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The Fall Guy (2024)
An enjoyable night at the cinema
21 May 2024
If this is a success I am sure we'll be seeing Knight Rider, Airwolf (and who could forget BJ and the Bear) all coming to a multiplex near you in a summer or two.

Colt Seavers is the guy with the coolest name and coolest job in town. But in the 2020s he's now updated to have feelings. Did that ever happen back in the day?

I do think that the Emily Blunt role was set up for someone else. The change of her characters name from Jodie Banks to Jodie Moreno makes no sense when there's a British actor in the role. Love her but somehow she seems a bit too nice to be a director in charge of millions of spend.

Cameos at the end were well received and together with a few winks with the 6 Million Dollar Man sound effects used too.

Gosling is a fantastic star who doesn't take himself seriously.

I'd love a sequel in a year or two. But please. No BJ and the Bear.
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Unfrosted (2024)
Really enjoyed this movie
6 May 2024
No idea why the reviews for this are so low.

It's a 90 minute comedy that's packed full of jokes and visual gags throughout the whole of it's length.

Based on truth - ish. Seinfeld has done a great job of telling us the story and injecting a lot of humour into it as he goes. Quite a few cameos throughout that are worth looking out for and a couple really add to the atmosphere.

I've still never had a pop tart and was staggered to find out they're 60 years old. I always think of them as a new invention.

Looking forward to the sequel on the development of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.

A great 90 minutes of entertainment.
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The Outfit (2022)
An excellent film that's all about the story and characters
22 February 2024
Any film that Mark Rylance appears in is worth looking at. You'll not be disappointed if you do give this a viewing.

Set in 1950s Chicago in a snowy winter - the action takes place almost entirely inside a Tailor's workplace.

It's not got a cast of thousands or big budget stunt teams but that just means the story and the characters have to keep you entertained.

No overlong and overblown car chases through Rome or something similar. No heroes running along the top of a train. Please. Those two were done to death. They're boring. What we want is engrossing stories and actors. If we want to see someone parachute off a mountain then we have YouTube for that.

A great small budget movie that keeps you gripped for the full run time and doesn't outstay it's welcome.

Enjoy it.
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SUCH an anticlimax
13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spoolers ahead...

The TV series was genuinely chilling. You'd be worried about going to bed at night for fear of the evil baddies on the loose.

For some reason the bigger budget has gone to everyone's heads.

Sure let's go to Norway for a Bond style showdown. Maybe they couldn't stretch to a hollowed out Volcano but perhaps next time.

This is ridiculous from start to finish. Watch as the tiny bad guy can out fight Luther.

Gasp at how quickly a court case can happen if the plot needs it.

Oh we need a mobile working underwater? Sure.

Hero trapped at the bottom of a frozen lake? Oh just have scuba divers jumping out of helicopters. It's the obvious solution.

And let's finish with our story by basically making Luther Bond.

Lazy lazy writing. Don't waste two hours. Just go back and watch two episodes of the show instead.

Shame shame shame.
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The Escape Artist: Part 1 (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
Excellent drama with some strange flaws
4 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why would our hero have a weekend cottage close to Edinburgh when they live and work in London. It's a 400 mile trip. Pointless for a weekend.

The final 'murder' as described in the Scottish court is located in Kielder Forest. Kielder Forest is entirely in England - so the court case wouldn't have been held in Scotland. The not proven verdict he needed isn't an option in England.

Just very odd.
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Billions: Cold Storage (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
Ignore the Fanbois - Billions has moved on
11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nostalgia is a wonderful thing. Everything wad better then.

TV was more gripping.

Desserts were sweeter.

Summers were warmer.

Distinct feel of The Usual Suspects on this episode. Which way would it go - whose plotting would win the day ?

Bit weird that Dave broke the law - I wonder if that will come back to bite her ?

Looking forward to the next series - always one of the most watchable shows on television.
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Billions: Napoleon's Hat (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
I'm still enjoying the series
10 March 2022
Yes it's a pity Axe left but things change.

I don't understand why we are talking about an Olympic Games when we already know who has it and these things get sorted out much further out than 6 years. It's a weird plot.

Also don't get the negative ratings - it seems organised to me by an "anti woke" coalition.

