
14 Reviews
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Ten Pound Poms (2023– )
Disappointing start
20 July 2023
I have hope for the second series. We actually have living 10 pound poms and their children in Australia who could have given a real life story for the writers to work off. Disappointing writing which is scattered. Tighten it up please. I'm hoping the second series storylines focus on character development and less preachy. Most spent 6months in the camps then received a house and land. Whinging about the acclimatising and adjustment phase is part of why the term whinging poms was coined. They used the former army camps because the government was overwhelmed by the numbers - they did not expect that many people would apply to come to Australia.
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19 September 2021
So bad. D grade plot, D grade acting. Awful direction. Laughed all the way through it.
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To the Lake (I) (2019–2022)
7 February 2021
Excellent series. Graat acting. English subtitles is the better option. Towards the end of the series we see a religious dimension woven through the plot, how poor/good life choices affect those around us. It holds it together till the last two episodes when Chinese military characters appear out of nowhere. By that stage it's too late to disengage, Im on the rollercoaster ride.

If found myself making a list for throughout the series: 1. Build a bunker in the middle of nowhere with underground hidden car access 2. Stock bunker with food, fuel etc 3. No affairs, don't need the additional drama
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26 July 2020
Not as good as the first two parts. Inspector Salazar also evolves into a creep screwing around on her husband and newborn baby. Disappointing storyline which didn't flow well.
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Knightfall (2017–2019)
Slow but worth the wait
17 July 2020
It's a slow start but after 3 episodes I was hooked. The second season premieres 31 July. Highly recommend. It's something different.
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Deadwind (2018–2021)
Loved it
5 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers

Season 2 was better than the first season. More condensed and less subplots. All the acting is very good especially Phla and Lauri. Really enjoy watching the two main characters evolving. Didn't like Nurmi's reaction to his son though, you made him, take some responsibility. This is also a good thing about the show, it shows many sides of the characters personalities. I feel for Sofia's character, raising two children alone and working a tough job with odd hours while at the same time grieving the loss of her husband.

In Season 3 I'd like to see the two main characters personal lives evolve, they should be out dating. Not dating each other but other people. They are too involved in their jobs.

People commenting on Emil's hair, get over it. I'm conservative but his hair has nothing to do with the quality of the show. Finland looks too dark and cold for me but the clean, slick furniture/home designs are outstanding as you would expect from Scandinavians.
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18 June 2020
Weak plots. The actors are better than the script. There is a way of showing the strengths of women without diminishing men at every opportunity. No thank you.
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23 December 2018
I've never been one for noisy, action packed movies with loud soundtrack. Actors should be able to tell a story and elicit emotions and connect with the audience naturally and that's what this movie does. Yes, it is slow and meanders along but it also reminds me that before the South Sudanese and Africans in Australia were discriminated against here in Australia, there were the Irish who were second class citizens, then the Chinese, the Greeks, the Italians and every other country on earth and last but certainly not the least, the Ab-original Australian.

Julia Ormond is fantastic as well. Absolutely shines. Special mention to our national treasure Noni Hazlehurst. The costumes are brilliant.
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Better Late Than Never (2016–2018)
So much better than expected
20 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Just started watching this in Australia. The South Korea episode is hilarious with pranks backfiring and one of the group getting slapped for trying it on with a Korean girl and William Shatner karaokeing in a nightclub.

This show is hilarious, educational and entertaining. I'm familiar with William Shatner and Henry Winkler having grown up with Star Trek and Happy Days and obsessed with the characters of Capt Kirk and Fonzie. They gel well with George and Terry and the young host and their adventures ticking off some of their bucket list. It's so much better than what I expected.

George is quickly becoming my favourite. He is generous with his praise and quite funny.
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Exceptional Australian Mystery Series
14 September 2016
If you don't like thinking when watching a show or if you prefer to be spoon fed the plot or have everything tied up in a pretty bow for you then this is NOT the show for you. Watch a Disney or Marvel movie.

This show forces you to actively engage, to think outside the box and seek out clues in the scenery, the music, the spoken and body language of the actors. Pays to record and re-watch, that's how I spotted some clues missed in the original screening. Thrilled to hear Joan Jetts song Crimson & Clover, blast from the past.

I am okay with not knowing after all it's only season 1 and it is a mystery series... why be surprised? Why roll on the floor and kick your feet because your juvenile instant gratification tendency was unfulfilled as I noticed a lot of people did.

It's an unusual series and the geography of Tasmania where it's filmed is just utterly stunning and pristine. The cinematography of Ari Wegner was of the high quality expected from world class Aussie cameramen in the vein of John Seale, Don McAlpine, Dean Semler, Andrew Lesnie and co.

