
25 Reviews
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Pam & Tommy (2022)
Boring and pointless
5 February 2022
No one cared about their relationship. It wasn't this big American moment they Hulu producers want it to be.

The reason this was made is because Hulu is losing its content. That's why it's making so many shows right because it can't make it on its own. It's also why it gets packages with Spotify.

Hulu is suffering and it's investors are paying the media to support and rave about the show. It's not even good.
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a return to form
6 January 2022
The show has been always loose with its humor and it style that work.

Some of the best parts are the banter between scenes. The show has to hold backs because social politics today but it makes a lot of funny sex jokes.

The only complaints i have are that we didn't see much of the rest of the reno 911 crew, it was mainly focused on 3-4 characters and we didn't see any of the reno citizens like terry,

its still worth a watch.
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RuPaul's Drag Race (2009– )
Social politics and producers have ruined the show.
6 January 2022
If you compare any season BEFORE 6, you see a stark difference.

The show has ALWAYS given into social politics, something that caused a bit of controversy at the end of season 2 and would age badly, as sometimes giving something to someone simply because they represent a under represented group doesn't actually mean their a good person.

ANYONE of ANY race, gender, or identity can be a bad person.

The fact that people can predict whom the finalist are in the first 11 mins of the first episode say everything about the show.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
About as believable as Ridley wig.
18 December 2021
The move gives some lackluster performances from the two main actors. Oddly Ridley choose not to dye her blond despite doing it months later.

For a movie that focuses on "how men are bad", it does very sloppily. First off the women died because men were jealous? Strange explanation.

Oddly the heroics are left to the men as Female character only has to fix a device. It's movie better left skipped.

You can tell it's a bad film when the men whom didn't like it are falsely accused of misogyny and the women who didn't like it are called "pick me's".
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15 November 2021
Not sure why this is consider a good short movie. Also what the point other than to say what some many others have but much better.

I would recommend any other films than this one.
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So badly wants to be edgy and deep
28 October 2021
It's extremely easy to see it was written by someone who's never walked on a base. The entire premise is nothing so that it can be criticized. It's just bad, everyone has is given super edgy lines because how else is the show suppose to be interesting.

This is just more trash. I give it one season.
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HouseBroken (2021–2023)
More SNL trash
7 October 2021
It's very disappointing that so many actors see animation as an easy paycheck now. Billy West warned us about that early on.

So many SNL are given animated series despite having no experience and really shows. Outside of the cult like SNL fanbase NO ONE finds them funny.

The show is terrible.
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Teenage Euthanasia (2021– )
Not Bad
6 October 2021
A lot of recent animated shows have been awful, duncanville, housebroken, central park.

Adult swim is pretty hit or miss, but this was a better show. It is not to weird like many of their programs and doesn't try and push a political narrative or desperately cling to current trends.

It's worth a watch for now in season 1.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
Call me Stupid!
28 January 2021
It seems like that Mayim Bialik head got to big and think she can lead a show on her own. Also ANYTIME you see an actor as also executive producers, its a really bad sign. Save yourself the time and watch something else, this is just terrible coming from her, it is really awful.

i watched the first four episode and don't like it and the mom character is even worse
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Sugar and Toys (2019– )
VH1 Illustrated for the Hip-Hop Era
4 January 2021
It's a fun cartoon that pokes fun at current hip-hop culture. At first glance it just feels like another meme video, but there is actually some really smart jokes and even some subtle commentary. Really smart choice by fuse, and one of the few "new" animated shows on tv that works.
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Watch only if you say yes
1 November 2020
It's lighthearted "Educational" movie about safe sex and how to conduct oneself at an orgy. It gives a basic overview and doesn't hold back or talk down to the audience. It also provides some comedy along the way making it seem less dry.

my only complaint is that it didn't go too far in explaining much and for an orgy (i.e. gay, kinks, roleplay, etc) and it didn't have that much nudity or any sexual scenes for an orgy.

