
2 Reviews
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Tusk (I) (2014)
You'll find yourself saying 'What am I watching' more than once
19 March 2015
SPOILER: Well what can I say, Tusk is a film of it's own. The premise of the film is Justin Long being turned into a patch- work walrus. It is a hit or miss film, you either love it or hate it.

Justin Longs acting in this film is great, but the film had a lot of jumping around and doesn't feel fluid with it's character arcs. It aims to be a dark comedy and I did find myself chuckling at some parts in the film, I equally found myself saying 'What am I watching' just as often. There isn't really much character development in the movie, but you do grow attached to Justin Longs character by the end of the film. The actual walrus when you see it is slightly disturbing.

I genuinely felt slightly upset at the end of the film, but I felt as though the film could have been written better. If there was a more fluid feel to the scenes, and more development on the characters then this film would be getting better ratings.

The overall story is original, the acting is great, but as a final product it feels very rushed and choppy. I enjoyed tusk and think that it is underrated and being played off as 'too weird'

Yes, it's a weird film but it's trying to be different and is a nice change of pace from most horror films these days. If you want a film that will make you genuinely say 'WTF' at the end, tusk is for you. If you're going into this film expecting a good horror film, you're going to be disappointed.
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Kind Of Like That Dude in A Club Eyeing Up Who He's Going To Take Home
2 March 2015
Jeeper's Creepers 2, A film in which we are given a plethora of teenage characters,and not a single one to care about, on par with the general film!

The characters have little to no development throughout, and for the most part are bland or frankly, just unlikable. From the cliché Jock characters, the douche bag boyfriend, the cheerleaders, to the 'nerds'. This films 'protagonists' have no real likable traits, you will not find yourself caring who dies in this film.

The Creeper: In the first film, there was a feeling of suspense before you actually see the creeper. You don't see him until halfway through the first film. In this sequel however, he is rarely off screen for more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time.This takes away any real fear factor from the film and the feeling of suspense that was in the first movie. By the end of the film, the creeper will no longer scare you (that is if he does, Personally I think he looks like 'the mask' from that goosebumps episode, you know the one I'm talking about!)

Acting: This was my BIGGEST issue with the film apart from Garikayi Mutambirwa, I found the rest of the actors to be trying too hard, or just not trying hard enough. The characters they're portraying aren't realistic nor do you find them in anyway relatable. Unless of course, you are prone to gay jokes or racist remarks.

Make up/Special effects: This film, in my opinion. Relies too heavily on CGI, especially near the end. You can tell that the creeper is nothing more than a man in a costume.

Overall: I give it a 4 out of 10, I thought from my nostalgia of the first film that this film might be able to replicate the first film. It feels more like a cheap cash grab, It's the kind of film you would watch with a bunch of friends when you're having a cheesy horror movie night. Would I recommend this film? Yeah. If you enjoyed the first then check this one out, just do not expect much from this film at all. If you're going in with the mentality that it will scare you, you are going to be sorely disappointed. The only somewhat creepy part in the film is when the creeper is choosing his victims but seems more like that dude in a club eyeing up who he's going to take home.
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