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A Man in Full (2024– )
Speaking of accents
21 May 2024
Lots of reviewers commenting on Jeff Daniels' choce of a sort of...I really don't know, Louisiana? Accent for his portrayal. And, I think those saying it was just plain wrong are right. But how about the 'Finnish' accent used by the hooker/baby mama? I suppose if you moved Finland about 600 miles southeast to somewhere between Moscow and the Caspian sea, it might have worked. Otherwise, it bore no relationship whatsoever to any Finnish accent I've ever encountered. And I've met literally hundreds of Finns. As to the show, not bad. Way too much made of Conrad's sub plot and the entire series is marred by one of the most ludicrous final ten minutes you'll ever see.
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The Tourist: Episode #2.6 (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
All these deaths, all this mayhem, over 45-year-old love letters? And this after finding a 40-year-old taxi slip? Disappointingly weak ending to an otherwise entertaining season.

IMDB informs me that I have to write 400 more characters so here goes. And the ultimate tie in with ballet session? Danced by an obvious double? Oh, and there was a big thing about a code in the letters that was never resolved. Now that I think about it, a '2' is too high a rating for this intelligence insulting finale. It was a mess of 'we've only got 20 minutes left to tie all of this up, let's see what we can cram in.'
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Dumb Money (2023)
Stay Away!
3 April 2024
If you really, really want to spend close to two hours with the absolute scum of American society, then this is the film for you. From the senseless and, dare I say it? Obscene musical score to the characterization of each and every character as an ignorant bottom feeding creep, you'll want to shower after seeing Dumb Money. One of the worst films I've seen in the last 25 years and that's saying something. Stay away. You've been warned. - I'm required to write another 130 characters to get this past the 'submit' portal, so here goes. If you want to feel bad about the life, see Dumb Money. If you want to become deeply concerned about the character of American culture and particularly the movie industry, see Dumb Money. If you want to feel bad, see Dumb Money.
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River Wild (2023)
You could pilot a raft through the plot holes
12 August 2023
This is one of those 'why are the captives so stupid?' movies. The kind of film where any six-year-old would have behaved smarter than the three hostages. It's impossible to believe that even 20sometings could be as dumb...make that clueless...as the sort of good guys are in River Wild. Oh, and it's yet another film where an assailant fires a ten round magazine at least 20 times without reloading. And there's no indication of where he got a spare magazine either. But that's the least of the flaws in this thing. These people can't even use rocks! I can sum this mess up in one word: exasperating. Gave it a two for the scenery and overhead shots. This is one stupid movie.
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Fisk (2021– )
Whatever this is...
6 August 2023
Wife and I stumbled across this series and thought, why not? Glad we did. Took a period of adjustment though. We live in the US. In Connecticut. Our connection with Australia, it's people and their humor is non-existent. So, the pacing, outlook and phrasing of the show seemed...well...foreign. Fortunately, Kitty Flannigan is ingratiatingly quirky enough to pull us through and then in to the series. She's the show. Her reactions to the everyday crap she encounters are human and full of humor. This is not highbrow stuff. But it is thoughtful and seen through the eyes of a flawed, coping fellow human. So, it's relatable. And funny. Sometimes hilarious. And, yes, still a tad confusing. But worth the watch.
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It's one of those action films...
25 July 2023
Attack on Finland is one of those action films where: 1. Every female is a supermodel.

2. There's never any other traffic in a chase scene.

3. A helicopter can travel as fast as a jet.

4. A car can travel as fast as a jet.

5. Even a snow mobile can travel as fast as a jet.

6. The bad guys can't shoot straight.

7. The good guys never run out of ammo...or grenades.

8. Criminals always leave keys in unattended cars.

9. Doors that should be blocked as left wide open.

10. The hero can outrun bullets.

11. People get killed and no one notices.

12. The 'real' head of strike force is a cold but beautiful woman in her 40's.

13. The 'McGuffin' makes little sense when you think about it.

In other words, we've seen this movie way too many times. I'll give it some credit though, the plot holes and convenient mistakes made by the bad guys are so glaringly stupid that the film is sort of in a class by itself in that regard.

There are some great location shots. The camera work is good. But this film is one huge stew of badness.
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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Four Minutes (2023)
Season 5, Episode 9
Well Done!
27 May 2023
They left us laughing. And we left them laughing. A fitting epitaph for any comic and for the series.