Hard to watch TV if you're not 'woke' anyway !
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12 in a Box (2007)
I'm not angry I'm disappointed
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was very clear from early on that thus really wasn't going to be up to much.

It's being sold totally by the Miranda Hart photo - ignore her - she's only in it for a few minutes and she's rubbish. This is not the Miranda you know.

Spoilers Ahoy-

To save you the agony of losing 90 mins - the premise is - people at a school reunion have to stay in a stately house with each other and nobody leaving for four days. If they do that they win £1 million each. Some are more into it than others so some people get tied up.

They achieve the goal but just as the time locked safe opens - a burglar walks in, steals all of their phones that were in the safe and ignores the cheques. He kicks the safe door shut and the timer starts off again.

Roll titles.

Please learn from my mistake. Go do the dishes or tidy that drawer you never get around to. Anything but this rubbish.
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A nice change in storytelling
17 February 2022
Whereas most series these days try and squeeze 10 hours or more from one story - Netflix I'm looking at you...

This show is done in three. Enough time to keep you guessing without spoon feeding you the explanation.

Josh Hartnett was a much better actor than I'd previously thought and his partner was good value for money too.

Not enough time for the rest of the cast but they really did do some snappy editing.

Use a Latin translator for more enjoyment.

I devoured the whole series in an afternoon. That wouldn't make a dent on some series.
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Too slow
15 February 2022
I tried but failed. There's a really good podcast on bbc sounds about this story that does it so much better in less time. Listen to that instead. 8 episodes for this story is about 5 too many.

And the accent. Eek.
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Billions: Lyin' Eyes (2022)
Season 6, Episode 2
It's finding it's feet
15 February 2022
Big shoes were needed to be filled when Axe left. It's not going to happen in three episodes.

We need more Wags. Give him the role of right hand man again. Prince's Guy isn't entertaining.

I don't get the NY 2028 plot. It's too late to bid for a Games that is just 6 years away - it's not NY. Or is this show set in the past and I hadn't noticed ?

Actually I'll bump up my review a bit to counter the haters who think woke is a term of abuse. I despair for the human race sometimes.
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Reacher (2022– )
The hero we've all been waiting for
10 February 2022
He's like Sherlock Holmes crossed with the Hulk. Solves crimes and punishes the wrong doer. And he never outstays his welcome.

For once a series that didn't spin the story out too far. Every episode was great viewing. Long live Reacher !

Although it would be nice if he can revisit his old pals in the future. Finlay and Roscoe were great characters too.

Hugely likeable and very enjoyable.

I'll look forward to series 2.
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Eternals (2021)
Glad I didn't see it in the cinema!
22 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The most interesting bit in the whole movie is in the last few seconds of the credits. I want to see more of that.

The film itself was just too long and doesn't feel connected to the rest of the Marvel Universe.

So they end up protecting the earth (TBH - I'm not even sure if I'd bother now) but they were on scouts honour not to do anything whilst aliens tried to destroy New York before. That's some patience to do nothing for thousands of years and STILL just sit on your hands.

If we don't see the Eternals back - I won't be sad.
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What a force of nature Nims is !
9 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This guy us unstoppable.

Born with no privileges he goes on to make a career in special forces. The best of the best. But that's not enough for him - he needs more challenges. So let's smash a record that frankly looks impossible to most people.

No finance ? No problem - just remortgage the house...

K2 unclimbable this year ? No problem - just get a better attitude.

I'm so pleased he achieved his goals but I'm slightly concerned about his future plans - what the hell is he going to do next ?

Nims and his team are amazing. I hope they can achieve satisfaction in slightly less dangerous pursuits in future.
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Tales of the Unexpected: Wet Saturday (1984)
Season 7, Episode 8
Not as unexpected as you want
5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting a twist. Didn't happen.

And wherever this was filmed it's incredibly sunny when it rains. Very odd.

There really needs to be more substance to the plot.
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It's like the Eiger Sanction meets Deliverance in Scotland
30 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed most of the film but it definitely loses its way when we get back to civilization.

Also - the hunters who were putting their sights on our heroes ? Why ? And lucky for the baddies that they were there and had nickable weapons and plenty of ammunition as they'd carelessly forgotten anything of their own.

