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Dark Heart (2016–2018)
V ery good
10 December 2018
V ery good first season. Hope a second season is in the making.
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Unforgotten (2015– )
6 August 2018
Just watched the fourth episode of Season 3. Chris Lang has done it again. I love this series. It's not just the wonderful story line, or the intriguing plot, or the perfect dialogue, or how easily relatable the characters are - all of those things are there for me. It's the acting! The acting is so damned good! How does Nicola Walker and Sanjeev Bhaskar and the whole cast convey so much in a look, or a shrug, or in a thousand other ways? Did they learn by experience, is it the writing, or the sets, or the directing, or whatever else goes into producing a television series? I suspect it's all these things and much, much more. I'm certainly not a critic, and not much of a writer, but Unforgotten is superior television.
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Evil Lives Here: My Son's Prisoner (2018)
Season 3, Episode 5
Mom is clueless
8 July 2018
I watched this episode and kept waiting for this mother to say what advice she had sought from a doctor. She is clueless! Did it ever even once occur to her to get this child, AND HERSELF, some help?! As for the "boyfriend" looking for the numbers 666 in the child's hair - she fell for that hook, line, and sinker. And with such a disturbed child, a boyfriend should have been the last thing on her mind. This woman should be truly ashamed of herself - telling the world that she doesn't like her child, and hadn't done since he was a toddler, and after suffering a traumatic illness. She was a poor excuse for a mother, and doesn't seem to take any responsibility for the child's behavior. When the child first displayed signs of anger and behavioral issues, she should have sought help. It really seems like Derek never had a chance.
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Okkupert (2015–2020)
5 April 2018
Occupied - Seasons 1 and 2 - are the best 18 episodes of television ever made. And, because I had to depend on English subtitles for the majority of the dialogue, it may have lost something in the translation. But I doubt it. Every minute, the storyline, the plot, the acting, the pace, was compledtely engrossing. Even the issues were complex, considering that it was made-for-television fiction. The series kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. It was so disappointing to realize that the second season was released in 2017, but unavailable in the US. I must have searched for it on HUNDREDS! of sites. Finally, it was announced that the second season was available on Netflix US. I always liked Netflix and used to be a member. But the price of everything increased while my retirement income remained the same, so I had to let go of even small luxuries. But I reinstated my membership just for Occupied Season2. What a bargain!
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Carrie Mathison is a serial killer
3 April 2018
Carrie Mathison is a serial killer by proxy. Almost no one survives her. Saul is still alive because (1) he's a major star and (2) he has distanced himself from her. Her onscreen contact with her sister and her sister's family is limited. So they have survived so far. But it's only a matter of time. I would say that Max and Frannie are definitely on borrowed time. Frannie has survived so far because she has spent most of the time with her Grandpa (who died) and her aunt, who is on the verge of suing for custody. Let's hope she gets it. Max beware Quinn, who was one of my favorites, didn't survive, in spite of having awesome survival skills. Dante is either on his way out, or already gone. That really just leaves Max. Max beware!
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Line of Duty (2012–2021)
Never disappoints
1 May 2017
Line of Duty is a good, good, good series, and I am an aficionado of crime dramas. From the first season right up to this, the fourth, and I hope not final, season, this show has never disappointed me. I know this level of excellence is difficult to sustain, but I look forward to whatever Jed Mercurio and the other contributors come up with next.

It would be interesting to see what a collaboration between Jed Mercurio, Ben Richards (The Tunnel), and Chris Lang (Unforgotten) would produce. There are a few awesome crime dramas out there, but those three top my very picky list. What a treat that would be. (Hey guys, I'll be 66 years old in a month, so don't delay). Seriously.
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Lethal Weapon (2016–2019)
Better than expected
22 September 2016
I liked this show much better than I thought I would. I am a big fan of the original, and was dubious about television replacements for Murtaugh and Riggs. But Damon Wayans and Clayne Crawford really pulled it off. It wasn't too kitschy, and was sometimes hilarious.

I really didn't expect to see such a brand new addition to the Murtaugh family, especially since Rog is 50 years old. But you can never go wrong with a cute baby. And that one is very cute.

I know that it will probably be a while before a new love interest for Riggs can become part of the cast, but I look forward to that with interest. (I wonder if "Clayne" is a family name.)
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The Last Ship: Don't Look Back (2016)
Season 3, Episode 13
Keep it coming
12 September 2016
There is not another drama that creates the same excitement as having Mike Chandler on the Nathan James. Whatever formula you are using, I hope you can keep it up for at least another season.

