
23 Reviews
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Nope (2022)
1 September 2022
Sorry , Really tried to like this movie but NOPE. Daniel Kaluuya's character was pretty good, The horses were good. .This was all over the place. It was like Cowboys and aliens gone bad, I made it 20 minutes in and couldn't take it any more The sister with the rude mouth? Frying pan to the head. Any other character type would have worked fine. It was so out there that a couple of black guy in the theater were yelling STFU B***H!!! Unbelievable. 2 stars for the cinematography and the horses. Don't waste your money. Sorry Daniel, I like you as an actor. Slap your Agent. How many ways can I say that this movie sucked. What do you expect me to write in order to suck up 600 characters. Directing blows, story line blows. Most of the characters NOT LIKEABLE /UNINTERESTING!!!!!!
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Outer Range (2022– )
By Episode 2, I was SOLD!!!
17 April 2022
Wow., The acting, cinematography , Directing All Fantastic. Started out a little country bumpkin slow but just kept getting better and better.. By the time I got through episode 2? CHA-FRIGGIN-CHING!!!! There is blonde gal who comes to the Ranch just get away and camp out . She puts the CRAY-CRAY in crazy. This show really surprised me. Don't miss it.
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Last Man Down (2021)
Is The Asylum at it again? Please God No!!!!!!
24 February 2022
This was absolutely atrocious! The only good acting in this piece or garbage was the Axe! I gave the Axe 1 star even though it was kind of "wooden" but it did shine and it managed to "Steel" the show. LMAO. I see it was made is Sweden and the UK. For a minute there I thought The Asylum was back in business polluting the digital airways again. How this POS got a 5.2 can only be from bribes and someone kissing the little brown donut. AVOID THIS LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!!
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Please make more of these
14 October 2021
I loved the Movie BRITE . I was hoping for a series , but I'm sure Will Smith made that a buzz kill on the budget. I was glad to see a new version on it. I like anime. This turned out better than I thought it was going to be. I wanted more. Several aspects of older stories mixed with the Brite characters, but Still I was entertained. Please make more.
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Infinite (2021)
Way Better than I thought
26 June 2021
This turned out way better than I thought it would. Plenty of action and crazy things that suspended belief just enough. It had that same kind of feel Wanted had with Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy. I believe this would make a Great 1 season series if they did this correctly. Personal note? It's a Movie who cares if there is religion or reincarnation in it. If you are going whine and complain ? Then you need to take a serious look at what you believe. If they keep etching out all the different cultural beliefs or religions (and yes even Atheism ) then movies are going to be a lot less colorful. Destroy color and culture and you destroy the world.
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Good Idea (been done 100 times) Horrible delivery and directing
19 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I made it 15 minutes in and bailed. The only Good acting was done by the children. CIA operatives over the top and copy cat of early Dolph Lundgren. Actually Dolph was better. Cinematography was good. Acting was horrible and wooden. The Robots did a better job. The tech actors of this film give computer techs a bad name. This even gives Millennial's a bad name. DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON THIS UNLESS YOU'RE DRUNK OR ON ROOFIES. It's simply not worth remembering. The directing was ... uh, what's below sub par? I gave it 2 stars, 1 for the cinematography, 1 for the kid. if there was music I don't remember it. maybe it make the Golden Raspberry Awards.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Waited until the season was over to critique
27 March 2020
I waited and watched until the end. I have read other critics responses (you know the ones with all the negative and overly critical reviews. IT"S A TV SHOW PEOPLE! It's a work of FICTION! A temporary break from REALITY! I have been watching Star Trek since I was 7 or 8 years old and found it fascinating. Personally i didn't like Deep space 9 all that much because I thought it was to politically centered. The rest of the series were good. I was however, not happy with most of the 1st season of Star Trek The Next Generation I thought the Acting sucked really bad. I'm talking about: Can you...tell- I am - reading- from ,,, a cue card? Quite a few character where so "wooden" they could have used cardboard cut outs and no one would have noticed the difference. However, as Actors got comfortable and settled with their rolls things smoothed out. Anyway the point is, different people, different points of view, different pick apart points. Who cares. Personally I thought Patrick Stewart was a little off his game, but then again he was 14 years retired from Star Fleet But , i could tell that he was really tired in some of the scenes and it showed. All in All I gave it 9 Stars because all of it was executed really well. I was engaged and could not wait until Thursday to see the next episode. I can't wait until season 2 if there is one. I absolutely loved it. More please.
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Ragnarok (2020– )
Great series More please!
2 February 2020
This series started off a little slow but it just kept getting better and better. Acting was good. The pace was slow but building,. Music was great, Cinematography was fantastic. I hope they continue this story. I have seen some attempts to do similar shows like this ( apart form the Hollywood Mega movies) and all have fallen short. I liked they way they brought the mythology into modern times. More please!
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Absolutely Amazing! A Must See Movie
9 December 2019
This is one of the Best Anime Movies i have ever seen. Great Sound track to boot. Great pacing, emotion packed, and the COLOR and Lighting... absolutely Amazing!!!1 This is one anime I will watch more than once!
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Precognition (2018)
Very surprised, Very well done!
16 April 2019
This movie took me quite by surprise. Great acting, Great effects, Great directing, Great cinematography, what more can i say. Some Story elements used before in other movies but executed very well in this Indie budgeted Film. For me it was a more realistic and well rounded. Just enough peeks into the past to pull reality and techno illusion together with realism. If you like Science Fiction you will like this movie.
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Wight Space (2016– )
wrong space
7 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I tried, I really tried to watch this for 15 minutes. The acting is so terrible. I jumped forward , It was still terrible. Guy orders a coffee and when he sits it down on the table you can tell the cup is empty by the way it jiggles around. Everyone is over acting except the prostitutes ( which is usually not the case LOL) Anyway, Amateurish in so many ways. The millenniums might like it cause its brainless and has some old school ghost appearing and disappearing camera work. Maybe some cannabis would help??? LOL I doubt it. Don't waste your time.
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Damnation (2017–2018)
Great Show, Hopefully People will wake up
8 November 2017
This a great show and off to a great start. They set up a lot of subplots in this Pilot. I'm an American, So i really hope that people are looking at this as not just entertainment but as a history lesson ( over and over again throughout the last 100+ years) about how the rich oppress the poor and the manipulation and extremes these people go through to accomplish their evil goals. Some will say " oh boy here we go" dude it's only a movie. Really? And I will reply " Do you actually know how to read and do research?" Same crap every decade or so. No one really has a problem with people making great money or even a small fortune, that's never been the argument, it's the way some of these rich people/Bankers go about it behind the scenes and the lives that get destroyed while they do it. I see this series as being a love/hate show. You'll either love it because it exposes the corruption or you'll hate it because you're part of the problem. Give it an even shake. try the first 5 and see if you don't crap a brick.
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Stasis (2017)
Not as bad as most make it out to be
30 October 2017
So there were a lot of critical slams on this movie. And yes, it wasn't a blockbuster for sure. I gave it a 3 for the Movie and a 1 for good story line, camera-work and editing.

