
30 Reviews
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Bodkin (2024– )
29 May 2024
The premise is okay, and it might be a decent story, but really? Life's too short.

After two episodes I was losing the will to live.

There's only so far that cheeky Irish charm can take you before you realise there is just no pace to the direction and the story has been stretched to fill 6 hours of inane plodding irrelevant drivel, delivered so slowly that it's just not worth the time. So I gave up.

Maybe one day Netflix will take stories like this and make a decent 2 hour movies or 4 episode limited series out of them, without the need to drag them out for no other reason than to create content fillers and waste all our time.
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What are these reviewers thinking about?
2 February 2024
Beautifully filmed and the cgi is amazing.

That's the good news.

I was so looking forward to this, thinking it would be an airforce version of "Band Of Brothers".

What they actually gave us was an over produced, misinformed inaccurate Americanised version of what some ignorant Hollywood studio wished had happened.

The Americans were vital to the war effort, and there's no doubt in anyone's mind that late as they were joining, without them the Axis would have won.

But that just makes it more frustrating that they then produce rubbish like this, complete with the corniest "moms Apple pie/god bless America" dialogue they could muster.

Absolutely awful awful wasted opportunity.
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Trigger Girl (2021)
2 February 2024
Ignore the fake reviews.

This is low-low budget with production values to match.

That in itself wouldn't necessarily mean a low score but after literally 2 minutes you can see that almost nobody in this film can act.

Within that time we see the most wooden Secretary any PI has ever had, and his first client who I'm pretty sure was reciting her lines for the first time from a cue card laying on the desk in front of her.

Full disclosure - I didn't go mich forget than that. It was obvious immediately that the glowing reviews on here were written by the cast and crew.

That is the only possible explanation.
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The only truth is that the cases are unsolved
29 November 2023
This series is so awful. Seriously.

If I could have given it zero or even minus stars, I would have.

A rehash of the very basic "facts" of a case padded out with rumour and conjecture by a "cold case team" 😂 who just stand around a blackboard spouting nonsense.

The first episode tried to introduce "new evidence" (which the police were fully aware of) that the child's father was a convicted paedophile. Interesting they only introduce him as a suspect long after his death.

As a true crime investigation fan I gave this a try - but this is so far from anything resembling an investigation that I really wouldn't waste your time.

I know I won't be tarnishing my Tv set with anymore of this absolute dog turd, the target audience of which is little old ladies and those who just want to shout at the Tv.
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Listen to the podcast instead
9 January 2023
This is one of the most amazing murder investigator stories I've ever heard - but do yourself a favour - don't go near this plodding, rambling mess of garbage.

It's awful. I don't understand how they were able to make this incredible story so dull?

Instead listen to the Bear Brook podcast - a genuine "as live" narrative of the investigation that will satisfy.

The story will of the investigation (not just the murders) spans decades and involves coincidence, deception, terrible police work, excellent policework and excellent amateur investigation.

This Tv show is just rubbish in comparison.

You have been warned.
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Shining Girls (2022)
Put your phone down.
24 September 2022
Confusing as hell for the first couple of episodes, but stick with it. It's worth the wait.

But you have to pay attention.

For the first 2/3 episodes youlll find yourself saying "what?" Out loud. A lot.

I've watched some wired TV in the past that's made me say that, but this is the weirdest Tv show I've seen that eventually actually resolves to a satisfying conclusion.

Do not watch while playing on your phone, chatting to the wife or looking after kids.

Invest the time, stick with it, and it's a proper "Wow!" Part of me hopes they don't spoil it with a second series, but if they do..... I'll be watching.
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Stay Close (2021)
Someone screwed up
10 January 2022
The only mystery with this show is whether it's a bad Harlem Coben book or a bad tv adaptation.

Unless your thing is awful dialogue, cartoon characters or obvious plot devices, give it a miss.

Absolutley dreadful.

You've been warned.
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Showtrial (2021–2024)
Brilliant and authentic
3 January 2022
It's not often I see a legal/courtroom drama portrayed accurately.

Usually I shrug and say "we have to expect a little 'artistic licence' to keep the drama flowing".

This is the series that proves that that's just bollocks.

Legal drama can be both gripping AND accurate at the same time.

Hats off to the writer and production team for an absolute gem.

Brilliant TV.
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Anne (2022)
Poor acting spoils the impact of a major story
3 January 2022
An important and incredible story is ruined by a cast phoning-in performances that literally appear to be read from cue-cards.

None more than Maxine Peake who seems to be turning up and churning out.

I'm not an expert so I don't know if this is down to poor acting craft or poor direction but it's so frustrating.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
1 January 2022
There's a place for a well placed and produced satire in this vein, but absolutely no point in throwing money at a cast and then allowing them to phone-in amateurish cartoon performances of a particularly poor script.
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Angela Black (2021)
Nicked from Strangers On A Train
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why is there no mention anywhere of the fact that this is clearly lifted from Patrica Highsmith's "Strangers On A Train"? No credit, not even an acknowledgment.

