
4 Reviews
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Fast & Furious fans, stay away! You won't get it
17 November 2015
I want to talk about some of the comments I have read. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, it amazes me that some people have commented on how much dialogue this movie contains. Some one mentioned there's too much dialogue, but it's good dialogue.


The dialogue in any movie is important. If it isn't, it's edited and doesn't make it to the script. Those scenes are not bathroom-breaks

What these people are trying to convey is that the movie doesn't contain a lot of action. Well guess what, neither does Shawshank Redemption and that's a classic. Why? Good WRITING,ACTING, CINEMATOGRAPHY.

This movie excels in all three. And superb acting from the entire cast and not just Tom Hanks.

If you are one of the many dumbed-down Fast & Furious franchise, no- brainer movie-goers, then you might be left behind in this classroom.

This movie is a break from all that. You need to focus and pay attention. If you do, you will enjoy this movie a lot for what its worth.

Go see this movie. It's worth the thirteen dollars and twenty five cents.
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San Andreas (2015)
Bad Script. No violence
11 August 2015
May contain spoilers!!!

The Script was AWFUL!

The film starts with the introduction of The Rock and his job. He's a search and rescue pilot and he's attempting to rescue a girl trapped in a car on the side of a cliff. He and his buddies find this amusing as they jokingly begin with the routine rescue. There is a reporter who has tagged along for an interview and now she's asking questions about the rescue and they're are answering like there's no emergency to begin with. They fly the helicopter into the ravine. Really? I guess the basket rescue line was not long enough. Anyway we'll leave it at that.

Cut to a class in session at a University where a professor is lecturing about seismic activity and that the west coast is due for a biggie. Of course the cliché "not a matter of IF but WHEN", spits out.

Cut to Hoover Dam where same professor and assistant are doing seismic field tests when.. guess what...yup. The entire dam, gone in a matter of seconds. Like a sand castle at the beach. No repercussions, cause and effect. No small local towns obliterated, washed away. This news never makes it to the local media nor the citizens of LA. Only a mere throw- away line to the professor at a later date; "sorry about what happened to your friend"

I swear this script was written in the back of a limo on the way to the studio.

Now, it's soap opera time.The Rock and his wife are finalizing a divorce. This drama goes on throughout the movie. It's like I am watching "As The World Turns" with an earthquake in the BG.

Rock's wife is dating an architect; not just any architect; he's got his own building named after him. The daughter, sat in the waiting area of the skyscraper, meets a dude who is there for a job interview. They hit it off. She pens him her cell number and he exits the scene.

Later, "WHEN" happens and the buildings are crumbling and shaking, people screaming and panicking. Remember the dude the daughter met, briefly? His No.1 priority is to find her. WHAT??? Yes, that's right. I just met you, and rather than seek shelter and escape this hell, I am going to try to find you. AND HE DOES!!!

You know it took 3 people to write this script??!!

How can the writers think we're all stupid. That we do not know what happens in an earthquake. We've seen the images and documentaries, and testimonials on You Tube. Including the notorious Tohoku Chihou Prefecture disaster a few years back. We know that making a trying to make a call on your cell after a major quake would be impossible. We know that bottles on the shelves at a restaurant would be the first victims in a quake. But not in this movie.

I broke out laughing at a scene where The Rock, riding a motorcycle through the disaster area, passes by an elderly couple who are stranded, roadside. They're waving for help. He passes them with no interest in stopping. This, from a trained search and rescue worker. Hilarious!!!

There are scenes where The Rock and his wife are the only people in LA. wandering through the rubble. Or boating through the floating debris.


That all being said, I think the most disappointing aspect of the film is that you rarely see people die. It sounds morbid but it's what you come to expect in a disaster movie. Would the "Titanic" be just as good without "Propeller Guy" and the countless screaming bodies falling off the ship? The death count in SA is really low. There's 3 dudes that fall to their death and another engulfed in flames. It's suggestive violence and not like you would find in a Final Destination movie. I think because The Rock attracts a younger audience, they wanted a PG 13 rating, minimizing violence, therefore, a bigger box office demographic.

Anyway, that's my opinion. There are pages of wonderful reviews from people who praise this movie. I will respect that. To each his own. Watch, and decide for yourself.
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12 January 2015
Yes, I gave this full marks providing you are an 8 year old child watching the show.

This is very, very light entertainment.

The script is 1st draft without going to a rewrite-room.

The entire execution of this production; writing, filming, casting seemed slapped together overnight, in a haste to get this film released before the fickle hype generated by social media falls flat on its back, ironically not on its feet.

The voice of the dog, in my opinion, sounds very much like Morris The Cat from late TV commercials of the 70's, which I think they threw in as homage.

There are many Morris The Cat lines from the commercial that I recognized.

"That's it, Iam out of here..."
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Noah (2014)
It's only a movie
13 June 2014
People are putting too much stock into a fairy tale.

If they had produced the story of Santa Claus and added alien intervention and lasers and transformer ice giants, would you really care?

Or would that taint your impression of story that had you brainwashed since the age of 5

How can a make believe story be not accurate. This is biblical nonsense not the JFK assassination.

You need to suspend your disbelief even further.

I went to this movie to kill time on an afternoon where the ticket price was only $5 and for what its worth, I thought it was good as any other movie
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