
20 Reviews
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disappointing but conclusive story end
1 May 2024
This was a ok finale but I prefer the last movie over this one. This movie didn't have great songs and didn't give its story to us in a great way. The jokes were pretty lame as well. When I heard this wasn't going to be a full musical like the last movie I was hoping that they would have brought back some of the great humor but found it pretty lacking. The scene in the church was probably the best comedy bit but there was a bit too much seriousness in most scenes. The fact Nathan never even got to say his tagline 'Brutal' was pretty disappointing in the least because there was Just sooo many times just that one word could have been uttered and it probably would have got a laugh out of me but no. They needed to keep everything semi-serious just not there comedy which they kept pretty basic... although there was a 'Plug' joke that got me.

The story on the other hand was alright, I liked how all the characters were used and the cameos. The entire series wasn't really strong in this category, in fact it was pretty much a major joke until it wasn't. That said the revenge story of the last movie was much better, but taking this story as serious as they did may have been a mistake. Oh well, at least 'The Fans' got what they wanted hopefully, it was a love letter to those that kept the show alive after all as its pretty apparent they read their fan-sites.
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Major rug pull but still worth the watch
21 November 2023
When I first heard of Scott Pilgrim Takes off I wondered why they needed to re-title the show and didn't take the title as literally as it meant. Its a bit hard to review this without spoiling much more then that but this is a welcome addition to the Scott Pilgrim Universe. I read the book, saw the movie so seeing this and getting past the second episode, which was pretty harsh to watch, the rest was good after I was able to let go of my per-conceived notions on what the show Would be about. For people new to Scott Pilgrim, this shouldn't be too hard to do as you would be able to accept the story as presented.

That said, I did have problems with it. The animation was kind of not as fluid as I would have liked it and was it just me or was some of the lip sync in this off at times. Sometimes the animations with the characters didn't match the actors dubbing them. I have to blame it for most the cast not being familiar with lip syncing in general for animation. Cera and Winstead did a pretty good job (Will Forte was the best, don't look up what character he plays though). Eh, maybe it was the animation itself being a bit strange to me.

That said I dug the story and liked how it ended.
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One Piece (2023– )
Glad I missed work to watch this 8 hour epic that breaks the mold
31 August 2023
I did not plan this, I was just at work, upset what was going on I ended up leaving early. Got home was wondering if I did the right thing, I felt pretty sure at the time but after reading a few upset messages I was unsure. Sooo I needed something to keep my mind off that and remembered this show. It didn't really sound great to be honest, the trailers looked alright.

I wasn't prepared to watch the first straight up masterpiece of a show that says 'Hell yea, Anime can work". Its comedy is effective, its drama very hitting, its action was great. It also surprised me a lot. Blood? Death? Drinking? Cursing? Smoking? Wow, I mean it is in the manga (Death not so much) but WOW. They actually took all the silly themes, costumes, and set pieces incredible serious. It was also able to adapt the manga incredibly well without losing much. It was also very well paced, I was barely ever bored. It also had a great message, follow your dreams, don't let others beat you down and stand up for what you think is right, So ya, it did make me feel a lot better about my work situation.

