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Parks and Recreation: Farmers Market (2014)
Season 6, Episode 12
Not a fan of this episode
2 March 2024
This episode really opened my eyes about women. Yes the show is all about sarcasm, puns and irony. I really hated Anne in this episode and I even hated more that Ron agrees with her reasoning. Anne is pregnant and going through all these uncomfortable situations. Here we have Chris who is willing to go the extra mile to help her and make her as comfortable as possible. Anne still complains and even complains that Chris wants to help her. I thought ok, this just might be a show irony that men don't help women when it comes to being pregnant but a few women told me that something like this is common in this situation. This pretty much tells me that women love drama and if someone tries to fix that drama then it's even a bigger drama. What do you prefer Anne, a guy that's there for you and will do anything to help feel better or absolutely no one at all to help you in your time of need? Massive wake up call about some women.
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3rd Rock from the Sun: Guilty as Dick (1997)
Season 2, Episode 15
Guilty as Dick
18 June 2020
My vote for the funniest episode. It Shoulda Been You!!!!!!!!
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Plenty of nostalgia not enough substance
1 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Tarantino has a style of his own. Others have tried to emulate it over the years, but it's not the same. I've seen all his movies (personally my fav is reservoir dogs) and I love how he tells and ends his movies. This one was the first time where I was bewildered after the end of it. Don't get me wrong, the cinematography, the soundtrack and casting were first rate. The 1969 setting was flawless, right down to the very minor detail. The soundtrack was awesome, I could never fault Tarantino on this subject because I know it's a passion of his. DiCaprio was good as Rick Dalton but I doubt he had to extend his range much because he just channelled how he was before he won his academy award for The Reverant. Robbie was beautiful and free spirited as Sharon Tate but she was massively under used. Too be honest you probably wouldn't even know she was playing Tate until she went to the movie theatre and announced she was Sharon Tate and that she didn't want to pay 75c for a movie ticket. Pacino was good as Marvin Shwarz but let's be honest, he is just playing himself. My favourites were Pitt and Russell playing Cliff Booth and Randy/ Narrator respectively. Maybe because they bring more of a comedic approach to their characters, I'm not sure but they stand out more to me. The story seems more random then other Tarantino movies and the end doesn't really justify the means. I'm not asking for an explosive conclusion like Jdango Unchained but something that satisfies how the film has presented itself. And considering the backdrop and material, 1969, golden age of cinema about to close, the Manson family at their worst, Sharon Tates tragic death. It was pretty much wasted
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Chernobyl (2019)
Ugly truth but beautiful storytelling
30 November 2019
Excellent mini series. The story and facts were presented perfectly. Material like this could've easily been over blown in the hands of amateur or attention seeking filmmakers. Johan got the mood, time setting and characters just right. Cheers to the cast and crew. Top notch
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
Very satirically real
29 September 2018
This show is awesome. Let me be honest, I hate most people. I work in a job where we go through so many different employees and to begin with I was optimistic and very easy going with the people that came through the vine. Years later I cant stand people and this show, in a jokingly way, but very real way shows how useless and misguided 9 out of 10 people really are. I know this show is suppose to be a satirical exercise but it's more towards reality than you think. I love all the characters on this show except Andy and April. The scenarios are interesting and the bond between the characters are great. Must see if you think society is massively flawed
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Awesome adaption
11 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After reading some negative reviews on here, I fail to understand how the filmmakers could've made a better movie then what they brought out. People are saying there is no plot or story. To me it's a movie about a big giant villain that's trying to get the 6 infinity stones (that's been mentioned pretty much since the first guardians movie) and his quest to get them and a band of different heroes joining forces to stop him. What more do you want? I thought the Russos did a good job with the amount of characters they had to deal with. Ok some of the jokes were dumb but not as dumb as the ones in Ragnorok. I even read a review from someone saying they are not a marvel fan and he/she doesn't like any of the movies including this one. That is just telling me that you're an idiot. Why put yourself through all that? I watched the first 2 Harry Potter movies and didn't like them so I stopped there and not watch the rest of them. Ok I'm getting off topic. The movie was great, the CGI was second to none, in my opinion all the characters got their fair share of time. The editing was pretty good, the music drew me in, Thanos was a really interesting villain. It wasn't the best dialogue I've heard but it was far from the worst. The acting was great by half the cast (Elizabeth Olsen and Zoe Saldana to name a couple) and decent by the other half (Benedict Cumberbatch and Chris Evans to name a couple). Looking forward to part 2
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Spaceballs 2: The Last Jedi
11 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I dont know what to say that hasn't already been said. Seriously I thought I was watching a movie that was a parody of Star Wars, Gravity and other space movies. The Last Jedi? By the looks of it, Rey looks like she has a good grasp of Jedi duties by the end with her boulder juggling act. The Force Awakens gave me a new hope (pun intended) when it came to a new wave of Star Wars movies. The Last Jedi pretty much put me in a headlock and kicked me in the nuts. Disney is mad with power. I'm watching this movie as I'm writing this and I just keep scoffing at it. The dialogue is so dumb, the jokes are cringe worthy, I seriously dont recognize this Luke Skywalker. I never knew him to be a pessimist. He went through the original trilogy as determined, optimistic and selfless. In this movie he is passive aggressive and self doubted. Codebreaker????? Wow what a stupid subplot. That casino city section of this movie and that little alien putting coins in BB-8 seriously made me gag a little. I thought Leia being blown into space would've been emotional and a dignified end for her. But low and behold she somehow awakens IN SPACE and floats!?! back to another ship. Rian what the are you smoking? Seriously have you seen a Star Wars movie before or are you going the way of Paul Feig and rewriting how a classic should be remade? Fin was wasted, Rey was neglected, I liked Rose but her character was a bit too preachy. Poe was the only one with passion. Luke wasn't Luke, Leia was a bit wooden and Chewie is now a double act with the porgs. I'm not looking forward to episode IX. I definately wont be watching it at the cinemas. Because by the end of this movie I dont even know what I'm anticipating. There is no cliffhanger, no real development, no questions that I'm looking for an answer to. Thanks Disney for ruining this franchise for me
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