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You People (2023)
How Did The Actors Keep A Straight Face???
29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My husband and I watched it on Netflix and even when I turned off my subtitles it would say "Barrack Obama hit me" or "Barrack just hit me!" My advice keep your subtitles on if you are watching it. We laughed from the beginning to the end and I can't find any reason (yes Julia Louis-Dryfus and Eddie Murphy said some out of bounds stuff) for everyone not to just relax and have a laugh! I don't know how the actors kept a straight face when working with Julia Louis-Dryfus?! It must have been a blast for these actors working together on set!!!! Jonah Hill killing it on the basketball court while Eddie Murphy watched was hilarious! Corning ending and all good movie!
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
Don't Understand The Bad Reviews
1 May 2022
I love this show & reallly appreciated a finale that was true to what the series has been consistently over the years!!! Twist & turns right up until the end!!! I'm really going to miss it but I am well satisfied with how it ended!!!
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Goliath: Joy Division (2019)
Season 3, Episode 8
18 October 2019
Season 3 was definitely a redemption for the shows horrid season 2, now I just hope they can continue the momentum and come back with a great season 4! Unfortunately I binged all 3 seasons at once and dread having to wait 16 to 24 months or more to find out if the storyline and characters have more great things to be fleshed out for us!
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Goliath: Tongue Tied (2018)
Season 2, Episode 8
17 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah we know the big bad corporate & political "goliaths" win a lot of the time in the real world, how can we not as I write this as a US citizen dated October 17, 2019?! But how is that an excuse for horrid writing, new characters that were completely unlikable and none of the extraordinary nuanced writing, acting & storyline of season 1 that ebbed & flowed perfectly?! This mess including the over the top brutality & a waste of amazing talent like John Savage & Steven Bauer (Ep 7) was such a disappointment it could almost wipe out the sublime first season. I really hope David E. Kelly & show runners come up with a storyline, writing & characters that can redeem the show in Season 3!!! Please give us more of what you hooked us with in Season 1 so we can all pretend Season 2 was a bad dream!!!
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Canceling This Show Is Such A Travesty!!!!
11 July 2019
I waited awhile to start S3 knowing it was going to be the end of the series and after just finishing it I am baffled more than ever that this show wasn't picked up by Netflix for more seasons and no one else has gone after it yet?! It is without a doubt hands down the best of any superhero series on TV and as of this writing the best MCU series made!!! Maybe the people at Netflix who get to make these decisions thought the Season 3 Finale was a good series finale but to this fan it was a great ending for a fantastic new beginning for Daredevil & Nelson, Murdock & Page!!!! As so the many streaming services, cable networks and TV networks that continue to scramble to try & come up with remarkable shows to rise above the insane volume of mediocrity being thrown at us to see what sticks, I am dumbfounded that this gem that was completely wrapped in a bow with it's depth of 3 great seasons, creators, cast & crew wanting to go on, plus a huge loyal fan base desperately waiting for more was idiotically canceled?!?! The actors playing these characters are amazing especially the top supporting actors Deborah Ann Woll & Elden Henson!!! As for Charlie Cox, he was tailored made for this role & fits it with such ease you forget every other role you've seen him in when watching this show!!! And in case anyone is wondering he absolutely wanted the show to go on, so much so in fact he created an email account under the name of his baby daughter to sign the petition started once word of the shows cancellation got out!!! We had to wait 2 years between season 2 & 3 & this October 19, 2019 it will be one year since the release of the incredible Season 3, which personally was my favorite!!! I would think someone out there would be smart enough to grab a ready made hit & keep this show going, but then again I would never had thought Netflix would make such a blunder and let this incredible hit show out of their hands in the first place!!! I highly recommend watching this series, just be prepared to be mystified & extremely disappointed that these 3 seasons is so far all we are ever going to get!!! What a f-ing shame!!!
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The Voice (2011– )
Season 16 Proved Voters Vote For Favorite Judges Not The Best Singers!!!
25 May 2019
I always thought America voted more for their favorite judges than the best singers & with the edition of the awful cross battle decision it has definitely proved what I thought all along!!! I don't hate Adam & I love him & Blake together & will definitively miss that but I understand why Adam has chosen to leave! I'm really hoping it doesn't mean that season 17 will continue with the idiotic decision of adding Cross Battles letting America get in way too early on the voting!!! All coaches should go into the finals with the same amount of contestants!!! I was completely blown away with how many amazing singers were voted of off during the Cross Battles on all 3 teams of John, Kelly & Adam!!!! It was so awful watching Blake & the country music Voice the last few weeks!!! It will be sad to not have Blake & Adam on there anymore & I loved watching Adam with Charlie Puth! But I love Kelly Clarkson & John Legend (thank goodness Maelyn won!) & Blake Shelton but if they keep this Cross Battle crap I won't be watching anymore!!!! Such a sad way to mess up a good show which should be about the singers with the best Voice's & not who's everyone's favorite coach is!!!
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
WTH Are They Thinking?
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Or is anyone thinking at all?! 8 years of building up Daenerys Targaryen as the savior of all slaves and the innocent people of the GOT world & in one fell swoop literally the creators burnt that character to ASH!!! All men, women & children who do not kill Viserion, Rhaegal or Missandei!!! All innocent people that the real villain & cause of Dany's pain Cersei Lannister put there because she could care less about any of their lives!!! How is that justice against the tyrants of the world?!

