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5 April 2024
If I haven't seen something all the way through, I don't rate it but sometimes I leave a comment or two. In this case I only made it through 15 mins of it. There are no user or critical reviews. Check IMDb; it's on several streaming services at this time such as Plex and Pluto.

It seemed like a movie for college kids with lots of goofy quirkiness and snide winks at the audience. I could be wrong and maybe the entirety is a lot more appealing than the first part of the act was. That's my experience with Hallucinations.

I posted this on Rotten Tomatoes as there was nothing on it there either. .
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Just let go
10 March 2023
I'd been waiting for a while to see this; I just couldn't figure out where or how. I've found things on YouTube before but evidently never thought to check for this.

It's a psychological and metaphysical journey into one man's mind and experiences, as well as his relationship with himself and others, even if some were never meant to fully materialize. It's about closure and letting go, two things I've personally always had problems with. It's about how trauma can manifest itself and take a certain amount of control over your life. Plaine felt that he wasn't in control of what was happening to him. The way it's filmed and edited parallels this feeling of barely controlled chaos.

I love independent filmmaking and I'm constantly on the search for the thoughtful and introspective, as well as the different, dark, strange, unique, weird, out of left field and odd. I have a few lists broken down into pseudo-categories if you'd like some ideas.
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Significantly other than what I thought it would be
9 October 2022
What was I thinking it might be? I'm not exactly sure, but not this. I live in Oregon and love the forests and trails. I liked Maika Monroe in The Guest, Tau, Greta, Villains and The Watcher was okay. I have no idea why she would do this. Maybe she had a 3-movie deal and owed the studio one? I've heard of that before but I have no clue.

This was right along the lines of a SyFy movie, which are usually pretty bad and this one is no different, complete with cheesy effects. I thought it would be something a bit more serious but turned out being B movie schlock. I'm not even sure why I'm giving it a 4. This seemed like it had a good premise and I waited a little while to see it. It's unfortunate that it was such a dud.
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John And The Hole Explained- Who Is Lily And That Bizarre Ending
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
John is a thirteen-year-old kid who cares about nothing. He goes through his boring, meaningless days with no purpose and no hope of change. John is a privileged kid with parents who dote on him while neglecting to provide the things he needs most, their time and attention. He fills his days with tedious tennis lessons and mindless activities while desperately wishing he was an adult. Growing up means an escape from his dull, lonely life.

One day he finds a half-finished bunker in the forest near his house. He drugs his parents and older sister and tosses them in. While they are stuck in the hole, he engages in wish fulfillment. He drives his parent's car around town, withdraws large sums of money from his family's bank account, buys a television for his room, eats junk food, and invites his friend over for a sleepover. None of it changes the monotony of his life, so he lets his family out of the bunker, and the film ends with them eating dinner together as if nothing happened.

Search John And The Hole on signalhorizoncom to see the rest.
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To the Moon (VI) (2021)
Kept me wondering
24 September 2022
A refreshing and solid debut effort. I first saw Will Brill in The OA playing Scott Brown and he was great in To the Moon as Roger. I'd like to see more from Scott Friend.

I have a Movies I've Seen list: every new one I see and everything I can remember having seen, many of which are thrown in as they come back to me. I also have a ton of lists that break things down into pseudo-categories, depending on what you might be in the mood for.

Comedy Horror, Unexplained Phenomena, Error on the High Seas, Totally Bonkers, Burning Slowly, Chicks Kicking Ass, Cult/Occult and much more. User/ur6041809/lists.
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Fall (I) (2022)
No way I could get through the rest of it.
5 September 2022
Got as far as when they get to the tower. The cliché dialogue was vacuous and annoying af, the blonde chick was a total idiot and also annoying af. No way I could get through the rest of it. Nice idea completely wasted.

Sorry, your review is too short. It needs to contain at least 600 characters. Since when? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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Nope (2022)
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
People are calling the creature a spaceship, people don't understand about the chimp. People say after M. Night's first movie the rest were no good. Shyamalan made his directorial debut in 1992 with the film Praying with Anger. There was another after, and then came The 6th Sense. If you watch that a second time knowing the twist, it will just look unbelievable. And I thought Unbreakable was great.

If there were things in Nope you didn't get, read the trivia page for help connecting the dots. The girl who was attacked by the chimp was unconscious, not dead. It was just one alien being, not a spaceship, and it swallowed the people. And if you didn't get how horses played a part in things I don't know what to tell you.

But Nope was too long. I'd take out at least one scene and trim down others that lingered unnecessarily. Several shots had way too much empty space and just kept on going. A good three or four times there were scenes or character dialogue that ended up not connecting to anything down the way. It's like they were just random one-offs. I didn't understand them at first but figured things would take place later that explained them. Nope. They never ended up connecting to anything. I thought they could have showed more of the creature as far as more of what it looked like from other angles and given it more character instead of an ambiguous thing with a tornado mouth. And Keke Palmer's character was annoying.