Lost 8 hours of work to watch 8 hours of this and I'm feeling very satisfied before I'm off to bed.
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Inside Job (2021–2022)
Inside your head!
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, this is mainly a review on season 1 since I did enjoy it for what it was. It was a creative comedy using a lot of conspiracy theories to make up the stories its involved in. Great yes, perfect no, their was something about the second season that didn't grab me and I had a hard time trying to watch it. I can't pinpoint what it was I just wasn't into it. The first season though, yes, it kind of felt like a complete show to me, even if the end was a little open ended. Maybe I didn't want that feeling to fade,. So when I started the second season my mind just said 'No'. Unfortunately, it feels others may have felt the same cause it was eventually canceled for reasons (Not cracking the top 10 may have been one) and this is my apology toward fans of this series.
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Final Space (2018–2021)
Its the Gary!
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Great show, I really wish it would have been continued with a fourth season instead of a comic book but that's what we got. Now the majority of this well made and animated show is locked away in some vault at Max thanks to Discovery taken ownership. Just one of those losses we all have to take from time to time on good shows cut down before they could end. I mean it Does have an ending, but its not one you would want to End on. That said here is hoping this gets revived someday if the comics successful so we can see this epic journey come to an end. The show wasn't perfect, and it definitely had its flaws but behind those flaws come great moments and that's what I look for when watching an animation.
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The golden cartoon child returns
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is what you want form a remake, reboot... both? It has young B and B, and Old B and B... and futuristic B and B. All golden, all barely missing a beat. Yes it comments on today's social issues, and they review Youtube and TicTok and other forms of social media instead of just Music Videos (One artist must have gave them bags of money cause they show up twice). Yes, I feel they pay the Beavis and Butthead to riff there stuff... not the other way around. This is quality TV and shows you that you can port characters from a different time and make them still relevant without changing there characters. Plenty of laughs here, I love the old Beavis and Butthead, perfect amount of being wiser but still being dumb.
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Fired on Mars (2023– )
Ok premise, but locked between a serious and funny place
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I generally thought this would either be more serious or more funny and I got neither. It feels like I should like it, but I'm not happy about the animation which is way too stiff for my animation tastes and most of the characters expressions usually don't change much despite being animated. I feel a rotoscoped version may have given this show more personality. That said I liked the actual story behind the story of Jeff being fired a lot. There is a good mystery there, and the way things came together at the end made me happy I did finish it. I'll admit I did skip around after the 3rd episode though before watching it fully again by the 8th. Honestly it felt too slow for the length and then it just stopped when it got good so I'm really not sure how people are going to take that but if I don't see more I won't be mad.
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Royal Crackers (2023– )
A decent show with some good characters
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Outside of the artstyle which I felt was very cheap looking I have to say the characters and the story's were... ok. The series wasn't great to start with but it built on itself and ended strongly. Got a few good laughs out of me. The son who used to be in a Band was great, probably my favorite out of the bunch as he's so prideful of his time in the band but nobody cares was just constant amusing. Stebe was good, how he got his name was a surprise. There Father was... there. Stebe's son was a little like Chris Griffon but less dumb. Stebe's wife was also good and had a good fight with some competitors. Anyway I enjoyed it, just not enough to give it more then a 7.
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Mulligan (2023– )
Not a great toon but I got through it
24 June 2023
Which is why I rated it a 6 a bare standard for finding something worth finishing. The concept is cool, aliens wipe out most of humanity and those that lived have to figure out how to run society again. The execution is very lame, but I like a little drama to spice up my comedy's and you will find none of that here. The two female leads and the alien seem like the only characters worth watching. There isn't much to really see here as most of the show is just a parade of letdowns. I think the best episode was with the false prophet, or not so false. The last surviving senator was funny at times as well. Just give this a pass and watch inside job if you want something close to this.
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Digman! (2023– )
A fun upbeat series to watch
24 June 2023
I enjoyed watching this, it may not be the best thing around but it does have its charms. I really like how Digman sounds like Nick Cage in one of his more outrageous moments because that's exactly how the character is. Some moments are stupid and some are stupid funny. I enjoy that it has a good serialization going from one episode to the next and the story does make sense if you don't think about it too much. With humor its hard to tell but if you can get through the first few episodes without feeling like your forcing yourself to watch you should have at least a good time watching the rest as it doesn't change too much.
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Clone High (2023– )
I felt it was better then the original
24 June 2023
Before this one came out I decided to watch the first series but I couldn't get into it for some reason. I only made it to Ep 8 but I finished the Max one before the original and I enjoyed it more. Its not surprising so many fans of the original felt the new series wasn't good because it does have a different kind of humor. That said I have to say Ep 9 and 10 were some of the most engaging episodes of everything I've seen so if you do end up watching this, and find out that it really isn't your type of humor but want to come out of it with something. Just skip to Ep 9 and 10 and if those are not satisfactory be glad you skipped out on the rest.
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Primal: The Primal Theory (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
Different but clever
12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Darwin is talking about people turning primal when things get tough and one of his peers basically goes primal to fend off a killer.

First they start with guns, then swords/bows, spears then just whatever pointy thing they can find to fend off the killer. Going deeper into the primal to defend themselves.