And what happen to Tyrion's character growth & redemption?! I am still stunned he chose to reveal the secret of Jon's birthright to Lord Varys only to send him to his death for trying to do what he thought was right?! Especially after Varys risked his life & left everything behind to help Tyrion escape death himself! What the hell was that?!

8 years of waiting or for "poetic justice" to finally strike Cersei Lannister & she gets to die being held by & looking into the eyes of her twin brother/lover/father of all her children & to die instantly by crumbling boulders?!?! And thank you very much for turning my feelings about Jaime Lannister to total dislike again after years of his redemption!!!

After years of build up for the big reveal of who Jon Snow really is we've gotten zero real meaningful scenes when the important characters found that information out, especially not even his sister's Sansa & Arya but we can get 40 minutes of footage of Daenery's destruction of Kings Landing?!

That destruction was like the killing of all the years fans have invested into this show & these characters, really that's what this whole final season has been!!! All we've gotten is 2% real emotional character interaction & 98% of throwing away 7 years of our dedication!!!

I have lost all faith that we will be given any satisfaction in the last 80 minutes we've got left of this once beloved series & could see them leaving us with no one left to sit on the Iron Throne! Why not just complete the joke they've played on us all and have Arya kill Dany, Grey Worm kill Arya and Jon & Grey Worm kill each other off!!! Maybe they can even figure out how to kill off Drogon & Ghost before the credits roll on the finale episode for good measure!!!

Seriously the Game of Thrones has entered the Twilight Zone & after I watch the last 80 minutes I'm going to have to pretend the show ended after Season 6, which sadly won't take too much pretending since it really did end after Season 6!!!