It also wasn't very scary, although there were a few good parts that were more thrilling than scary. The scariest things were the chimp and what ended up being the kids in the stable. But the cinematography was great, the story idea was fine. Had the execution been there, this would have been a much better movie. I wonder if his next one will be titled "Maybe?"
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Ridiculous, boring nonsense
20 August 2022
The whole thing is goofy and unnecessary. It feels like it's 6 hours long. It's not scary. Nothing of any real interest happens and the reveal is hilarious.

At least I got a little laugh after the arduous void. That's what the star is for. This is not a classic. This is a waste of time.

Watch Alice, Sweet Alice (1976) I Start Counting (1969) or Magic (1978) just to name a few from the era that are better. There are so many things so much better than this nonsense.
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If you gave this a low rating
13 August 2022
Then you completely missed the point. You took this far too seriously. Appreciate the funny parts, appreciate Lance Henriksen, appreciate the practical effects, know that it's a cheesy B movie and have fun.

It's mind-boggling that people would actually take this that seriously. It's practically a comedy horror. Guys, relax.
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Resurrection (2022)
Grief, trauma, control, illness
12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A woman's carefully reconstructed life gets upended when an unwelcome shadow from her past returns, forcing her to confront the monster she's evaded for over two decades.

David found Margaret when she was young and vulnerable; she finally felt wanted and important, he saw her as prey. He systematically brainwashed her. He took her identity and replaced it with what he wanted her to be. David is a deranged sociopath and violent sadist and gained control of Margaret through a variety of ways, culminating in the murder of the baby he eventually came to see as a threat to the sick symbiosis he'd created. Margaret fled in terror.

This was was tense and unnerving. It's sad that it's being dragged down because of the many people that appear not to understand things. I've seen the same types of comments in reviews for Braid and Men. And yes, like another reviewer questioned, there are some deep, in between the lines things happening.

If Ressurection wasn't for you, I understand. But it's too bad about all the extremely low ratings for such a powerful, gripping and ultimately sad story.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
It was okay.
10 August 2022
What was so phenomenal about it? This could have been an original Twilight Zone or Outer Limits episode. People have gone way too overboard for this. Things like that happen every so often, i.e. The Vast of Night.

Arrival is way overhyped. It's a love story with the alien thing as the backdrop. It was a "nice" movie. Someone said it's about the bizarre truth about reality; if so, it could have come in a much better package.

Here's something to help acquaint those who want to see some really good science fiction. /list/ls094127235.
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End Trip (2018)
It's too bad
10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
That most here seem not to like it. I don't agree with all the 10's, obviously written as soon as the page opened up reviews and obviously all fake. Like ridiculously, painfully obviously fake. You're cheapening yourselves, your work, and making a joke out of the site and the ratings by doing this.

That said, I thought this was a really good character study of a nice, average, if not somewhat naive guy and a chameleonic sociopath. Check it out, see what you think.
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This could have been a lot better
19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't scary or intense. Ethan Hawke was fairly creepy but that was about it. There was no real conflict or dynamic between him and the kid. Hawke made his appearances, acting appropriately strange, but never seemed extremely threatening.

It could have capitalized on Hawke's character. It could have been darker. It could have had much more suspense. It could have been written better and shot more uniquely to ramp up tension and intensify dread.

Plus the plot items. Kids are being taken all the time, including this kid's friends, but he stops to talk to a conspicuous, suspiciously-acting, scary looking dude in a black van. I mean he has a whole conversation with the guy. Then he sees the balloons and asks...are those black balloons? Wow, kid, what a surprise. How dumb can he get. Yet he wises up so much that by the end he has this perfect trap in place and everything goes just as planned.

It was like an 80's movie with a group of kids defeating the bad guy. I'm surprised we didn't get a nifty montage of him training, working out and getting all the pieces in place. And it never shows how Hawke kept his brother from knowing or suspecting anything.

This had some very dark themes with potential and possibility but ended up with just that: only potential. It could have been horrifying.
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An Ideal Host (2020)
Gotta trust these reviews
18 July 2022
This tried way, way too hard. It was goofy, silly and ridiculous in a not good way. After the 10th time of HAHAHA SEE WHAT WE DID THERE, I shut it off.

But I love that there are 8's and 10's here, even though it's currently under a 6. Gotta trust these reviews.
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Men (2022)
A metaphor for the traumatized mind
29 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A nightmarish fable of a woman struggling to cope; she had major trauma and needed to go through the healing process. I figured the different guys (all being the same of course) represented parts of her psyche, such as the vicar = guilt, and all the guys were also her dead husband. They all treated her horribly just like he did and I think it was an allegory of what was going on in her mind trying to deal with everything.

