
22 Reviews
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Beautiful film, but so preachy
21 July 2023
Margot does the best with what she's given, but this film was very disappointing to me. It was marketed as a fun, quirky satire with homages to other movies. It started that way, but ended with over-dramatized speeches and an ending that clearly tried to make the audience feel something, but left everyone just feeling confused. And before you say I'm a crotchety old man, I'm a woman in my 20s, so I'm pretty sure I'm this movie's target audience. The saddest part is there were parents with their kids in the theater that were victims of the poor marketing, because this is not a kid's movie. Overall, the humor was fun on occasion and the film is beautiful to look at, but the whole concept falls apart in the second half of the film and becomes a pity party for the "strong" woman.
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Tár (2022)
Unexpected, frightening, clear best actress winner
12 March 2023
Listen, I loved Michelle Yeoh in EEAAO, but after seeing Tár, it's clear Cate Blanchett deserves the Oscar for 2022. I wasn't quite sure what this film was going for at the start, but once I did, I was literally on the edge of my seat. Blanchett's subtle performance carries this film and really sells the descent into madness. It's very easy to overdo the acting in a film like this but she only takes it big when fitting for the character. There were also so many details that I caught on my first viewing, and I'm sure there's some I miss. Tiny facial expressions or the shadow of something looming in the background that add to the feeling of unease without the need for tense music or images. Honestly, it felt much more like a horror movie than a drama. And I disagree with most comments that say it's a slow burn - I was really brought in from the very first scene in the classroom with the student that walks out (all of which is one-shot by the way). Anyway, I originally just watched the film to see the competition for best picture and best actress, but after viewing, I still think EEAAO should win best picture, but best actress should come from Tár.
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Karsten runquist, I trusted you !!
12 March 2023
I saw this on Karsten Runquist's list of top movies of 2022 and it sounded intriguing. But honestly I'm not sure what he saw in this film. Usually I agree with his reviews, but this was definitely not one of those times. It's not that I didn't understand what this was going for, it just was badly executed. The lighting and color scheme style felt like it was trying to emulate A24, but without any of the good writing or creative storytelling. All of the interesting moments in the film were shown in the trailer. I do think there is a good story deep down, but it is not brought to justice with this piece. Sorry Karsten, this was a no-go for me :(
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17 December 2021
It was everything we could've hoped for and more. I cannot wait to see it again. Fighting for opening night tickets was 100% worth it. Better than Endgame in my opinion.
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Luca (2021)
Starts as story of adventure, turns into ... triathlon?
19 June 2021
I really wanted to like this movie but it was majorly flawed. SO slow, plot was all over the place, ending fell flat. Had an interesting concept but fell way short overall. Very disappointing.
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A movie about the internet that actually WORKS
17 May 2021
This is what Ralph breaks the internet was trying to be. This had modern humor that felt authentic!!
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WAY too political
23 April 2021
I don't even disagree with their politics but it's way too much. It detracts from the storytelling and completely pulls me out of the moment. They should've found a more healthy balance.
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Beautiful to watch, but not a single joke fell right
13 March 2021
Visuals were incredible, but story/pacing was all over the place. None of the dragon's jokes hit, and I just found myself sitting in an awkward silence for too much of the movie. Could've been at least 10x better if they didn't have the dragons talk at all - would've been much more mysterious and interesting to watch.
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Soul (2020)
Mediocre at best
26 December 2020
I have no idea what you guys are talking about, this movie was not good. It was way too convoluted, the plot was all over the place and the animation (aside from one or two scenes) was boring. I loved the concept with the band teacher and incorporating jazz music/culture, but this flopped.
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A stunning end to the saga
20 December 2019
Abrams had SO much to tie up, and he did it so well. There was a perfect balance of homages and beautiful moments between the characters. He obviously loves the story and appreciates the potential of the saga. It wasn't without some flaws, but a huge turn around from Last Jedi.
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Abominable (2019)
Really disappointing
29 September 2019
There were some beautiful color choices and effects, but the plot overall was super flat. The pacing was all over the place and I really felt very little connection to these characters. The trailers really made it seem like it could've been something great and it just didn't follow through.