I give this episode 3 stars only for production value & the scenes involving 2 characters Arya Stark & Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane!!!
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Did I Watch The Same Series?!
4 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It seems that the majority of the reviews here are based on people who turned the show off within the first 10 minutes of the first episode, or after watching just the first episode and those who have heard the original podcast! But for people like me who have never heard the podcast or even the story before, I'm very glad I watched every minute of every episode! One reviewer here "The Jury Has Spoken: Guilty" goes off on Adnan's families religious beliefs saying "He killed his ex-girlfriend because he didn't have the guts to stand up to his parents and their medieval religious beliefs." Wait, what?! So none of us are or have been or know any other teenagers no matter what race they are or what religion their family practices in America has ever had to hide who they are dating because of their parents disapproval for one reason or another, this only happens to kids with Muslim parents?! The same reviewer then goes on to say "There was no mention in the series about the incident when his parents actually dragged him out of a dance at school because he was with a girl. This was when she decided to break away from him and his fanatically religious family." Wait, what?! Sorry you must not have kept watching because they absolutely DID mention the incident in this series and the girl was Hae Min Lee and her ACTUAL reaction was read from her own diary and his was given in the phone interviews. So thanks for reading her mind for everyone and giving your own opinion about how she felt about "his fanatically religious family." Which I'd like to add here that Hae Min Lee had many of her own family issues because of their Korean practices and values, so badly in fact that she never let ONE friend of hers past the front doorway of her home! As for Adnan and Hae breaking up, the friends closest to each of them said they broke up and got back together a couple of times, as teenagers often do and the last break up was in fact not after that particular dance! In fairness to that particular reviewer they do say "I'm not some ignorant bigot: I'm the polar opposite of that." Ummm wait, what?! How can you say that after saying that you believe Adnan's motive for murdering Hae Min Lee was "because he didn't have the guts to stand up to his parents and their "medieval religious beliefs"? Sorry double quotes definitely needed for that sentence! Even the horrid one-sided line of laser focus that Adnan was guilty by the Baltimore Homicide Detectives and Prosecutor Kevin Urick who actually dissuaded and misled Adnan's alibi witness Asia McClain for where he was at the time of the murder never even illuded to his parents religious beliefs as being the reason Adnan killed Hae Min Lee! For the record I am a white Caucasian female raised catholic, so believe me when I say many people can point at many young teenagers parent's religions and disagree or call them into question but that does not make 17 year olds turn to murder! BTW let's say for arguments sake there is know Asia McClain that swears under oath of perjury in a sworn affidavit saying she was with Adnan in the library at the time of the murder, I'd like to ask who decides to go to a parking lot of a busy business like Best Buy at 2:30pm in full daylight to strangle someone in a car and then place their dead body in the trunk of their car and there's not one witness or video surveillance showing anything? Jay Wilds says this was all premeditated by Adnan Syed and the police need him to say this to force their square peg in a round hole to make everything fit into their case against Adnan, but for everyone saying how smart this young man was, I can't believe even the dumbest of people would choose a busy parking lot in board daylight to murder someone in a car! Yes Adnan and Hae went to that same parking lot, but they only went there very late at NIGHT to make out! So if he did ask Hae to give him a ride home with the intention to kill her what reason would he have to talk her into driving to the Best Buy parking lot at 2:30pm and even if he did ask her to do that why would she comply when she needed to hurry to pick up her young cousins from school?!?! Now let's talk about the case that was based on 2 things! One man's testimony, Jay Wilds who changed his story too many times to count, and has his own close friends say multiple times "Jay lies about everything and especially if he could get himself out of trouble"! His FRIENDS say that! Then the second thing the case was based on was the cellphone records which the prosecutor conveniently left out the cover page from ATT saying "incoming calls could not be used as reliable data" when showing the records to their cellphone data expert they called to testify and when that gentleman was later given that information he wrote and signed a written and sworn affidavit recanting his testimony saying it was not accurate and would have been completely different had he'd been given the full report from ATT! Those two things Jay Wilds' testimony and the testimony regarding the cellphone records are what convicted Adnan Syed in the one and ONLY TRIAL he was given to be judged by his peers! Lets talk about things we do know as facts starting with the autopsy findings where the blood lividity shows Hae Min Lee died face forward or was strangled and immediately placed face forward fully prone on the ground with two large diamond shaped objects on her back and had to be left in that position for at least 8 to 10 hours after her death! Which means she could not have been strangled in her car then immediately placed in the trunk and then buried in the short period of time which is what Jay Wilds testified Adnan Syed did and said he assisted him in doing or that he said happened in his mix of so many different versions of those events! The autopsy also showed no other scratches, bruises or trauma of any kind on Lee's body which means she could not have been strangled in her car because in such a struggle in a small confined space the autopsy expert would expect to see some other kind of bruising or trauma on her body and there's zero physical evidence in the car showing it to be the place Hae was killed. We also know Asia McClain wrote letters to the family, Adnan, and then through an attorney stating the day and time Adnan was supposed to have killed Hae Min Lee she was with him at their school in the library and it's known right after that he was also at school for sports practice! We also now know she called and spoke to State's Prosecutor Kevin Urick who dissuaded and convinced her Adnan was guilty because of the overwhelming evidence they had against him including DNA evidence which was an outright lie because they had not even bothered to take any physical eveidence they had in police custody related to Hae Min Lee's murderer for DNA testing!!! Doesn't that strike anyone as downright criminal including Hae Min Lee's own family?! Then in turn Kevin Urick lies to others dissuading them to use Asia McClain's affidavit of her being with Adnan Syed during the time of Hae Min Lee's murder saying she told him she wrote the letter due to overwhelming pressure from Syed's family, which Asia herself says not only never happened she also had never told Kevin Urick it happened and "it made her sick to her stomach to think she could have helped this case so many years ago!" If everyone involved in this case including the bewildering attorney Thiruvendran Vignarajah that decided to stay on the case during the years of the appeals process even though he was just an attorney by then and no longer a DA which has never happened in any case before, really wanted justice for the victim HAE MIN LEE wouldn't EVERYONE want all pertinent evidence brought forward without lies or mistakes?! Full autopsy findings, the affidavit from Adnan Syed's alibi Asia McClain, Jay Wilds' friend Kristi Vinson's school records showing she was in class on the day of the murder meaning Jay and Adnan couldn't have been at her house the day of the murder which was very relevant to the State's case, the affidavit from the State's cellphone data expert recanting his testimony or more than anything else THE DNA FINDINGS THAT WAS FINALLY TESTED from Hae Min Lee's body, DNA found on the rope used to strangle her and the one fingerprint lifted from the rear view mirror in her car THAT DID NOT MATCH ADNAN SYED!!!! They also compared the fingerprint with the prints of 10 law enforcement officers that handled Hae Min Lee's car and there was no match! So to really get justice for Hae Min Lee don't we need to know who's DNA and fingerprint those belong to?! I don't know anyone in this case or involved in the making of this series, but it had me in turns, rivited, dumbfounded, shocked and disgusted! It did it's job of being a great documentary for a story I had never heard of before and seeing it has me thoroughly convinced justice for Hae Min Lee's murder has not been satisfied and a new trial should be given to Adnan Syed with all the real facts and evidence stated above presented! If he is found guilty in a new trial with all evidence and testimony shown as it really happened, that's more than fine by me, however if he is found innocent then there should be new detectives with fresh eyes and minds who specialize in old or cold cases given this case to give Hae Min Lee and her family the justice they deserve and the real murderer a conviction he or she deserves no matter who it is!!! Great documentary, that I can't give 10 stars to only because I don't believe 4 separate episodes were needed! Luckily that's what waiting and binge watching is for!
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Mozart in the Jungle (2014–2018)
This Show Must Continue!!!!
25 January 2015
Fresh, unique and wickedly eccentric!!! I am guilty of "Binge-Watching" all 10 episodes and now find myself going through withdrawals! To let this series end here would be more tragic than the Italian opera Otello! Which coincidently one of the main character's name Roderigo closely resembles the same name of Maestro Rodrigo in Mozart in the Jungle! Not only is the writing superb, but all of the actors as well, regardless of the size of their parts. I've always been a fan of Gael Garcia Bernal and Malcolm McDowell, and Bernadette Peters is just as stunning and wonderful as she was many decades ago! But I'm really surprised by Lola Kirke! For a second I thought it was her sister Jemima from HBO's Girls because I was not familiar with Lola. And although she is the younger sister and not as well known, she certainly has just as much talent and it won't be long before everyone has heard of her too! Please Amazon give us more of this fantastic show and don't let it be canceled!!!
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True Blood: Thank You (2014)
Season 7, Episode 10
The Series Finale Was No Better Than The Last Two Seasons Have Been!!!
24 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was really hoping something grand would be pulled off for this last episode all while worrying that is was going to be no different than what we've been given these last two seasons and unfortunately we got the latter. It seems a never ending cycle of story lines being started only to be snuffed out just as quickly, almost like they never happened at all! For example, Gus Jr and his men were all so extremely dangerous that they almost killed both Pam and Eric a few times this season but then suddenly in the episode opener Eric decides he's had enough of Gus and his men and kills them without much effort at all?!

