
22 Reviews
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Bull Shark (2022)
I never seen a movie.with such stupid people
18 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Every decision they made in a movie made no sense and was dumb From the boats to.the guns to everything else I kept waiting for a smarter person to and set them straight like lots of these movies do That didnt happen This is the age of information A lake town and really know nothing about how dangerous sharks can be I usually dont write bad reviews but there is 10 mintues left in the movie And i just realized it cant get better These people are so dumb in this town it hurts your head How many mistakes can they make?

You did have some smarter people in this movie but they were kicked away Listen to but what good did that do?

The people in charge didnt make sense going after the shark the way they did.
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13 June 2024
South korea made the same tv show Vincenzo Which is better? I am.not sure. Started to watch this show now. The thing is in vincenzo it.made sense In this show how does one person stop.all.the volience then south.korea we know the out stop it Too.much killing .

So lets not think about it and enjoy the show But if i was his family i would.of japan and visited him with everyone In japan he was this big shot who looks liked he made money from.inside trading stocks.

But no one in japan had to know So i guess its time to watch more of the show.
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It could.of been better
6 May 2024
Either make it a war movie or a monster movie .If you do both make it a little better It was believable until it wasnt . Why do things in a movie that is way over the top when you dont have to You had enough drama with the war movie or enough drama with the monster movie that you didnt have to add over the top drama that you didnt need and didnt make sense Now everything has to be drama to the 10th degree Once that happens The drama ends and the eye rolling begins.. Some people.have to understand this You didnt need the boat sinking in Jaws to make more drama You could of made it very good.

Stop with the crazy drama.
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Immaculate (2024)
This was taken from another show
26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Did the guy who wrote this see the Kalass espoide on star trek the next generation And thought to themsleves Hey ,i can about this Well.i.did like the espoide so this was pretty good. was a twist i didnt see.coming but once it came i was like Hey. I seen this before Well if you know it then i dont have to.explain.anymore If you dont know then you dont know what i am talking about Well.if you want dont wait.

You can actually watch and that espoide on the next generation Did they think no one would.rememeber?

That cant be it it. Love it, live it,
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Love Again (I) (2023)
Very sweet, nice, some funny lines
9 May 2023
It's. A movie that makes you realize love is in the air. It's sweet and nice.. the main characters are nice and seem to hit it off. The side characters are a hoot and some are actually funny and they act like real people do. So if you're in a bind and want to see a movie that love might be blind take a chance to see the movie.. Celine Deon is very good and she is a sweetheart.. she has 3 seconds of singing but those 3 seconds shook the theater. We'll also you might get hungry watching the movie but that is a good thing cause there are scenes with food in it and food that looks go see this movie.
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Love O2O (2016– )
Lead actress was sick
21 April 2023
You see people are writing about the lead actress being skinny that was because she was very sick. She would shoot then get treatment. She was a real trooper. So before you shot your shoot get to know. It was fun and nice. A must see. It went there , where and everywhere. See it ,play it ,love it and live it. It's gets to the heart if gaming while showing you that gaming isn't everything.

It takes you to a time where you were young and you just wanted to game. It also takes you to a time where you wanted to get your act together Love, betrayal, sneaky and fun. See the show and that is all It was very good.
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Very berry good
13 April 2023
Must see, very berry good movie. Watch it, love it ,see it. If you're human you will like it. If it's on Watch it. If it's streaming then Watch it If it's on a back of a suit button and it'd being played in back of that suit button then Watch it.

Watch it over and over again It's fun It's happy It sad and will make you smile I wonder if Neil from the TV show flying blind seen this and what does he think Well since they canceled that show we have no idea but Watch it please You will be sent away to a happy time and a simpler time. I time of hard work but family A time where you will love and be happy or sad . A time where a man who sell tires can buy a 4000 suit.
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Air (I) (2023)
Very berry good
12 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say that I didn't say before. See it and you will like it.. what do you Have to lose to see it?