To be fair, yes... some of the acting was sub par.( especially the Mom, she was a MILS ( Mothers i'd like to SLAP) WAY OVER ACTED. It kind of reminds me of when The Si-Fi channel First started making their own movies. ( some weren't even C- budget.) I read somewhere that they did all the filming for this movie in 12 days and it obviously shows. I would say it reminds me more of an After school special.

I wouldn't pay Money to see this (and I did not).This is pretty much what you get for a low budget, short time crunch movie with a bunch of unknown actors. I've seen worse. If this was a first attempt for a group of folks starting out in the business it wasn't that bad. It didn't quite make B status but it's something you could watch with younger kids or grand kids.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Love this Show! I want more, more more!
23 September 2017
I really love this show! It's completely different than anything I've ever seen ( and I like most people, are getting really tired of the same old rehashed Hollywood bull****. I like the fact that it has some comedy in it but not overly done by a bunch of bad humor to make a few of the jokes look funnier. I like the pacing, not rushed. These days everyone seems to want the fast paced high action blow em' up real good entertainment. ( I was young and stupid once as well)

Topic matters are relevant and realistic as not all things work out the way one thinks they should( the famous Hollywood, "riding into the sunset" endings.) I think The Orville presents a good message about people ( multicultural differences working together on solutions with logic and respect while at the same time, showing their flaws LOL) I can't wait to see more! One note Seth, get your basic crew members to loosen up a little and get out of the Pinocchio phase ( some of their acting is a little wooden). Other than that, I can't wait to see more!!!!
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The Guardians (2017)
BAD BAD version of the Fantastic 4... But worse.
22 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
CRAP CRAP CRAP AND MORE CRAP. I get what they were trying to do, yet they failed on every level.

The guy with the swords looked like a character out of Mortal Combat, The Invisible girl... The Fantastic 4. The Guy with the High energy Whip right out of Iron man 2, The Shape shifting Bear, The HULK but it's Russia so they replaced it with a Bear. And the Women that was their leader /Captain was right out of IRON SKY.

The acting was sub par and a lot of it seemed forced especially the scenes where they were trying to act exhausted, especially the bear character, I though he was trying to pinch one out. LOL. Subtitles were horrible for English anyways. How hard would it have been to consult with an English speaking Russian.