I say this as someone who HAS been part of orgies, and it is usually much inhibited than this, and there is no filter as shown in the movie.
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26 April 2020
While Apple is trying to produce more shows, this one didn't live up to the mark, much of the reviews are you see are trying to save the show. Do yourself a favor and avoid this one cause it was boring and poorly made.
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Plagiarism, bad narrative, no sources.
26 April 2020
The series is a like a bad version of unsolved mysteries, they simply take topics from the old show or from other youtube channels 5 years ago and try and add a "humorous" or "expert" narrative. Most of the time time you if you don't want to waste 20 mins, just simply google the story and you have the plot.

In one case, the "experts" tried to change a narrative, when it said otherwise on the wiki article.

If it wasn't for the buzzfeed affiliation, this would fail. but much like buzzfeed it shameless steals content.
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Horse Girl (I) (2020)
19 February 2020
The entire movie is a scene for scene copy of The God Inside My Ear (2017). It's a shame Hollywood is protecting netflix and overall attacking the original artists. The film on it's own merits isn't very good
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Duncanville (2020–2022)
Fox desperate to future proof the animation block.
18 February 2020
Simpsons and Family Guy can't sustain Sunday night line-up forever ( they have been doing if for the last 20-30 years), which is why in the past few years Fox has been desperate to work a long-term replacement in. However Family guy and Simpsons were the result of an animation renaissance, and the shows are a product of art and talent. This isn't here in Duncanville, I don't know why Fox keeps using SNL alumni as the anchor for these shows (outside of SNL, no one really likes the cast).

Fox never should have NEVER sold American dad to TBS, and they should honestly take some notes from Comedy Central, Adult Swim and Netflix as these shows have had successful animated programs in the last 8 years. (South park, Rick & Morty, Bojack Horsemen etc).
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
If Star Trek was made by Riverdale Writers
9 February 2020
Even after two episodes, the continuity is gone. The acting is badly performed, basically the characters try and squeeze sass into every line and "evil" characters will talk in dark seductive voice to their counterparts.
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This isn't ghost in the shell.
31 March 2017
(I'm going to ignore the controversial issues surrounding the movie in the review)

The movie's visuals while great don't capture the deep mysterious beauty the original did in 1995. The movie felt like it was just pieced together and thrown on screen.

It lacked the tonality you had from ghost in the shell. I was constantly being taken out of the film.

Scarlett Johansson didn't express the same deep thought or the questioning nature the Major has in the anime.

The plot of the film was the biggest insult of all. REAL FANS know that the ghost in the shell always has a engaging and enthralling story line. That was not present.

do yourself a favor and watch the Ghost in the shell arise movie from 2016, it at least has some remnant of ghost in the shell.
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21 August 2016
Plot was all over the place, (if you can even call it a plot).

This is just a vanity project for Natalie Portman. A very bad one at that.

It's the film equivalent of miley cyrus "dead petz" project.

Both Artists wrote, acted, and direct their own project, but just because a artist has complete creative control doesn't mean it will be good.

Her acting is was very null in this. I can't recommend this movie simply because of all the mistakes and bad editing.

Do yourself a favor and watch a REAL biography, not some self- indulgent project by a bratty elitist.
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Cult of Tina Fey
26 July 2016
First off the show is very very very overrated. Tina Fey fans are voting reviews down simply because people didn't like there show.

Overall, the premise is really weak and unoriginal (blast from the past) anyone?

Even though Tina fey has NBC in her pockets, its obvious the network executives KNEW this couldn't make it in prime-time. Which is why they rightfully shot it down, and it made it's way to Netflix where it could live off it's niche closed minded tina fey fans.

Fyi I love community!!! but this show is terrible.

The show deals with a women who was in a cult for 15 years and moves to New York and fixes the lives of people around her with some over enthusiastic happiness. (These people are just racial caricatures who serve no purpose but to be accessories to the main character.)

The comedy is very very hokey (but thats the joke herp derp).

Its kinda of like how people will take photos of themselves on Instagram and say they look awful. Their faux transparent self-deprecation is suppose to make them look "humble" or "grounded" while really appearing narcissistic and shallow.

We get the joke Tina. It's just not funny.
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From a Women, this is horrible
18 July 2016
I don't what I watched but it wasn't ghost-busters.