Watched every episode and appreciated all that went into the production, cinematography, writing and acting. Hoped they'd cap it off with something worthy of all that was put on screen. I think they did. I think they hit the right notes with Lenny, Susie, the families and, most importantly, Midge. No quibbles. Not a one.

While this is a review, take it more as a 'Thank You' note to the many talents who contributed to the series and this wonderful finale.

This last episode showed Midge's one special moment in front of the camera. The moment so many saw how much she had to offer. That she was different, bold, funny and, yes, beautiful. It also showed that her ambition never left her. That from the moment the pull of the stage microphone drew her to stand in front of a TV camera, the only thing that could have stopped her was herself. And she never let that happen.

Marvelous indeed.
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The Anti-Broadway Danny Rose
14 May 2023
The vehicle...the story telling device for moving the narrative...should seem familiar to many viewers. It's straight out of Woody Allen's Broadway Danny Rose. Told in flashbacks by those who knew the agent (in this case, Susie Myerson) with occasionally different perspectives and interpretations. After all, it's people looking back through their own personal lenses. Even though some of the lines and set ups are lifted directly from Allen's script (which may be an inside joke about comics who steal) this episode of Mrs. Maizel flips Danny Rose right on his head. Rose was a warm-hearted shlum who was more friend than agent to his clients. Myerson's only friend was Susie Myerson. Where Rose would do anything for his clients, Myerson became someone who would have her clients do anything for her. Broadway Danny Rose is warm touching story. The Testi-Rostial is harsh and at times cold. It more the business end of what we call show business. And, it's not pretty. But it's well told. And beautifully filmed.

This being an episode of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Midge is the spoke around which all the major storylines swirl. She's far more driven than Lou Canova in 'Broadway' and as such, each vignette has a sharper edge. And so much of it works and works well. What doesn't work is glaring.

There's a three-minute interlude featuring Susie's sister that is so out of place that it almost stops the narrative in its tracks. And Susie at the roast has become almost zombie like so she too is distracting. Makes viewers wonder how she functions, let alone remains successful.

Maybe this episode is meant to be a behind the scenes look at success in the entertainment world. Or maybe it's just the thoughts of the writers projecting their creations over decades. It's certainly well done. And it's impactful.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
Confusing...and yet, predicable
17 April 2023
First, my spin on the usual NETFLIX limited series disclaimer: this project was slated to run for 8 episodes and per-usual, there was really only enough content for about four or five. So, there's a lot of looping back in the middle installments and the time-honored padding technique of adding subplots that go nowhere. I do have to admire the cleverness of some of the starchy filler in 'The Stranger' though. It was often well thought out and didn't drag. But some of these red herrings were simply left swimming. Never resolved, they became annoying. Again, this is true of so many of these limited series offerings.

What's different here is that a main subplot involving the Price parents is never resolved. It drives two whole episodes, disappears and then is briefly alluded to in the final episode's 'Mystery Solving' explanation. Viewers may be confused by that and other dangling themes. But the sequence of things, how one event leads to another won't even confuse a ten year old. They are formulaic and come as no surprise. But, they're done with panache and there's some good acting going on here. Got a hunch many viewers will also figure out who the main culprit is too.

All that viewers will see it set in motion by a very young girl who apparently has limitless funds and yet works as a candy girl in a movie theater. And that sort of conundrum is evident throughout the series. Teachers drive Land Rovers. Cops own high end Audi's as personal cars. Everyone except a guy fighting eviction lives in multi-million-dollar houses. No matter how young or how low paying their jobs are, these characters have more money than most CEOs. Even the kids drive expensive cars. Oh...and no...ever...goes to work.

My wife and I watched every minute of every episode. We were only occasionally surprised by the supposed twists and turns the plot offered up. We were both left wondering about some pretty highly developed storylines that were left hanging at the end.

It wasn't bad. It wasn't good. It was a 5.
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Too much
13 April 2023
Jeff Garlin only plays one character. His roles are usually side-kick, husband, neighbor, agent...that sort of thing. But he only plays one character. A loud, not too bright but good-hearted slob. That's all he does. And in small doses in the roles I've noted above, his harmless near buffoon persona his presence can move a story along or provide some comedy relief. Three maybe four minutes in a half hour stretch and Garlin is fine. In this film he's on-screen way too much. To the point of being annoying. He kills his own movie. But then again, that's not a tragedy.