I was a little disappointed in the first few episodes this season, but once I had an idea where the story line was going, my disappointment dissipated and excitement reigned again. The last episode creates several directions that spark my (admittedly limited) imagination, so it will be interesting to see where real writers will take it.

Congratulations to the writers, directors, cast, crew and everyone involved with this excellent show!
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Don't leave
5 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In the words of the great Thelma Houston, "Don't leave me this way." If the powers that be don't anticipate a second season of Feed the Beast, then they shouldn't have made the first season so ... powerful. I did not expect this show to capture me the way that it has. There are so many story lines that a second season could follow up.

For goodness' sake, please don't let that explosion be TJ's final scene, not when he spoke his first words in the here and now. That would be inexplicably cruel to him, and to the viewers. And what will happen to Dion and his "uncle" after robbing the Tooth Fairy's card game? Who blew up the restaurant. Knowing Dion, there are other characters that we haven't met who could easily fill that bill. Come back ... come back ... come back.
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Child 44 (2015)
There is no murder in paradise
28 June 2016
It's crazy how damned good Tom Hardy is in the 2015 movie, Child 44. He portrays Leo Deimdov, a character who can survive wherever he finds himself, even in a Russian militant organization under the Stalin regime.

Anyone who has ever worked in any organization, especially a government organization at any level, knows how threatened even the most tolerant bureaucracy can be by someone who demonstrates competence and commitment, and also has a moral compass. Leo survives.

Also, the late Gary Oldman is excellent, as always.

This movie didn't get great reviews. But don't listen to them. And for those who didn't like it the first time, watch it again.
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The Last Ship (2014–2018)
Season 3
27 June 2016
I watched, and loved, the first two seasons of The Last Ship. After seeing the first three episodes of season three, all I can say is - Do whatever you can to get Tom Chandler (Eric Dane) back on the Nathan James.

This is not a show that should take place on land. It was bad enough that Dr. Scott found a cure for the illness which caused the epidemic (Come on! It's fiction). Then Dr. Scott is killed, and only gets a few minutes of a memorial, albeit a hero's memorial. Now you've actually taken Captain Chandler off his ship. Hence, the much lower rating.

What's going on?!
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Really good movie
21 May 2016
This movie is for grown-ups. It is the best movie I have seen in a very long time. These days, movie are made and released so fast and so furious, and even an A-list starring actor is no indicator of quality or entertainment value. The plot is surprising, as are the twists and turns. The ending is spectacular, and unguessable. Although there are no "spine-chilling" action scenes, and the sex scenes are only R rated, the movie held my attention throughout. Maybe those persons who are associated with the movie business, or "industry" may know a "Simon Crowley," but he was a complete surprise to me. Do you suppose his character was roughly based on a Spielburg or a Ron Howard, or some other obsessive? (smile)
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Undercover (I) (2016)
Say what?!
16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the silliest, campiest (is that a word?), most confusing mini-series that has ever been aired. The premise of an undercover policeman who spies on his prosecutor wife was hard enough to swallow, but it at least held enough interest to see how it would develop. But ... oh Please! The guy on death row in America didn't kill the American mayor; no - it was the British drug dealing activist?! Oh Please! (When did Maya get licensed to argue in an American appeals court, much less the Supreme Court?) My hope for this mini-series was never very high, but it really was a huge disappointment. And the activist was not killed while incarcerated - he actually had a heart attack? I thought the whole show was about discovering who was involved in the cover-up of the activist's death while in police custody. If not that, then what exactly was being covered up? Why, then, was the drug addicted ex-undercover police officer (Abigail) murdered by an injected drug overdose? What story was the journalists chasing? I AM SO CONFUSED!!!!
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Wallander: The White Lioness (2015)
Season 4, Episode 1
Great first episode of the 4th season
10 May 2016
What a great first episode to begin UK Wallander's fourth season (The White Lioness). It was so nice to see that Kurt had actually shaved and had his hair cut. But seriously, the passion, compassion and sensitivity, not to mention courage, that Wallander showed in assisting the investigation in South Africa was, in whole cloth, awesome. Not only was it a good story in itself, but the episode also gave us a brief glimpse of the negative impact that greed can have, even on former do-gooders who start out with, probably, the best of intentions. And I know it's not a popular theme or idea these days, but the episode also gave us a brief glimpse of how far South Africa has come since the abolition of the racist and brutal system of apartheid, and, more importantly, how far there is yet to go.