Besides that and other irritating plot points the most disappointing was to not have Eric involved in Sookie's storyline at all this final season after killing off Alcide. I think most die hards who've been watching since the beginning were hoping to see Sookie end the series with one of her top 4 loves Bill, Eric, Sam, or Alcide. Everyone had their own personal first choice but would have accepted her finding her happily ever after with one of them. To have her end up with a nameless faceless mate seems like a complete cop out for the writers, who maybe couldn't decide who she should end up with. Unfortunately for me, the only good thing about this last episode was the Led Zeppelin song used at the closing of the show! So sad, so very very sad!!!
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Damn I Wish I Got Invited To This Party!!!!
19 July 2014
I loved this movie and everyone I know that saw this movie loved it as well! It's a movie my daughter who's 21 saw in the theater with friends first and then asked me to go see it with her again because she loved it and knew I would too. It's also a movie I get sucked into watching whenever it pops up on cable! If you loved Pineapple Express you'll love this movie. The plot is quite different but it still has the same brand of Seth Rogen, James Franco, Jonah Hill and Danny McBride buddy antics comedy along with Craig Robinson and Jay Baruchel! If you know these guys and their type of humor either from movies, TV shows or on YouTube then you know what to expect from them! In This Is The End they take it farther by making fun at their own expense by being in the movie as "themselves"! There was some great cameo performances by Michael Cera, Paul Rudd, Channing Tatum, Rihanna and the best one of all Emma Watson! Again making it funnier because these folks too were playing "themselves"! The only account I can make for the bad reviews here is these movie goers aren't fans of these guys or their type of comedy and went to see this film expecting something else and that is definitely their mistake and not the fault of the writers, actors, or the movie itself! If you are a fan of these guys or any of their previous work you are gonna thoroughly enjoy this movie! I highly recommend seeing this movie if you have a good sense of humor including a large dose of a "R rated" sense of humor!!!!
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