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Black Mirror: Metalhead (2017)
Season 4, Episode 5
Great Survival Horror
1 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it may not be your average Black Mirror story line, as the story starts in a clearly post apocalyptic world, and devoid of any sort of context, you follow 3 scavengers searching for supplies, bateries and medicines are mentioned, but in this particular case they are actually searching for a particular crate, they have the serial number and the crates location. A wharehouse, they are clearly terrified before entering the wharehouse, and soon we find out why. Killer drones, probably at some point programmed to protect these wharehouses, as watch dogs, it is clear that some where along the line something went wrong and they started killing humans. Now it is basically a race for survival, as 2 of the characters get killed almost instantly, and we are left with Bella, the main character and her struggle for survival. The fear is genuine, but Bella is as resorceful as they come, and all of her choices unlike in most survival horror shows, seem to always be optimal, as for the machines, they dont seem to have many week spots, but some you can explore them, like the fact that they run on solar power. Bella seems to know this as well, and uses it against the machine early on, to escape from a tree where the dog was keeping her captive during the night. Later on, we find out Bella was looking for a specific replacement part of sorts, for what? We are never told, we just know it might have been really important, important enough for them to risk their lives for. We also figure out that there may be a community of sorts where other humans including maybe Bellas family live in, while trying to survive in this world. The dogs seem to be linked to each other, and even though Bella manages to kill or lets say terminate the one pursuing her, just before its death he manages to send a location distress call to rest of the machines in the vicinity, and Bella knows her destiny is settled. Abandoning all hopes of making out alive, as if already antecipating what is about to happen, she makes one last atempt at communications mainly to say her goodbyes. And the episode ends.

What made this so awesome for me to watch, besides the constant tension and amazing visuals, and despite the fact that there isnt much of a story line, is on one hand, the infinite possibilities the viewe has to make up is own story of what might have led to this, and on the other hand, Bella, her survival skills and decision making are second to none, even though in the end she probably doesnt make it, because let us consider this, she barely made it against one already crippled machine, that had lost is main weapon in the car crush, against multiple fully functional machines she wouldnt stand a chance. Regardless, the story puts many of todays scifi blockbusters in the trash, never once has anything felt out of place or boring, it was perfectly paced, you are not told much, but you are told enough to allow you to make your own context of the whole thing, and it is in my opinion one of the best, if not, the best black mirror episode to date.
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28 October 2019
But rating this a 1 or a 2 like so many have been doing, it is way too harsh. Let us face it, there hasnt been an up to par Terminator movie ever since T2, (although Salvation with the alternative story/timeline was in my opinion not as bad as it has been portrayed). T2 was an epic movie, with an awesome script, awesome acting, and extremely intense. It would and will be forever hard, if not impossible, to come to close to that pentacle of a movie. However, a fair comparison would be to compare this with every other Terminator movie that followed T2: namely, T3, and T-Genesys, and where on earth is this movie any worst than those abominations of movies??? This movie deserves at least a 6.5/7. The future changes radically with the slightest different atitudes people have, in every other time travel movie, let us say from "back to the future", to "butterfly effect", etc, it is widely accepted that this is how it works, although nobody even knows exactly, SO WHY DOES THIS MOVIE GET SO CRITICIZED for changes in the future?? I honestly dont get people anymore. The story is nice, the new hybrid Terminator looks awesome, the possible future that we will be facing is dark and tense, the sound track is also decent, there are some plot holes, true, but nobody said it deserves an Oscar, or that the movie is a straight 10 stars on imdb, but certainly isnt deserving 1's and 2's, IF THIS MOVIES RATING EVER DROPS BELOW T3 Rise of the machines....humanity is lost, and we SHOULD BE TERMINATED.
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The Boys (2019– )
8 September 2019
If there are any anime lovers out there, and if u ever watched "My Hero ACademy" (MHA) than this is for us guys who love it. A world where many humans are born with super powers, and where being a super heroe is normal? rings a bell?

The story flows great, the characters are awesome, and the special effects are top notch, what more can a fanof MHA wish for? Definitely recommend it, also if you never watched MHA, this is gonna grip u by the balls..
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The Super (2017)
IS IT GREAT? nope, but is it awful, not at all
20 October 2018
With this movie i have been seeing a lot of, you either love it or hate it kind of ratings...

