3 Reviews
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Empire (2015–2020)
Epic... Empire
2 February 2015
I love this show. I wasn't going to watch it because I am more of a binge watcher and I don't subscribe to cable TV. However, I love Taraji & Terrence together since Hustle & Flow. They just fit perfect together for this series. The issues that arise within this family are real. The dynamics are present in every family household from illness, to the struggle that wealth brings, to homosexuality to obesity and style. The music is amazing. You don't have to love rap or hip hop to appreciate the musical talent behind the scenes of this show. My favorite character is Cookie of course. She is an OG gangsta female who is unafraid to speak her mind and is always in the Height of Fashion. Besides that the chemistry that still exists between her and Luscious is palpable. He loves her for who she is and always was. She never stopped loving him either. I will watch this show play out and it will be one of very few that I watch from TV. ITS DEFINITELY WORTH IT!
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The Killing (2011–2014)
Best Crime Drama EVER!
6 November 2014
Apparently I reviewed the Original version of this series. Here are my thoughts. 1. Wrapping up the murder of Rosie Larson in 1 season wouldve made this show like every other crime drama. Typical. Real life doesn't wrap up so neatly. That part got me hooked. 2. The chemistry between Enos & Kinnaman was delicious because it was subtle and hidden. I kept thinking why is Holder letting Linden be such a bitch to him. I was checking for them to hook up but knew it would devalue the storyline so I waited, knowing that they were perfect for one another and made an awesome duo. 3. I think Mireille Enos is an amazing actress. I like Holder's character more but Linden was played to perfection! 4. The moody rain, the dark secrets, the sadness the characters portrayed, the music at the end of each episode, the vernacular that was used, even the makeup to make them look tired and worn from no sleep & no food, all added up to make this series more real than any other fiction I have ever seen on TV. All in all this is my favorite show ever and I don't think it was given the credit it earned!
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The Killing (2007–2012)
Should be in Top 5 of ALL TIME
6 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, the fact that the murder wasn't solved in the 1st season made me hooked. Like real life murders aren't solved by the credit roll and sometimes they are never solved. 2nd, the acting by Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnaman was superb. They embodied their characters and made me feel like they were playing real people making real decisions and answering for them. 3rd, there was chemistry between Holder & Linden that was palpable but subtle at the same time. That was what kept me watching. Finally, most crime shows bore me to tears. They all wrap up nicely and the dialog is usually the greatest turn off. The dialog on this show, and the body language, all wrapped together to present a Perfect crime drama that kept me watching non stop until I couldn't anymore. I work full time and have a family so I mostly watched while everyone was asleep so there were no distractions. From the first episode of season 1 I was hooked and unable to stop until the entire show was done. Now I am watching it all over again from the beginning, something I have NEVER done. I love series. True Blood, Weeds, Dexter, SOA to name a few. This is the 1st and only show I have watched that I want to repeat from the beginning. And its still just as intense even though I know what is going to happen! This show should be in the Top 5 of all Time Greatest Crime Dramas and shouldve never been relegated to a hurried 6 episode finale. For that matter, it shouldn't have been cancelled after season 4. There is way more to tell and much more these characters have to explore.
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