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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Absolutely brilliant
21 June 2021
As someone who had watched Top Gear from season 1 i honestly thought no one even will top the quality of this show. Ever. Somehow Clarkson managed to outdone himself, Clakrson's Farm is without a single shadow of a doubt the best show i have ever seen. Everything is just right, minimum scripting, very genuine, great and memorable characters, but most importantly ti has shown how difficult and almost impossible the life and work of a farmer is. The final episode really shocks you how pointless farming can be for making money and we all should appreciate the vegetables and meat we eat everyday.
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This special felt plastic and soulless
22 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What was the whole point of made up treasure story? Why does it need to take a third of the episode showing how they are solving the mystery they wrote themselves? Whats wrong with just driving from A to B and see what happens like they always did? When they started digging the football field and that metal detectors bit at the end... all i was thinking about is "why am i watching this, what are they trying to achieve here? if i wanted to see a cartoon or a movie for children i would watch that instead". Whats up with the abrupt ending? Whats up with them not talking about their cars at all? They didn't mention both the trip or the cars at the end there. This was one of the worst episodes i've seen. The excuse of "they are just too old for tougher challenges like cross the desert or go to the north pole" doesn't work here, because it they had always made excellent specials even when there were no big challenges like Vietnam, they just drove across the country on old beat up pieces of crap and made fun of each other. Their old episodes had a soul, after watching it you felt satisfied, like you have been with them, their episodes had soul and friendship. This felt like i watched some awful cringy movie with a huge budget.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Was this whole thing just a joke? I have a few questions about this episode.
21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all a want to say that i have a HUGE respect for all the actors and all the crew who made this show, in no way i'm criticising their hard work, they did an unimaginably brilliant job but i can't say the same for the work that the writers did in season 8. I feel so empty inside after watching this season, i have no more words to describe the lack of any sense, logic and continuity in this show. I am not going to review this mess of an episode, i am just going to ask a few questions that i had while watching this finale to show you how the show was totally ruined, butchered, murdered, slaughtered, killed. So here goes:

Last episode The Dothraki were murdering and raping everyone in the city and now they are shown just calmly strolling around the streets with others like its totally okay now and everyone forgot about it?

How did Daenerys turn from a ruler who always tried her best to listen to her council into literally hitler who thinks burning men, women and children and destroying the entire city is liberating them and wanted to 'liberate' the whole world and this rapid transformation took only 1 episode?

Why Jon Snow justified Daenerys' actions so it took Tyrion almost half an episode to convince him she was hitler? Wasn't it obvious to him already?! Why even have that conversation with Tyrion?

Why Grey Worm suddenly started taking hostages (Tyrion, Jon Snow) while just minutes ago he was going crazy executing and murdering everyone without his queen orders?

Why Grey Worm wanted justice for Tyrion and Jon, resisting the urge to just kill them both only few minutes later to be totally fine with everything and leaving the Kingdom?

What was Davos even doing in the meeting of the lords? He admitted himself he has no place there and no right to vote.

How come Tyrion trial slowly turned into King elections started by the man who was on trial?!

Why did all the lords got immediately swayed by a traitor man in chains who just 5 minutes ago had no right to even say a word?

How come none of the lords complained about Bran becoming the new King?

How come Bran had a 'better story' then anyone else, while Jon Snow from no one became the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch, the man who killed White Walker, died, got resurrected, united everyone against the Night King, became the King in the North, flew on a dragon... protected people from the Night King and killed Daenerys, the most dangerous character in the whole history of Westerns? What did Bran do that was better than all of this?

Why did none of the lords complain about House Starks taking over Seven Kingdoms? There were zero objections.

Why did none of the lords complain about Sansa' independence?, Why no one, even Yara didn't demand independence in response?

Why did Sansa want independence from his own brother in the first place? Was she just powerhungry and they never showed it in the show?

Why did they even bother with all the Jon Snow being Targaryen story line if it didn't even matter in the end?