But i will try to stay objective and analyse it for what it is. A thriller, as far as the suspense goes, it has its moments, but nothing ever too fancy or unexpected, the acting is fairly ok, and the story does grip you into it, in the beginning, however as the movie progresses it just starts getting a bit predictable, and even slightly boring as you already know what will happen next.

The plot twist, well, i have to be honest did i see it coming? not a chance, was it all that great? not really, i would say average, doesnt take or add anything to the movie, it is just another twist like so any others you have seen before.

Having said that, is it an awful mess like some have been implying? not at all, it is enjoyable for what it is, and if you dont go into it expecting something magnificient like Se7en (deadly sins).

I can say i enjoyed it, went in with absolutely no expectations, knowing beforehand, that starring Val Kilmer could go either way, and it turned out it was not bad at all.

Will i be recommending it to all my friends and thinking of this "masterpiece" on the coming days? not really...It makes for a nice sunday flick, and that is all it is, and i dont think it even aspires at anything more than that.
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Mile 22 (2018)
What's with the really low reviews on this movie? hein?!
23 August 2018
Well, sure it aint oscar material here, and it won't be getting any prizes for originality, but for what the movie is supposed to be, it is surely not deserving anything less than a 6, i have seen endless 1 -3 star reviews, what's up with that?, i mean seriously? have this people even watched the same movie, or are we just lobbying right now? because you have tones of absolute garbage movies here on IMDB being rated 9 and 10's deceveing people and on the opposite end, you have ok movies being rated 1 and 2's.

The Mile 22 is as expected an action packed movie, it is fast paced, has a decent plot, it is somewhat realistic, (if u compare with the likes of other recent action movies like let us say, Skyscraper) and yet, people are just throwing 1 and 2's like if this was some sort of sharknado B movie of the action movies, Jesus people, rate movies seriously, what is wrong with u people these days???
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The Meg (2018)
The MEG(a) Flop
19 August 2018
The Meg, is one of those movies with everything a fan of action would want, Giant Sharks, and Jason Statham, however for as much as you wanna love it, it just falls short in every aspect that could have made it great, and doesnt allow it to do proper justice to iconic movies of the genre.

Suspense? hardly any, forced jokes? a few, not good at all however im afraid, the main protagonist Meg? hardly gets any decent screen time, the characters, are all as empty and devoid of a background as you can have them be, so creating an emotional connection between the viewer and them is IMPOSSIBRU, i didnt care for nobody, not even Meg, in the end, i was like whatever...

The movie is in its most just plain boring, seriously, i wish they had took another way with this lowsy script, but there are hardly any redeeming qualities to this movie, i still gave it a 5 because, although the movie is close to awful of just how boring it is, it is still a shark movie (1 point), a megalodon shark movie (1point), has Jason (1point) and the other two were give as professional courtesy, cause i hate to see movies getting ratings below 5 specially when they could have been great.

Anyway, there are much better offers out there some even recent and DECENT, such as the Shallows, or even the not so highly rated 47mts down, which btw despite all its flaws, beats this movie in every aspect, suspense, claustrophobic feelings, the sharks themselves, seriously a lot better, tighter script, solid performances, nice character development.

The best i can tell u guys, is AVOID SEEING IT IN THE CINEMA, you are most definitely regret the money you spend. Wait for DVD, or watch on netflix, if you really feel like it. But dont go to the cinema for this...
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Hell YEAH...
10 March 2016
So, how do I even start? I will try to keep it as short as possible, for all of you out there that are uncertain of wasting 2h of your life on a crappy movie with a talking Racoon.

Well, for you I say only this and trust me when I say you do not need to read other reviews.

THE MOVIE may be CHEESY, it is definitely TACKY at times, ....BUT...

I kept trying to find reasons to rate it less than 10, and I couldn't.

Because ultimately, this MOVIE IS AWESOMEEEE..I seriously put an effort prior to the movie, to put on an extremely critical stance, which I normally don't do, but let us face it, like I said, there is a talking Racoon, a Tree, and Baptista on this movie. And it works, ended up loving the Racoon, the MF even brought me to tears a couple of times, you see I have a thing for friendship, and this movie is an Anthem to friendship.

Like said, and repeat. AWESOME
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