Filming wasn't to bad. Special effects in some areas where really good. The score was pretty good in some areas but lost it completely in how to use the music to build up to a climax.

I am so glad i didn't pay money to watch this. I get it! 5 million dollar budget, but even if they had super awesome special effects? The Directing , Plot, development of the Story was to drawn out in some areas and not enough in others that actually would have helped the viewer identify more with the characters.

I gave this 2 Stars. 1 because it did have some okay action scenes, and 2 because the guy with the swords had a cool costume + those swords were just awesome.

save your money, wait for it to show up on TV afternoon bargain showing or Mystery Science theater. Hmm that could be fun.
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Planetarium (2016)
Another Boring Film about French Rich people UHG!
31 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well.. How should I explain this with out giving away the Plot, wait what Plot? Here we have another Stupid boring Film About Rich French people.. sort of. The worst Medium story iv'e every seen in a film. The Acting was good, for what they had to work with. Natalie Port-man, Lily-Rose Depp, Emmanuel Salinger Did really well so I gave them 1 star each.

I Personally thought that Lily-Rose Depp's Part as Kate, was the Most believable out of all the characters. The other Actors were fine, a lot of rich socialites getting drunk, and share holders getting bent out of shape. For the Most part, this Film just meandered along , no real twist and turns, don't even remember the music Score. It has the DUMBEST P.O.S ending I have ever seen for this type of film. Rated as a Drama, Fantasy Mystery? WTF? The Drama, a little over boiled, the Mystery was wondering when something was actually going to happen? So now the Fantasy part? ............................that's right, there is none, unless they considered that a fantasy like ending.. again STUPIDEST ending I've ever seen. it felt like this... ...okay folks we ran out of money... we have $158.00 left .. lets wrap it up. Don't waste your time with this film. The only reason I considered it was because I'm a Natalie Port-man Fan but this movie just didn't let her shine.( even though she tried real hard, seemed to me like the director wouldn't let her with that 40-50's cookie cutter starlet actress crap.) For Miss Depp, keeping an eye out for her future rolls. to see what she brings to the Screen.
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Almost drove me Bat Sh*t Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!
19 January 2017
First off i want to say, what do you expect from a bunch of pot smoking Canadians?

Secondly, ..... Hang on I'm looking for the right sequence of words to address this..... wow, is it okay to point out that many negative infractions about a movie than border lines criminal?

Cast and crew should be taken out in public and Caned.

I hope this is ten lines because i cant think of anything else to say except save yourself the time and don't watch this movie, it's horrible! I will re-iterate ( still not 10 lines) save yourself the trouble

find something else to watch
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Dirty 30 (2016)
Holy Trinity Girls Got their own Movie !!!
26 September 2016
I saw these Nut Bags On YouTube and laughed my Ass off. I was shocked to see that they got their own Movie, it was some what worth it.

The director should have let them go a little more off the chain and I think the humor would have been better. It was funny and entertaining but some of the humorous scenes could have used better timing and delivery. ( if left up to the girls to use their gift)

It's like always, Holly-( CRACKER)-wood gets their hands on something that could have been really funny and they give it the ole FIST-O-MATIC.

I hope these Gals get another chance to work with a better director and a better script with someone who knows punch line delivery.

Next time let these Ladies be spontaneous and go off the cuff with their own brand of humor which made them famous on You tube in the first place.

Oh, and find them a a good comedy writer that understands who they are.

If you guys can do that, these Ladies will SHINE and I will be crapping a brick like so many times before! Hang in there Ladies, Something better will come along. All in all i still liked the movie. The Ashley Character was done well, I was actually looking for a 2 X 4 with a Nail in it....

I took away 3 points for holly-woods stagnant crap.

Also the young couple at the end of the movie had great chemistry!
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Actually it's a pretty good Family film
6 September 2016
Okay to start off with, I don't know the mythology behind the Story, or if there's a book or what ever, Nor do i even care. Do you know how many mythological stories there are for ALL Nations, Peoples Tribes etc?