That's what I got out of it anyway "And there it is" indeed.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Is this the start of the Death Game popularity?
2 October 2021
From some of the Manga Death games I've read Squid game is a decent port of the idea to the big screen done in this fashion. Sounds like its popular enough on Netflix that we will probably see copy cats soon (Maybe even a non-death version like Liars Game could be on the table now). As for the show itself I found it lacking in some parts, also didn't like most of the participants except the old man who was the standout. I found only about 2 of the games interesting.
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I think most reviews here missed the point of this episode
28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Thought the episode was mostly fine with some lol moments. It was probably too stuffed with things happening that most people kinda missed the two enemies getting together for dinner theme. I like this episode because it actually might give Rick that friend he's been lacking ever since Bird Person died... well not really. Time will tell... either that or Rick acted helpless and didn't say much the entire 2nd half because he knew he'd get a pardon for it but I think there is something more there and I'm not going to underestimate this episode cause some of the elements were kinda lame.
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Snake Eyes (2021)
Subverted my expectations but not enough to be great
23 July 2021
There are a lot of clever things that happen in this movie and good attention to detail along with some nice character work. The bad is the action scenes are pretty lame at times and whenever the 'Joes;' are introduced the film slows down to a exposition dump. It would have been better had it just focused on Snake eyes and a smaller scope story with introducing the larger themes in the sequel. Cause they didn't really even finish Snake Eye's backstory, this was more like a introduction when it could have had a nicely contained story with many sequel strings. The guy playing Snake Eyes and Akiko were wonderful to watch. Ever scene between them was great. The Trials were awesome. The car fight was entertaining. If they had just left some things out (Like the Joes) and kept the story self contained this would have been a great movie instead of a good one. Too much weighing it down!
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Dimension 404: Polybius (2017)
Season 1, Episode 4
28 November 2020
When I first saw this I thought 'Cool, a big budget take on the Arcade Machine Spooky Story' but then I saw it and it was a letdown. Low budget stuff on youtube like Ahoy's actual documentary on the game or Cinemassacre's mock review of it blew this actual professionally made one out of the water. The acting, the direction, the mood, all kind of slapped together to create a goofy premise. It seems the team was kind of stumped at how to show a Arcade Game as a creepy thing without throwing a monster into the mix.
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The Society (2019)
More of a political teen drama
11 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Basically take a bunch of teens, cut them off from the world, give them food and power (But for how long?) and see what they do. In this show they try to form a society and end up having to form their own solutions to problems that come up (Murder, abuse, political power and what that means). Its somewhat interesting to see them go through different political systems trying to find out what works best while going through teen drama but I ended up skipping large portions of the second half of the series cause I didn't really care about a large portion of the cast. Its a lot like under the dome, but I can think of some Manga that use the opening concept better.
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The Passage (2019)
A sweet family driven gorefest horror show
3 March 2019
Watch all the nice touching scenes with the adopted Daughter/Father type relationship while a B movie vampire horror show plays as a backdrop. A a family who likes horror movies and can stand the gore/adult situations that go with those movies will probably enjoy watching this. I guess its because almost every time they go back to the two main leads its like Karate kid, any time they're not there its Dracula. I liked the two main leads and Igor. Story was alright, they like flashbacks for dramatic effect. Also I hear this isn't like the book, which its story is loosely attached to.
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The Orville: A Happy Refrain (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Relationship Episode
16 February 2019
For those familiar with Star Trek of the 90's this episode will be pretty familiar and maybe welcomed as its a whole episode dedicated to a relationship. I feel that's what star treks about, not just space stuff or exploration. The Orville being a homage/callback/parody of that show its important to have episodes like Home and this one.
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A bit too much but still good
16 February 2019
I felt the movie was good but had too many characters in it and didn't like the set up for the next chapter. I really felt they should have left Nova as just a quick mention here or there instead of him having a active role in anything. Vector was almost completely useless as a character so if they do plan on continuing I hope he was saved somehow because I love the actor and the character is supposed to play a bigger part. One of the worst things about this is having seen the ads and knowing that there was more action scenes to come just killed some of the dramatic beats for me. I wish they had juggled the interactions between the characters a little better then they did.
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