They are working on a Season 2, the problem is Season 1 was filmed in 2014 when the lead actress Elizabeth Debicki was relatively unknown, she has since worked on The Night Manager, Macbeth movie, The Man from U.N.C.L.E and movies due this/next year The Tale and Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

This series is not for everyone and that's okay but don't mark it down because you didn't have the patience to wait for the story to play out or the capacity to understand the clues provided.

All the cast including the children were solid, oftentimes with Australian shows someone is not pulling their weight, I didn't find that with this show.
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Spotlight (I) (2015)
I'd give it half a star if I could - Terrible movie
24 April 2016
Don't do it, you have been warned. I watched Spotlight and Revenant in 2 weeks. Wasted 5 hours and $30, I should have just stuck needles into my eyes for those 5hours it would have been less painful...just. I don't know what I was thinking, glutton for punishment. Worst move of 2015 Revenant to second worst movie of 2015 Spotlight.

Note to self:do not listen to professional critics, trust your gut instinct. You always have to wander out of the comfort zone...stick to your local films and foreign language films.

I shake my head in wonder at how this movie managed to get an Oscar. There is very little truth to the story, another paper had broken the story earlier and also it was already well known by the time the Globe jumped on board.

It was like watching a news segment that lasts 2 hours. I'll watch Fox News for two hours if I want my news fiddled with and most likely end up with the same feeling of regret. At least it would be free. The actors did not gel in my opinion, there were some fine actors in the ensemble but something just didn't click.
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Mind Blowing & Unforgettable - Best Movie of 2015
24 April 2016
I am not an action movie buff. I prefer movies about average human experiences, mainly foreign movies, like the ones Iran makes. Still, quiet movies which focus on character development and the narrative.

This movie blew all my preconceptions out the window. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted by the end of it. I could not forget the movie for months, went back to the cinema and watched it 4 times. The world and the characters who inhabit it are all believable and relatable. The cinematography, the speed at which the film raced, the music, costumes, storyline, character development, it all blended perfectly.

The best part of this movie was seeing physically challenged characters on the screen with Furiosa and one of the sons of the Overlord. You rarely see that in todays movies. Thank you for acknowledging their existence.

In my 40years I have never watched a movie, any movie that has affected me the way this movie did. Bought the DVD, still watch it every so often and every time is like the first time watching it.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
So Bad..words can't describe how bad!
24 April 2016
Boring movie. No plot. Waste of my time and money. Got sucked in by some of the reviews. Even the scenery added to the misery of the whole movie. A person groaning for an hour and half is not my idea of interesting. The only interesting part is where Leo's character gets mauled by a bear. Then back to the snoozefest. I can't believe people actually enjoyed watching this pathetic movie. Worst movie that I watched in 2015.

I still can't believe Leo and Tom Hardy were nominated for Academy Awards for this. By the end of half hour of listening to his groaning, I wished the bear had had him for dinner.

None of the characters were likable or relatable. Takes a lot more than stunning cinematography to get me excited about a movie. You need plot, great acting, character development, narrative, believability etc and these were all sadly lacking and that made me angry. If I wanted to watch beautiful scenery I can walk outside or watch National Geographic channel. It was very over-rated and over-hyped.
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The Dressmaker (I) (2015)
20 April 2016
I cannot put into words how much I loved this movie. You will be surprised. I'm so glad I saw this movie. For non- Australians some of the humor will fly over their heads so I don't know how it will go overseas. The cast is fantastic, special mention to Judy Davis and Hugo Weaving who took their characters to town. Music from Australian composer David Hirschfelder (Shine & The Water Diviner) again outstanding! Cinematography from Don McAlpine was breathtaking, just gorgeous. Costume designs by Marion Boyce, the lady that dresses Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries has all the ladies in town dressed to kill.

The Dressmaker is Australia's great novel in much the same way Great Gatsby or To Kill a Mockingbird is Americas and Pride & Prejudice is England's. I loved the book and was not sure whether it would translate into film accurately and do the book justice. Boy was I wrong.

This is not a comedy, drama or tragedy movie, although there are some elements there, it's not solely comedy or drama or tragedy, it bears snippets of all these elements and so much more. It doesn't fit into any single genre and that's okay. I picked up immediately that some of the characters are in fact caricatures of small town people which is why they are over the top.

I ADORE THIS MOVIE!!! It was worth every $ I paid and I can't say that about a lot of excruciatingly boring, unoriginal & lacklustre movies of 2015 such as Revenant and Spotlight.

Watched the Dressmaker 5x at the cinemas. Bought the DVD. My favorite Aussie film of 2015 apart from Mad Max.
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