That said it's possible that.the Highsmith estate threatened to sue if they used her name on this absolutely awful piece of poorly plotted and scripted nonsense.
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The Tower (2021–2023)
Makes no sense whatsoever
10 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was convinced there was a 4th episode that would clarify they myriad of unexplained ridiculous plot lines. But no.


Why did the Asian guy key the neighbours car to start all this off?

Why did the girl kidnap the neighbours child and take him to the tower?

Why did the girl agree to a second meeting at the tower if she'd been betrayed the first time?

How did the coppers know she was going to be at The tower the second time before the calls came in?

Why did the 2 coppers arrive at different times?

Why was the Insp there - and why did he cover for the dead copper?

None of this made any sense.

I assume the book would resolve all these questions but after this piece of tv crap I won't be bothering to find out.

Just awful.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
1 October 2021
The premise and plotting for each series was so good, but was let down by bloated script and self indulgent "dream sequences".

Cutting the episodes from 8 to 6 in a series may have resulted in a classic series.

Instead, it was all a bit "meh".
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Annika (2021– )
Not a patch on the radio series
22 August 2021
(This is after watching the first episode only)

As a single-voiced, 15 minute audio series, Annika is sublime. One of the best things on radio, so I can understand them trying to convert it to a tv series.

But it just doesn't work.

Nicola Walker is excellent as ever, but the charm, the pace and the pathos of the original is lost in a mish-mash of scenes stapled together to make an hour long narrative.

Such a shame.
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Professor T (2021– )
Terrible adaptation of a great work.
8 August 2021
I have no idea how people have given this the scores they have.

The basic premise for each episode appears to be, Murder happens, there's a bit of chat, Murderer confesses for no apparent reason, Prof T then tells how he knew it was them all along.

Little mystery, no tension, zero suspense, obvious ending.

Awful awful production.

Don't waste your time.
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Shockingly poor production
9 July 2021
Rehashing old cases, introducing absolutley no new evidence or even enquiries, and done by way of a scripted documentary using a second rate tv actor and a typically Channel 5 "psychologist for hire" type. (Yes I know it's on C4).

Awful awful production.

I was hoping for something more akin to the BBC "Murder Mystery & My Family" which would have at least given it an air of authenticity.
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The Lady Vanishes (2013 TV Movie)
Like the Hitchcock version......
2 July 2021
..... with every element of suspense, drama, storyline and plot ripped out.

Truly awful version.

The 1979 version wasn't brilliant but this makes it look like a masterpiece.

If you value your time don't waste 90 mins (or whatever it was) on this nonsense.
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Could have been good.
30 March 2021
The trailer would have you believe that this series was about an abduction being solved using a kids homework project.

Nothing of the kind.

Awful convoluted plotting wrapped in melodrama, and some aspects/scenes that make you shout "why would anyone do that????" This review is my gift to you so that you don't waste 6 hours of your life on this crap the way I did.
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The Contender (2000)
Trailer Spoiler!
10 September 2020
This is a really good film, much better than the 6.9 it has here. However, if you watch it on Amazon Video, DO NOT watch the trailer. Incredibly the idiots who set this up make the actual key scene, the whole twist upon which the movie stands, the trailer.


Absolute idiots.
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Formulaic nonsense.
22 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I shouldn't even mark this review as "spoilers" because if you can't see it coming you shouldn't be allowed to operate a tv. The hero cop (from a country that is recognised as having the most unprofessional in the world) goes to Europe and "shows" them how to investigate, and makes it clear who the killers are in the first 20 mins. No tension, no suspense, no mystery. Just hackneyed dialogue ("this is what I do!"). Avoid.
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Shadow Island Mysteries: The Last Christmas (2010)
Season 1, Episode 2
90 mins of my life I won't get back
3 December 2019
Who the hell gave this a rating of 5.5? I had high hopes for the "Ten Little Indians" format, but what we ended up with was a few "clues" leading to nowhere and a "plot" that wrapped itself up in knots and resolved itself with an unexpected (and completely inexplicable) confession. Absolutely awful movie. Don't get sucked in by the inflated rating.
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Brigham City (2001)
Not what I was expecting.
2 December 2019
This film is low budget and for a while made me think it was just a Mormon advert. It is - but if you find yourself thinking that while you're watching, I'd advise sticking with it. There are flaws around the plot development and acting, but it's a movie that resolves well while leaving you pondering a few questions about things beyond the storyline.
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Hangman (II) (2017)
Formulaic dog turd
14 November 2019
Definitive proof that having a name star is no guarantee of quality. Avoid. Don't say you weren't warned.
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Rememory (2017)
PC movie plot
3 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Good performances from all the main cast, and a decent story. But when the plot revolves around the fact that the main character (a dwarf) swapped places with his (non dwarf) friend (brother?) As the driver of a car involved in an accident, they really should take into account that it would have been obvious to the crash investigators that the seat position was completely wrong. Just pulling him across onto the drivers seat of the pickup and walking away was frankly ridiculous.
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A Confession (2019)
Film Students....
10 October 2019
Please realise, nobody gives a toss what you think - by definition, your title tells us you know nothing about film making.

Wind your neck in until you've learned your trade.

First episode - so far so good.
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