
4 Reviews
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Fuller House (2016–2020)
Nostalgic fun, vastly improves after the first episode
27 February 2016
So, I grew up with the original and sure, it was cheesy and dated, but had great characters and a lot of heart.

Fuller pretty much exactly the same. Not that that's a bad thing! In this day and age, such a show is welcome.

The Tanner girls (sans Michelle) and Kimmy take the roles of their uncles/dad in the original, raising DJ's three sons along with Kimmy's daughter in the same house. The pilot is basically a reunion episode and isn't exactly great. It's forced and kinda cringeworthy. But when that's over, the show really takes off. The three leads all do a great job (and aged pretty darn well, if you catch my drift), and the new kids aren't too bad either. Max especially--that kid is going to be a star.

There's a nice mix of humor here, family stuff and some more adult stuff for older viewers. Yes, there's a laugh track. Yes, it feels forced in parts. But so did the original. If you're even remotely a fan, you'll love it.
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A whole lotta 'meh'
12 December 2015
There's two kinds of Netflix programming: the stuff you watch regularly and intently, like Netflix's ongoing series, and then the stuff you just sort of have playing in the background as you do other stuff. The Ridiculous Six falls into the second category.

Some Sandler movies are just flat out awful. But Ridiculous Six manages to be mildly amusing at times. It's impossible to buy Sandler as a bad-ass Indian tracker, but that's probably the point. You've probably never seen Taylor Lautner or Jorge Garcia like this before--but whereas Garcia is pretty funny as a mumbling moon-shine- making hillbilly, Lautner as a simpleton just gets grating after awhile. Also, somewhat surprisingly, the funniest guy out of the six is Rob Schneider, whose Mexican character manages to steal every scene he's in. Terry Crews and Luke Wilson are just there and don't really add much to the proceedings.

The best parts of the movies are Will Forte's bumbling band of one-eyed bandits and the cameos--seriously, some of these cameos are just flat out awesome. Particularly a couple cameos that occur during a poker scene.

Chances are good if you're a Sandler/Happy Madison fan, you'll enjoy this.
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Other Space (2015)
quirky, breezy sci-fi fun
21 April 2015
I'm four episodes into Yahoo's latest show, and I like it so far. It's like a mix of Mystery Science Theater (there's even a few cast members from that show here) and that old Nickelodeon show Space Cases.

Don't expect any deep, scintillating science fiction here. It's a comedy with a basic premise--bunch of misfits get lost in space and have to work together to get back home. Some of the jokes occasionally fall flat, and come off as awkward or cheesy. But the cast is solid, with each character having their own schtick that makes them endearing. Captain Stewart and Natasha the AI are particularly good.

It's a fun show, especially if you like quirky comedies like The Office or Community. If that humor doesn't do it for you, you may want to pass on this. But if you go in ready for a lighthearted, goofy comedy, you'll be rewarded.

Quick end note about some of the bizarrely harsh, one-star reviews on here. These reviews do not accurately describe the show. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but these reviews almost seem personal, and most don't contain any valid criticisms. Hell, one reviewer only watched five minutes. Who watches a show for only 5 minutes then writes a review about that show?

It's as if these people were instantly expecting a brand new comedy, with a cast of relative unknowns, airing for free on Yahoo, with an extremely limited production budget I'm sure, to be at the level of Parks & Rec. Even Parks & Rec wasn't at the level of Parks & Rec when it first started.

Ignore those reviews. If quirky comedy from the dude who did Bridesmaids and The Heat is not up your alley, don't watch it. But if you want a breezy, goofy, adequately entertaining time-waster, give this show a shot.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
The best action show no one is watching
16 January 2015
Banshee has recently started its third season, yet if you search for online reviews of the show from the major entertainment sites, you'll find almost none. Which is a crying shame, because for any one who loves good action shows, Banshee is a must watch. There's a reason, despite being on a premium channel not many people watch, that Banshee has lasted this long. And that reason is sheer awesome badassery.

First off, being a premium show (and a Cinemax one at that), Banshee is chock full of gratuitous nudity and sex (which, not to sound dirty, is of pretty high quality). And there is typically at least one crazy violent scene per episode. So if neither of those are your cup of tea, maybe you should skip this show. But if you like or don't mind either of those things, you'll find amazing gun-battles, even more amazing hand-to-hand fight scenes, and some cool, gritty characters.

The plot is a tough pill to swallow early on in the first season--a hotshot thief just happens to get the opportunity to masquerade as a small town sheriff in Amish country--and you pretty much have to resign yourself to the fact that nearly every female character on the show will sleep with the protagonist at one point or another at the point of bordering on the absurd. But after the first few episodes and the benefit of suspension of disbelief, the show becomes incredibly addictive, and you end up really caring about these characters. Stand outs include the mysterious protagonist; Kai, the Amish crime boss; the criminally underused deputies who both aid and are suspicious of the protagonist; and Job, our hero's cross- dressing confidant.

What makes Banshee stand out are the little things--the subtle changes to the opening credits in each episode. The epilogue scenes of each episode. The incredibly well-choreographed hand- to-hand fight scenes. The foreshadowing of developments to come.

If you're a fan of shows like Justified, and True Blood, and Sons of Anarchy, then you'll love Banshee. Cinemax is well worth the subscription just to watch this show (plus you get other awesome shows like Strike Back and The Knick, but that's beyond the scope of this interview). Do yourself a favor and start watching this show immediately.
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