13 Reviews
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10 October 2022
Clever. Funny. Light. But honest. It's fantastic! I have to write more words so... don't watch this looking for something heavy and hard. Watch this for a real piece of what it's like to be a woman in the world today. Watch this cause you want to laugh your head off. Watch this for consistently awesome cameos. Watch this cause Tatiana is a fantastic actor who delivers hard in every episode. Watch it because the character is deeply multi-dimensional. Watch it because you want more female lead superhero shows and movies. Watch it because you want to make all the dumb guys who never think a female led show is "realistic enough" upset.

Yeah. Just watch it.
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
Stop listening to the Jane Austen lovers
15 July 2022
Yes. The book and the movie are not the same. Yea they modernized a few points. But the performances are endearing, the modernized choices are good, and the story is still about second chances. This was a sweet and endearing movie and it is very enjoyable as long as you aren't constantly comparing it to the book.

Different adaptations exist for a reason. This was enjoyable and relatable and Dakota was charming AF.
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Not cheesy at all, actually!
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it with the expectation of a cheesy teen romance. I ended up getting totally roped in my this film. I was gonna rate it 7, but I found myself thinking about it later. It's been rolling around in my head and I keep finding more reasons to like it. There were no villains. Every time you thing someone fits a stereotype, they turn it around on you and show two sides to every character. Even the romance isn't forced or cheesy. It slowly develops for you. This one really surprised me!
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Mixtape (II) (2021)
Lovely movie, amazing performance
14 January 2022
Julie Bowen delivers sooo hard! She gave a gorgeous performance in this film. The lead actress was amazing too! But most of all it's a teenage love song to rock n roll and using music to express yourself. Lovely moral. Great to watch with kids. If I was a 13 yr old girl, I would have given this movie a 10/10. And that's who it was written for.
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Love Hard (2021)
Enjoyed everything- TIL THE END
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers

What about Tag??? The dude did NOTHING wrong and gets abused by this couple who never do anything to make it right??? That's effed up! They both owe Tag an apology with an amends. He wasn't a bad dude. He just wasn't her type. That's it. VERY LAME.
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This was charming
23 December 2021
It's a romantic comedy. Know what you're going in: romance and a happy ending. Always. Is it well written? Yes. Is it well acted? Yes. Does it deliver? Yes. If you want a cute romantic comedy to get you in the feels: watch this.
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Y'all are crazy. This is great.
6 December 2021
Seriously. The Humor is perfect. If you don't laugh, then you don't have THAT kind of sense of humor. And maybe you should look into that, Susan.. The stereotypes are acknowledged, but not shoved down your throat. The cultural differences are played up a little, but... well... that is what happens. Gay culture and straight white culture don't perfectly intersect. And then you add in baby boomer parents? I mean, c'mon. This is all realistic. What I love that no one is talking about is that here is a gay romantic lead who has a loving family who adores him and completely accepts him. THAT is not commonly seen on tv. That is part of progress. Yes, we show what LGTBQI people go through with their families. But we also show a family who 100% gets it and loves their kid. Their only complaint is that he's not married. That's... nice.

This is a perfect Xmas romantic holiday movie. Just the right about of cheese and wholesomeness while still giving you that happy ending you wanted.
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
Creative, fun, dark- better than Riverdale
25 January 2021
Get past the first episode and a mistake here or there in giving too much exposition to quickly. The story unfolds and leaves you with your mouth hanging open. If you came here looking for a remake, LEAVE. This isn't for you. They took this one concept and turned into something entirely different and much much darker. It'a a teenage Drama with some cliches here and there, but hands down better than Riverdale and most of the other teen dramas out there right now. It leaves you with answers AND questions.
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Don't listen to the bad reviews- I LOVED IT.
27 September 2020
If you think the LEGO Movie was great and cried at the end (this girl), you will love this. FANTASTIC acting, INSANE special effects, and plot twist after plot twist that I did NOT see coming. The lowest I would go on this movie is an 8. Anything lower is just snobbery. This was wonderful, heartfelt, funny, and extremely well made. Don't listen to the bad reviews. Go watch it for yourself.
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Perfect for a 15 yro girl
25 September 2020
This is the movie I wish I had at 15. This isn't about Sherlock Holmes. It's not about solving a mystery or surprising the audience. It's about a teenage girl finding out who she is. It was charming, funny, wonderfully acted, aesthetically pleasing, and sweet. If you are a grown man criticizing it, Back off. This wasn't made for you. Or me. This was made for 15 yro girls. And the fifteen year old girl in me LOVED it.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Get over the banal narration. It's a good show.
19 July 2020
I saw the twist coming because the directors foreshadowed it twice in earlier episodes. And the banal narration is forgivable. It stops by episode 6. Hopefully they'll entirely drop it next season. But the acting was solid. The female characters were BADA** and the constantly developing plot kept you Interested. I appreciated that you did get to follow the story of a typical teenager through a very tough growing up story. I especially think that Alba Batista slayed her role. ALL of the actors did. I loved all the religious hints and Easter eggs through out the series. I want to see more. I think season 2 could be AMAZING.
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Fancy Nancy (2018–2022)
Cute and good at teaching vocabulary
12 August 2018
My 4 yr old son usually doesn't like princesses or girl oriented shows. He's obsessed with cars, superheroes, and space. But he LOVES this cute show because of "fancy" vocabulary. She also teaches a lot of French words. The main character is fancy and self involved, but always learns lessons. She is surrounded by people who are not like her and are still respected and given dignity. There is tons of diversity of characters and it's a charming show. Also- just for record- the vocabulary is NOT wrong, it's ALL correct. It's slightly simplified for children, but still correct. Give the show more than one episode before you decide it's bad and write a nasty review.
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Sweet, heart warming, yet gut wrenching
7 April 2018
I loved it. It was beautifully told, had humor and drama, and the acting was excellent. Definitely a movie to watch if you love good actors!
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