You can inhabit the charters who inhabit their characters. You believe the story. You FEEL the story.

When we watch a movie you see "movie people" doing things only movie people would do. Not always smart or safe but interesting. That's why they're in the movie. The Panthers lived like movie people. Real people standing in front of crowds threatening to kill ALL the police for total satisfaction. Then participating in shoot outs with armed, trained and motivated police.


Do I support the Panthers? Not necessary, one way or another. Do I support good art? I hope so. This movie should be seen because it's a great movie. End of story.
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Difficult subject matter, based on true story, GREAT movie.
26 November 2020
I've read that some folks don't want to be confronted with too much difficult reality when they sit back to watch a movie and I get that. But movies can tell stories that both inform and inspire. 1st is the acting which is just awesome. When you watch the trailer at the end, you see the pics of the characters portrayed in the movie and recognise what Glenn Close and Amy Irving put themselves through to make this movie. Both actors deliver the goods. Worth seeing for that as well as all the others. 2nd, uniformly amazing setting(s), atmosphere and re-created reality. Spot on. 3rd and most important is the moral of the story which I will not reveal so as not to spoil anything but it is inspiring. Actually should be a must see movie for young people. Outstanding and worth your time.
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More stars if you like climbing
11 August 2020
Decent enough action climbing movie. Great cinematography and scenery. Technically well done, at least in my opinion. I'm no climber. On the downside the female lead's motivation to try something extreme is a little like watching a horror movie knowing the characters will stick their head into the maw of a monster even though it makes no sense. Movie people being movie people. But, we finished it and pretty much enjoyed it and liked the characters well enough. Not great but decent. And, if you like climbing scenery, etc., it's even better.
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Excrement masquerading as entertainment. -1 stars
11 July 2020
The whole mess makes no sense. Spade looks worn out with dyed hair and yet a beauty contest winner the age of his daughter just immediately falls in love with him and wants to have sex in a closet. Sure thing. The whole text mix-up also makes no sense but the payoff is the substitution of inappropriate sexual activity in the place of actual funny situations. It is desperately sleazy. Well, we have no idea how to create a funny script so let's go over the top with bizarre, tasteless anti-female and pro-juvenile male sex acts in public places. That'll be funny because even though none of this makes any sense and isn't funny, it'll offend anyone with an IQ over 90. That'll show 'em! What a concept!

We watched this steaming pile because they showed five stars in the Netflix review area above the movie. I sincerely hope the threshold for this sort of scat-snuff video gets raised real soon now. You've been warned.
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Bone Breaker (2020)
Not so good
11 February 2020
Promising start with snarky fitness gals chipping away at each other and setting up targets for future horror that you might want to see "get theirs." But once we get to the horror part it's more horrible than horror. Mindless sadistic acts by slow moving dumb antagonist that's completely unrealistic and not horrorific only dumb, brutal and numbingly bad. Couldn't sit through it. Not worth it.
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Reverse holistic, the sum of the parts is less than it should be.
15 January 2020
Ed Norton worked long and hard to transform a very good novel into a workable screenplay. Then he directed and starred. He is a talented man and you could see he had a story to tell. His story overlaid the novel, which he "adapted." He changed the setting to suit his story. If you're "woke" you should like it. It's twisted and bent to deliver a a priori message. Pedantic? Didactic? Powerful men like Trump and Robert Moses destroy the little guy to help the big guys. The little guys are women and minorities. The smartest person in the room is partially disabled. The bad guy has to be squashed by the woman, who is a minority. I sat though it. It was flat. The novel was exciting, interesting, unique and fun to read. The movie was none of these things. The message doesn't bother me. There's some truth there. And Norton is multi-talented and me critiquing his work is ludicrous. I have no such talent. So my opinion should only be taken at face value. As a consumer, I was disappointed in the movie because it lacked all the excitement of the novel. Because I understand a little history, I got the Moses references. And it has elements similar to "Chinatown" which is a great classic of cinema. I like film noir. I am glad I saw it because I would have been disappointed if I hadn't. But boy, could it use an injection of adrenaline, humor, heightened drama, improved soundtrack and less forced woke messaging.