Why Bran as an elected King never mentioned Meera Reed and House Reed (who is a vassal of The House Stark!) for protecting his life from numerous threats to him. Meera dragged his disabled body for weeks\months in the barren dangerous lands north of the Wall. Meera and her house were just blatantly forgotten.

Why Tyrion spend so much time in this episode convincing Jon that he can be a good ruler and then never mention him to the lords or anyone else ever again?

Why Sansa, Bran and Arya never proposed or EVEN mentioned Jon Snow as a better candidate for the new King??? Wasn't that his family? Did they just betray him and let him rot on The Wall?

Whats up with Arya suddenly going exploring distant lands? She literally said she wanted to stay with her family 2 episodes ago. Where did that even come from? To subvert expectations for the sake of subverting expectations?! Or because the writers for long ago didn't know what to do with Arya after she killed The Night King?

Why didn't Jon just return to Seven Kingdoms after The Unsullied left? No one else complained about his actions. After all Jon did the only thing he deserved is getting send to The Wall?

Why is Bronn the Master of Coin and not the Master of War?! He was the Leader of King's guard before. Bronn in season 3 was shown as literally having no understanding of how economy works at all.

Who made Sam the Grandmeister? Other Meisters should have elected him and i 100% sure they wouldn't.

What's up with 'The Song of Ice and Fire'? Is to confuse everyone just for the sake of confusing everyone?

Why wasn't Tyrion mentioned in it? How can you not mention a man who killed Tywin Lannister, a mastermind behind the Battle of Backwater. A man who was a hand of the King Joffrey and a Hand of Daenerys? Was it just to troll the fans? Was it supposed to be funny?

Who was Varys writing to? No one? It didn't even matter in the end? Why even show that scene then?

So Bran was like "i don't want to rule" and "i don't want anymore" for these two seasons. And now when asked what is he doing in King's Landing he is like "why do you think i came all this way?"!? So he was just a lying all this time?

So Bran knew hundreds of thousands of people would be burned to death in King's Landing but he just let that happen AND he revealed that he knew it AND the rest of the lords STILL elected him to be the King??? WITH NO CONFLICT OR DEBATE WHATSOEVER???

Who is Grey Worm and why his opinion matters so much in the Seven Kingdoms that everyone decides that a King in the North and a rightful heir to the throne who just killed a lunatic queen who murdered everyone in KL deserves nothing more then sending to the Wall? Did all the Seven Kingdoms were afraid of a few thousands of unsullied? Really?

WHERE DID THE DOTHRAKI EVEN GO? They just evaporated just as mysteriously as they appeared? Were they totally okay with Daenerys being murdered while they were cheering for her just few hours before?

How did Jaime and Cersei managed to die while the whole place was perfectly fine and only where they stood there was a little pile of bricks? They were literally covered in one layer of bricks, it took Tyrion less then a minute to uncover them.

How convenient that all the rooms of the Red Keep that were needed for the shots were completely intact. Why did all the interiors looked like they are in perfect condition? Did they rebuild it all in a few weeks?

Why did Bran mention that he can try and find Drogon...and then never doing it? What was the point of that line then?

Did Jon just told everyone that he murdered Daenerys? There was no one there to see who did it and there was no sign of Daenerys and Drogon. The throne room just had a puddle of blood and a melted Iron Throne. How hard would it be to convince The Unsullied it was Drogon who did it and then left?

What is the point of Night's Watch even?!

Is there still a hole in The Wall? If so then what's the point of The Wall? If not then did they rebuild it? How and who did it?!

Why did Jon immediately abandoned his duty and went north of The Wall?

Why free folk returned to the barren lands? Wasn't the whole point of all this union to give them fertile lands south of the wall in the end? Isn't that what Jon wanted to do for them?

But the main question for these entire series is: WHAT'S WITH ALL THE BABIES SACRIFICE AND CRASTER PEACE PACT WITH THE WHITE WALKERS? Wasn't the Night King and the White Walkers kinda the whole point of this entire show?