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3 Idiots (2009)
As an engineering student, I understand
15 September 2019
Really touching and raw movie. I felt for these characters so much, and not just because I'm also studying engineering. They were practically jumping off the screen. Highly recommend for an entertaining yet surprisingly deep film.
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Great addition to Toy Story universe
23 June 2019
At first, I was concerned about how this was going to continue the great ending that Toy Story 3 ended on - but I was pleasantly surprised. There was a solid expansion of the Toy Story universe and a realistic expansion of the character arcs. The jokes landed well and there were some legitimately funny moments and characters. My only complaint would be the absence of a true "villain" and the plot sometimes dragged. Besides that, really solid film!
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Brightburn (2019)
New creative take on superheroes
25 May 2019
I was gonna give this 6/10, but then they used Billie Eilish's "bad guy" as the music for the credits and that bumped it up to 7/10.
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Brilliant conclusion
29 April 2019
Truly a celebration of the Marvel fan base and universe. Couldn't have asked for a better wrap-up. I was in tears for all of the third act.
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Roma (2018)
Raw and real
10 February 2019
This film really captures the human condition. The film is subtle, and nothing is without purpose. Cleo's character has very few lines in the film, yet by the end, you feel for her greatly. Although it wasn't crammed with fancy CGI or a densely complicated plot, Roma proves that it is still possible to captivate audiences without the flashiness of modern cinema.
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Venom (2018)
Honestly, not great
12 October 2018
Venom has such potential as a character, but I can't help but feel the movie missed the mark. Even though it had some good moments and action sequences, the script was all over the place. I can't help but think that this movie didn't know what it wanted to be: action, horror, romance or comedy. It came off as a lukewarm mix of all four. I appreciated that they tried something new, but it's just not my thing.
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Honest to Goodness Awful
7 March 2018
I do not have the words to express how bad this movie was. Every time I thought to myself "this can't get any worse," it somehow managed to defy my expectations (in the worst possible way). 2017 has seen a lot of weird movies, but this is by far the most gratuitous and unnecessary from start to finish. I cannot believe I just spent two hours of my life watching this garbage.
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Baby Driver (2017)
7 January 2018
When I saw this in theaters, I did not know what to expect. After it was over, my friend and I were amazed!! We were absolutely BLOWN AWAY by the acting, directing and cinematography. The opening scene is one of the best openings I've ever seen for a film. The soundtrack beautifully compliments the story. The more I see of Baby Driver, the more I love it!!
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La La Land + Circus = The Greatest Showman
7 January 2018
I'm going to start on a positive note -- the music was absolutely terrific. As I'm writing this, I'm actually listening to the soundtrack. But overall, I'm severely disappointed in the film. P. T. Barnum's story is truly fascinating, but the plot of The Greatest Showman was so over-dramatized and romanticized that I find myself doubting whether any part of the plot was based on real events (except the actual circus). The plot was all over the place, trying to be too many things. But if you enjoyed La La Land's random dance/spectacle numbers and want to "escape" and zone out for two hours, you'll probably enjoy this movie. Honestly, I'm really disappointed. I was really looking forward to this movie :/
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Blame (I) (2017)
Amazing debut film, this isn't the last of Quinn Shepard!!
7 January 2018
I am blown away by Shepard's talent. Blame is a edgy drama filled with complex characters and a spin on The Crucible we've never seen before. It's truly an original, unique film, something that can be quite difficult to come across in the movie industry today. I can see big things Shepard's future!!c
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Good movie overall with some issues
15 December 2017
I've seen a lot of strongly mixed reviews about this movie -- understandably. It was a lot to process. TFA left the audience with a lot to think about, asking a lot of questions. No matter how Johnson decided to answer those questions, someone was bound to be disappointed. The people making outrageous claims that it's "worse than the Phantom Menace" are just wrong. Yes, there were flaws in the movie, but it was a solid continuation of the franchise overall.
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