Read the book.
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Night Hunter (2018)
Over the Top, Crazy Fun, Serial Killer Flick
4 November 2019
Rotten Tomatoes didn't like it much and there is talk of a hold-up in the release of this flick. I thought it was pretty good. If you like Silence of the Lambs type flicks and give it a willing suspension of disbelief, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Plenty of star actors, great production value and crazy, crazy script. There are some holes here and there but hey, it was fun. Give it a chance.
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General Magic (2018)
Can't hear the subjects talking because of background music's dominance
25 July 2019
Very frustrating to try to listen to this. Turned it up but only got louder background music and still couldn't make out what the principles were saying about the product they developed. Couldn't finish it.
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Long Shot (2019)
The funny? parts aren't. The romance? parts are bizarre. The movie is unwatachable
20 July 2019
I wasn't going to do a review but after seeing numerous high number reviews, I had to weigh in. I was embarrassed for Charlize Theron, who is a really good actor. She has to act like a 14 year old frat boy to justify the story line. The dialogue is sophomoric to a fault (I know it's supposed to be) but the characters are supposed to be adults? acting like children? with potty mouths?

Just ain't funny. The romance is forced and unbelievable to a fault.

Obviously these things are a matter of taste so if you really like Seth Rogen and want to watch, fine. Up to you. But 9-10 stars? Nope.
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Yeah, a movie? that provides a third person view of an endless bloody head shot video game
10 July 2019
How many times can you sit and watch a human being? aim a gun at somebody else's head and fire into their brain and watch it explode out the back, over and over and over? (after, of course, shooting their bodies 2-3 times before applying the kill shot) Or should I ask who would sit and watch this? Mindless, endless, pointless violence. It should sicken you. But over the course of over 2 hours it just goes on and on and on. In a video game you would score points? and "win?" We are numb to pointless violence? If you can sit through this whole mess then I guess yeah. Some say it's edge of your seat exciting. There is a lot of action. A comic book semblance of a story which does nothing more than to provide an excuse to watch humans crush, break, dis-member, shoot, stab, pierce eyeballs with knives and yes, blow others brain out the back of their head. Nauseating. Tiresome. Stupid. I gave it two stars because it has good stars, good production value. 1, 2. It's fun to watch Lawrence Fishburne, Ian McShane, Asia K. Dillon. There are a few moments of entertainment.. It could have been cut back but about 90% and the movie wouldn't have suffered. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there isn't enough movie here without all the endless violence. That's... just... sad...
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Dumbo (2019)
Enjoyable family movie. Strong cast. Part remake, part new story. Different but enjoyable
15 June 2019
I had to write a review to add a sense of reality to many of the crazy 1 star reviews. Please, 1 star? Awful? Nonsense. Great cast, great production value, remake of a classic (as well as a new take on an old story). Didn't see any political correctness or bad acting or poor CGI. Nonsense. Full of great actors. Emotional story, well made. It's a good movie. I only gave it 7 stars because it's not a great movie but I didn't feel cheated at all and was glad I (we) saw it. If you liked the original at all, you'll want to see the remake. It is a little darker than Disney of old and Tim Burton's visions are unique but all in all I thought it was fun, unusual and worth our time. Don't pay attention to the 1 star reviews, they are nonsense.
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The Mustang (2019)
Involving movie, well shot, well acted, a solid 8
6 June 2019
I wasn't going to write a review since many better reviews have been written but then I saw some very negative reviews which were way off base. This is not a kid's movie, not a comedy, not a rom-com. It's hard nosed and sometimes tough to watch but it is, imho, a very good movie and better than 3/4s the movies that were released in the same time period. The producer was Robert Redford. Bruce Dern is one of the supporting actors. That should get your attention. It was filmed on site at an amazing facility. It is true that it can make you feel uncomfortable but there are moments of true transcendency. I think everything tends to be subjective but I think this movie deserves every chance it can get to be seen. Disregard the negativity, it is a very good movie.
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Photograph (I) (2019)
Beautifully framed and filmed with great insight into Mumbai, just outstanding movie
4 June 2019
Many, many scenes are outstanding. Almost want to watch it again to take it in again. A work of art. Great characterisations. Great story. Wonderful interaction between characters. Not your typical rom-com but in that vein without the typical third act reversal and nice tied with a ribbon ending and I really liked that. The living conditions in India are educational for those who are uninitiated. Made we want to learn more about Mumbai. I recommend this movie highly.
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Captive State (2019)
I like John Goodman - Nice departure role for him.
30 May 2019
I read a handful of reviews prior to watching this. Quite a few really negative reviews about no plot, waste of time, why was it green-lighted, etc. There were good reviews too, of course, which is why I thought we'd try it. We quite enjoyed it. I could lay out the plot. It exists. I thought it was a thoughtful, well made movie. Not a blockbuster. Just a nice mid-range sci-fi movie, with both decent alien screen-presence and decent off screen presence. The music was great. It ramped up the tension nicely. Might be the best part of the movie. Goodman was terrific. We were engaged and there were moments of high tension and there are some nice sci-fi devices and a bit of twist at the end. If you like low definition, thoughtful sci-fi, I think you'll like it, especially if you like Goodman.
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All politics aside (please), good, fun movie
28 May 2019
So there are a lot of ridiculously negative reviews for this movie, apparently based on the idea that the star shouldn't inveigh for her gender or be liberal (progressive?) and speak out about it. Aren't young (relatively) people supposed to be liberal (especially for other people)? Shouldn't women want other women to have a larger voice than what has been granted historically? But I try to avoid political views and just judge art for art's sake and this movie has high production value, a decent storyline, decent acting and actors and is kind of fun. It ain't perfect but it's as good as most of the new Star Wars stuff, which I generally like. If you just want to be entertained, you could do a lot worse. Seeing a virtual Sam Jackson and Stan Lee was fun. I gave it an 8 because my wife and I both enjoyed seeing it and it kept our attention throughout. Like I said, you could do a lot worse. Besides anything with Sam Jackson (virtual or not) gets my vote.
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Big Kill (2019)
A pretty cool 2018 B Western. Go with the flow and have some fun.
15 March 2019
After reading a number of reviews on IMDB, I hesitated to obtain and watch Big Kill. Since I really like Westerns and they seem to be a dying breed, I threw caution to the wind and decided to watch it anyway. Bottom line: It's a very decent example of the genre, which is a throw back John Ford camera stylish modern western (with some overhead shots Coach couldn't film). It has some problems related to over saturated color, semi-bizarre costumes (over the top) and HD camera style which keeps the homage from ringing too true but it is sui generis and as such, is interesting. I think they carried off their homage well enough that you can enjoy it as an pseudo old fashion, modern filmed western and it deserves an audience. Good actors, fun story, a sense of humor and great shoot-outs. It isn't exactly a classic but it is as good or better than most of these B style westerns in the past few years because it dares to be different but also classic enough to be a genuine western. I definitely recommend it, especially if you are an aficionado of the genre. ie: If you like westerns, in general, you shouldn't miss this stylish update of the classic form.
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Serenity (I) (2019)
Outstanding high concept creation
19 February 2019
I like to be surprised. I don't like to be able mouth the words of the characters before they speak, knowing what's coming. I recommend not reading any of the spoilers on this and go in cold. You may not like the surprise but if you are like me and can go with a 21st century sensibility, you should be able to go with the flow, relax and enjoy the concept.

