
4 Reviews
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Polar (I) (2019)
Cannot hear the sound, so really cannot connect with this
29 January 2019
I could not get into this film because they use excessive volume changes, supposedly for dramatic effect. But it much too much volume change. Also when it goes to quiet talk and I turn up the volume to hear it, the sounds is muffled, not sharp at all. I have a great computer that renders sound out through external Bose speakers that are extremely good with all other films and videos, so there's no problem with my equipment. Just the sound track. Many films use extreme volume changes. Now that modern digital equipment is used and no loss in reproduction is found, more dynamics can be used, but there can be too much. OKay disqualify me because I am of a more mature age, but my hearing is great and my ENT also says so, after repeated tests, so back to the film; if I cannot hear the dialogue I cannot get into the story and then I lose interest. Even turning up the volume at quiet times brings no success, its to muffled, I gave up. The story? Didn't hear enough of it to get through the restaurant scene. Stars? I might have given it more if I could understand what it was all about.
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Kodachrome (2017)
A delightful film with great actors, very well told
24 April 2018
A friend recommended this film from Netflix and I clicked it on, but could only watch the first twenty minutes because I had an appointment to go to. This first twenty really got me into the story. The getting-to-know-the-people of the story was very entertaining, absorbing and drew me right in. I suppose the title got me very interested in the first place, I have personally taken about 5,000 Kodachrome slides in my photography, so I am very well familiar with the medium and this was of particular interest to me. Yes, Ben is right, we do it to freeze time and save a moment. Overall the film got me involved right from the start and I went along with the personalities shown and it made a good story. It was good to see the characters and how they interacted and how the story played out. Entirely believable and I had strong and tender emotions while it played. Great entertainment. I recommend it to all. No shooting, no violence, no dazzling display trying to impress us, just a good story told by really great actors, shot well, edited well, believable.
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Camino (2015)
Quite impressed and enthralled
12 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Other reviewers have described the story of this film, so I won't repeat. Suffice it to say, for me, all aspects of this film drew me in and the tension built up and the whole thing drew me into it. Our star, Avery (Zoe Bell) actually handled her camera and shooting quite well, aided by great photography by the movie cameraman and black and white freeze-frames to give us the pictures she took. This was charming. Then she takes posed pictures of the team that she is following and the flash goes off unexpectedly. This would not happen in real life, you would hear the flash charging whine first, but we will ride through this because it was important later on, that the flash should go off unexpectedly at a very bad time and so change the whole temperament of the film and the gnawing tension of a chase that followed. I kept wanting Avery (Bell) to strike some big moves in her fighting, but it became clear that she was true to her character, that she was really a photographer put in a life-or-death situation and had to fight the best way she could, and she had not trained secretly as some marshal-arts champ. Fine, she took an awful beating several times, but she came out the winner, however reluctantly she was forced to fight. The chases through the jungle were very well filmed and kept me on the edge of my seat. No joking, it must have been an incredible effort to actually film all of that in tropical jungle, mountains and rivers and waterfalls and still get exciting shots and angles that forced the action forward. Nacho Vigalondo as Guillermo, the leader of the group, was very believable and did not let us down as some debauched war monger but he gave us a stirring performance, a beautiful monologue and an understandable character who had to do what he had to do. On the other hand, I am still not sure how Alejo (Tenoch Huerta) could have come back from the dead in the last part of the film, not sure whether it was meant to all be in Avery's mind as a hallucination, or not, but it was exciting. On the whole, I felt this film was believable, exciting, dangerous, in glorious tropical jungle, well photographed and portrayed under what must have been difficult circumstances. All actors gave us believable characters. Great entertainment. What more can you want?
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Longmire (2012–2017)
A darn good series and totally absorbing
25 April 2015
I don't write many reviews, but I feel I have to for this series, it is so good. Longmire seasons one and two on Netflix has caught my attention and is totally absorbing. By that I mean I can really get into the characters and stories. The actors are all fully believable, the acting is superb, exquisite, the stories are original and well thought out and told in an interesting and absorbing way. Very often a film and story has defects that distract, the story is feeble, or improbable, the acting is faulty and obviously staged and weakly carried. Full disclosure; I am an engineer, degreed, knowledgeable, well-grounded and practical. I can spot false science and hocus-pocus arty schemes that the directors think they can get away with instantly. A story and its details have to be consistent and feeling real for me to enjoy it. I enjoy Longmire greatly for its intense feelings conveyed by the characters, great stories and real characters portrayed by the actors so much that I do not look at them as actors. They appear to be real. The complexity of each characters world is very convincing while not being too much to be confusing. Walt Longmire's quiet, brief comments and introverted character is refreshing in a world where every other story has its people gabbing away merrily and talking their heads off trying to spoon-feed the audience by explaining everything in words. The other characters are also very good at expressing themselves in short comments or phrases. The music is entirely on task and appropriate. It is complex and driving the story forward but at no time does it take over and interfere with the feeling or dialog, it supports it in the way it should with strength and attitude, but it does not overwhelm. Its attitude and balance is perfect. All in all I rate this series as absolutely first-class with no reservations, I thoroughly recommend it to all.
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