What do you gain from seeing it. You will gain insight to how Nike went from a running shoe to basket shoe. How one man's death might of save Nike How one mother got her got on by getting the deal of a lifetime You will gain seeing the shoe man come up with the shoe he loved. Don't like Nike but then dint be a hate. Remember big baller brand ? You want a movie about that? Then watch this . Big baller brand. Damn this that really fads out. Whoose. Just like that. Who knew but the chicken ?
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I wish it went another way
10 April 2023
One of the guys they were supposed to kill was a drama mama I wish they pointed out the only reason he was married to the other guy was because he thought it would create drama Examples Us against the world ( why) Everyone hates us for being gay ( I understand One of the parents) But you mean friends, the other parents , family, Co workers You mean Everyone hates that you two are gay I mean that is all he kept bringing up Cause he only can live on drama He doesn't love He just love drama and the slight hate that maybe 3 people had against them On and on They hate us cause we are gay They want to kill us cause we are gay Everyone is against us cause we are gay How did no one catch this or bring it up.
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Same girl from the warriors ?
10 April 2023
Was that the same girl from the warriors? I know I can look it up but I haven't heard anyone mention it The same song The same boppers The same profile of the face But her lips look thinner but I guess that can be age Well it was an awesome movie and see it Fun Fun And more fun.. Run and see it or walk and see it or drive and see it or take a bus and see it . It's long but fun and more fun and good and see scream 6 also that was very good and see that movie ans run to see it or drive and see that movie also or take a bus and see that movie also.

Dungeons and dragon's was good also.

But see all 3 movies . Yeah yeah yeah.
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Vampire Academy (2016– )
The names are the same
16 September 2022
The names are the same but some differences so far in espoide one Sonia Karp is a teenager ( I think) Mia is a spoiled brat and not insure Just have an open mind Just different than the books.

But why not watch I just hope they don't mess up roses dad which I think they are And Adrian ( the other spirit user) Which they probably are.

Well I wish they let me write this series but it I am glad they made it . I hope it lasts for year So watch it and watch it a lot I need to see it.

I am not sure why I have to write such a long review This is crazy and sonia karp is a teenager for sure.

Yes she is .
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Draft Day (I) (2014)
Very good movie but bad GM
7 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Its a very good movie and you should watch it In fact I am watching it again The truth is If you actually think about it He was a bad GM He gave up Three draft picks in the 2nd round for the next 3 years For a running back ray Jennings No matter how great Ray Jennings is He is not worth 3 second round draft picks.
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Very very good
18 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Its almost like the terminator Some lady is sent back from the future to protect a man Who created the ability to do that But she is actually sent back to stop him from creatina it. This is not a spoiler cause she tells him in the 3rd esopide. I am on the 4th one now The translation is excellent i guess Expect for one thing This is suppose to happen this year 2021 I mean the ability to transport matter from one place to the next But besides that Very very good
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Zero Chill (2021)
This is my second review
18 March 2021
Its getting worse The main characters are becoming worse and worse They just dont care who or what get hurts They have to just get their way I am hoping it gets better I mean This could of been the cutting edge but with brother and sister You dont even care And again The main characters do what they want And dont care who get hurt
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Young & Hungry (2014–2018)
Very funny
7 March 2021
Very funny and a must watch. No SWJ nonsense so far in season 2 . Watch it . I laughed and so far so good
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Very intresting
14 February 2021
This was very good and should be a must watch Go back into time and what happens
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Insatiable (2018–2019)
not sure where they are going
7 January 2019
I liked it and so many curveballs some good and some i wished stayed the same It is very good and watch it . I dont know how they do season 2
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Free Rein (2017–2019)
they should do a bibi and tina crossover
13 December 2018
Why not they both lobe horses and run a horse ranch. That girl who beleives in the ghost horse can tell people a witch helped her out and no one will believe her and funny and crazy times happens
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Black (2017)
very good but pay attention
21 October 2018
I have been watching this and it is good . Pay attention. Also pay attention to the cut scenes after the credits at the end . I am not sure if it bridges the story together because i dont think thees scenes are previews for next week epsiode. anyway watch it
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
ARE we suppose to root for these kids
16 July 2018
I am not sure if I am suppose to root for them Also why make them fall in love The people that they were with seemed prefect for them
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White supremacy at it best suppliers
4 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Fin who is black shows himself to be a coward And his one good deed doesn't happen because this movie can't let black people save the day What no one mentions Admiral Ackbar the beloved character who was there when the death star blew up and other great moments dies with no fanfare A who cares moment just so the a white lady can try to save the fleet and the end of then movie You only have 4 characters you might care about all white Kyle Rey Poe And the general
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Get Out (I) (2017)
saw a 2nd time
9 April 2017
It would of been better i think if they showed one black person in the group because it would of showed the lengths rich people would go to to stay young remember all the white people looking at chris was hurt , old, or blind etc where as Chris was young and healthy how many people hete wouldn't do the same if they could to live another healthy 40 years a very good movie that everyone should see
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