It's a F*****g Movie! Ya know, escape from reality for a short time. In this day and age, trying to find a movie i can watch with my Grand kinds and where the whole family can have some fun WITHOUT all the sex and violence and drugs and crack heads and thugs and corrupt cops in cahoots with the Rich elite, politics and on and on and on..... It's a Fantasy. Ya know, Disney puts Crap out FILM AFTER FILM and you critics just rave and squirt in your pants over it, IN REALITY... It's crap re wrapped in more crap, and not even close to the original stories anymore. But you just gobble it up. I could be wrong but sounds like some critics got some pretty fat check in the mail to put other movies down and elevate the Disney Crap. Okay, it's not a BLOCK Buster, but as far as the story with in itself was pretty good. Kind of had that HALLMARK feel too it. But it was definitely aimed at a younger audience. You critics have to knock of the bull****. You didn't get your sack tickled so its a bad movie, why? because you say so?... you Self indulgent Narcissistic sacks or crap. Get a real job. The movie was at least a 5-6 and i'm giving it a 7 because its a Family movie. Suck on that egg you Dorks!
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Before I Wake (2016)
Who cares if they got the Genre Wrong! GREAT GREAT MOVIE!
20 August 2016
Okay here we go... I am so sick of all the people writing reviews where they pick apart the Genre classification, like that some how makes the content of the movie bad because of their "say-so". Get a damn life and quit being a anal retentive Armchair sycophant. Couldn't you just say they got the sub categories wrong and be done with it. No one really gives a crap. If you think it really matters, Then write to the Studio that produced the film and complain to them. (guaranteed your letter will wind up in the round file") Instead, write a fair review about the actual "Movie" and move on. NOW... I liked this movie, it was done well, great acting ( the kid stole the show in my opinion). Filming was great, suspense slow and grinding, Music was good and the special effects were actual good for this type of movie. It reminded me of the 1984 movie Dreamscape with Dennis Quaid and David Patrick Kelly where he helps the kid with the same kind of problem. Done well and It was great entertainment. Enjoy.
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Convergence (I) (2015)
The best horror- thriller -cult classic type film i have seen all year!
16 February 2016
This movie is Fantastic! I really wasn't expecting much when I viewed this film. These days it seems like, " you've seen one you've seen them all" and I'm really getting sick of all the Copy Cat " SAW/ Poltergeist/Satan's busting a move to take over the world "Franchise Crap, but that's Holly wood for you, rehashing a theme until it's a dead horse mangled on the ground.

This movie is done like a cult classic and I think they did it that way on purpose. It has a couple of good spins in it, some scares, some corn ball Lurch types, even a 50's Betty-Boop nurse. It really had a great mixture all around. I'm not really a horror/beyond the grave/Limbo movie fan, but this kept me in my seat and motivated to keep watching.

The twist towards the end and how it just slid right into your lap was really well done, My prediction of how it was going to end was way off and that was refreshing for once.

If you get the chance to take this Movie in, Do so. Enjoy!
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The 5th Wave (2016)
Great Movie for the whole family
28 January 2016
I am seeing a lot of critical and negative reviews about this Film.

I actually enjoyed it even after I realized it was more of a Young Teen adult Family movie. The special effects were great, Cinematography good, except some of the night fight scene's were botched. Acting was good for the most part as well.

So, to the critics I say, You are just upset because there weren't any large Breast or nudity, No gay love scenes and no catastrophic Zombie Head explosions that cover half a football field, and the eye balls come to a screeching halt just short of the cup at the putt putt golf course.

This is actually a Movie I could take my grand kids to, with the whole family, which these days is really hard to do. Either Older folks are falling asleep in their chair or the Kids are traumatized for a month with nightmares.

As for the teens over 14-15? you might get an answer if you can get their heads out of their phones long enough to get more than a Shrug and a "WHAT EVER".

As far a predictable??? Not to many movies out there these days that people cant have it figured out long before the end. I think its time to flush the writers toilet and bring in some new talent. ALL in ALL I enjoyed it.
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Terminus (2015)
Good Movie For a low Budget Film
23 January 2016
I don't really write to many reviews for movies, People like what they like and the same goes for dislike. First off, The special effects were great.

They didn't try to over do it. The script could have been a little more developed in some areas but it is for all intensive purposes, a Sci- Fie / Drama. The Acting was pretty good For the most part. The Cinematography was Good, No shaky camera crap or blurred fight scene's.

I am not sure why but the Police and other authoritative actors weren't very good. Not convincing in anyway shape or form. I felt like someone p****d on my cornflakes while i was trying to enjoy the rest of my breakfast. A little more info about where the girl was for all those years or a few flash back scene's could have brought her character to life and actually made me care more about her. She wasn't a bad actor she just wasn't really given much to work with to round out her character. Still ' it was WAY better than some of the cheap C-B flick crap that the Sci-Fie channel was trying to cram down our throats a few years back. It is better than some of these movies that have been coming out lately.

I know it was a drama- Sc-Fie but a little more attention to detail on WHERE the dramatic crescendo's peeked would have helped. Some where overdone or a little premature at times. Still all in all it kept me interested and for all the Doomsday preppies? Used government cement trucks should go up in price at the local auction.
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