The mercenaries come in 2/3 of the way through and get in the way really. They added nothing to the plot - we could easily have done without them - even if they did look cool in their body armour.

The festival in the town seems a bit OTT. Topless women indeed ? They must have been chilly.

And the most relaxed Police force ever. Three murders and a kidnapping you say ? Blimey. I'll leave a message with someone. Cup of Tea ?

It could have been really good but just fizzled out. Needs the last third chopped off and reshooting.
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Smoking Guns (2016)
Don't believe the hype.
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That's 90 minutes of my life I won't get back.

I was hanging on in there for the clever twist at the end, but there's no twist and nothing clever about this.

Dexter Fletcher is always entertaining but he's only in for ten minutes. Clearly he had better things to do.

How these movies get funded I don't know - but at least I know who to avoid in future.

Be good to yourself. Go rearrange that sock drawer. Tidy up the messy kitchen cupboard. Polish some shoes. All things that are much better for your well-being than watching this mockney rubbish.
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I was so looking forward to it
7 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Thank God for the pandemic or I'd have paid to see this in the cinema and my wife would be in a hell of a mood.

I mean it's filmed beautifully. Everyone does a great job - but the story ? I've dreamed up more coherent stories and I'm not a professional.

What did it all mean ? What's with the giant nude ladies ? What's with the belt ?

And for a film set at Christmas it's not a great feel good movie either.

It's no Elf.
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Good old fashioned 80s movie
21 August 2021
Cute creatures. Evil baddies. Nice kids. Monster trucks.

What's not to like ?
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It's Die Hard - but get this - he breastfeeds
19 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers

Started off well - mysterious. What's in the box? What's the secret mission?

By the middle of it - what ? Why ? How ?

By the end of it - sure she would go after the gremlin alone and unarmed.

I mean it's only got teeth like a lion, long arms with claws on and a tail.

Imagine a fierce dog crossed with a very moody cat and for some reason that's never explained - it has a blood grudge against you.

I liked the Kate Bush song. Even if it didn't make any sense.

Let's forget we even discussed this movie eh ?
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Tin Star: Come to the Edge (2020)
Season 3, Episode 6
I know it's escapism but really...
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Loved Tin Star in its early series - worth watching for the scenery alone so I was a bit worried about the relocation to Liverpool.

Don't get me wrong - I knew almost all of the locations as I'm a local so I think that kept up my interest - but really...

A crime spree like no other. God knows how many murders. How many van drivers clubbed unconscious and ice cream vans stolen. It wouldn't happen in gun toting America let alone the UK.

I guess it's easier to write if you don't have to worry about the police ever catching up with you. Or even bothering to look for you.

There's a murderous gang out looking for you - so sure you'd go out on the lash and get legless. What's the worst that could happen ?

So much killing of innocent bystanders that I'd long lost affection for our 'heroes'.
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Not Going Out: Small Package (2021)
Season 11, Episode 1
Excruciatingly Embarrassing !
9 January 2021
NGO is back on form after a bit of a lull. The episodes with the children in just aren't as funny as the grown up situations. Nice to have it back on the box.
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
Is this Elementary with a new cast?
3 January 2021
British lead. Evil father. Mental health issues. Martial arts expert. Hugely wealthy family. Asian love interest. Father like Police guardian. Set in New York. Both profilers.

I'm enjoying it - I loved Elementary and who doesn't love Michael Sheen ?

Not that fussed on the sister yet but only 1/3 of the way through the series so she may grow on me.
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We waited a year for this ?
27 December 2020
Great photography. Amazing scenery. Interesting cars. Same old presenters - although Hammond seems to be getting younger hair each show.

This one seemed to lack the spark of earlier shows - maybe because the guys were struggling alone against the roads for the vast majority of the show.

We know it's all contrived for entertainment but this trip against mud and tough terrain seems to be reaching the end of the road.

Ditch the cars and have them travelling together maybe ?
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
Gets better and better
27 December 2020
It all seems a bit run of the mill to begin with but as the series develops it gets more and more engrossing. Great characters and a great cast. Looking forward to series 2.
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