Kudos to Kenneth Branagh (did you see his performance in the 1991 TV movie "Conspiracy?" If not, treat yourself and watch it), to the late novelist Henning Mankell, to screen writer James Dormer, and to director Benjamin Caron.
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Blue Bloods (2010–2024)
Nothing changes
7 May 2016
I've watched a few episodes of this show each season, and have come to the conclusion that nothing changes, except, perhaps that the actors, like all of us, are looking older, especially Tom Selleck, who is looking especially dissolute (is he a drinker?). The family is one of the most self-righteous that I've ever seen on the air, and I remember, and was a fan of, "Father Knows Best" and "Leave it to Beaver." Commissioner Reagan makes Ward Cleaver look like the Party Animal of the Year.

As one reviewer wrote, if this was the general attitude of law enforcement toward the public, and certainly the browner of us, then the only wonder is that there aren't even more justifiable homicides by police.

Don't get it twisted - if trouble calls on or near me, I'll be the first to call 911. I thank God for my local police force, and have a lot of respect and consideration for them. But the Reagans are just too good to be true. If Nicky's behavior is all the show can rely on for teen-aged angst and rebellion, then we know for sure that these people live and work (no parties, of course) in Neverland.
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DCI Banks: Aftermath: Part 2 (2010)
Season 1, Episode 2
Police brutality?
14 February 2016
I am re-watching the first episodes of DCI Banks, and still do not understand why the police investigator gave the female police officer such a hard time about hitting the rapist/murderer. I know that police brutality is taken seriously, as well it should be. But this officer's partner was horrifically killed by a man who, it is discovered, has abducted, raped and murdered several young women. The only surprise to me is that the officer didn't kill him in turn.

Enters another female officer (Annie) to investigate the "brutality" charges of a rapist/murderer; the investigator seems not to have the slightest bit of sympathy or understanding for the situation in which the subject of the investigation finds herself - her partner is murdered in front of her, and she , filled with anxiety and adrenalin, hits the perpetrator over the head while he is handcuffed.

There are so many reasons why anyone may have reacted in exactly the same manner. None of those reasons seem to have been considered. Instead, in an effort to her further her ambitions and make a good impression, the investigator really goes after the officer. The investigator eventually relents on the threats to put the officer in prison, but her job is still threatened. That was her thanks for single-handedly subduing a very dangerous felon.
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Luther (2010– )
Luther's coat
16 December 2015
I am very happy to see this series return for a fourth season - it is one of my favorites. However, Alice Morgan and I, except for the same last name, have at least one more thing in common: We both hoped to had seen the last of that coat! Did John Luther fish the thing out of the Thames?! That three-quarter length coat is not only unattractive. It is downright ugly. And when he is on the move, it has a crazy looking side-to-side swish. It doesn't match Luther at all.

I much prefer the casual coat with the hood that he was wearing when he kidnapped the ,man who contracted Alice's murder. But perhaps it is too casual for a police detective. If something more formal or dressy is required, consider going either shorter or longer. Personally, I like longer - something lightweight and weather appropriate. Such as a trench coat! London Fog makes some very attractive coats that would look great on Luther.

Please, John, I know you can't bring Justin back, which would be at the top of my wish list. But, barring that, you can lose the coat!
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Crossing Lines (2013–2015)
Fourth Season
6 December 2015
I thought I would be less happy with Season 3 of Crossing Lines because of the dramatic change in its cast, especially "the Major, Hickman, Tommy, and Eva," although I was happy to see Tom Wlaschiha and Lara Rossi return. And the show wouldn't be the same without Donald Sutherland. But I was wrong. The third season was just as satisfactory to me as the first two. There is nothing else on broadcast television to rival the scenes, the plots, the eclectic cast and locations. Please come back! The twelve episodes went by much too quickly, and I looked forward to each and every one of them.

Having said that, I would still love to know whether Major Daniel's killer was ever caught, whether Hickman and Miranda finally got together, what happened to Eva in that hotel room - what did Dorn see, and I'm sure that viewers have other questions as well. Even if those questions go unanswered, I want the show to "Please come back!"
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Unforgotten (2015– )
Touching and honest
30 October 2015
I am really blown away by this series. The writing is excellent, and, as a lover of mysteries, the plot is riveting. Each episode builds on the previous episode. The chronology of events and the characters make sense. Notwithstanding dramatic license, the people seem real, with strengths and weaknesses we can all recognize and relate to. The acting is phenomenal.