The Green Man symbology represents rebirth, which I think is essentially what happens when a person deals with trauma- having to get through it to come out on the other side- as well as the different symbologies of each of the men rebirthing themselves to reveal what it had been about all along: her husband and how she was dealing with his death as well as everything he put her through before that.

It's dreamlike, nightmarish and surreal. I'm still working it out...I'll have to see it again sometime. I wanted more and wish it had been about 2 hours long. Alex Garland is a trip. Two others recently seen that were also strange and enjoyable were Involution (2018) and Braid (2018).

I can see this movie went over a lot of people's heads. All can say is, I'm sorry.
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Braid (2018)
Strange and trippy psychological thriller
4 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Petula has schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder. Daphne is the "mom" who tries to comfort, Tilda is the strength she needs when she's having a manic episode. Tilda and Daphne seem to have more control overall, fighting over who's "host" as Petula is still struggling between her mental disorder and wanting to live a normal life. Except every time she tries, she's brought back to her reality which is in the mansion, being stuck in this loop. Petula is also the only one with a real backstory while the others just exist. She goes to sleep/kills her (them)selves as a way to end the episodes, just for them to start over again hoping for a new outcome. Insanity.

I knew there would lots of people who rated it badly because they didn't understand it, which is why it has such a low rating. Especially fedor8, who wrote an entire essay and appears to have a severe lack of comprehensive skills.

"The two girls escape the cops, as if cops wouldn't block all exists whenever they are on a drug raid."

"Clearly the director knows next to nothing about the real world."

Talk about ironic statements. I mean, maybe people didn't see the end?

I'd seen Madeline Brewer in Still, and I'm looking forward to checking out The Uncanny and Saint Clare by Mitzi Peirone.
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Lowlife (2012)
This is bad, make it go away
31 May 2022
This was total donkey diarrhea. It made me sick to my stomach. It was so bad that I vomited. I'm feeling nauseated just thinking about it. And that was the first 5 minutes. Then I turned it off.

Rating 0.
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Involution (2018)
Involution needs recognition
31 May 2022
Involution was dystopian and really well done, beautifully photographed and different than most things that come along. And the crazy dude was awesome. If you like an ounce of depth, check this director out.
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The Vat of Shîte
28 May 2022
Any sparkly, shiny, rave reviews here are entirely myth. Any rating over a 5 is a fabrication. I barely got through the first few minutes, then skipped ahead many, many times. Fast-paced insubstantial goofy talk. Frantic phone calls. More rapid-fire 50's speak. More frantic phone calls. Shots of legs running in the woods one way. Shots of legs running in the woods the other way. Complete idiocy.
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Started it and
23 April 2022
Turned it off after 10 mins. This one was a no. Not sure about the raving critiques. After seeing the 7.3 for X and all the sparkling reviews there, I have my doubts about the ones here being real. X is now under a 7. This one was at 6.8 when I tried it out. We'll see what happens. I mean, 8's 9's and 10's? Come on, man.
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X (II) (2022)
Tedious, boring, repulsive
18 April 2022
This was a 7.3 with 15k voters when I first looked, a 7 when I watched and it's been dropping steadily. I just went through all 300+ reviews, hitting yes and no as it pertained to each. I'm guessing most if not all of the sparkling reviews, of which there are a ton, are fake.

At least 30 minutes was of nothing happening, with long, slow, boring shots. It was barely interesting and towards the end became repugnant and repelling. The old man effects just looked dumb. The fact that this has so many 7-10 ratings and all the fake reviews is just sad. I watched because I liked West's Cabin Fever 2 and The Sacrament; this was nowhere near as good.
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They must have paid about 200 people
12 April 2022
For all the rave reviews. I couldn't get through this. I started it and it seemed like generic nonsense with unlikeable characters and annoying dialogue. I skipped through it and it was all the same boring crap. Even the opening scene was fakey and melodramatic. This is a college student movie and not a good one. Make your own mind up about it, but I'm sticking with all the 4 star and under ratings.
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Make your own mind up about it
8 April 2022
I watch a lot of movies and have seen my fair share of things. This was different and kept you guessing as to what was going on. It might not be a 10 but it's definitely not a 1. Actually, if you've read these reviews before seeing it, I'd invite you to check it out and see what you think. As I remind myself sometimes: if it's bad, I can always turn it off.
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Follower (I) (2022)
Watch at your own risk
3 April 2022
This had a 7.6 with 5 voters at the time of this writing. I know what that usually means but was surprised to see no 10 star "reviews." I debated for an hour or two while web surfing, then finally decided to check it out. It should be interesting to see what others think.
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Baby Doll (2021)
Fun times with good friends
25 February 2022
This was fun to watch. If you like a little creepy and a little funny, check it out. I put it in my comedy horror list. I was the first to rate this and I'm sad to see them coming down. This was some pretty good entertainment.
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