Great production value. Great actors. Really good story. Fun concept. Really enjoyed it on several levels. YMMV, as always.
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Destroyer (2018)
Decent plot & twist - but miscast is miscast
12 February 2019
No question Ms. Kidman is a really good actor. I'm sure she wanted to go outside her type-casting and show some range and do something diametrically different, for fun if nothing else. A heavy lead. A Dirty Harriet. Mumbling. Walking dead make-up without the racoon eyes. Bad decisions (her character's in the movie not hers for taking the role, sorry). Tough guyette. So for the movie to work you have to suspend disbelief and go with Ms. Kidman as a really tough cop who pistol whips people around. For me, the imagination leap is too great. I should go with the idea that Audrey Hepburn could mumble "Make My Day" through clinched lips holding a 44 Magnum in a perp's face and really, really put on a terrific acting job and I'd buy it. But I guess my imagination is limited. Sexist probably. I've seen Charlize Theron's attempts at this and I could get into it so I'm not sure it's totally sexist. Maybe Ms. Kidman felt she could carry it off, it Charlize could. Who knows? Maybe Charlize didn't employ the walking dead make-up? Anyway, it's worth seeing. Good production value. Good cast. Decent plot and twist. Check it out and form your own opinion.
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A shaggy dog of a horror movie (that's good)
10 October 2017
I read some reviews online and here before attempting "Killing Ground." My impression of the reviews was that the movie would be hard to watch because of the violence, including rape. My first instinct was not watch. But there were some pretty positive reviews as well and it had a 77% on Tomatoes. So we gave it a try. There was, of course violence but I've seen a lot, lot worse. There was no actual rape scene and the blood was at a minimum. Be aware, it is a violent movie but it is a horror (thriller) movie. What I enjoyed is how the writer and director turned the standard tropes on their head. Watching movies, you have certain expectations and this movie blurs lines on those expectations which adds to the suspense. "When will this happen, you wonder?" I enjoyed it because it is different and like I said in the summary, I consider it something of a shaggy dog story, which I really look forward to. Nobody in Hollywood would green light this thing because it shatters expectations. I won't go into specifics because it won't work if you know what to expect going in. Thriller movies shouldn't be fun but this one is (because it isn't true, it's only a movie and a good one at that)
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