The script is incredibly week. Lots of not too funny gags loosely tied together by a murder non-mystery. It's set in Hollywood's idea of what LA is like. Lots of nice homes in sparkling neighborhoods with no traffic and parking everywhere. That's ok. But it's not funny. In fact very little in this movie is funny. Most of it is, like Garlin's character, annoying.

Would have given this one star but Amy Sedaris has some bizarre and funny scenes and, most importantly, Natasha Lyonne does a lot with her lines and reaction shots. She's easily the funniest part of this attempt at humor. So, three stars from me.
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Transatlantic (2023)
Hard to watch
10 April 2023
For viewers who've read anything about the early 40's, this will be a very tough watch. If you've invested time studying the era, you'll probably be furious with this interpretation. Jews and dissidents on the run in Vichy France seem to have unlimited resources, plenty of wine and art supplies and lots of time for Da-Da and impressionist inspired parties. Oh, and cars. Lots and lots of extremely expensive cars. Add in the lack of moral ambiguity and almost insane...make that improbable bravery of the good guys and the keystone cops antics of the bad guys and this series could make lots of viewers wonder what all the fuss was about regarding the NAZIs. Oh, and this is another one of those 'sensitive' shows that rarely even hints at the fact that the 'Nazis' were German and 'the Reich' was Germany. A personal sore point with me. - There are two major 'escape' plots in the series that are so far-fetched that the writers don't even bother to explain how they could be pulled off. But they are. Against all odds and all that we know to be possible. These aren't just James Bond type capers, these are bonified ridiculous plans that we see getting completed, though the actual steps that are required to make things happen simply aren't revealed. Because they couldn't. - So, the series is historically inaccurate...and I'm being too kind here...and there's almost a childish approach to the story line which I need to point out is solely under the control of the writers and producers and, I've yet to mention, some of the casting just doesn't work. The main female and male leads didn't live up to their assignments and that really hurt the watchability quotient. - All in all not the best effort from NETFLIX with this one though some of the cinematography is handled well and the period costumes are stunning. Two 'chuckles' regarding that last comment. First, for folks on the run, these refugees certainly have the crispest, well-ironed looking clothes imaginable and the female lead has only two small suitcases with her when she leaves Marseilles and yet seems to be able to pull close to twenty full outfits...including an opera gown...out of them.
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Wander (I) (2020)
What a mess!
31 January 2023
This is a mess. From the jump cut David Lynch impersonation shots, to the awful acting, to the idiotic script to the awful music, this is a feast of bad. The direction, such as it is, seems to be from the 'if we distract them with motion, maybe the viewers won't notice how completely unbelievable this plot is' school of camouflage. And if the plot isn't as absurd as any you've come across this side of an Ed Wood film, I'll buy you a large popcorn at a real movie.

Plot holes? Make that plot canyons. And there are lots of 'em. There are so many and they are so glaring that they actually overwhelm the viewer to the point where you might say, well, nothing else makes any sense, so why not?

I hope Tommy Lee Jones got a nice fat paycheck for this. He's almost halfway decent in it. Heather Grahm does her usual bland reading of lines and not for a minute does she give anyone the impression that she's a lawyer. The rest of the cast delivers their lines without emotion, expression or effect. Except the lead. He plays crazy crazily and whispers lines to the point of being inaudible.

An awful, stupid movie that presents some of the worst direction you'll encounter on any screen of any size at any time.
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Imposters (2017–2018)
Interesting fun
20 January 2023
Good work all around in this one. Intelligent dialogue. Mostly well-paced. Solid acting with only one exception.

And if you can get past one of the most unbelievable 'McGuffins' of all time, each episode will not onluy hold your interest, but keep you sort of guessing. And that's part of this series charm. It's a grifter's tale with heart.

Early episodes are a bit sluggish, but when sharp tongued female joins the posse looking for a big-time scammer, a buddy film becomes a real ensemble piece. The interaction of these three sleuths alone would make this a good watch. But there's more to all of it including some twists that most series of this nature wouldn't even attempt to throw at viewers.. One minor and one major 'but'. I mentioned the McGuffin earlier. It won't take viewers too long to see that the 'con' is way too elaborate to even be necessary. After all, the con artists have all the technological tools they need right at their fingertips to pull off the scheme without resorting to the intricate steps they employ. That's one. The other is the bizarre presence of Uma Thurman. She seems annoyed to be in this thing and plays it by rote. And she physically distracting. Almost a foot taller than the lead actress, Thruman has to be seated whenever they're in a scene together. In other shots she simply stands near a car when or wall, but it's always a reminder that her character and her casting are way out of place in this series.

