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Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
On the up
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Loved this episode.

First of all, a breath of fresh air from the sonic screwdriver. All throughout the Chibnall era, the sonic has been a magical MacGuffin that solves everything. It's so nice to have the doctor actually come up with creative and sensical solutions. Leaving it in the Tardis keyhole to repair it was a clever excuse to be rid of it for the episode.

This episode is a masterclass in world and lore building with the Doctor and Donna exploring an abandoned ship and inspecting its various chambers and theorising about what happened to it. In the Chibnall era, I noticed the doctor asks a lot of why's and then just kind of waits for the answer to reveal itself. In this episode the Doctor and Donna are actually actively investigating and throwing out theories. Some accurate and some not. I love this writing because it makes me feel more involved in the story, I can think for myself which theories or ideas sound plausible or even come up with my own ideas. It really hooks me in!

It's a marvel to see David Tennant and Catherine Tate acting alongside each other again. As they walk about the space station, along with the relatable dialogue from writer Russel T. Davies, they make one of televisions greatest duo acts.

The villains are a pair of shapeshifting entities from the void who take on the image of the Doctor and Donna. I especially love how they don't immediately perfect their imitations and we get to see them improve as the episode goes on. And the Doctor and Donna have to learn how to trick the entity's into revealing themselves in new ways as they learn from their mistakes in each encounter.

The inclusion of Wilfred at the end was the Cherry on top. Rest in peace Bernard Cribbins.

For my review of the last episode I mentioned how I liked the special effects throughout. The same cannot be said for this episode. Absolutely dreadful. The hallway of the ship looks like the first draft of a design students blender project, especially in the final chase sequence. And absolutely worst of all are some of the special effects from the shapeshifters, the worst offender being when the faux doctor bends backwards on his hands and feet and his head emerges from between his legs. Someone may as well have been holding a small cutout of David Tennants head to the screen by a lollipop stick. Seriously, how did anyone let this go to air in this state? I know they're not exactly on a Hollywood budget here but c'mon.

Despite the awful special effects. There's loads hear to love. Solid 8/10.
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Doctor Who: The Star Beast (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Who is back
29 December 2023
Jodie Whittakers doctor has unfortunately suffered from Chibnall's boring stories and cringey dialogue.

But now RTD is back in the seat and it shows.

Although the the story doesn't particularly blow me out of the water, it was well paced, dialogue felt natural, and there were some genuinely giggle inducing moments.

Acting was a highlight as to be expected with the return of David Tennant and Catherine Tate. Yasmin Finney did fine as Rose Noble. Hopefully she'll get a better chance to show her chops in future episodes.

The special effects were quite good. This is the aspect I always found Doctor Who to falter in but I was impressed by this episode. CGI was used sparingly to give a bit of life to the charming practical effects. Especially with the Meep.

It's very good to see people of the LGBT community being represented in Doctor Who. However, moments like Rose chastising the doctor for assuming that the Meep identifies as a male takes me out of believing that her identity as a trans person is a part of her overall character and personality, and leaves me feeling like maybe her only purpose as a character is for inclusivities sake.

On the other hand moments like the boys cycling past Rose and how she reacts to them making horrible remarks about her transition, deliberately deadnaming and misgendering her, shows her struggle in a more relatable way. We all know what it's like to be bullied for some aspect of our person, wether it's because of weight, race, ability, social status, identity etc. This gives people (mostly cisgender people like myself) a way to view that sort of situation with more empathy.

I hope in future we get more the latter kind of inclusive writing than the former.

Overall, very happy with the episode.
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Doctor Who: Can You Hear Me? (2020)
Season 12, Episode 7
Tripped on the final hurdle
25 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Probably would've been the best Jodie Whittaker episode so far if it hadn't been for the massive screw up at the end.

For the most part the episode was pretty spectacular, there seemed to be an improvement in pretty much every regard. Memorable and intimidating villain and surprise villain, the actors were at their peak here and the cinematography was at an all time high this episode. It also gives some characters some much needed depth. The episode tackles depression, anxiety and fears with a dark, foreboding atmosphere. Some well implemented visions made for an intriguing mystery that really hooks you into the episode.

Pretty great stuff, unfortunately the conclusion was very rushed. This story probably could have benefitted from being a two parter, with the hypothetical second episode taking the reigns after the surprise villain is revealed. I probably would have given this episode an 7/10 if it hadn't been for a STUPID joke at very end of the episode.

(Spoiler Alert)

After some very touching moments with Ryan showing support for his friend's struggles and a revelation about Yaz's past bout with mental health issues it all gets completely undermined the very next moment when Graham discloses his anxiety of his cancer returning to the Doctor. For the sake of comedic effect, the Doctor states that she's socially awkward and that she is going to deliberately ignore the conversation. THIS WAS A SERIOUS ISSUE THAT AFFECTS REAL WORLD PEOPLE!!! It throws a massive wrench in the message about reaching out to people about your mental health when the focal character of the series, the one that people idolise the most, is dismissive about it. It was just plain uncharacteristic as well.
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Watched for free and I want my money back.
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This full episode was released on the Adult Swim YouTube channel for everyone to freely watch and, beforehand, had been certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.

I was not so impressed.

How rushed can a single 20 minute episode of a cartoon Superman show be? There was never any meaningful establishment for Clark and Lois's relationship yet so for the two characters to have a falling out half way through the episode before they actually fall in with each other was just ridiculous and made the characters just seem overly dramatic. The dialogue was incredibly cringey and cliche and none of the humour lands. The animation, although not dreadful, is lacking weight and impact. Traits which, I would say, are essential to superhero animation and are sorely missed during the lacklustre fight scene.

In a time where we are consuming some of the best animated superhero content in recent memory such as Primes Invincible series and and Sony's Spider-verse films, it's hard to expect for this show to prove itself as being anything more than a trend chasing cash grab by the end of the season.
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It's fine but I expected more
2 November 2022
As a fan of stop-motion animation as well as Keegan Michael-Keys and Jordan Peeles electric chemistry I was greatly anticipating this film when it was announced.

However I was overhyped for its release. The only aspect that is truly outstanding about this movie is stop motion animation.

The story is chaotic and introduces lore without a hint of context. The finale? Condensed. The solutions? Convenient. And for a movie called "Wendell & Wild" the title characters do not get as much screen time as you might imagine. Which is a shame because Key and Peeles voice delivery is stellar.

As a movie? It's middle of the road. As a stop motion movie? It's kinda bad.
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