I am sure some fans can come up with many more questions JUST for this episode alone, not even the whole season, that remained unanswered. This took 2 years to make. I honesty can't even rate this as 1\10, this does not deserve a 1.

I honestly believe it couldn't have been done worse than that. Game of Thrones will remain in history as the worst television series of all time, weird, because just few years back they were the best series of all time.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Feels like D&D are just trolling us now
10 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
We see how The Dothraki almost evaporates in the first minutes of episode 3, we see how Jorah and a couple of other survivors miraculously escape shocked and mentally crushed. David Benioff commenting on this scene in the "inside episode" literally says and im quoting here "What they see is just the end of the Dothraki essentially". Literally the next episode we see battleplan scene where we find out that nope, half of the Unsullied is alive and half of The Dothraki is alive. Nice trolling, David. Next we are getting an exciting scene with Sansa, Arya, Bran finally finding out truth about Jon and soon as Bran starts to unveil the truth and all of us starts leaping forward to our tvs and monitors with excitement. Cut. Just like that. Later we see Sansa and Tyrion and excitement and tension building up again, we are about to see Tyrion's reaction about Jon being Targaryen. Can't wait for... Cut. Nice trolling, David, you had me there again. And then it just goes in a complete jokefest when Daenerys loses her second dragon and i will even ignore how she managed to not see the Iron Fleet from the sky, even a child can understand its not possible. Turns out she totally forgot about The Iron Fleet! Yes, guys. David Benioff in the next "inside episode" literally says, quoting again: "While Dany kind of forgot about the Iron fleet and Euron's forces, they certainly haven't forgot about her". When AGAIN in the same battleplan scene Varys says to Dany: "And the Golden Company arrives in Kings Landing courtesy of Greyjoy fleet" and we see Dany's unease reaction to this information. Again, nice trolling, David, you had me for the third time now. And then as a final two nails in the coffin we see Kings Landing suddenly changing from being fully surrouned by forest and water to becoming a city in a desert with no trees around and Daenerys after losing her second dragon decides to go and start NEGOTIATING(?!) just minutes after getting attacked, but not only that, negotiating in front of a woman who literally blew up a church full of people, who we all know will never negotiate with anyone, Daenerys decides it will be wise to stand in front of looked like 10-15 scorpions facing her and only ~50 unsullied protecting her and Drogon sitting in the background withing reach of all the scorpions. So just picture this. Two sides are at war and one side decides to ambush another side, so what the defending side will do in this situation? Go and negotiate. Yes, this is exactly how every conflict in the world works, just ignore what your enemy did to you minutes before and act like it didn't happen. Again, i am a fool who got trolled once more. My expectation were subverted, well done. Trolling level 9000.
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Chernobyl (2019)
So far looks excellent
8 May 2019
Im ukrainian, born in 1988 and still live here. I want to give the authors of this show a big thumbs up for the whole set they have made. Every little detail of the buildings, flats, uniforms, clothes, cars, especially big thumbs up for ambulance "RAFiks" (RAF-2203), almost everything is 99% identical to the real things of the time, just a few mistakes on some signs that have been written in a mix of russian\ukrainian and some other unknown language, but it all doesnt matter, because what i have seen previously in other movies about soviets were so bad that its not even comparable to this. The other thing is this "comrade" word that almost everyone throws while calling or shouting at someone, its just one of those stereotypes thats still left in western world, in reality no one in an everyday life talked like that, especially not in Ukraine in 1986, it was mainly used in 'official' language in meetings and media, people just talked like you and i would today. Apart from this two small inaccuracies i am shocked at the level of production of this show, it is very good, no one outside of Ukraine has ever made a good tv series about Chernobyl before, i have a weird feeling it was made by someone from USSR, because there was zero moments where i cringed watching it. It was mostly "spot on", "spot on", "wow, spot on". Can't wait for the next episode!!!
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