I consider myself an independent woman but I hate this film.

First off the CGI was really really really bad. Like Catwoman bad.

second, the black stereotypical character was soooo racist and offensive.

The script was sub-par that It felt rushed, it felt the film wasn't finished and they pushed it out too soon.

Most of the charm in the first ghostbusters doesn't exist in the one. I don't know why but it just wasn't funny at all.

Hemsworth tries his best to make the movie interesting but it doesn't happen.

Save yourself your time and money and go see "secret life of pets"
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Wait for it on TV or DVD.
18 July 2016
It wasn't a bad movie, but honestly didn't have much for it.

It was cute and edited very well. But it didn't really have anything that would be movie quality.

Was it good? eh i guess so, but if your going to take your kids to see it, just save the money and buy it later.

I mean what an adult ticket and two kids tickets and popcorn is what like $30? thats the price it will be on UHD blue ray.

I would wait.

The films has an oooookay cast. About 70% of the movie is what you see in the trailer. So don't expect too much. I thought the movie would be more about people and their "pets" but its about a stolen dog and his friends try and search for him.
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Red Band Society (2014–2015)
1 February 2015
This was awful show, it tried to combined the sappy crap from glee with the hackyness of the fault of our stars.

It was bad like really bad, the precious 15yr old fans with their tumblrs and taylor swift posters were doing everything to keep this piece of fecal matter above water but they failed. haha

First it's a bunch of teens living in a hospital/5 star resort. they Dr. Mcdreamy Jack McAndrew where you KNOW they will have an episode where some fat ugly girl throws herself at him.

Then octiva just yells at people like some she is on crazy pills.

The teens are so one dimensional and terrible at acting, they just throw side comments and wear try and "act nerdy/cool/deep" the show is just painfully written, this some of the worst writing I have ever seen on television, thumbed me down all you want it's not going to bring back this steaming pile of fecal matter.

didn't like my review? does it matter? Did you read it? you did read it, so I wasted your time.

Me: 1 Red band society fans: 0

Eat it.
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The McCarthys (2014–2015)
Worth watching
8 January 2015
I watched every episode, it was hit and miss for the first couple episode, but they found their niche.

They recently had an episode with Jane Kaczmarek, that was a GREAT episode. She plays the sister of Laurie Metcalf, the two of them have funny chemistry together.

The lead character is Tyler Ritter, he is good enough to carry the show. The rest of the characters are getting better. The show is has old fashion sitcom feel to it. Some of the jokes fall flat but its happening less and less.

Watch that episode instead, don't bother with the pilot episode.
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Mulaney (2014–2015)
25 December 2014
Everywhere I look, terrible critics love to play the "contrarian card" and defend this trash.

I watched three episodes. All terrible.

"his stand-up is better"

I watched it and it's not.

"well it has Nasim Pedrad!!!"

she is not funny either.

"It's in a bad timeslot!"

What? they gave this train wreck the bob's burger time-slot.

"Fox doesn't want to promote it, they hate John!!!"

Wut? Then why then why did they green-light this mess?

"It has too much competition!!"

hmmm you don't say, well it is on during Primetime! It's suppose to!

maybe they should air at 2am, so it only has to compete against Taiwanese prayer breakfast and paid programming.

"you don't get his sense of humor"

no, I don't. but this is his show on PRIMETIME T.V.!!!! it suppose to have broad appeal idiot!

"Well you..."

Stop, just stop, This show sucks and he is not funny. Stop making excuses for him.

What did he do for you? Shovel the snow on your driveway? Did he watch your kids? Did he pick your dry cleaning?

NO he didn't!

Get over John Mulaney, then get over yourselves!
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23 December 2014
The movie was a big FU to comedy central.

This show put South park to shame.

The point of the movie was how south park seems to get away with gross humor so long as they make a point.

Similar to how south park criticizes Family guy for using cutaways.

Drawn together criticizes south parks on it's manic pursuit of current events and politics.

While most people seem to hate on Simpsons and FG primarily because the shows are popular, south park is often given a free pass even though it's quality has gone down in years.
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