Overall, this is worth your time and can be summed up as interesting fun.
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The Menu (2022)
That thing! That thing on the table! Pick it up!
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At least two dozen people are held hostage by a crazed chef. Ok, that in itself is weird. Weirder still is the cast of self-absorbed wimps who allow themselves to be threatened and humiliated by a staff of waiters. And here's the weirdest part, all of the hostages are armed, but the people holding them captive aren't! That's right. You read that correctly. The 'captives' all have knives...lots of them, and they're sharp too. And they have access to dozens of wine bottles that can be turned into lethal weapons as well. Oh, and there are other devices all over the place that any one of these people chould simply pick up and use as a weapon. But do they? No. Not one of them thinks to pick up a knife that's lying right in front of them to defend themselves! Instead they look terrified because they have to listen to the chef tell them what he's going to do them...and he pretty much does.

I kept shouting at the screen "Pick up a knife!" "The one that's right next to your hand." I guess they couldn't hear me.
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Inheritance (I) (2020)
This is a mess
17 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's one scene in 'Inheritance' where a young woman is talking to a man her father has chained up under ground and tortured for 30 years after her father had killed a young man in an alcohol and drug fueled car accident and the thing that really causes the young woman to flip out is that she learns her deceased father had a girlfriend! Idicocy like that happens over and over and over in the film. It's an absolute mess. How bad? Let's just grab some of the low hanging fruit.

The casting is way off. Way off. The heroine of our story looks to be all of 23...at the most. And yet she's a District Attorney...not an Assistant DA, she's the DA. She has a 10-year-old daughter and seems to sort of live alone despite also having a husband. Her brother might be 28 but he's a congressman. So, there's that. And the acting? Straight out of very bad soap operas. It's dreadful. Save for Simeon Pegg who almost does a good job.

The plot is rediculous on so many levels. Every three to four minutes a new hole appears in it till the viewer gets to the point where paying attention actually hurts.

Then there's the pacing shift. The early section of the film has an average shot time of about a nanosecond. It's almost nauseating. Then, out of the blue, overly long shots...for no apparent reason.... start showing up with annoying regularity.

I'll stop here. A very poor effort by all associated with this mess. But I'd be remis if I didn't point out the incredibly silly dialogue put in these struggling actor's mouths. Check out the scene where (again for no reason that has anything to do with moving the storyline along) they young heroine confronts her dead father's mistress. A translated telenovela makes more sense.
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Rebellion (2016–2019)
Too many and too much
11 December 2022
I'd like to rate this higher, but once again we experience a series with way too many storylines, way too many characters, way too many subplots and, as a result, way too much unnecessary and repetitive dialogue. There's little that's crisp about this presentation.

Like other reviewers, I too laud the producers for their ability to recreate 1916 with only the occasional lapse. Good job with that. Fine work too handling some of the facts surrounding the Easter Rebellion.

Where, I think, this series fails is also where its strength lies. The use of wooden stereotypes (the rich are bad, the English worse) compared to the subtler portrayal of the conflicted motivations on both sides only makes the stereotypes seem silly and simply a storytelling contrivance.

The various love stories are distracting as well.

A more economical storytelling would have enhanced the other strengths of the series. But, alas, it all got washed away in the confusing overreach of the approach.
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Not best story telling
11 December 2022
The producers of this film had to overcome a big problem. The 'thing' they showcased really didn't do anything except keep working longer than anyone thought it would. Yes, 'the thing' keep working on Mars. And that's nothing if not unusual. But still, the drama and maybe any anticipated excitement the movie could have offered is more about longevity than discovery. Faced with this void, a decision was made to focus on the people behind the mission. That, in itself, is not a bad way to go. The folks they chose to highlight, however, were more grating...for the most part...than insightful. Not people who are easy to root for.

The geologist 'idea' man behind the mission has an off-putting habit of smiling broadly and laughing over...nothing. Another launch team member was over the top with his metaphors and facial expressions no matter what the topic. The focus on these people pushed the happenings on Mars deeper and deeper into the story line until it became an afterthought.

