
5 Reviews
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Hellboy (2019)
Worst movie ever
9 September 2019
I like David Harbour, but this movie is so bad. Worst writing I have seen in a movie, bad dialogues and story. Plus all the good jokes were in trailers. Didn't like it one bit. I cannot understand how they watched the final film and said "yeah!!! This is a pretty good movie. We should release it". Felt like a couple of fifth graders had written the movie. I hope David Harbour and actors don't have a career damaging impact from this film. The girl, worst supporting role ever. I wish I had never seen the film still makes me sick.
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Astro Boy rip-off
3 April 2019
Story felt like AstroBoy rip-off. Graphics were great though.
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Weird and amazing
17 March 2019
Weird, unique and amazing. Beautiful color pallet. Gregg Araki has a unique style, love the weirdness, boldness and the colors. Some people don't like this kind of thing and I can understand that.
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Aquaman (2018)
Ps Aquaman was already cool.
23 December 2018
Under water world was great, acting was fine. All the best jokes were in trailers rest of it was cringe. Movie was a drag at times but my main problem is that they misused Black Manta. Either use him properly or don't have him in the movie. Because we spent alot of time in the beginning to see Black Manta's story to only have a half arsed end(but his suit was awesome ). People are saying that Aquaman didn't focus on setting up sequels or anything, all the scenes with Black Manta were shit and a setup. Movie could have been great If you cut Black Manta out, make Ocean Master's intentions true to his cause, the only way to survive is to finish surface dwellers instead of using the fu**ing inside job villian again. Best fight sequence was the first fight in the light house. It was the best directed sequence of the movie along with Trench dive scene. Sound track was awful. And don't say Aquaman is cool now. Geoff Jhones had already done that.
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Krypton (2018–2019)
Bad acting and Bad writing
21 October 2018
A boring show overall, with bad acting, bad character motivations. Brainiac was good.
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