Also, I was not aware that issues of race were as prevalent in England as I have recently learned. As an African-American, I always considered Europe to be, historically, much more tolerant of racial differences than in the US. Apparently, that was, and is, not the case.

Finally, I can appreciate the sensitivity and thoroughness with which the police, led by the character played by Nicola Walker, are conducting the investigation into Jimmy's death. The scenes and dialogs with his mother are not only touching, but ring so true of how a parent who has lost a child would feel and react and live. I have first-hand experience of that unspeakable state. Thank you, Chis Lang.
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Madam Secretary: The Show Must Go On (2015)
Season 2, Episode 1
Great show!
6 October 2015
Secretary of State Elizabeth McCord always keeps me on the edge of my seat. Tea Leoni and the rest of the cast just get better and better; so does the writing. I have loved Keith Carradine for a long time, and am happy to see him cast in a steady and, hopefully, long running series. The same goes for Tim Daly and and Bebe Beuwirth.

Ms. Leoni is proving to be a fine dramatic and comedic actor (I liked Deep Impact - the heck with the ratings; also, the recognition of Spanglish as a movie classic is well deserved. Remember Flying Blind?). This shows compares favorably with any drama being aired any where, including the BBC, and that is one of the highest compliments I can give any drama.
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Good premise
24 September 2015
I liked the first episode of Midwinter of the Spirit, and look forward to future episodes. The biggest complaint I have is one that is fairly constant for many series and mini-series - the background noises, whether music or other sound effects, often overpower the dialogue. Some actors easily overcome this problem because their voices carry well enough that they can be heard and understood. Other actors are, naturally I suppose, more soft spoken, and I have to strain to understand what they are saying. For me, this really takes away from my enjoyment of the show. I found this to be true of this show, as much as any other. Otherwise, my rating would have been higher. I wish those in charge of sound effects would be more cognizant of this. As for those soft-spoken actors, I would exhort them to SPEAK UP!
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Jane Eyre (2006)
BBC's Jane Eyre 2006
10 September 2015
Ruth Wilson and Toby Stephens are phenomenal in this adaptation of Jane Eyre. This was the best production of Charlotte Bronte's famous love story that I have ever seen, and I have seen them all. I was completely captivated by each episode of the BBC's four-part series, and could not tear myself away. I did not expect the film version to be exactly like the novel - few such adaptations are, but nothing was left untold. As a fan of Luther, which starred Idris Elba, I was familiar with Ruth Wilson, and was not surprised by her understated yet exceptional performance. The surprise for me was Toby Stephens. He gave us all of Mr. Rochester - his gloom, his sadness, his tenderness, his humor, his aristocracy, and his overall decency. The production is excellent!
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Murder in the First (2014–2016)
Best show on television
18 August 2015
The story line for the second season has kept me on the edge of my seat. As the plot came together, each episode just got better and better. Just when you think you have guessed what is happening, the story branches off on a different path, but not so far away that you are lost, but just far enough ... The chemistry between all the actors is astounding. Taye Diggs and Kathleen Robertson seem like real police partners. I was happy to see Ian Anthony Dale as the unit's lieutenant - he is a natural, and to welcome A J Buckley back to a winning television series. And if I was forty years younger, Sugar Cascade (Mo McRae) would be a victim of some serious stalking. To let you know how old school I really am, Sugar Cascade is a super fine hunk of delicious dark chocolate. Wow!!!
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The Newsroom (2012–2014)
The Newsroom is so good ...
12 November 2014
As a recent retiree, I now have time to catch up on some of the shows I missed. I just watched most of the first season of the TV show The Newsroom, starring Jeff Daniels. Where has this show been hiding? It appears in HBO's lineup, but needs greater billing. I just happened to run into it. The show reminds me of growing up in the 60's, when everyone had, not just an opinion, but the stones to announce that opinion to the world without fear of being thought different, or of being ostracized, or worse. The war in Vietnam, civil rights, women's lib, equal pay for equal work, Roe v. Wade, were just a few of the topics on everyone's minds and lips. These days, I listen to the students at the college where I used to teach, and you would never know from their conversations that American troops are deployed to the Middle East, global warming threatens the planet, health care for my generation is a serious problem, almost half the world doesn't have even the basic need of clean water, and on and on. That is not an indictment of anyone, and it certainly doesn't apply to the thousands of people who care very deeply and give unselfishly. It's just refreshing and nostalgic to actually hear some of these social issues (dirty words) openly addressed, even in a fictitious forum. To the creators, writers, cast, and all the many others who make these shows possible and entertaining, I say RIGHT ON!
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