For me, this film missed a golden opportunity.
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Recon (2019)
17 November 2022
This is most definitely not a soldier's movie. It's a movie written by someone who creates an unbelievable world of war and soldiers and is directed and produced by people with too few funds and not a whole lot of understanding about film making.

It's a movie where a reconnaissance patrol always walks down the middle of roads or fields all the while talking loudly or shouting. Oh, and with lit cigarettes. Stealth was not their long suit.

It's a movie where young men in 1943 constantly swear and use phrases from 2019. Where a commanding officer orders that an unarmed civilian be shot and orders it in front of about 20 witnesses.

It's all simply unbelievable. And it's poorly made and made on the cheap.

I won't waste any more or your time. Just a friendly warning, don't view this thing no matter how desperate you are for something to do. It's that bad.
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But what did she do?
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Had a big problem with this documentary. Nowhere in it, that I can recall, do we ever find out what exactly Edith did as a spy. There's an allusion to carrying messages from spies. There's some evidence that she passed those messages on to other spies. But her 'spying' activities? They are never revealed. And, even after the big names of the Cambridge 5 were revealed to MI5, she was never charged with anything. Never indicted. Sort of just left alone which would befit her role as a mere courier.

And what secrets would she have had access to? She never worked in government. Never on any private projects linked to atomic work. Never, as far as the documentary is able to say was ever even close to confidential information. In short, she was a letter carrier.

Another problem I personally had with this film and so many like it is the fact that those who made and still make excuses for aiding and abetting in one of the most murderous and soul crushing regimes in human history, the USSR, are never challenged over their weak rationalizations for helping to send so many to brutal prison sentences or death.

Want answers to anything about Edith? You won't find them in this film.
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Jungle (I) (2017)
Had they told the truth...
24 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's an adventure/survival story that takes forever to get started. The first 25 minutes could have been eliminated and it would have been not only a better film, but a better piece of storytelling.

Initially the characters are, at least, enthusiastic. But they are also spoiled rotten rich kids with more money and time on their hands than active brain cells. So, they wander the earth searching for themselves...and drugs. This leads them to Bolivia. Then weirdness happens. A stranger with seemingly no contact with the three rich kids appears and offers them adventure and they jump at it. I call shenanigan's right here on this part of the plot. I don't for a minute think he offered them 'a chance to have your photographs in National Geographic' or 'the adventure of a lifetime'. I think he offered them high potency drugs that...according to the mysterious stranger, could only be found on a hand drawn map of the interior of Bolivia. Had the storytellers told the truth at this point, it would have made what happens next somewhat understandable.

The four comrades set off, but only the mysterious stranger (who is obviously going to rob them and leave them in the jungle...or worse) prepares for the journey. The three wastrels simply act like they're moving on to the next hostel. One even wears dress shoes for the trek. No compasses. No axes. No preparation to speak of. And then the predictable happens.

Little by little the jungle strips the three young men of their will and sanity. Of course, they are still saints. Loving and giving and caring beyond anything Jane Austin could have penned.

The crucial point comes when the group divides in two. One duo chooses the land route...and here the story makes no sense on two levels. First the traveler with the bad feet decides to walk instead of float down the river on a raft and secondly, the two who take the raft are warned that they absolutely can't navigate the river due to rapids and falls that empty into a canyon. So, of course, they get on the raft and paddle away.

After all of this (and some disgusting eating of cooked monkey) a good adventure yarn breaks out. This is the movie that should have been made. The story is handled well and the viewer feels real concern and compassion for a lost member of the group.

The ending takes a bit too long to resolve, but this is exactly one half of a good movie.
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Our Father (III) (2022)
An expanding story
10 August 2022
Other reviews will provide the story line. Read some. The subject of this documentary is as bizarre and complex...or simple, as the reviewers here present it. Know that going in.

Know also that this is a film about frustration, legality and guilt or the lack of it. Beyond those deep themes, the producers had a problem. As the story unraveled, it grew and at the same time became more focused. How to present that? The challenge was to keep the narrative moving forward with more and more supporting characters. The filmmakers decided to focus on a few selected victims/participants and play the 'father' of the title off against them. Wise decision. The film works well with this format.

Could it have been tightened up a bit? I suppose so. Some of the revelations and reactions to them become repetitive, but overall, it's an interesting and revelatory documentary.
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Not the least bit satisfying.
9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's an interesting documentary that should have better. Story is current and intriguing. The 'mystery' threads keep the viewer guessing. Characters are added with different perspectives. And yet, the lack of tightening the story line and of critical editing keeps this from becoming what it could have been.

Twp things work against the flow of the story. The most obvious is the repetition of stances by some borderline annoying characters. They say what they have to say then say it again and then maybe three times after that. The 'sister' character is particularly grating. The producers should have shown her once and then maybe brought her back to refute a point. But she got way too much screen time and slowed the story telling down to a stall.

The young Asian fellow who starts the narrative is sympathetic and stands out as identifiable for viewers. His presence makes some of the other participants seem less so by comparison.

Won't go into all the unanswered questions in this saga. Too many to recount. But I have to call out some aspects of the loose ends because...well...they just don't make sense.

First there are the two reporters. Perhaps the two most accepting investigative Jounalists who ever tracked down a lead. They travel all the way to India to investigate an event and fail to speak to anyone other than a suspect individual about what went on. Never asked to speak to a single soul who could corroborate the story. Then they flew back to Canada.

The 'valley girl' who explains how the crime most likely was committed seemed to double talk her way through her description and then just sort of throws up her hands. What was she even doing in the film?

Finally, we have all these computer nerds who spend countless hours in cyberspace and not one of them...not to mention hundreds of others who might have used the crypto service or were competitors thought to 'google' the guy who swindled them? Learn about his past? A name search would have revealed his past and all the red flags he hoisted from the age of 14 on.

Not horrible, but not the least bit satisfying.
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Space Nuts (2003 Video)
A comment that never gets old
7 August 2022
It's an 'inside' (no pun intended) story that's been told many times, but just in case you've never heard it, here goes.

During the filming of this epic, Stormy Daniels attempted to engage then newcomer Katie Morgan in conversation. After receiving blank stares, an occasional giggle or a dumb reply, Ms. Daniels abandoned her quest.

As filming progressed, Ms. Morang was required to participate in a scene surrounded by fake boulders on an interstellar landscape. Try as he might, the director Johnathan Morgan (no relation) tried to get Katie Morgan to utter some sort of line and then proceed with the action. After a few futile attempts Stormy Daniels walked over to the director and said, 'Don't bother.' Pointing to one of the Styrofoam boulders she said, 'That rock is smarter than that girl.' Kattie Morgan would be forever typecast a dim wit. And got rich playing a naive dope.
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3 Movies in 1...all of them bad
3 August 2022
Watched the entire series, but the 'truth in reviewing' laws compel me to note that halfway through the second episode I began fast-forwarding through the flash backs in order to focus on the adventure storyline. It didn't help.

This series is three movies in one. The aforementioned adventure line of 'spunky heroine lost in the wilderness', some sort of Freudian mishmash about the effects of bad parenting that can lead to Ophelia complexes and a drifting subplot about love in a time of woman's liberation. I'll tackle them one at a time.

Adventure - There's a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness. A young woman survives and must make her way out. Now, this starts ok, but then.... the writers have the survivor make such stupid mistakes that whenever she does anything intelligent, they have to show a flash-back of how she learned to do something correctly. Oh, and the writers solve the problem of lack of dialogue in the solo scenarios by having the lead character shout two words repeatedly. The first rhymes with 'truck' and the second is 'you'. Toward the end of the series the writers dispense with the 'you'. Sticking with the Adventure storyline, our heroine gets in some pretty serious scrapes but works through them with mystic help from an imaginary Greek Chorus of a dead companion and her deceased mother. And that bring us to...

The Freudian Family Mess - Really, this is so cliched and so forced that when we finally see the main character lie in the bed with her dying father it evokes a bizarre combination of contempt and laughter. Poorly done from start to finish. The script beats this dead horse until it becomes nothing more than starchy filler.

The Modern Woman Negotiates Love - This shows up at the oddest times and is, perhaps, the most distracting. The Prince Charming is too fashion model perfect to be real and the contrived dialogue is a cross between a Harlequin Romance and Keeping up with the Kardashians....and that isn't good.

Some good camera work and the music fits. The lead actress was initially likable, but the script, the plots and the inane dialogue had me rooting against her and for the wilderness.

A very bad effort all around.
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Hard to hang with
26 July 2022
So many thorough reviews here, so I'll be brief. This series didn't work for me. Too many long, long flashbacks to build a backstory that slowed down what was already a languid pace. And the entire series is saddled with unsympathetic characters. Lots of posh glitz but not much else.
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